Acceptabily of Squash Blossom
Acceptabily of Squash Blossom
Acceptabily of Squash Blossom
Research Paper
Presented to The Faculty of
Libon, Albay
Angelica Casaul
Carmela Casaul
Lilan Lazaro
Kenith Kien Peletina
Rizza Mae Peletina
December 2024
In the Philippines, Leche Flan is the top dessert of all time. During
celebrations such as parties and town fiesta, the dining table won’t be complete
without it. The key is to have the inside of the dish be smooth so that the flan
traps easily out of the pan in one piece with the dish is turned over into a plate.
The key to good flan is precision in following instruction meticulousness in
attention to the process.
This research aimed to give idea to the people in making new product
using the combination of ingredients and making exceptive procedure of squash
blossom in making homemade leche flan, which will serve as a source of income
because it is easy to plant where the squash blossom can sell in the market that
help our daily need, the income that may gathered from this selling squash
blossom can be of great help to the family. Millions of people in the world do not
get enough food to eat most of the time, are at the risk of malnutrition.
Malnutrition is the condition that occurs when a person’s body is not getting
enough nutrients. Malnutrition ---occurs because of the lack of single vitamins in
the diet.
Squash blossoms (called courgette in Great Britain) are the edible flowers
of Cucurbita species, particularly Cucurbita pepo, the species that produces
zucchini (courgette), marrow, spaghetti squash, and many other types of squash,
(BBC Good Food, 2020) usually blooming in the summer or the winter in some
countries. Squashes are the flowering plant of the gourd family. Usually comes in
different types, the most common one in the Philippines being the Cucurbita
maxima L. (calabasa) commonly grown throughout the Philippines and
blossoming in October to December and May to July. (Magsasaka, 2020).
Squashes from edible blossoms are called squash blossoms. They are the
blossoming flowers of the squash plant and come in shades of yellow or orange.
The impressive bloom fades from a light green to a plate yellow, then back to a
brilliant orange (Weg. 2018). Squashes are monoecious, bearing both female and
male blossoms. Female blossoms produce the fruit while male blossoms are
used as dishes. (Bolanos, Hernandez, Lozano, Servia, & Guzman, 2013). The
role of male blossoms is to pollinate the female blossoms, because of this, the
male squash blossoms are mostly eaten. But because of their bright color and
mild flavor, blossoms are eaten and used as an ingredient in the kitchen. Either
stuffed, fried, baked, or cooked. Yet due to its brightly colored nature, it can more
or so be utilized as a food colorant.
Blossom squash has an ability to help you retain that sharp vision- and
possibly, also improve it. That benefit it because of the enormous amount of beta-
carotene in which it has to offer- the nutrient, which is further converted to Vitamin
A, the ever-essential inorganic nutrient for your eye health. Beta-carotene is your
one-call away hero when it comes to optical health but another function that it is
admired for is its capability to help you fight the possibility of obtaining
degenerative diseases such as prostate and lung cancer. Also, Kalabasa is
proven to contain nutrients beneficial to improve your skin, which then is because
of the following: It contains. high levels of carotenoids such as beta-carotene,
which has already stated is converted into vitamin A and serves as the natural
sunblock for the body.
This research aimed to provide idea in making new product using the
combination of ingredients and making exceptive procedure of blossom squash in
making homemade leche flan. The fact that many people are not fund of eating
vegetables, so this is the perfect way to encourage them to eat healthy foods,
also to those people who loves to eat leche flan. It would even surprise them to
know that they have eating dessert with vegetables.
Significance of Study
Farmers. This study will help the farmers to engage in producing more
squash blossom considering their product can be alternative ingredients in Leche
Plan production. This will give them additional source of income
Researcher. The result of this study will help and inspire the future
researchers to conduct similar research. This study may be beneficial for the
future researchers to dig more information that is related with the study. This may
also serve as tools for references and materials to future researchers that will
undergo the same requirements.
The study aimed to assess the production of leche flan product with the
use of vegetables as an additive, which were specifically the squash blossom.
The squash blossom were the additives used in making the leche flan following
the egg yolks, condensed milk and evaporated milk, granulated sugar, vanilla
extract proportions
This study limited its scope to the 2nd year Bachelor of Technical-
Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd) major in Food & Service Management of
Libon Community College. Other students from other courses and year level are
not considered as the respondents in this study.
Definition of Terms
In order to have a better understanding of the study, the following terms have
been defined conceptually and operationally.
Squash blossom. They are edible flowers of squash plant and usually
come in yellow and orange shades. Squash blossoms are soft, delicate, and taste
mildly like the squash itself. It is also used as an additive to leche flan
Appearance. This is one of the criteria to be evaluated to determine the
acceptability of the beverage product through the way you look at it. As used in
this study, it is one of the parameters to be evaluated using the sense of smell.
Taste. It is referring to the flavor of the leche flan product. To know the
acceptability of the taste where in sense of taste is use. As used in this study, it is
one of the parameters to be assessed by sense of taste.
This chapter presents some important literature and studies, some of the
related literature and studies were compiled and collected from foreign and local
readings. All these readings are related to the present studies. This also presents
the discussion on the synthesis of the state-of-the-art, gap to be bridged by the
study, conceptual and theoretical frameworks and paradigms.
Related Literature
Leche Flan or Creme Caramel is a Filipino dessert made with egg yolks,
milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. It is steamed in small baking pan called Llanera.
This delicious dessert is known throughout the world. It has been a regular item in
the menu of most restaurants because of its taste, ease in preparation and long
shelf life. It can also be added as a component to build other great tasting dessert
According to an article written by Stephen Albert (indicate year), squash
blossoms are the big, satiny yellow or orange, and edible flowers of the pumpkin,
squash, and zucchini. The squash blossoms you are most likely to find in spring
will be zucchini blossoms, but it won't be much later that the blossoms of winter
squashes and pumpkins will come along. As long as squash, zucchini, and
pumpkins are flowering in your region, squash blossoms are in season.
The gender distinction doesn't matter much if you're buying your blossoms-
they can, of course, be used in the same ways. And both the female and male
reproductive parts inside the blossoms are edible, as is the calyx, the green leaf-
like base though some people prefer to remove all non-petal parts due to their
crunch factor.
Squash blossoms transform from edible flowers to plump gourds when left
to grow on the vine. From butternut squash to chayote to cucumber, there are as
many kinds of blossoms as there are squash in the plant's sprawling family tree.
humans have been eating squash since Indigenous peoples learned to cultivate
the native fruit in Mesoamerica, and European colonization and global trade later
brought the seeds worldwide, where they were bred into the hundreds of gourds,
pumpkin, and squash varieties that exist today. One of the most beloved blooms
comes from the variety known as zucchini. Also called courgetti flower, Flor de
calabaza, and marrow flower, zucchini flowers are highly perishable, so look for
them at local farmer's markets rather than national chain stores.
The combined vitamin A and c content of squash blossom make it ideal for
those who would like to maintain a healthy diet. It strengthens one immune
system while making sure that harmful viruses and bacteria are prohibited from
entering the body. Those who are anemic or suffering from a low count of red
blood cells (RBC) may find it interesting that this edible flower is rich in iron. With
this content, much efficient production of red blood cells is possible. Squash
blossoms are high in the content of calcium! So, if you are one of those who
worries about having a brittle bone, including this flower as part of your meal can
bring you a step ahead of your fears. With its beauty, no wonder that there are
those people who thought of making use of this one as an ingredient in preparing
food. Emerging from squash, someone may have been very interested in its
flowers and decided to explore it fully and include it as part of cooking or
garnishing other food.
Squash is the collective name given to several spices of plants the genus
cucurbita, including c. реро, maxima c. mashata and c. pepo, which are widely
grown for their edible fruit. Squash plant is herbaceour annual plants which re
either trailing vines or bush like in morphology A. Martinez, A Aapparelli, C
Bartoli vegetation history (2018). Plants domestication is a complex process in
which natural and cultural factors that plays an important role delaminating
evolutionary pathways of plants under cultivation, Squash plants produced yellow
or orange flower and green, white or yellow fruit in variety of shapes and sizes
with smooth or ridged skin. Vining squash varieties can reach several meters in
length and, as annuals, survive only in growing seasons. The five species are
grown worldwide for their edible fruit, variously known as squash, pumpkins, ar
gourds depending on species variety and local parlance and their seeds. (YZ.
Zheng, Al Alverson, QF Wang, 20-13 Wiley Online Library. Abstract the genus
cucurbita (cucurbitaceae) include five species that were domesticated
independently in the Americas giving rise to an immense diversity of squashes,
pumpkins, and gourds.
Related studies
Squash plants are monoecious, meaning they bear both male and female
blossoms in one plant. Female flowers produce the fruit, which is squash, and
male blossoms pollinate the females. (Aquino- Bolaños et al., 2013). Male
blossoms can quickly outnumber female blossoms. Female flowers usually
appear a week or two after the males, growing low to the ground and close to the
vine. (Ly, 2022).
Squash blossoms are highly perishable and delicate, keeping them for too
long will result in them having an unusual taste and the blossom being not as
fresh thus it should be consumed immediately. (Aquino-Bolaños et al., 2013).
The edible flowers of pumpkin and related species are generally consumed
salted in American and South Asian countries (Ghosh & Rana, 2021). Considered
a source of vitamins (A, B, C, D, and E), pumpkin flowers also have high amounts
of catechin, epicatechin, rutin, and syringic acid in their composition.
All the related studies cited above interlink in the present study “Squash
blossom (Cucurbita Pepo) as an additives to leche flan” in terms of procedures,
proportion, making ,and in sensory evaluation.
RECOMMENDATION: Discuss the similarities of other studies that are related to the
present study.
The main objective of the study was to make a product using squash
blossom (Cucurbita pepo) as an additive in leche flan. The researchers will try to
determine the accurate proportion of ingredients of the product, enumerate the
procedures in making the product using the squash blossom leche flan, calculate
the cost of production of the product, and find out the acceptability of the in terms
of appearance, taste and texture.
Theoretical Framework
The Diffusion of
Assessment Innovation
Theory Theory
Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
Input. The input variables in this study are the followings: Determine the accurate
proportion of ingredients of the product, enumerate the procedures in making the
product Squash blossom leche flan, calculate the cost of production of the
product, and find out the acceptability of the in terms of appearance, taste and
Output. The output of this is the squash blossom leche flan. The acceptability of
the product depends on the accurate measurements of every ingredient and its
Feedback. Helpful information or criticism that is given to the product. This will tell
if the product is acceptable to the consumers.
proportion of
Sensory Squash blossom
A. Appeara
evaluation in leche flan
nce or
terms of
B. Taste
or image,
C. Texture
taste, texture.
that can
analyzing and
Figure 2
Research Design
Research Method
The descriptive and evaluative methods of research were used in this study.
Developmental method is focused on the progressive changes that occur as it
develops. Descriptive method may be characterized as simply the attempt to
determine, describe or identify something. It involves manipulating one variable
cause changes in another variable.
Sampling Technique
Table 1
Statistic Tool
The formula of the weighted mean was utilized to interpret the degree of
acceptability of the squash blossom leche flan in terms of parameters.
∑ fx
WM =
Where: WM-Weight mean
f = frequency
x= weight
N = number of respondents
Retrieved by :
Article by Stephen Albert, Edible flower with potential health benefits
health-benefits-edible- › › › ›
Mulik et al, 2022 studies of Cucurbita pepo flowers chemical profile and bioactivity › ›
Mulik and Ozuna, 2020 Cultural background benefits traditional culinary uses. ›
Ghost & Rana, 2021 Nutritional value and antioxidant activity of fresh pumpkin
flower. ›