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Sip of Abm
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………………….…...1
FORMULATION OF HYPOTHESIS……………………………………………………...4
THE PROCEDURE………………………………………………………………….........11
RESEARCH DESIGN…………………………………………………………………......12
STATISTICAL TREATMENT……………………………………………………….........13
There has been an experiment with breads and pastries, but this research
aims to focus on and innovate the common dessert cookies into something healthier.
This study aims to provide knowledge to the readers about the unusual but beneficial
and healthy food just like our cookies. People in our society will benefit by harvesting
and selling our main ingredient (Cualerpa Llentillifera) to the local entrepreneurs.
The goal of this study is to demonstrate how the result of this research maybe
use to create distinctive snacks utilizing seaweed. The following beneficiaries who
can benefit from the findings of this research: Picky-eaters will benefit from the
results of this study because it will help them eat seaweeds without eating it as plain
as it is, but through a new and innovated twist of cookies. This study will give the
society the opportunity to try the Cualerpa Llentillifera cookies that are able and have
a potential whether you are a diet-person or not. It is safe and unusual to find within
the community because this type of cookies are much more distinct, unique, and
much healthier than the usual cookies that the society make. It is more nutritious,
flavorful with the taste of the mixed natural saltiness of the Cualerpa lentillifera and
study will be beneficial as a research material for different organization such as;
and can help promote local sea grapes. It assists those who are not accustomed to
calculated number of research participants includes young aging 17 years old below,
18 years old above for adult. It has conducted at Barangay Maulong, Catbalogan
Samar. Some of the prospective research participant accepted the survey, yet some
turned down the offer of getting the chance to taste this uncommon dessert cookie
This research intends to educate readers about strange but healthful foods
such as Caulerpa lentillifera. It also informs readers about the new ingredients and
budget, our target market would clearly be the younger generation and those sick-
people. The more appeal we could get from them, the more our products’ credibility
would increase.
first cultivated in our country in 1950’s and since its popularization, different variety of
foods associated with this seaweed are now available across Asian countries.
Caulerpa lentillifera has a mild saltiness with the taste of the sea. It is also referred
as the green caviar for their appearance like fish roe, but are actually a seaweed or
green algae from the coastal regions in endo pacific oceans. The dry seasons
(January-April) is perceived as the peak season for sea grapes harvesting, their
price have remained at a constant PhP 40.00/kg over the past four years. (Springer,
With this came our idea of making a cookie recipe with Caulerpa lentillifera. It
is a nutrient rich cookie that we are hoping could provide help with malnutrition
problem most of the children and even some adults face if not every day but
Caulerpa lentillifera is known to be rich in iodine, so why not bring the taste of the
ocean in our
cookies to make a different kick, twist, and adventure in a bite of our favorite snack,
cookies. This is to prove that sea grape is not just an ordinary seaweed for
consumption it is also a simple food showcase with lots of benefit like vitamins and
other minerals that are good for the body. (Panlasang Pinoy, 2009-2021)
elasticity in skin, increases its resilience, and decreases its susceptibility to fine lines
and wrinkles. It also contains with antioxidants minerals, so it can defend the skin
secretion, it also provides lower calories and sugar, thus, serving good bacterium to
digest food and excrete waste faster which is efficiently helping in preventing
This study aims to employ subsequently the analysis of this pastry using
around 72% of this supply is consumed while the remaining 28% goes to waste. The
oversupply of is a reoccurring problem for seaweed harvesters, they lose about 28%
Malnutrition is a problem that the most children are facing nowadays. With the
existence of high poverty rate and not just in this country but the whole world, our
includes: strengthen bones and joins, helps prevent obesity, helps prevent hyper
tension and diabetes. A product with numerous health benefits has a potential to
Nguyen, 2018)
substrates of coral ruble or rocks to over 50 meters deep, but it is also common in
shallow, muddy, lagoons. It generally found in sandy substrates on reef flats that are
not expose during the low tied and or the water and where the water is generally
and abundantly in the high level of salinity with 28-31 parts per thousand (ppt) and is
(Department of Agriculture)
1. How can Caulerpa lentillafera be integrated to any pastry product that could
3. How can using Caulerpa lentillifera as the main ingredient of cookies help
4. To develop a new and flavorful pastry with the use of Caulerpa lentillifera.
5. To determine the level of palate of Caulerpa lentillifera as the main
particularly in sweet and dairy pastries that are fatty or high in cholesterol. Through
this study, we can promote our local entrepreneurs as source of our main ingredients
(Caulerpa lentillifera), and it also promotes a new kind or version of cookies that are
healthier that contains minerals and vitamins that our body needs. This innovation
demonstrating how the result of this research maybe use to create distinctive snacks
utilizing seaweed:
1. There is a significant effect after adding Caulerpa lentillifera to the cookie mixture.
3. There is a difference between the ordinary cookies than the cookies added with
Caulerpa lentillifera.
This study would like to show that the result of this will provide approachable
information using seaweeds (Caulerpa lentillifera) for creating such unique snacks,
these are the following beneficiaries to which they can use the finding of this
Department of Health
The result of this study will benefit the following organization as a material for
further research and deeper experimentation they can consider producing Caulerpa
research material and if they consider this product advantageous then deeper
Department of Tourism
This study will benefit local sources of the main ingredient and can aid in the
The result of this study will benefit to the restricted individuals. It helps those
who are not used to eat seaweeds by making a different kick and that is cookies.
Aspiring Researchers
This study is also conducted for the future researchers to guide their learning
about the use of Caulerpa lentillifera and alleviate understanding about experimental
This study will give the society an opportunity to try the Caulerpa lentillifera
cookies that are able and have potential whether you are a diet-person or not. It is
safe and unusual to find within the community because it is not the usual cookies
that the society make. It is more nutritious than the usual cookies.
main ingredient. This study is limited to using Seaweeds for making cookies which
seeks to suggest more natural and nutritious cookies. Furthermore, the limits only in
shallowly touching related properties that could be use as a basis for future
procure the major quality ingredients, there are ways on how we can definitely make
This research delimits replacing current usual cookies, but could only suggest
natural and nutritious alternative for cookies. And sea grapes are plentiful during the
local season, but demand for Caulerpa lentillifera on the market is low and
A gelatinous substance obtained from various kinds 0f red seaweeds and used
binder, or lubricant. Alginates are polymers known for their gelling and
thickening properties. The sodium alt of alginic acid, sodium alginate, is used
Is the range of air temperature that most people prefer for indoor settings.It
feels comfortable to a person when they are wearing typical indoor clothing.
Human comfort can extend beyond depend this range depending on humidity.
Are foods or drugs that works to lower abnormally high glucose or sugar levels
in blood.
This seaweed is one of the favored species of edible Caulerpa due to its soft
traditionally eaten in the cuisines of Southeast Asia, Oceania, and East Asia.
Freed from or deprived from fat, e.g., by trimming the fat away, skimming fat
and vegetables.
Is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals
and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organs function.
Is a white flour from Indian subcontinent, made from wheat. Finely milled
without any bran, refined and bleached, it closely resembles cake flour. Maida
is used extensively for making fast foods, bake goods such pastry, bread,
A chemical reaction that takes place when substance comes into contact with
The dry pulpy residue of material (such as fruit, seeds or fish) from which a
multiples of phenol units they are abundant in plants and structurally divers.
Is usually use to refer to all the people of a country.
particular thing.
This study is being supported by the idea of Kang et al., 2003 and Chandini,
& Bhaskar, 2008; et al. through their study entitled: Antioxidant properties (in vitro
and in vivo).
making them 10-100 times more powerful and more stable as free-radical
scavengers than other polyphenols (green tea catechins, have only four rings.) the
compared to 30-180 min for water soluble, terrestrial polyphenols (Kang et al., 2003),
the total phenol contents and antioxidant capacity varies with species, but generally
the green seaweed (Caulerpa spp.) have higher free-radical scavenging properties,
followed by the brown seaweeds (Sargassum polycystum), then the red seaweeds
seaweeds ( Dictyota dichotoma and Padina sp.) (Chandini, Ganesan, & Bhaskar,
2008; Duan, Zhang Li, & Wang, 2006; Matanjun, Mohamed, Mustapha, Muhammad,
Lipid oxidation increases with disease and aging, and many seaweeds can reduce
indogenous lipid peroxidation, were significantly reduce in the liver, heart and brain
of aging mammal by the porphyrans and sulfated galactants from Porphyra spp.
2010; Yuan & Walsh, 2006; Zhang et al., 2004). Numerous studies have been done
etal., 2004), and Sargassum thunbergii (Park et al., 2005) and various other
and gut health, the soluble dietary fibers in seaweeds are higher than terrestrial
plans (up to 55% dry weight) (Wong & Cheung, 2000) especially in the red Hypnea
spp. and green Ulva lactuca. Soluble fibers benefit gut health through its water
binding, fecal bulking and digestive transit time deceasing effects (Matanjun,
Mohamed, Mustapha, & Muhammad 2009), which indirectly help prevent colon
cancer (MacArtain, Gill, Brooks, Campbell, & Rowland, 2007). Major soluble fibers
include alginate from brown seaweeds, carrageenan and agar from red seaweeds;
such as fucoidans, xylans and ulvans are found in brown, red and green seaweeds
notable anticoagulant and anti-thrombic properties (Sezer et al., 2008). The high
(50.1%), can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and determetabolic syndrome
(Bocanegra et al., 2009; Matanjun et al., 2009; McDermid, Stuercke, & Haleakala,
2005). High dietary fiber intake helps decrease chronic disease risks such as
cancers (Eyre, Kahn, & Robertson, 2004). Soduim alginate, funoran, and
Protein and amino acids, generally higher protein contents are found in green
and red seaweeds (10-47% of dry weight dw) compared to brown seaweeds (5-24%
dw) (Burtin, 2003; Matanjun et al., 2009; Polat & Ozogul, 2009). Their protein levels
may be comparable with soybean (35% dw). Most seaweeds proteins contain all the
et al., 2009; Wong & Cheung, 2000). Some seaweeds such as Sargassum vulgare
contain high level of methionine (1.7%) not generally available in other seaweeds
(Barbarino & Lourence, 2005). Others such as Ulva spp. contains up to 26-32% of
aspartic and glutamic acid of the total amino acid respectively (fleurence, 1999),
which explains their properties as flavor enhancers. The protein contents of tropical
edible seaweeds E. cottonii (red), (9.76% DW) and Caulepa Lentillifera (green)
(10.41% DW) were higher than S. polycystum (brown) (5.4% DW), and their protein
chemical scores are between 20 and 67% (Matanjun et al., 2009), some of which
sunderban) (Chakraborty
& Santra, 2008), Capsosiphon fulvescens, Ulva prolifera (Hwang, Amano & Park,
common tropical green seaweed, has immense nutritional potential. An attempt was
made to utilize the health benefits of sea grapes in human diet via biscuit as carrying
of seaweed-flour mix along with the electrophoretic pattern of dough were evaluated.
Caulerpa racemose addition increased water and oil absorption capacity pf flour mix.
Likewise, increase was noticed in solvent retention capacities (sodium carbonate,
lactic acid, and sucrose) of flour mix. Inclusion of C. racemose in biscuit enhanced
then nutritive potential. Protein and fiber content of biscuits increased with rising
biscuits, the phenolic content and anti-oxidant activities (DPPH, ABTS, H ₂O󠅍₂ radical
scavenging activity and ferric reducing anti-oxidant power) increased. The sensory
ratings varied from “neither like nor dislike” to “like slightly” on 9-point Hedonic scale.
incorporation in various other food system. This could give rise to new and significant
Apple pomace flour (APF) with high content of dietary fibers (DF), total polyphenolics
(TPCs) and flavonoids (TFPCs) was produce at the industrial scale. Bulk and tapped
density of fine and coarse APF with average particle size 0.16 and 0.50 mm
compared. The effect of wheat flour substitutions with 25%, 50% and 75% of fine
and coarse APF performed better in respect to sensorial properties, content and
retention of dietary
compounds and antioxidants (AO) activity. The cookies optimal share of coarse APF
(50%) contained 21 g / 100 g of DF and several times higher TPC, TPF as well as
AO activity than control cookies, retained well health promoting compounds and
maintained an intensely fruity aroma and crispy texture. They were acceptable for
Cookies are good carrier of nutrients like carbohydrate and fat which can be
enriched with protein by partially replacing refined wheat flour with protein rich flour
for partial replacement of wheat flour up to an acceptable level. The research was
conducted to identify most suitable blend of pulses of flour for partial replacement of
wheat flour.
Protein energy malnutrition can be combat with such high protein cookies.
Soybean, Moth bean, and chickpea were recognize as potential source of protein
and sufficient biological value according to the available literature. In this study, this
flour was replaced with base flour i.e. refined wheat flour at different replacement
level (10, 15, 20 & 25 per cent) and cookies of the above blend where developed.
These cookies were studied with respect to physical, chemical, textural and sensory
analysis and cookies with 20% chickpea and 80% refined wheat flour was finalized
(Kulthe, 2014; Pawar, 2014; Kotecha, 2014; Chavan, 2014; Bansode, 2014)
wheat maida with defatted soy flour (DSF) at 0, 10, 15, 20 and 25% levels and sugar
with stevia leaves powder (SLP) at 0, 15, 20, 25 and 30% levels using traditional
parameters. The thickness and the hardness of cookies increased; weight, diameter,
spread ratio, and spread factor decreased with increasing levels of DSF while there
was increase in protein, crude fiber and ash content and decrease in fat and
carbohydrate contents. The cookies with 20% substitution each of DSF AND SLP
scored maximum for all the sensory quality attributes. On storage of such cookies in
LDPE, HDPE and PP for 90 days at ambient temperature, the sensory attributes was
decreased, but the cookies were acceptable. The HDPE was better packaging
material than the LDPE and PP with regard to the sensory quality of cookies during
In acquiring the study of using Caulerpa lentillifera as cookies,.To start the project,
Caulerpa lentillifera were gathered from two separated Sea grapes. The two-
separated Caulerpa lentillifera is stored within two different temperatures: the first
sea grapes is stored between 25-30 degrees Celsius, while the other sea grapes
Using oven for 150°C for 8-10 minutes to medium heat until achieving the perfect
color of cookies. After 5 minutes of cooling, the baked cookies are now ready to be
place in a plate. The second sea grapes was as just the same due to the condition of
the sea grapes prior to the experiment. However, the quality of the sea grapes did
not affect the end of product’s physical characteristics despite their prior distinction.
Caulerpa llentilifera cookies will fit for best for the interest of our subject selected.
Some took our offer and some did not even throw some sense of interest. Their
feedbacks varied from each other but somehow closely correlated. Before we give
them the cookies, we gave them a little bit of explanation about our product; we told
them the ingredients, how we did the preparation and lastly what nutrients they could
benefit from our cookies. We also asked them if they are allergic to Caulerpa
The survey took at least almost two hours as we waited for more people to
taste our cookies. The more cookies we offer, the more reviews we could get to help
us make conclusion about our product, but it did not go easy for us. Older people of
have more negative feedback for our product, stating its taste as ‘Uncanny’ and they
had this ‘I would never eat this again’ vibe on their faces. But we didn’t lose hope as
the younger ones had the opposite feedback, most of them, around the ages of 17-
below liked our cookies, they liked how our cookies isn’t sweet or bland, for them it’s
the perfect texture but of course, some disliked it. But the kids, we really love their
reactions, they gave us back the energies we lost upon hearing the feedbacks of the
older ones. Young and adult were too enthusiastic upon receiving our cookies and
look on their faces while eating made us realize that our hard work hasn’t gone to
waste. When we asked them about the taste, all of them love the sweetness of the
cookies, some of them even asked for more, but we kind of felt bad when we
couldn’t give them more as we ran out already. Different people, different likes and
dislikes. Food such as our cookie is not exempted from having its own admirer and
people who don’t like it. Like every other product or just almost everything, there is
Our survey showed that if we were to mass-produce our cookies if given a
budget, our target market would clearly be the younger generation, especially the
Through our survey, we found out that we have to make some improvement if we
to catch the attention or appeal of the older generations. The more appeal we could
get from them, the more our products’ credibility would increase. All in all, the kids
are more likely to buy our cookies but it all depend if their parents would give them
money, so we really couldn’t just put our whole trust to them if we want our product
to flourish.
This survey was done in one small area only, the probability of our ‘Caulerpa
lentillifera Cookie’ to make it big in the industry is still on its first phase, in other
words, still unclear and would surely go unnoticed to the rest of the market. So we
need to work more on marketing and making sure our hard work would pay off.
Ingredients Quantity
Butter 1 cup
was done i\deas and facts are obtained from the internet. To start the project, the
Caulerpa lentillifera were being gathered together with the other ingredients. There
are ways on how we can completely achieve the study: In a bowl, put one cup of
2/3 cups of powdered sugar, 2/3 and 2 tablespoon teaspoon of Caulerpa lentillifer
(pure /blended). Mix it well using a spatula. In a separate bowl sift 1 and ½ cup of all-
purpose flour and 1/3 cup of cornstarch, when flour and cornstarch are done sifted
can now add it to our mixture. Mix it well until fully combined or reached the desired
texture and consistency. Prepare a pipping bag for our mixture and use a star-
shaped piping nozzle to form shape and structure. Place a baking sheet or
parchment paper in a baking pan and carefully pipe or mixture. Preheat the oven at
150°C for 10 minutes, after preheating the oven, it is now time to bake the cookies at
the same degree and Celsius (150°C) for 15-17 minutes, when cookies are already
brownies, let it cool down before consuming and there, we can definitely eat our
Conceptual Framework
Look for respondents young and adult. In conducting a survey,
collect all the common ideas and answers. Using the common
PURPOSE This research aims to focus on and innovate the
ANTIOXIDANT common dessert cookies into something healthier. This research aims
AA, LA, DHA, EPA and ala. The minerals and vitamins listed above can
be useful to our health, like to strengthen bones and joints, to aid in the
This study will benefit the institutions as a material for further
Table 1
Adult 10 50%
Young 10 50%
Total 20 100%
Table 2
1-2 0 0% Poor
3-4 0 0% Poor
Total 20 100%
Table 3
Statistical Treatment
corresponding analysis and interpretation of the data are incorporated in this portion
of the study. Comparability of two groups through rating scale and t-test was being
Table 1
Total 20 100%
table shows that 10% or 50% of the respondents are adult, while 10 or 50% are
Table 2
1-2 0 0% Poor
3-4 0 0% Poor
Percentage of Participants
1 to 2 3 to 4 5 to 6 7 to 8 9 to 10
This study is utilizing the experimental research design with the product
development analysis that requires a lot more sophisticated and business analysis.
This study aims to impact knowledge to the readers about the unusual but healthy
food just like Caulerpa lentillifera cookies which has many good nutrients for our
body as we consume it. This study also helps to give idea to readers about these
new ingredients and new technique in baking cookies, and also it may help to
eliminate or lessen the malnutrition in our society because this kind of cookies has a
lot of nutrients.
And people in our society will benefit by harvesting and selling our main ingredients
testing of our product, with the use of some questionnaires. The respondents in this
study are young and adults with the age ranging 17-below are young and 18-above
are adults. Based on our interpretation, making a graph and showing their ratings by
percentage, 40% of the participants rated 9-10, as the highest rating and 25% of
The people having goiter is one of the target of this study to consume our
product because the main ingredient contain iodine. The young generation are the
target of this product. The young ones were more likely to eat unhealthy foods,
1. Even though they dislike sea grapes, both groups claimed that they enjoyed the
cookies and liked it regardless of the fact the it contains Caulerpa lentillifera, as
based on the result, we conclude that food innovation can assist food restricted
individuals in encouraging them to eat foods that they dislike, even in little
2. The result of the comparison of the taste testing of both groups revealed that, the
young respondents are more likely to eat sweets compared to those adult
3. Based on the result of the product experimentation, the Caulerpa lentillifera served
4. Despite the fact that the product contains a nutritious ingredient, the combination
of sugar and butter may hinder the effect of Caulerpa lentillifera in our cookies.
This study revealed the good outcome of Caulerpa lentillifera cookies. Thus,
1. Since Caulerpa lentillifera cookies had a good review among respondents, future
researchers should continue to innovate this product to make a much better outcome
Department of Agriculture
Kulthe et al.,(January2003)
Kuswari, et al (sep2021)>FRI-120037155