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#A65 INTEGERS 24 (2024)


Anup B. Dixit
Institute of Mathematical Sciences (HBNI), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Saunak Bhattacharjee
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh,

Received: 3/22/24, Accepted: 6/19/24, Published: 7/8/24

Let ϕ(n) be the Euler totient function and σ(n) denote the sum of divisors of n. In
this note, we obtain explicit upper bounds on the number of positive integers n ≤ x
such that ϕ(σ(n)) > cn for any c > 0. This is a refinement of a result of Alaoglu
and Erdős.

1. Introduction

For any positive integer n, let ϕ(n) be the Euler-totient function given by
Y 1

ϕ(n) = n 1− ,

where p runs over distinct primes dividing n. Let σ(n) be the sum of divisors of n,
which is given by
X Y  1 − pk+1 
σ(n) = d=n .
d|n p ∥n

Here the notation pk ∥n means that pk is the largest power of p dividing n. In 1944,
L. Alaoglu and P. Erdős introduced the study of compositions of such arithmetic
functions. In particular, they showed that for any real number c > 0,

#{n ≤ x : ϕ (σ (n)) ≥ cn} = o(x) and #{n ≤ x : σ (ϕ (n)) ≤ cn} = o(x).

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12685741
INTEGERS: 24 (2024) 2

In [3], F. Luca and C. Pomerance obtained finer results on the distribution of

σ(ϕ(n)). The objective of this paper is to study the distribution of ϕ(σ(n)).

Denote by logk the k-fold iterated logarithm log log · · · log (k-times). We show the
following result.
Theorem 1. For every c > 0,
 π2 x x log3 x
# n ≤ x : ϕ (σ (n)) ≥ cn ≤ +O 1 ,
6c log4 x (log x) log3 x log4 x
where the implied constant only depends on c.
This implies that except for O log log xlog log x integers less than x, ϕ(σ(n)) < cn
for any c > 0. It is possible to replace the constant c above by a slowly decaying
function. For a non-decreasing real function f , define
Pf (x) := n ≤ x : ϕ (σ (n)) ≥ .
f (n)
Then, we prove the following.
Theorem 2. Suppose f : R+ → R+ is a non-decreasing function satisfying

f (x) = o (log4 x) .

Then, !
xf (x) x log3 x
|Pf (x)| = O + = o(x)
log4 x (log x) log13 x log x
as x → ∞. In other words, for almost all positive integers n, ϕ(σ(n)) < f (n) .

Choosing f (x) = log5 x in Theorem 2, we obtain the following corollary, which

is an improvement of the result of Alaoglu and Erdős [2].
Corollary 1. Except for O xlog log5 x
x positive integers n ≤ x,

ϕ(σ(n)) ≤ .
log5 n

2. Preliminaries

A necessary component of our proof is to estimate the number of positive integers

not greater than x which do not have certain prime factors. Such an estimate
requires an application of Brun’s sieve. For our purpose, we invoke the following
result by P. Pollack and C. Pomerance [4, Lemma 3].
INTEGERS: 24 (2024) 3

Lemma 1. Let P be a set of primes and for x > 1, let

A(x) = .

Then uniformly for all choices of P , the proportion of n ≤ x free of prime factors
from P is O e−A(x) .
We also recall the famous Siegel-Walfisz theorem (see [5, Corollary 11.21]).
Lemma 2 (Siegel-Walfisz). For (a, q) = 1, let π(x; q, a) denote the number of
primes p ≤ x such that p ≡ a(mod q). Let A > 0 be given. If q ≤ (log x)A , then
li(x)  p 
π(x; q, a) = + O x exp(−c log x) ,
where the implied constant only depends on A and li(x) := 2 log1 t dt.
For any prime p, define

Sp (x) := #{n ≤ x : p ∤ σ (n)}.

The main ingredient in the proof of Theorem 1, which is also interesting in its own
right, is an upper bound for Sp (x).
Lemma 3. For any prime p and x ≥ ep
  1 !
log log x p−1
Sp (x) = O x ,
log x
where the implied constant is absolute.
Proof. Note that for any prime q ≡ −1 mod p, all n such that q∥n satisfy p | σ(n).
Thus, to obtain an upper bound for Sp (x), it suffices to estimate the number of
n ≤ x such that either q ∤ n or q 2 | n for a subset of primes q ≡ −1(mod p). By
Lemma 2, for x > ep , we have
x x
π(x; p, −1) = +O ,
(p − 1) log x (log x)2
where the implied constant is absolute. Now suppose x is sufficiently large such
that log x > ep . Applying partial summation, we obtain
Z x
X 1 π(x; p, −1) π(log x; p, −1) π(t; p, −1)
= − + dt
q x log x log x t2
log x < q < x
q≡−1( mod p)
Z x  
1 1 1
= dt + O
p−1 log x t log t log2 x
1 1
= (log2 x − log3 x) + O .
p−1 log2 x
INTEGERS: 24 (2024) 4

Now, applying Lemma 1 with P being the set of primes q ≡ −1 mod p and log x <
q < x, we obtain that the number of n ≤ x free of prime factors from P is
  1 !
log2 x p−1
O x .
log x

X 1 x
#{n ≤ x : q 2 | n for prime q ≡ −1 mod p and log x < q < x} ≪ x 2
≪ ,
q log x
log x<q<x

we have the lemma.

3. Proof of Theorems 1 and 2

Proof of Theorem 1. Note that

Y  1

ϕ (σ (n)) = σ (n) 1−
Denote by P (y) := p, the product of all primes ≤ y. If P (y)|σ(n), then

Y  1

ϕ(σ(n)) = σ(n) 1−
Y 1 σ(n)
≤ σ(n) 1− < ,
p log y

where the last inequality follows from Merten’s theorem (see [5, Theorem 2.7 (e)]),
Y 1

1− < .
p log y

Thus, for any c > 0, the inequality ϕ(σ(n)) < cn holds if P (y) | σ(n), σ(n) < δn,
and (log y)−1 ≤ c/δ. We know that (see [1, Theorem 3.4])
X π2 2
σ(n) = x + O (x log x) .

Using partial summation, we get

X σ(n) π2
x + O log2 x .

n 6
INTEGERS: 24 (2024) 5

X 1 X σ(n)
#{n ≤ x : σ (n) ≥ δn} = 1≤
δ n
n≤x n≤x

π2 log2 x
= x+O .
6δ δ
Therefore,  2 
log x
#{n ≤ x : σ (n) < δn} ≥ x 1 − +O . (1)
6δ δ
From Lemma 3, we also have
#{n ≤ x : P (y) ∤ σ(n)} ≤ |Sp (x)|
  y1 !
log2 x y
=O x .
log x log y

  y1 !!
log2 x y
#{n ≤ x : P (y) | σ(n)} ≥ x 1 − O . (2)
log x log y
y = log3 x and δ = c log4 x
in (1) and (2), we obtain
π2 x x log3 x
#{n ≤ x : ϕ(σ(n)) < cn} ≥ x − +O 1 .
6c log4 x (log x) log3 x log4 x
 π2 x x log3 x
# n ≤ x : ϕ (σ (n)) ≥ cn ≤ +O 1 ,
6c log4 x (log x) log3 x log4 x
which proves Theorem 1.
Proof of Theorem 2. We use the exact same method as in the proof of Theorem 1,
with the choices
log4 x
y = log3 x and δ =
f (x)
in (1) and (2). This gives
n xf (x) x log3 x
# n ≤ x : ϕ(σ(n)) < ≥x−O + .
f (n) log4 x (log x) log13 x log x

This proves Theorem 2.

INTEGERS: 24 (2024) 6

4. Concluding Remarks

The study of composition of multiplicative arithmetic functions seems to be a diffi-

cult theme in general. This has also received scant attention, except for a very few
instances such as [2] and [4]. For example, it is not clear if ϕ(σ(n)) has a normal
order. It would be desirable to develop a unified theory for such functions and per-
haps construct families of multiplicative functions whose compositions have a finer

Acknowledgements. We thank Professor Jean-Marc Deshouillers for several fruit-

ful discussions. We also thank the referee for comments on an earlier version of this

[1] T. M. Apostol, Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, Springer-Verlag, New York-
Heidelberg, 1976.

[2] L. Alaoglu and P. Erdos, A conjecture in elementary number theory, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
50, (1944), 881–882.

[3] F. Luca and C. Pomerance, On some problems of Makowski-Schinzel and Erdős concerning
the arithmetical functions ϕ and σ, Colloq. Math. 92, no. 1, (2002), 111–130.

[4] P. Pollack and C. Pomerance, Phi, primorials, and Poisson, Illinois J. Math. 64, no. 3, (2020),

[5] H. L. Montgomery, R. C. Vaughan, Multiplicative Number Theory I. Classical Theory, Cam-

bridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007.

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