PHONE:+91-11-29565666; FAX:+91-11-26522000,26854000
E-mail: info@ircon.org ; Web: www.ircon.org
CIN: L45203DL1976GOI008171
(IRCON reserves the right to cancel this request for EOI and / or invite afresh with or without
amendments to this request for EOI, without liability or any obligation for such request for EOI and
without assigning any reason. Information provided at this stage is indicative and IRCON reserves
the right to amend / add further details in the EOI document. Further, this EOI does not in any way
restrict IRCON from collaborating with any other Agency/Agencies who express their interest for
collaboration at a later stage after end of EOI)
Contact: For any clarification Mr. Rakesh Sharma, GM/BD at official number +91-11-26545682,
email rakesh.sharma@ircon.org & sundaravel@ircon.org.
EOI NOTICE ................................................................................................................................................................4
I. PREAMBLE ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
X. VALIDITY OF OFFER..................................................................................................................................... 8
ANNEXURE - I .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
ANNEXURE - II .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Details of projects completed in Expressway/ Highway/ Irrigation Sector in Last 07 (Seven) years
(Form – Exp-01A)..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Details of projects completed in Railway/ Metro/ High Speed Sector in Last 07 (Seven) years
(Form – Exp-01B) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Details of Projects completed in Elevated/Viaduct Sector in Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-02) 17
Details of Projects completed in Tunnel Sector in Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-03) .................. 18
Details of Projects completed in Building Works in Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-04) ................ 19
Details of Soil Stabilization Project Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-05) ............................................. 20
Details of Works completed in MEP-Tunnel Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-06) ............. 21
Details of Works completed in Ballast/ Ballastless Track Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-
07) 22
Details of Works completed in Signaling & Telecommunication Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years:
(Form Exp-07B) ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Details of Civil - Highway/ Railway/ Metro/ High Speed / Building / Tunnel/ Irrigation/ Slope
Protection Works/ MEP – Tunnel/ Ballastless Track Sector project works in hand. (Form – Exp-08)
Details of Major Items executed in Last 07 (Seven) Years (Form – Exp-09) .......................................... 26
Corp Off: C-4, District Centre, Saket, New Delhi-110017
Data Sheet
b) Help for Contractors, FAQ, Information about DSC and Applicants Manual Kit containing the
detailed guidelines for e-Procurement system are also available on Central Public Procurement
c) It is mandatory for all the applicants to have class-III Digital Signature Certificate (in the name
of person having power of attorney to sign the Application) from any of the licensed Certifying
Agency (Applicants can see the list of licensed CA’s from the link www.cca.gov.in) to participate
in e-Procurement of IRCON.
d) It is mandatory for the applicants to get their firm /company registered with e-procurement portal
https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app to have user ID & password.
II. Instructions to Applicants for Online EoI Submission on the e-Procurement portal
https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app: Applicants may download and refer the “Instructions
for Online Application Submission” from
IV. The EoI document shall be digitally signed by the Authorized Signatory of the Applicant &
submitted “online” only. The authorized signatory of the Applicant must be in possession of
Power of Attorney before submitting the digitally signed EoI. Scanned copies of various
documents can be prepared in different file format (PDF, JPEG).
V. All queries, if any, in connection with this EOI shall be sent to following officials (in word
format) to following nominated person by email as per above mentioned dates:
IRCON wishes to expand aggressively its market share in development & construction of
Infrastructure Projects in order to fulfill its objective of multifold growth in its turn over &
For achieving this goal IRCON is participates in Bids in various sectors in India and in this
connection to “Associate with Reputed Companies having Experience in Civil Works/
Tunnel Works/ Railway Electrification including Power Supply (25kV/2x25kV AC and
750V/1500V DC) Works in Railways/MRTS/RRTS/High Speed Projects/ HV Substations
(AIS and/or GIS)/ Tunnel E&M Works/ Industrial Electrification Works / S&T Works / PEB
Works are invited to Associate for Upcoming Projects in Highway, Railway, Metro & Infra
IRCON & shortlisted companies (based on this EOI process) shall enter into the MoU/agreement
detailing mutually acceptable terms & conditions of association, participation share & roles &
responsibilities .
It shall be mutually agreed in line with the tender requirements of the project which IRCON & selected
Agency have agreed to jointly pursue & accordingly MoU/Agreement shall be signed between
IRCON and Selected Agency.
Instructions for submission of the expression of interest are enclosed at Annex-I and guidelines
for the preparation for the expression of interest is enclosed at Annex-II. Interested Companies
should fill up the enclosed forms and submit together with a Covering Letter online at CPP portal
https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app not later than Application due date.
6. Details of Projects completed in Tunnel Sector in Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-03)
7. Details of Projects completed in Building Works in Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-04)
8. Details of Soil Stabilization Project Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-05)
9. Details of Works completed in MEP-Tunnel Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-06)
10. Details of Works completed in Ballasted/ Ballastless Track Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years:
(Form – Exp-07)
11. Details of Works completed in Railway Electrification including Power Supply (25kV/2x25kV AC
and 750V/1500V DC) Works in Railways/MRTS/RRTS/High Speed Projects/ HV Substations
(AIS and/or GIS)/ Tunnel E&M Works/ Industrial Electrification Works Projects Last 07 (Seven)
Years: (Form – Exp-07A)
12. Details of Works completed in S&T Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form – Exp-07B)
13. Details of Civil - Highway/ Railway/ Metro/ High Speed / Building / Tunnel/ Irrigation Sector
project works in hand. (Form – Exp-08)
14. Details of Major Items executed in Last 07 (Seven) Years (Form – Exp-09)
15. Major Owned Plant & Equipment –: FORM EQU (Form – Exp-10)
16. Key Staffs (On Pay Roll): (Form- Exp-11)
17. Preference of Work Commitment: (Form- Exp-12)
The EOI is issued with no commitment. IRCON reserves the right to withdraw this EOI at any
time and or vary and part thereof at any stage. IRCON further reserves the right to disqualify
any application, it be so necessary at any stage.
Ircon reserves it right to select any agency and no claim whatsoever will be entertained in this
Validity of Offer shall be 120 days from the date of submission.
1. Information provided at this stage is indicative and IRCON reserves the right to amend/add
further details in the EOI document. Applicants shall go through all documents enclosed with
this EOI.
2. IRCON reserves the right to accept or reject any or all application (s) without assigning any
reason whatsoever. IRCON’s decision in this regard shall be binding and final.
3. If any of the information, furnished by the applicant, is found incorrect at a later stage, they
shall be liable to be barred from participating in current and subsequent opportunities with
IRCON. IRCON reserves the right to verify the particulars furnished by the applicant
4. The applicants after submitting the response to this EOI, agrees with IRCON for honoring all
aspects of fair-trade practices.
5. The applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the
response to this EOI.
6. Applicant selected shall be notified automatically through their registered emails and/or
through Phone.
1. Expression of Interest proposal must be submitted together with a covering Letter online at CPP
portal https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app not later than Application due date.
2. All applications shall be submitted in English.
3. Application submitted by Joint Venture is not permitted.
4. All the pages of the proposal shall be numbered and an index to be enclosed.
5. All documents as uploaded shall also be submitted Physically at below Address upto 5 Days from
EOI Due Date:
General Manager / Business Development
NEW DELHI-110017
1. Neither our firm nor any of the members/ partners in any manner as an individual or the
constituent partner in case of partnership firm have been declared non-performer by any
Organization / Authority / Public Sector Enterprises in India & Abroad, any Government
Department in India or Abroad or a multilaterally funded agency during the last two years
prior to the date of our EoI submission.
2. As on date our submission, neither our firm nor any of the members/ partners in any manner
as an individual or the constituent partner in case of partnership firm are debarred for
tendering, blacklisted, suspended in any Central/State Government Department in India or
Abroad including authority controlled by them.
3. As on date of our EOI submission, neither our firm nor any of the members/ partners in any
manner as an individual or the constituent partner in case of partnership firm /JV are in
corporate insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP)/Liquidation/ winding
up/CDR/SDR/S4A/Flexible structuring or any other restructuring scheme due to financial
stress and have not been in default on any debt obligation on the due date.
4. No contract agreement between IRCON or its wholly owned subsidiaries and either our firm
or any of the members/partners in any manner as an individual or the constituent partner in
case of partnership firm have been terminated on account of our default during the last two
years prior to the date our submission.
5. We have no objection to IRCON requesting to any bank, person, firm or body and any such
agency furnishing pertinent information as deemed necessary or to verify this statement or
regarding our competence and general reputation.
6. We understand that further qualifying information may be requested by IRCON and we agree
to furnish any such information at the request of IRCON within the prescribed time.
7. We have read and understood all the provisions included in the EOI documents and
abide by them.
I/we, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information furnished by us is
correct and we understand the consequences in case any of the information furnished is not found
to be true.
Fig in Crores
Fig in Crores
Average Annual
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Construction Turnover
1. The Applicant shall attach copies of the balance sheets, financial statements and Annual Reports
for 03 (Three) years preceding the EoI Due Date. The financial statements shall:
(a) reflect the financial situation of the Applicant and its Associates where the Applicant is
relying on its Associate’s financials;
(b) be audited by a statutory auditor;
(c) be complete, including all notes to the financial statements; and
(d) correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no statements for
partial periods shall be requested or accepted).
3. Net Worth (the “Net worth”) shall mean the aggregate value of the paid-up share capital and all
reserves created out of the profits and securities premium account, after deducting the aggregate
value of the accumulated losses, deferred expenditure and miscellaneous expenditure not
written off, as per the audited balance sheet, but does not include reserves created out of
revaluation of assets, write-back of depreciation and amalgamation.
4. Year 1 will be the latest completed financial year, preceding the EoI. Year 2 shall be the year
immediately preceding Year 1 and so on.
5. The Applicant shall provide an Auditor’s Certificate specifying the net worth and annual
turnover of the Applicant and also specifying the methodology adopted for calculating such net
Details of projects completed in Expressway/ Highway/ Irrigation Sector in Last 07
(Seven) years (Form – Exp-01A)
Name of Project
Lane Configuration
Design Speed
Location of Project
Type of Pavement
Cost of Work
Note: a) Work in progress with completion of 90% or more to be included. However, such
works needs to be supported with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
c) (To be filled separately for each project)
Details of projects completed in Railway/ Metro/ High Speed Sector in Last 07
(Seven) years (Form – Exp-01B)
Track Configuration
Design Speed
Location of Project
Cost of Work
Note: a) Work in progress with completion of 90% or more to be included. However, such
works needs to be supported with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
c) (To be filled separately for each project)
Details of Projects completed in Elevated/Viaduct Sector in Last 07 (Seven) Years:
(Form Exp-02)
Span Configuration
Location of Project
Foundation Details
Launching Scheme
Cost of Work
Note: a) Work in progress with completion of 90% or more to be included. However, such
works needs to be supported with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
c) (To be filled separately for each project)
Details of Projects completed in Tunnel Sector in Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-
Location of Project
Method of Tunneling
(NATM/TBM/Drill & Blast)
Cost of Work
Note: a) Work in progress with completion of 90% or more to be included. However, such
works needs to be supported with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
c) (To be filled separately for each project)
Type of
No. of building
Total Date of
Floors (RCC Date of Actual
Built-up Location Contract Completi
Name of Value of and Framed / Cost of Value of commen Date of
Area of awarding on as per Remarks
Project Building Building Structura Work MEP cement Completi
complete Project Authority agreeme
Height l Steel / of work on
d nt
(m) Composi
Name of the Applicant:
Details of Projects completed in Building Works in Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form
Details of Soil Stabilization Project Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-05)
Name of Project
Location of Project
Cost of Work
Note: a) Work in progress with completion of 90% or more to be included. However, such
works needs to be supported with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
c) (To be filled separately for each project)
Details of Works completed in MEP-Tunnel Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form
Name of Project
Location of Project
Cost of Work
Note: a) Work in progress with completion of 90% or more to be included. However, such
works needs to be supported with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
c) (To be filled separately for each project)
Details of Works completed in Ballast/ Ballastless Track Projects Last 07 (Seven)
Years: (Form Exp-07)
Name of Project
Location of Project
Cost of Work
Note: a) Work in progress with completion of 90% or more to be included. However, such
works needs to be supported with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
c) (To be filled separately for each project)
Details of Works completed in Railway Electrification including Power Supply
(25kV/2x25kV AC and 750V/1500V DC) Works in Railways/MRTS/RRTS/High Speed
Projects/ HV Substations (AIS and/or GIS)/ Tunnel E&M Works/ Industrial
Electrification Works Projects Last 07 (Seven) Years: (Form Exp-07A)
Cost of Work
Date of commencement of work
Details of Works completed in Signaling & Telecommunication Projects Last 07
(Seven) Years: (Form Exp-07B)
1 Name of the Project :
2 Nature of Work :
3 Country :
4 Contract Number :
5 Name of Employer :
6 Address of Employer :
7 Date of Award :
8 Date of Completion :
9 Actual Date of Completion :
10 Name of Section :
11 Length of section :
12.1 Signaling works:
(a) System Design for Signaling system :
(b) System design for CTC :
(c) Electronic Interlocking :
(d) Automatic Block Signalling :
(e) Automatic Train Protection System :
(f) KAVACH :
(g) ETCS Level 0 :
(h) ETCS Level 1 :
(i) ETCS Level 2 :
(j) CBTC System :
(k) LED based Colour Light Signals :
Details of Civil - Highway/ Railway/ Metro/ High Speed / Building / Tunnel/ Irrigation/
Slope Protection Works/ MEP – Tunnel/ Ballastless Track Sector project works in
hand. (Form – Exp-08)
Date of Commencement of
Percentage progress of
Agreement No. & Date
Description of work
Contract Awarding
Cost of work
Note: a) Work in progress to be included. However, such works needs to be supported
with certificate from client
b) Completion certificate to be attached.
Details of Major Items executed in Last 07 (Seven) Years (Form – Exp-09)
Major Owned Plant & Equipment –: FORM EQU (Form – Exp-10)
Key Staffs (On Pay Roll): (Form- Exp-11)
(To be filled up by applicant as mentioned in their Letter Head)
S No Discipline Nos.
Total strength
Cumulative Staff List with their Section Details can be summed up and can be included
apart from the Key professionals.
Preference of Work Commitment: (Form- Exp-12)
(To be filled up by applicant as mentioned in their Letter Head)
Preference ()
S No Name of Work
Tick appropriately
1 Earth Work
6 Building Works
11 PEB Works