Empanelment of SI
Empanelment of SI
Empanelment of SI
Price: Rs 5900/-
Sealed EOIs are invited by the Chief General Manager Telecom, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751009 on
behalf of BSNL from eligible bidders for Empanelment of System/Network Integrators for establishment
and maintenance of Customer’s Private Wide Area Network on Turnkey basis including supply, installation,
integration and maintenance of networking equipment/solutions/services for WAN/LAN/IT services, end
user connected equipment (wired/wireless) like Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth, IOT or non-IOT devices/CCTV etc.. The
empanelment shall be applicable for a period of ive years.
1. Name of Work Empanelment of System/Network Integrators (SIs) for
establishment and maintenance of Customer’s Private Network on
Turnkey basis including supply, installation, integration and
maintenance of networking equipment / solutions / services for
WAN / LAN / IT services, end user connected equipment
(wired/wireless) like Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth, IOT or non-IOT
devices/CCTV etc.
2. Cost of the form Rs.5900/- (non-refundable) (including 18% GST)
EOI documents should be submitted in duly sealed cover with clear superscription “EOI for Empanelment
of System/Network Integrators” addressed to AGM (EB-NB), O/o CGM, BSNL, Odisha Telecom Circle, 1st
Floor, Room No- 100, BSNL Bhawan, Unit-II, Ashok Nagar, Near IG Park, Bhubaneswar-751009 along with
the necessary documents for National/Circle/Circle-Silver Category of empanelment. For BA-Silver Category
the EOI documents are to be submitted at respective BA Office mentioned in Clause 11 of this EOI document.
1. Introduction:
1.1. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) is one of the largest & leading public sector units providing
comprehensive range of telecom services in India. BSNL offers all kinds of telecommunication
services like Basic (both ixed and wireless), Cellular, Data, National long distance, Internet etc.
Keeping pace with the technological trend to provide latest and varied value-added services to its
customers, BSNL has deployed state of the art Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) based Virtual
Private Networks (VPN).
1.2. Growth in industrial and IT sectors in India during last few years has created new business
opportunities in telecom sector. BSNL has leveraged its widespread telecom network resources in
India to tap these business opportunities and provide customized network solutions and services
to its clients. Enterprise Business Cell is formed in every circle of BSNL to undertake such new
business activities in India.
1.3. The basic objective of this EOI is to enable BSNL to provide complete end-to-end solution to its
esteemed enterprise customers. BSNL intends to have a tie up with System/Network Integrators
for Establishment of Customer Wide Area Private Network and complete network solutions on
turnkey basis including supply, installation, integration and maintenance of networking
equipment/ solutions/services for WAN/LAN/IT Services, end user connected equipment
(Wired/Wireless) like Ei-Fi, Bluetooth, IoT, non-IoT devices/CCTV etc. The SI will do all the
marketing & Selling of BSNL Data Services & Supply, Con iguration and Maintenance of Customer’s
End Equipments, their network on LAN / WAN etc. for Data Services offered by BSNL. In case
required, they will also do all the operations and maintenance activities related to customer end &
co-ordination with concerned agencies.
1.4. Some of the Customers are also inviting bids through open tender for provisioning of leased
connectivity along with the setting up of WAN for them. In order to acquire the new business, BSNL,
Odisha Circle has to participate and compete in the tender with other service providers. In such
cases also BSNL requires services of System/Network Integrators, who will be responsible to
supply network equipments and related items, con iguration and integration with existing
network, operation, maintenance and support related to customers. The successful
System/Network Integrators should not enter into any agreement with other competitors of BSNL
in this regard for the same work.
1.5. The System/Network Integrators as per this EOI shall be categorized as National, Circle, Circle-
Silver and BA-Silver SIs. While National SI shall have presence throughout the country, the Circle
and Circle-Silver System/Network Integrators shall have presence in the State of Odisha. Whereas
BA-Silver SIs shall have presence in the Business Area level of Odisha Circle.
1.6. The successful System/Network Integrators should enter into an agreement with BSNL Odisha
Telecom Circle for establishment of private WAN and complete networking solution on turnkey
basis including supply, installation, integration and maintenance of networking equipments
/solutions /services for WAN /LAN /IT Services, end user connected equipment (wired /wireless)
like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IoT or non-IoT devices/CCTV etc. and related items.
2. Scope of Work:
The General Scope of Work of System/Network Integrators (SIs) is given below, but not limited to as it
depends on the requirement of the customer.
2.1. Establishment of Customer Wide Area Private Network and complete network solutions on
turnkey basis including supply, installation, integration and maintenance of networking
equipment/ solutions/services for WAN/LAN/IT Services, end user connected equipment
(Wired/Wireless) like Ei-Fi, Bluetooth, IoT, non-IoT devices/CCTV etc. If required by the customer,
any existing LAN should be integrated with the proposed WAN.
2.2. SIs will also arrange to provide relevant equipments free of cost for demonstrating the capability
of solution, if the same is required by the customer.
2.4. The smooth functioning of the various applications and software provided to the customer should be
ensured by the System/Network Integrators.
2.5. Smooth Data connectivity between the WAN Connected Premises and the Central Location is to be
2.6. SI will also conduct technical seminar for BSNL Officers to make them conversant about their product
capabilities vis-à -vis customer requirement.
2.7. Maintenance, Support Services, Annual Maintenance Contract etc. in respect of equipments supplied
to the customer.
(i) Turnover = Average Annual Turnover for last two financial years as per Profit & Loss Account/ITR.
(ii) Experience = Experience in supply, installation, integration and maintenance of equipment/solution/
services for WAN/LAN/IT Services, end user connected equipment (wired/wireless) like Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, IoT or non-IoT devices/CCTV etc. For this CA Certificate or Experience Certificates are to be
SN# National SIs and Circle SIs Circle Silver SIs and BA Silver SIs
(i) SI or its parent company should be a SI may be a company / LLP / Partnership
company/LLP/Partnership irm, registered irm / proprietor irm registered in India.
in India.
(ii) The SI should have a valid GST registration certi icate as applicable.
(iii) a) SI shall be required to submit additional project-wise PBG value as per instructions
issued from time to time.
b) ln tender cases, SI shall submit EMD/PBG as per customer requirement on back-to
back basis. In this regard, instructions issued by BSNL will be applicable from time
to time.
(iv) SI shall be a direct owner of technology or SI shall have tie up and technical
have a direct teaming agreement with each arrangement directly with the
of technology companies directly or with technology company or thorough its
their authorized channels that form the core authorized dealer whose equipment has
building block for supply, installation, been used in delivery so as to ensure long
integration and maintenance of networking term support to the core building block
equipment/ solutions/ services for WAN/ for supply, installation, integration and
LAN/ IT Services, end user connected maintenance of networking equipment/
equipment (wired/wireless) or related solutions/ services for WAN/ LAN/ IT
project implementation. The core building Services, end user connected equipment
blocks may be classi ied as servers, (wired/wireless) or related project
computers. computer peripherals. routers, implementation. The core building blocks
LAN Switches/hubs, irewall, leased line may be classi ied as servers, computers,
modems, ISDN backup devices, connectors, computer peripherals, routers, LAN
Wi-Fi, blue-tooth, IoT or non- IoT devices, Switches/hubs, irewall, leased line
CCTV etc. and basic computer related modems, ISDN backup devices,
software etc. connectors, Wi-Fi, blue-tooth, IoT or non-
IoT devices, CCTV etc. and basic
computer related software etc.
(v) The SI should provide letters of support The SI should provide letters of support
from OEM or its authorized channels of OEM from OEM or through its dealer/associate
stating that their solution will be supported stating that the solution/equipment will
on the platform proposed by SI for minimum be supported at all standard platforms
two years and as per customer requirement. for minimum two years and as per
customer requirement.
(vi) SI shall provide 24X7 help center either SI shall maintain 24X7 help number. SI
web-based or IVR based. SI shall ensure shall ensure consultation, assistance and
consultation, assistance and advice within advice within four hours or as de ined in
four hours or as de ined in SLA entered with SLA entered with customer. In other
customer. In other cases, complaint may be cases, complaint may be attended within
attended within eight hours eight hours.
(vii) The technical team of SIs will assist BSNL in coming out with the cost- effective solution
for the customers and will be required to give joint presentation with BSNL to the
(viii) The software up gradation for the irst year shall be provided by the SI free of cost.
However, SI will continue to provide up gradation on chargeable basis for subsequent
(ix) SI shall support SLA requirements of BSNL customers and ensure its compliance. In case
SLA commitments are not met, SI shall be responsible for payment of penalties, if any,
imposed by the customer.
(x) Validity of the empanelment agreement shall be Five years, with provision of renewal
for another two years, based on performance.
(xi) SI cannot be a TSP/ISP, and If any SI after registration becomes TSP/ISP then the SI
agreement will be cancelled. Accordingly, previously empaneled SIs will also be
4.1. BSNL may float RFP between all eligible empanelled SIs for technical and commercial solutions
discovery as per customer requirements. Further, discussions may be held between
experts/customers for best customized/possible options.
4.2. BSNL has adopted e-tendering mechanism and the empanelled System Integrators will have to
register in BSNL’s e-tendering mechanism as applicable from time to time, bringing transparency &
more automation in system.
4.3. BG for Empanelment: National, Circle, Circle Silver & BA Silver System/Network Integrators shall
submit Bank Guarantee (BG) of ₹ 15 lakhs, ₹ 3 lakhs, ₹ 50,000/- & ₹ 25,000/- respectively for five and
half years from any scheduled bank for abiding by general rules of empanelment agreement.
BG should be submitted before signing the agreement on issue of letter of intent, for ensuring full
compliance of agreement conditions. Initially, the BGs shall be valid for at least five and half years
from the date of issue of letter of intent and shall be renewed from time to time till six months beyond
the expiry of agreement and till all outstanding dues to BSNL, if any, have been fully paid and its claims
are satisfied or discharged and also discharge of all responsibilities with regard to supply, configure
and maintenance of customer end equipment for the full period of warranty / AMC as applicable. The
validity of the BG will be six months more than the project duration. The Project duration includes
warranty and AMC, if any required by the customer.
4.4. System/Network Integrators should submit additional PBG of at least 5% of the P.O. value, or value
as desired by the end customer whichever is higher, whenever a work is awarded to System/Network
Integrators valid for the duration required for the project. Alternatively, where no PBG is to be
submitted by BSNL to customer, BSNL may allow at its discretion in situations if felt necessary for the
recovery of 5% of PO value from running bills instead of PBG for works requiring PBG up to the
amount mentioned in above para 4.3 and will be refunded on completion of warranty period as
required in the concerned project.
4.5. System/Network Integrators shall support SLA requirements of BSNL customers and ensure its
compliance. In case SLA commitments are not met, System/Network Integrators shall be responsible
for payment of penalties, if any, imposed by the customer.
4.6. System/Network Integrators shall carryout quarterly preventive visit to each customer site or as per
the customer requirement which will be notified in the terms and conditions for respective project.
4.7. System/Network Integrators will ensure availability of all spare parts for five years period.
4.8. The empanelment of System/Network Integrators will be on a Non-exclusive basis. The agreement
shall not restrict BSNL from contracting for identical or similar services from any other person
/party. Also, BSNL intends to empanel multiple number of SIs through this present empanelment
process. BSNL reserves the right to appoint any number of SIs in this category or sell directly or
through other channels also. BSNL also reserves the right to create other categories of SIs to serve a
particular segment of customers.
4.9. The empaneled System/Network Integrators should necessarily submit the quote through RFP
whenever called for. Even within short notice if the quote is called for, the same has to be given either
through email or fax. In case, SI is not able to quote for any particular project, reasons for not quoting
should be clearly submitted to BSNL, failure to submit the quote consecutively for three projects
without proper reason may entail the removal of SI from empanelment and BG shall be forfeited.
4.10. The SI should supply the equipment within a short period, which will be indicated in the PO on
project-to-project basis. The delivery must be completed not later than the dates specified in the
Purchase order. Extension will not be given except in exceptional circumstances. Should, however,
deliveries be made after expiry of the contracted delivery period, without prior concurrence of the
purchaser and be accepted by the consignee, such delivery will not deprive the purchaser of his right
to recover liquidated damage as below.
4.10.1. Should the supplier fail to deliver the store or any consignment thereof within the period
prescribed for delivery, the purchaser shall be entitled to recover 0.5% of the value of the
delayed supply for each week of delay or part thereof for a period up to first Ten weeks and
thereafter at the rate of 0.7% of the value of the delayed supply for each week of delay or part
thereof for another TEN weeks of delay. In the case of package supply where the delayed
portion of the supply materially hampers installation and commissioning of the systems, L/D
charges shall be levied as above on the total value of the concerned package of the purchase
Order. Quantum of liquidated damages assessed and levied by the purchaser and decision of
the purchaser thereon shall be final and binding on the supplier. Further, the same shall not
be challenged by the supplier either before Arbitration, Tribunal or before the Court. The same
shall stand specifically excluded from the purview of the Arbitration clause, as such shall not
be referable to arbitration.
4.10.2. The above clause is a general one. However, if BSNL is participating in any tender, the LD
clauses as given in the tender document of the customer will be binding of the
System/Network Integrators and any liquidity damages arising out of late delivery during the
performance of the contract which BSNL need to pay to the customer shall be borne by the
System/Network Integrators, as per the customer tender document.
4.10.3. BSNL may also deduct the amount at actual which BSNL needs to pay to the customer on
account of non-adherence to SLA from System/Network Integrators from balance payment or
SD/BG, if due to the failure on part of System/Network Integrators, BSNL could not meet the
SLA condition.
4.10.4. Without prejudice to its rights of any other remedy, BSNL may encash Bank Guarantee in case
of any breach in terms and conditions of the agreement by the System/Network Integrators
or in case of business loss suffered by BSNL due to failure of service on part of the
System/Network Integrators.
4.11. For a specific project, the selected SI shall give an undertaking to BSNL stating that they will not
participate in the tender either directly / indirectly for the projects. If BSNL subsequently comes to
know that the empaneled vendor/SI had participated in any tender either directly/indirectly, BSNL
reserves the right to delete the name of the System/Network Integrators from the list of
empanelment, in addition to forfeiture of Bank Guarantee (BG).
4.12. SI should give on-site warranty of twelve months from the date of commissioning. Warranty cost
will be included in the cost of equipment. After warranty support, SI should also provide the AMC
of the customer end equipment. Annual AMC charges should be quoted separately.
5.1. The Circle/BA Standing Committee shall empanel eligible system/network Integrators (SIs)
according to the terms and conditions of empanelment. Further, if required, the applicant may be
called for presentation on a speci ied date, time and venue before the Standing committee. The
presentation will be comprised brie ly on Company/ irm Pro ile, Projects Undertaken for BSNL/
other organizations, companies, Agreements/Ties up with OEMs, Typical solution for Target
Markets/ Customer requirements, Present & future Business opportunities in Odisha & BSNL etc.
5.2. Letter of Intent will be issued to quali ied applicant for submission of Performance Bank Guarantee
and execution of empanelment agreement of System/Network Integrators.
6. Duration of Empanelment:
The agreement of Empanelment shall be valid for a period of FIVE YEARS from the date of signing the
Agreement unless revoked earlier for whatever reasons. If at any stage during the tenure of this
agreement, it comes to the notice of BSNL, directly or through some other complaint, that the
System/Network Integrators had misrepresented the facts or submitted any false information or hidden
any information, which could have affected the signing of this agreement with the System/Network
Integrators this agreement shall stand terminated immediately under intimation to the System/Network
Extension of Agreement: The period of agreement may be extended by BSNL beyond the initial period
of 5 (five) years. The period of renewal shall be 2 (two) years depending on satisfactory performance of
the empanelled System/Network Integrators.
7. Allocation of Work:
7.1. When any project is to be executed, bids shall be obtained through limited e-tendering from eligible
System/Network Integrators (SIs) or through Open e-tendering as decided by BSNL for exploring
best and genuine rates. The work will be awarded to the SI after following applicable selection
7.2. SI who makes all effort in On – boarding the customer on nomination basis on behalf of BSNL will be
extended full support with the policy of “Bring It Get It” on back-to-back basis. Though it can be only
adopted in rare cases where client gives clear choice for a particular SI, with its rates and the solution.
To give an edge to such SIs who nurtured the business, shall be established as per relevant covenants
under Channel Partner Policy – CPP.
7.3. SIs can also bring to BSNL its customers for providing networking requirement using BSNL’s
infrastructure. The following preference will be given to SIs who brings in the customers to BSNL,
subject to their empanelment in desired category.
7.3.1. The SI who brings in customer to BSNL (incumbent SI) shall be given a choice by way of
providing “First Right of Refusal” at the L1 rates determined by limited e-tendering procedure if
he is eligible. In case the incumbent SI is non L1 and chooses not to accept L1 rates, the work
will be awarded to L1 SI.
7.3.2. In case of L1 SI is not able to execute the work/refuses to work, then he shall be debarred for
one year to participate in RFPs/quotation calls from date of refusal, along with other penal
actions under empanelment.
8. Non-Performance Clause:
8.1. The empaneled System/Network Integrators who are dormant for last two years will be reviewed by
CGM BSNL Odisha Circle to resolve the issues if any. However, if such SIs do not respond for the
meeting or do not still show any interest towards BSNL Enterprise Business, their empanelment may
be terminated by BSNL.
8.2. The empanelment of System/Network Integrators who are dormant for last two years and found to
compete directly or indirectly with BSNL will be terminated with due procedure in order to safeguard
the BSNL’s interests and to check leakage of rates/information during the tendering process or
9.1. All the offers to the customer will be in the name of BSNL and by the BSNL.
9.2. The customer will make all payments towards project cost to BSNL.
9.3. Back-to-back payment arrangement will be there from BSNL to System/Network Integrators for
Establishment & Maintenance of Customer’s Private Wide Area Network on turnkey basis including
supply, installation, integration and maintenance of networking equipment/solutions/services for
WAN/LAN/IT services, end user connected equipment (wired/wireless) like Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth, IOT
or non-IOT devices/CCTV etc.
9.4. BSNL will issue a Purchase order (P.O.)/Work Order (W.O.) to SI containing details of equipment
along with agreed price, terms & conditions as per customer requirements.
9.5. Payment to the System/Network Integrators will be made in installments depending upon the
payment that the BSNL will get from the Purchaser.
9.6. Normally AMC payment, wherever entered will be made on back-to-back basis after the expiry of
AMC period subject to fulfillment of Service Level Agreement (SLA) and maintenance schedule.
10.1. EOI document can be downloaded from web site www.bsnl.odisha.co.in. Separate Demand Draft of
Rs. 5900/- (Cost of EOI document) payable at Bhubaneswar, drawn at any nationalized /scheduled
Bank, in favor of AO(A&P), O/o CGMT, BSNL, Odisha Telecom Circle, Bhubaneswar should be
submitted along with the downloaded EOI Document. The fee for the application is neither
transferable nor refundable. The details of the application fee should be clearly mentioned in the
application form.
10.2. The bidder shall duly fill in Annexure-I with documents as specified in it (documents should be
placed by bidder as Annexure-1 to 11 in properly sealed envelope) with signature and seal on each
page. The bidder shall also submit DD towards cost of EOI document as above. The copies of
supportive documents/certificates should also be with signature and seal on each page.
10.4. All costs & expenses associated with submission of application shall be borne by the company/firm
submitting the application and BSNL shall have no liability in any manner in this regard or if it
decides to terminate the process of short-listing for any reason whatsoever.
10.5. The right to suspend the short-listing process or part of the process to accept or reject any or all
applications at any stage of the process and / or to modify the process or any part thereof at any
time without assigning any reason therefore is reserved by BSNL without any obligation or liability
10.6. If any one of the above documents required to be submitted along with EOI is found wanting, the
offer may be liable for rejection at that stage. However, BSNL may at its discretion call for any
clarification regarding the documents submitted by the bidder. BSNL may also ask for submission of
any additional/missing document within a stipulated time period. In such case(s), the bidder shall
have to comply the BSNL’s requirement within the specified time. In case of non-compliance to such
queries, the EOI of the bidder will be out rightly rejected without entertaining further
correspondence in this regard.
Category of
Dealing Office Addressed to:
AGM (EB – NB),
National SI
O/o – CGM, BSNL, Odisha Telecom Circle,
1st Floor, Room No – 100, BSNL Bhawan,
Circle SI BSNL Odisha Circle Office Unit-II, Ashok Nagar, Near IG Park,
Bhubaneswar – 751009
Circle-Silver SI
1. Balasore BA Office The General Manager,
O/o – GMTD, Balasore BA,
BA-Silver SA Doorsanchar Bhawan,
Annexure – I
6. Experience a) P O copies
b) Satisfactory Completion Certi icate from the
end Customer
c) CA Certi icate/Experience Certi icate
(Attach details as per Format B)
The bidders are requested to attach the
documents as Annexure 6 of their bid document.
7. Support Centers in Organizational Chart and infrastructure details with the
Odisha / India list of support centers in Odisha and India/Undertaking
that SI shall work on PAN India (National SI) or PAN
Circle (Circle & Circle-Silver SIs) and PAN BA basis for
BA SIs – as applicable. Details of support centers
(Address, Contact Tel No., No of staffs etc.) (Format C
for reference)
The bidders are requested to attach the documents
as Annexure 7 of their bid document.
8. Central Public Copy of CPP Portal Registration (Login ID, user Type
Procurement Portal and GEPID)
(CPPP) Registration No. The bidders are requested to attach the documents
as Annexure 8 of their bid document.
9. GST Registration No. Copy of the GST Registration
The bidders are requested to attach the documents
as Annexure 9 of their bid document.
10. Income TAX PAN No. Copy of PAN
The bidders are requested to attach the document
as Annexure 10 of their bid document.
11. Acceptance of all terms A copy of the EOI document signed, in the bottom of all
and conditions in the pages as a token of acceptance of all terms and
EOI conditions.
The bidders are requested to attach the documents
as Annexure 11 of their bid document.
All documents should be signed and stamped by the authorized signatory of the bidder in each page of the
document submitted.
I/we hereby certify that all the particulars given above are correct and true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature ________________________________
(Authorized Representative)
Full Name :
Designation :
Address :
Note: 1. If needed, the bidder can use separate sheets for explaining the above points.
2. BSNL reserves the rights to verify the facts given by the bidder, with the authorities, if so required.
Note: The bidder may add any other items/specifications etc. in additional rows/columns.
(Experience of Project implementation on turnkey basis)
(Number of Support Centers)
Sl. No Name of the Town/City Postal address Name of the Contact Fixed
Person Telephone
Number, Fax No,
Email ID etc.
(To be furnished on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-)
WHEREAS BSNL intends to empanel System Integrators for establishment and maintenance of customized
Private Wide Area Network (WAN) on turnkey basis including supply, installation, integration and
maintenance of networking equipment/solutions/services for WAN/LAN/IT services, end user connected
equipment (wired/wireless) like Wi-Fi, Blue-tooth, IOT or non-IOT devices/CCTV etc.
AND WHEREAS the said System Integrator who is having all the wherewithal is hereby empanelled as
National / Circle / Circle-Silver / BA-Silver System Integrator (strike out whichever is not applicable)
to undertake all such jobs as and when assigned by BSNL on the terms and conditions as set out in this
WHEREAS both the parties to the Agreement agree to the following terms and conditions:
01. The System Integrator shall nominate the team, their name(s), address (es) and telephone nos.
(Residence included) for better co-ordination.
02. The System Integrator shall make available the complete contact address of its Directors and local
heads as applicable to BSNL.
03. BSNL being a service organization, many of the requirements could be of emergency nature. The
agencies have to respond to such demands despite holidays/beyond of ice hours.
04. Mere empanelment does not confer automatic rights to a System Integrator to secure/procure jobs.
05. BSNL will not pay any extra charges related to presentation at BSNL and customer premises and
training to client’s representatives for operation & maintenances.
06. BSNL shall invite bids through e-tender portal from empanelled SIs for various types of projects
related to establishment of private WAN and complete networking solution on turnkey basis
including supply, installation, integration and maintenance of networking equipments /solutions
/services for WAN /LAN /IT Services, end user connected equipment (wired /wireless) like Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, IoT or non-IoT devices/CCTV etc. and related items for inalization of the rates.
07. The bid shall specify validity of the prices, delivery period, penalty, AMC etc in the format available
in the e-tender portal. The rates for such project costs shall be inalized after observing all the
formalities. Depending upon the requirements, order could be placed on the empanelled SIs at the
inalized rates. However, before placement of Purchase Order, the prices may be negotiated taking
into account the reasonableness with reference to prevailing market price.
08. For participation in Projects through open tender, in order to be competitive, standing committee can
further negotiate the rates with the empanelled vendors.
09. It may not be possible to fix the prices of all the items as depending upon the requirement of the
customers, there may be slight variations in the specifications. BSNL could negotiate the prices of such
items with these selected vendors place orders on any of the empanelled vendor at negotiated price.
10. In a situation when the customer desires to expand the existing network, the procurement of add on
equipment becomes proprietary in nature. Keeping in view the requirement of the customer and the
fact that ultimately the customer will be paying for the cost of equipment, the BSNL may finalize the
prices of proprietary equipments after negotiations.
b) The customer will make all payments towards project cost to BSNL.
c) Back-to-back payment arrangement will be there from BSNL to System Integrator for
establishment of private WAN and complete networking solution on turnkey basis including
supply, installation, integration and maintenance of networking equipments /solutions /services
for WAN /LAN /IT Services, end user connected equipment (wired /wireless) like Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, IoT or non-IoT devices/CCTV etc. and related items.
d) For each requirement of Customized WAN solution, BSNL will issue a purchase order (P.O.) to SI
containing details of equipment along with agreed price, terms & conditions.
e) Payment to the System Integrator will be made in installments depending upon the payment that
the BSNL will get from the Purchaser.
f) The AMC payment, wherever entered will be made on quarterly basis and after the expiry of
quarter subject to ful illment of Service Level Agreement (SLA) and maintenance schedule.
g) Depending on customer, market position, BSNL will be charging a commission on the SI invoices
12. The terms and conditions in the EOI document No _________________________ shall form a part of
this agreement.
b) BSNL may extend, if deemed expedient, the period of agreement by TWO YEARS at one time
13) Modi ications in terms: Any changes in the terms and conditions contained herein shall have
effect only prospectively, and shall be valid only if recorded in writing and signed by the authorized
of icers of the BSNL and the SI.
14) Termination:
a) Either party may terminate this agreement by giving three months’ notice in writing to the other.
The obligations of the parties shall continue during the notice period.
b) However, if the services of the System Integrator are not found satisfactory, BSNL shall have the
right to cancel the contract at any time without assigning any reason and without any inancial
compensation to the SI.
c) Whereas, if the System Integrator is found to be directly or indirectly competing with BSNL/ has
become a TSP/ISP, BSNL shall have the right to cancel the contract at any time without assigning
any reason and without any inancial compensation to the SI.
15) Arbitration:
That in case of any dispute or differences, breach & violation relating to the terms of the Agreement,
the said matter or dispute, difference shall be referred to sole arbitration of Chief general Manager
(CGM) of BSNL, Odisha Telecom Circle or any other person appointed by him That the award of the
arbitrator shall be inal and binding on both the parties. In the event of such Arbitrator to whom the
matter is originally referred to is being transferred or vacates his of ice on resignation or otherwise
or refuses to do work or neglecting his work or being unable to act as Arbitrator for any reasons
whatsoever, the CGM, BSNL, Odisha Telecom Circle shall appoint another person to act as Arbitrator
in the place of outgoing Arbitrator and the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed further
with the reference from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. The System Integrator will
have no objection in any such appointment, that arbitrator so appointed is employee of BSNL. The
said Arbitrator shall act under the Provisions of the Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996 or any
statutory modi ication or reenactment there of or any rules made thereof.
IN WITNESSETH whereof the parties have put their hand on this Agreement on the day and year irst
above written.
__________________________________ ______________________________________________
BSNL SYSTEM INTEGRATOR through its authorized
Re: Bank Guarantee in respect of Agreement subsequent to letter of intent vide no-
_________________________________ dated ___________ against EoI no- _____________________________ dated _________
between Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, (BSNL in short) (A Government of India Enterprise), at Bharat
Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 (hereinafter referred to as
“BSNL”) and M/s ________________________________________, A company registered under The Companies Act,
1956 and having its Registered Of ice at ____________________________________________ (may be suitably
changed in case of proprietor/partnership Concern/LLP/ Individual) (hereinafter called “ System
Integrator ”) whereby BSNL has agreed to empanel System Integrator (SI in short) for execution of
Customer’s Private Network on turnkey basis on the terms and conditions exclusively mentioned therein.
It has been agreed between the parties that a Bank Guarantee for Rs. ____________________________ /- (Rupees
_____________________________only) shall be given by the System Integrator in favour of the BSNL for due and
faithful performance of the terms and conditions of the said agreement.
02. Any such demand from the BSNL shall be conclusive as regards the liability of System Integrator to
pay to BSNL or as regards the amount payable by the Bank under this guarantee. The Bank shall not
be entitled to withhold payment on the ground that the System Integrator had disputed its liability
to pay or has disputed the quantum of the amount or that any arbitration proceeding or legal
proceeding is pending between System Integrator and BSNL regarding the claim.
03. We, the Bank further agree that the guarantee shall come into force from the date hereof and shall
remain in full force and effect for the period up to from the date of commencement of the agreement
or the term of this guarantee whichever is later. But if the period of the said agreement is extended
either pursuant to the provisions in the said Agreement or by mutual agreement between the
System Integrator and the BSNL, the Bank shall renew the period of the Guarantee for such period
which expires 6 (six) months after the renewed period of the said agreement failing which it shall
pay to the BSNL the said sum of Rs…………………………/- (Rupees………………………..only) on written
demand by BSNL demanding the payment of the above sum.
04. The Bank further agrees that the BSNL shall have the fullest liberty without the consent of the Bank
and without affecting in any way the obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions
of the said agreement or to extend the time for performance of the said agreement from any of the
powers exercisable by BSNL against the System Integrator and to forebear to enforce any of the
terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and the Bank shall not be relieved from its
liability by reason of such failure or extension being granted to System Integrator or through any
forbearance, act or omission on the part of BSNL or any indulgence by BSNL to System Integrator
or any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this
provision have the effect of relieving or discharging the guarantor.
05. The Bank further agrees that in case this Guarantee is required for a larger period and it is not
extended by the Bank beyond the period speci ied above in Clause 3, the Bank shall pay to BSNL on
written demand by BSNL having to demand the payment of the said sum of Rs. ________________
(Rupees ___________________________ only) on the last day on which the Bank Guarantee is due to expire.
07. The Bank guarantees under its constitutional power to give this guarantee and
_______________________________ who have signed it on behalf of the Bank have authority to do so.
Self-Declaration / Letter of Intent and Consent
For the Empanelment of existing System Integrators in other Circle/Units
_________________ Circle
As per the “Guidelines on Establishment of Customer’s Private Network Establishment (CPNE)on Turnkey
basis through System / Network Integrator (SIs)” of BSNL for providing turnkey solutions to its enterprise
customers the existing System Integrators (SI) may request for the empanelment in other Circles. In this
regard, it is submitted,