CI IT-2 Answers
CI IT-2 Answers
CI IT-2 Answers
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6 a Explain the powers and functions of the Supreme Court.
These powers and functions ensure that the Supreme Court upholds the rule of
law, protects individual rights, and maintains the integrity of the constitution.
b Illustrate the powers and functions of the High Court.
Review: The High Court has the authority to review laws and
1. Judicial Review:
executive actions to determine their constitutionality. It can invalidate
laws that contravene the constitution.
Jurisdiction It hears appeals from lower courts, including
2. Appellate Jurisdiction:
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district courts and tribunals, ensuring correct application of law and
3. Jurisdiction:: In certain matters, such as cases involving
Original Jurisdiction
fundamental rights or disputes between states and the central
government, the High Court can hear cases directly.
4. Jurisdiction:: The High Court has the power to issue writs (such
Writ Jurisdiction
as habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, and quo warranto)
to enforce fundamental rights and ensure justice.
5. Court: It can punish for contempt to uphold its authority
Contempt of Court
and dignity.
6. Jurisdiction: The High Court oversees the functioning of
Supervisory Jurisdiction:
lower courts and tribunals within its jurisdiction to ensure they adhere
to legal standards.
1. Dispu
Dispute Resolution:: Resolves civil and criminal disputes, providing a
forum for justice at a higher level than lower courts.
2. Protection of Fundamental RightsRights:: Safeguards the fundamental
rights of individuals by hearing petitions and granting appropriate
Precedent: Establishes legal precedents through its judgments,
3. Legal Precedent:
which guide lower courts and contribute to the development of law.
Role: Manages the administration of the court system
4. Administrative Role:
within its jurisdiction, including setting rules for court procedures and
judicial appointments.
Litigation:: Allows for cases to be filed in the public
5. Public Interest Litigation
interest, promoting access to justice for marginalized or affected
Functions: In some jurisdictions, the High Court may
6. Advisory Functions:
provide advisory opinions on legal matters referred to it by the
Decisions: Can review its own decisions in certain
7. Review of Decisions:
circumstances to correct errors or ensure justice.
These powers and functions collectively ensure that the High CourtC serves as a
critical guardian of the constitution, protector of individual rights, and an
essential component of the judicial system.
7 a Outline the Roles and Responsibility of Governor of State.
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1. Appointment Powers:
o Appoints the Chief Minister, who is usually the leader of the
majority party in the legislature.
o Appoints other ministers on the advice of the Chief Minister.
o Appoints the Advocate General, State Election Commissioner,
and other key officials.
2. Legislative Functions:
o Summons and prorogues the state legis legislature sessions.
o Addresses the first session after each general election and the
beginning of each year.
o Gives assent to bills passed by the legislature, which is
necessary for them to become law.
3. Ensuring Stability:
Stability: Ensures the government remains stable bby
monitoring the political situation and intervening if necessary, such as
recommending President’s Rule.
Oversight:: Oversees the functioning of the state
4. Administration Oversight
administration and ensures that laws are implemented effectively.
Engagem : Engages with various stakeholders,
5. Constituency Engagement:
including local government bodies and civil society, to understand
state issues and promote development.
Management: Plays a role in managing crises, such as natural
6. Crisis Management:
government and other
disasters, by coordinating with the state government
Role:: Represents the state at official functions, both
7. Representational Role
within and outside the state, fostering relationships with other states
and the central government.
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Functions of the States
1. State Legislation:
Legislation Enacts laws on subjectsects in the State List, which
includes areas like health, education, and agriculture.
2. Local Administration:
Administration: Manages local governance, including
municipal and rural administration, ensuring that local needs are
3. Law and Order: taining internal security and
Order Responsible for maintaining
law enforcement through state police and other agencies.
Services:: Provides essential services such as health care,
4. Public Services
education, and social welfare at the state level.
Development: Implements policies to promote local
5. Economic Development:
economic development, including support for small businesses and
Management: Manages state resources, including land and
6. Resource Management:
natural resources, within the framework of state laws.
1. Concur
Concurrent Powers:: Both the Union and states have powers in certain
areas (Concurrent List), such as education and agriculture. In these
cases, both can legislate, but Union law prevails in case of a conflict.
Coordination: Effective governance ooften requires
2. Cooperation and Coordination:
collaboration between the Union and state governments, especially on
issues like disaster management, infrastructure, and health care.
3. Financial Relations
Relations:: The Union allocates funds to states through
which helps states fulfill their
various grants and financial assistance, which
Oversight: The judiciary interprets the constitution and can
4. Judicial Oversight:
resolve disputes between Union and state laws, ensuring a balance of
Implementation: States often implement Union policies at the
5. Policy Implementation:
local level, ensuring that national programs are effectively executed in
various regions.
This relationship between the Union and states is vital for ensuring that
governance is responsive to both national priorities and local needs.
8 a Demonstrate the Role and Importance of District Collector.
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Oversight: Supervises city departments and ensures
5. Administrative Oversight:
efficient delivery of public services, including sanitation, public safety,
and urban planning.
6. Crisis Management:
Ma : Coordinates responses during emergencies, such
as natural disasters or public safety issues, ensuring community safety
and support.
Development: Promotes initiatives that stimulate local
7. Economic Development:
economic growth, attract investment, and support businesses.
Relations:: Collaborates with other government
8. Intergovernmental Relations
entities, agencies, and organizations to secure funding and support for
city projects.
Relations: Works closely with the city council,
9. City Council Relations:
recommendations on policies and decisions.
providing updates and recommendations
Oversight: Ensures that law enforcement and
10. Public Safety Oversight:
emergency services operate effectively to maintain public safety and
The Mayor plays a crucial role in shaping the governance of a city, balancing
administrative functions with community engagement and strategic planning.
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