Behavior in Organization 4. Unity of Command
5. Unity of Direction
Evolution of HBO 6. Subordination of Individual Interest
1. Classical 7. Remuneration
2. Behavioral 8. The Degree of Centralization
3. OB Today 9. Scalar Chain
10. Order
Early Contributors to OB 11. Equity
1. Adam Smith 12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel
Economist 13. Initiative
The Wealth of Nations 14. Espirit de Corps
Division of Labor
Specialization of Tasks particularly in pin Bureaucratic Theory – Maximillian Karl
manufacturing. Weber (1920)
“Bureaucracy” as an ideal model of form
2. Charles Baggage of the organization.
British Mathematics Professor – On the 6 Characteristics of Bureaucracy
Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers 1. Specialization or division of Labor
reduce time, waste material, allows 2. Hierarchy of offices
attainment of high skill levels and more 3. Competent, qualified, and salaried
careful matching of people’s skills. officials
4. offices are bounded by written rules and
3. Robert Owen regulations
Welsh Entrepreneur 5. Impersonal authority, and
Owner of a Factory – recognized how 6. Organized files for record keeping
growing factory system was demeaning to
2. Affective
- About emotional reaction or feeling of
Networked Organizations the person toward the object of the
- It allows people to communicate and attitude as like or dislike.
work together even though they may be - Emotional or feeling of segment of an
thousands of miles apart. As the attitude.
employees do their jobs by linking to
others through networks, managers 3. Behavioral
must develop new skills. OB can provide - Attitudes that develop as a direct result
valuable insights to hope skills. of certain behaviors.
- Intension to behave in certain way
Employee Well-Being at Work toward someone or something.
- HR leaders are prioritizing employee
well-being and mental health. This Factors that impact employees’ attitudes
focus on nurturing employee well-being at work
is critical to developing workplace 1. Job Satisfaction
resilience (Meister, 2021). - Refers to the feelings people have
Compressed Work Week – Employees toward their job.
work usual number of hours (40 hours) but - “A person with high level of job
the work is fewer than five days per week. satisfaction holds positive attitudes
about the job, while a person who is - Employee satisfaction raises employee
dissatisfied with his or her job holds productivity, and higher productivity means
negative attitudes about the job.” greater service and value to your customer.
2. Job Involvement
- Measures the degree to which a person
identifies psychologically with his or her
job and considers his or her perceived Chapter 4 – Personality and Emotions
performance level important to self-
worth. What is Personality?
- It encompasses the relatively stable
3. Organizational Commitment feelings, thoughts, and behavioral
- State in which the employees identifies patterns a person has.
with a particular organization and its - It is a concept describing the growth
goals, and wishes to maintain and development of a person’s whole
membership in the organization. psychological system.
- “High job involvement means
identifying with one’s specific job, while Determinants of Personality
high organizational commitment means 1. Heredity
identifying with one’s employing 2. Environment
organization. 3. Situation
3. Situation
Job Satisfaction and Customer - A third factor, the situation, influences
Satisfaction the effects of heredity and environment
on personality. An individual’s
personality, although generally stable Neuroticism – being anxious, irritable,
and consistent, does chance in different temperamental, and moody.
situations. The different demands of
different situations call forth different
aspects of one’s personality. So we
shouldn’t look at personality patterns in What are emotions? – Emotions are
isolation. strong feelings deriving from one’s
circumstances, mood, or relationships with
Personality Traits – Enduring others. Emotions are responses to
characteristics that describe on individual’s significant internal and external events.
- Big Five Personality Traits Three terms are closely intertwined:
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 1. Affect
2. Emotions
The Myers-Briggs Type indicator 3. Moods
- It is a 100-question personality test that
asks people how they usually feel or act 1. Affect
in particular situations. - Is generic term that covers a broad
- On the basis if the answers individuals range of feelings that people experience.
give to the test, they are classified as It’s and umbrella concept that
extroverted or introverted (E or I), encompasses both emotions and moods.
sensing or intuitive (S or N), thinking or
feeling (T or F), and perceiving or 2. Emotions
judging (P or I). These classifications - Are intense feelings that are directed at
are then combined into 16 personality someone or something.
3. Moods
Big Five Personality Traits - Are feelings that tend to be less intense
- In recent years, an impressive body of than emotions which lack a contextual
research supports that five basic stimulus.
dimensions underline all others and
encompass most of the significant
variation in human personality. Emotional Labor
- A situation in which an employee
OCEAN expresses organizational desired
Openness – being curious, original, emotions during interpersonal
intellectual, creative, and open to new ideas. transactions.
Creativity in Organizations
Chapter 6 – Theories of Motivation
- The process that account for an
individual’s intensity, direction, and
persistence of effort toward attaining a
Extrinsic Motivation
- Motivated to perform an activity to earn
a reward or avoid punishment.
Intrinsic Motivation
- Motivated to perform an activity for its
own sake and personal rewards.
Work Motivation
- Set of internal and external forces that
cause an employee to choose a course of
action and engage in certain behaviors.
- It is a complex combination of Theories of Motivation
psychological forces within each person, 1. The Economic Man
and employers are vitally interested in According to Frederick Taylor man work
the following elements: to fulfil his economic needs. Long hard
work comes to high pay to take care of his
Three Elements material and physiological need.
1. Direction and focus of the behavior - High Productivity = More Profits
2. Level of the effort provided (Application of Scientific Methods)
3. Persistence of behavior
2. The Social Man
The experiment of Elton Mayo at the
Hawthorne plant of Western Electric
Company in the 1930s showed that man is
largely gratified in a social milieu.
- Group Work = High Individual