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BS-106R Guidelnies for Instrumentation of Bridges_3

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For official use only



Report No. BS- 106-R

December, 2016



LUCKNOW – 226011


Instrumentation is a very important tool for bridge engineers, like X-Ray or CT-
Scan is for doctors, or probably more important as the patient i.e. Bridge cannot speak
and tell its problems. With the demands for increased traffic, increasing axle load and
increasing speeds, the importance of instrumentation has increased even further.

B&S Directorate issued Instructions regarding Instrumentation Techniques in Pre

Stressed Concrete as BS-36 in June, 2001 and issued report on Fatigue Life of Bridges
as BS-39 in Sept., 2001 which was further revised vide Report BS-91 issued in Year-
2008. Broad Guidelines for Instrumentation of Bridges for Running Higher Axle Loads
were issued by RDSO vide letter No. CBS/Axle Load dated 17/01/2007 which were
further updated vide B&S Directorate Report No. BS-106 in April, 2010. Based on
RDSO’s reports, lots of work has been done in field and confidence of engineers in
running higher axle loads on existing bridges has increased.

Based on experience gained, BS-106 is being revised to make the guidelines

more comprehensive. Sh. Y.S.Hooda, Dir/B&S/T&I & Sh. V.B.Sood, Dir./B&S/SB-II.
have done good work in making the changes, with valuable feedback and suggestions.
Sh. V.K.Singh, SSRE/B&S/Lab Sh. S.K.Mishra, SSRE/B&S/Lab & Sh. Veer Singh,
Steno/Dir/T&I deserves thanks for their efforts in improving the content & typing. Any
further suggestions for improvement may be sent to RDSO.

Executive Director/B&S


S.No. Description Page No.

1. Introduction 1-2
2. Conditions under which Instrumentation to be done 2-3
3. Type of Instrumentation Studies 3-4
4. Pre Requisites for Carrying out Instrumentation 5-6
5. Number of Sensors and Type of Sensors to be Provided 6
6. Items to be covered 6
7. Loading Scheme and data collection 6-8
8. Frequency of Instrumentation of Bridges 8-9
9. Selection of Agencies 9
10. Finite Element Modeling 9-10
11. Validation/ Calibration of Finite Element Model 10
12. Various concerns during Instrumentation 10-11
13. Comparison of Stress/ Strain/ Deflection/ natural frequency 11-12
14. Issues faced with Instrumentation in the past 12-15
15. Instruments for Super-Structure & Sub-Structure 15-18
16. Instrumentation Scheme suggestions 18-26
17. Data Interpretation, analysis & presentation of results 26-28
18. Recommendations 28
19. Instrumentation of Plate Girders 29-31
20. Instrumentation of Open Web Girders 32-44
21. Instrumentation of Composite Girders 45-48
22. Instrumentation of Arch Bridges 49-52
23. Annexure-A to H 53-81





Indian Railways (IR) has about 1,40,919 bridges with Liner Waterway of
964.06 kilometers. Of these, about 664 & 11653 bridges are classified as
Important & Major bridges respectively. Most of the major/important bridges
are of steel plate girder, triangulated truss and arch type bridges built as per
old loading standards. Age-wise profile of the in-service bridges reflects that:
 27.1% bridges (3895 Nos.) are over 100 years old.
 34.14% bridges (48115 Nos.) are over 80 years old.
 40.58% bridges (57191 Nos.) are over 60 years old.
Note:- Bridge Numbers taken from CBE Seminar Minutes.

Keeping in view of present economic growth of country requiring more

movement of traffic on Railways, IR has set a mission to increase the axle
load of existing train operations and to run Semi High Speed & High Speed
Trains. Thus there is a need to re-evaluate the capacity of Indian Railway
Bridges to carry heavy axle loads, higher speeds and more traffic. At present
CC+6+2 tonne has been universalised and CC+8+2 tonne axle loads have
been permitted on selected routes and even 25 tonne axle load has been
permitted on a few selected routes. Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFC) for
freight train operation are under construction with 32.5 tonne axle load and
identified feeder routes to DFC are being upgraded for 25 tonne axle load.
Speeds of Trains already increased to 160 kmph on TKD-MTJ section and
further sections are under up gradation for higher speeds upto 200 kmph.

The above observations indicate that there is need to evaluate and upgrade
bridges for increased traffic loadings or for upgrading sectional speeds. In
addition to this, many a times, need is felt to study one particular span/girder
in a bridge which has lost camber or which is under some other distress
leading to doubt over its load carrying capacity or there may be a need to
study the efficacy of Major Repairs carried out in a Bridge. Instrumentation is
an excellent tool to find solutions for such cases to understand the present
behaviour and to forecast future behaviour.

In order to assess the effect of heavy axle load on existing bridges, Indian
Railways is already carrying out the instrumentation of bridges for health
monitoring and capacity assessment in order to run Heavier Axle Loads.

Though the detailed instrumentation methodology has to be developed by
specialized agency that has been assigned such jobs because the
methodology may vary depending on availability of the type of
instrumentation, know-how and specialization of the agency. However broad
guidelines were issued by RDSO to provide initial knowledge and guidance
on the subject vide letter No. CBS/Axle Load dated 17-01-2007 which were
further updated in April 2010 vide BS Report No. 106. Now 310 rounds of
instrumentation have already been completed and some experience is
gained, based on which there was a need to revise the guidelines considering
the various suggestions of railways and consultants.


2.1 Mandatory Requirement:- The instrumentation should be done mandatorily in

following cases:-
 For all Replacement Proposals for Major/Important bridges on Age Basis:-
On sample bridges to assess the bridge strength and behaviour for
verifying the need for replacement..
 For increase in axle load by more than 5% over maximum prevailing axle
load where no retrofitment is being done:- To verify the behavior as
assumed in theoretical analysis, to be done before/after introduction of

2.2 Optional requirement:- Instrumentation may be ordered for:

(i) Studying behaviour of any bridge showing unusual deflections, loss of
camber, excess vibrations etc.
(ii) Assessing strength of any bridge having excess corrosion, damage to
members due to collision etc.
(iii) Sample bridge to assess the residual life of bridges of that vintage.
(iv) Any other bridge deemed fit for instrumentation by CBE of the railway
due to site conditions.


For assessing individual bridges for problems, there is no choice. However if

bridges are to be assessed for behaviour after enhanced axle load or after
corrosion/damage etc., few bridges may be selected and inferences for these
bridges may be extrapolated for other spans.
Sample representative bridges may be selected for instrumentation covering
various types of bridge loadings (such as BGML, RBG, MBG), span types
(such as through, semi through, underslung, plate girder, arch, PSC etc.),
bearings, materials, and different age groups for monitoring the effects of
increased loads and/or other aspects on the bridge components i.e.,
foundations, piers and abutments, bearings and super structure depending on

the aim of instrumentation study.. The sample bridges chosen shall not be the
best or least damaged ones. It shall be attempted that the bridges chosen are
in different conditions so that trends can be established if behaviour is found
to be different. Sufficient number of bridges (or bridge components) shall be
chosen such that meaningful conclusions can be drawn. Testing of only one
or two bridges (or bridge components) cannot lead to any meaningful
conclusions as it is not possible to conclude if the bridge (or bridge
components) is representative or not. In some cases, errors are there in
instrumentation, the same also cannot be identified.


The aim of Instrumentation should be very clear at the ONSET. What

Parameters & for what purpose the parameters are being recorded should be
amply clear to all concerned. Instrumentation can be done for a variety of
Purposes as given below but same should be amply clear before onset of

3.1 Comparative Studies:- When there is doubt on any one particular Girder or
span of a multi-span Bridge, then Instrumentation will serve as a good tool for
comparing the Stress/Strains, Accelerations, Displacement etc. of Span in
Question Viz-a-Viz Good Adjacent Spans and an informed decision can be
taken in the matter.

3.2 Theoretical Studies & Validation Studies:- Instrumentation is warranted for

following cases:-

3.2.1 Design Validation:- Wherever any New Type of Bridge is designed & there
are concern over stresses/deflection in certain members/location like in a
Continuous span, behaviour at its ends or in a fully welded member, value at
Joints etc. may be a cause of concern for designer, then in such cases.
Instrumentation should be resorted to for validation of design assumptions &
design assumption may require updation based on the feedback.

3.2.2 Effect of Running Higher Axle Load on Bridges:- On Bridges Instrumentation

of Bridge is done under existing Traffic conditions & Test Trains, which are
then used to validate the Numerical Models of the Bridges. Now this validated
Numerical Model is used to predict the effect of Running Higher Axle Load in
form of increase in stresses strains/ deflection etc. in the various members or
point of interest & then to take an informed decision.

3.2.3 Effect of High Speed on Bridges:- In this also Instrumentation Parameters are
used to validate the Numerical Model, which then is used to find the
accelerations, Stress/Strains, deflections etc. in particular member or points
of interest due to Higher Speeds & then to take an informed decision.

3.2.4 Residual Life Assessment:- Whenever there is doubt regarding residual life of
an old bridge, instrumentation is the best tool. We can measure the stress-
range in various critical members and help in ascertaining the Fatigue Life of
the steel members and determine residual life of other materials based on
methods available. 3.2.5 Efficacy of Repairs:- In case of Special Type of
Repairs like strengthening of some members by the Grouting, Jacketing,
providing extra steel plates in cross section etc. is done whether same is
giving desired output or not can be ascertained with the help of

3.3 Load Ratings:- Load Rating of any member is the ratio of load which the
member can carry safely i.e. Member Capacity divided by the Load coming
on the member in the given scenario. A Load Rating of 1.5 means there is still
50% reserve left in the strength of the member. The Load Rating of different
members are calculated & lowest of them is called as Load Rating of the
Bridge. This concept is very popular in USA, Europe etc. but can be used in
India also as it gives idea about how much extra load the bridge can take
without need for testing again if load is to be enhanced again. In this method,
Instrumentation with present loading/Test Train is used to validate the
Numerical Model & then projected to see what maximum Load generates the
permissible stresses/strains/ deflection etc. & Load Rating of particular
members & Load Rating of Overall Bridge is worked out. In some cases, the
enhanced load is once again run to validate the previous conclusions.

3.4 Long Term Monitoring:- Long term monitoring is costly affair & is required only
in special cases & for very important or special type of bridges only. Some of
example of Long Term Monitoring are:-
 Cable Stayed Bridge:- Accelerations & Stress/Strain in the Cable. During
long term monitoring, changes in strains may indicate some problem in
foundation or corrosion loss etc. & repairs can be taken up in time.
 Large Pylons/Tall Columns:- Tilt etc. can be measured & some threshold
value may give alarming signal to start taking timely corrective action.
 Deflection or Loss of Camber in Long Spans:- As soon as loss of camber
is found unusual & progressive loss breaches some determined threshold
value say due to settlement of foundation or due to shortcoming in design,
timely warning is received to go for urgent repairs etc.
 Anemometers can be installed to monitor Wind Speed & if threshold value
breaches, then train operation needs to be stopped say in case of all
important bridges.
It is, however, important that the data from long term stress monitoring must
be made available to designers including at RDSO as interpreting the results
requires knowledge of design. For other parameters like tilt/camber/wind
speed etc., data shall be made available in engineering control so that
appropriate officials can be notified in the event of thresholds being exceed

Following are important requirements before carrying out any Instrumentation
 Detailed Drawings of the Bridge:- Length, X-section of Members,
Dimension of Piers/Abutments, Foundations etc. being instrumented
should be available and should be studied.
 Properties of Materials used in the Bridge:-
a) Steel:- Type of steel used, modulus of Elasticity (E) & Poisson’s Ratio
should be known.
b) Concrete:- Grade of Concrete, E Value, Poisson’s Ratio.
c) Masonry Brick/Concrete:- Strength, E Value etc.
If Properties of Concrete & Masonry are not available, then Cores
(Masonry/ Mortar Joints should from part of Core) of 150mm dia should be
taken & tested in NABL to find the properties. Cores Locations should be
away from critical Location & should be immediately filled with Rich
Concrete of 20mm Aggregate. Similarly steel can be cut from non critical
sections like flanges of plate girders near support or from
bracing/diaphragm ends for determining properties.
 Design Documents of Bridge:- To have understanding of the Design
Philosophy, Stresses/Strains/Deflection calculated under various Design
Load Combinations. This will assist during Numerical Modelling of the
Bridge as one has to calculate the Theoretical Stress/Strains/Deflections
etc. under the Test Train Loading.
 Bridge History:- Major Damages if any, the Repairs or Strengthening of
Bridge carried out in past are very important.
 Load History:- GMT passed over the bridge year-wise, composition of
Goods Train/Passanger/Express Trains passing the Bridge like Loaded
BOX’N’ Wagons plying with Coal or Iron Ore (C.G.Height Changes),
number of caches in Passenger/ Express Trains & total number of trains
over the years. This is important only if residual life of bridge is to be
 Train where axle loads are known:- In order to draw conclusions about
the results of instrumentation, theoretically expected results are important
and hence test train or regular train (which can be 2/3 vehicles long or can
be longer) is important. Testing can be done without this test train but
results in such case shall be considered only qualitatively.
 Design Engineer:- This is the Most Important Pre-Requisite. Railways
Design Engineer shall co-ordinate all activities, like Preparation/checking
of Numerical Model, Finalization of Instrumentation Scheme, overseeing
Instrumentation Recording, verifying Validation of Numerical Models &

Deciphering the Results in co-ordination with Executing Agency. Without
Design Engineer, no instrumentation should be planned.


This shall be decided by the railway depending on the objective of study. For
research purpose, lots of sensors, and of greater accuracy are preferred.
However, in field, rugged sensors shall be preferred over sophisticated
sensors as scientific manpower to carryout careful studies are often not
available. The number of sensors to be provided shall be just adequate as per
the objectives of instrumentation study.
Railway shall decide, in advance of calling offers from agencies, as to number
of sensors that need to be provided e.g. in a diagonal members of truss,
either two sensors can be placed at neutral axis of both channels about 1.5 –
2m away from joint OR 4 sensors can be provided on flanges (about 1.5-2m
away from the joint) to capture the bending behaviour of the member Or 2/4
sensors each can be provided at three locations along length of diagonal to
capture the variations of stresses along the length of diagonal. It must be
remembered that providing sensors cost money and the individual
components like nodes/data acquisition system have limitation of number of
sensors. Specifying more number of sensors than required can often lead to
marginal benefits only while substantially increasing the cost and
complications of testing.


Bridge Instrumentation should cover items as per the objectives. For
Guidance items covered can be as follows:-
(a) Stresses at critical locations.
(b) Deflections at critical locations.
(c) Dynamic augment.
(d) Acceleration & Natural Frequency of Bridge/Components.
(e) Longitudinal loads coming on bearings/ and substructures and
proportion transferred to approaches.
(f) Tilting of abutments/ piers and stresses in the sub-structure.
(g) Fatigue analysis.
(h) Load Ratings/Load Factors.


7.1 LOAD/TEST TRAIN FORMATION:- The test/design train has to be selected

based on the objective of Instrumentation. If longitudinal load is a
consideration in testing (such as in study of bearings or substructure) it can
be Heaviest Axle Load Goods Train plying in the section hauled by

Double/Triple Headed Locos which generates maximum Tractive Effort &
Braking Force in the section. The Test Train will change if objective is to study
Dynamic Augment under Semi High Speed or High Speed Trains and
accordingly Locos & Coaches will be selected with required speed potential,
Tractive Effort & Braking Force capacity. For study of behaviour of girders,
test train comprising heaviest loads (loco/wagon) covering at least 90%
(preferably 125%) of span length shall suffice. As an example Test Train
selected during instrumentation of bridges for running higher Axle Load were
as per the following formation:

Multi/consist diesel loco+55 BOXN Wagons loaded to proposed loading +

Loco for pulling back of rake.


WDG3A/WDG4 + WDG3A/WDG4 + (55 BOXN Wagons loaded with iron ore

to CC+8+2T) + WDG3A/WDG4 + WDG3A/WDG4


Multi/consist electric loco + 55 BOXN Wagons loaded to CC+8+2T/CC+6+2T

with iron ore + Loco for pulling back of rake.

WAG7 + WAG7 + (55 BOXN Wagons loaded with iron ore to CC+8+2T) +

A. Wherever consist locos are running, the test shall be conducted with
consist locos.
B. The type of loco may vary depending upon the availability and the
criticality factor as the most critical loco i.e. loco with higher tractive effort
running in the section shall be selected as far as possible.
C. Depending upon present & future Loading Scenarios & Availability, Test
Train should be finalized by Design Engineer in consultation with Field

7.2 Loading Scheme & Data collection:-

Response parameters, such as deflections, strains, and displacements in
members, will be mapped by first keeping the design train at various locations
on the bridge, and then moving the entire design train at several different
speeds over the bridge as decided by the Design Engineer. Load cases
depends upon the objective of Instrumentation. However for guidance,
following Load Cases were considered during Instrumentation of Bridges for

Running Higher Axle Load. Between each load case, the instrument/dial
gauges should be seen for zero correction if any:
 Locomotive Static on Test Span
 Accelerating load train from static state at the approach of test span (at
maximum accelerating power) with design train (without any brake
 Accelerating load train from static state at the approach of the test
span (at maximum accelerating power). Efforts should be made to
generate the maximum tractive effort possible [Ideally it should match
the maximum theoretical tractive effort, which in turn corresponds to
the number of axles of the loco on the bridge]. For generating the
required tractive effort, suitable number of wagons can be brake-
binded, by applying hand brakes, in consultation with Sr. DME(C&W),
however care is to be taken that no skidding of wheels take place over
the rails i.e. no damage is inflicted on the rails as well as wheels.
Retarding force of approximately 2.2t per wagon can be obtained by
applying hand brakes on one BOXN/BOXNHS wagon.
 Wagon Static on Test Span
 Slow moving load train at 20 Kmph with design train.
 Fast moving load (at track design speed) with design train. The speed
of test train may be kept 10% higher than permissible speed.
 Braking load train (at maximum braking with full service brake applied
on entire formation) with design train, preferably on the multi-span
girders with entire bridge length covered with load.
 Braking load train with 20 Kmph speed using dynamic brakes with
design train.
 Besides above, 48 to 72 hrs. Recording for normal traffic was also
recorded during Instrumentation of Bridges for Running Higher Axle
The above is for Guidance. However Final Loading Scheme & Data
Collection Scheme will be decided by Design Engineer based on the
requirements, objectives & economics and decision should be Techno-


The frequency will depend upon type of Instrument Study & has to be decided
by Design Engineer. In majority of Instrumentation Studies generally two
rounds will be sufficient. First Round will give the General Picture & Second
Round can be planned six months or one year later for reconfirmation of
Results obtained in 1st Round. For special cases, the monitoring can be
specified in four rounds (Initial round plus three rounds) at six months interval
to monitor deterioration/damage, if any, over slightly longer term.

In each round of instrumentation, the test train can be run multiple times with
different speeds, with different behaviour like acceleration/braking etc. as per
objectives of instrumentation study

NOTE:- The above suggested frequencies are tentative and in case Design
Engineer feels appropriate, the same can be changed suitably.

Instrumentation and evaluation of bridges needs to be assigned to specialized
agencies. Some of the suggested agencies are:-
(a) Structural Engineering Research Centre (SERC), Chennai
(b) Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi
(c) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
(d) M/s. Sharma and Associates, Chicago, USA
(e) M/s. Lea Associates (LASA)
(f) M/s. Pixel Networks, Mumbai
(g) M/s. Cintec International Ltd. - India
(h) M/s. Ultra Technologies, Delhi
(i) M/s. BBR (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
(j) M/s. Span Consultants, Delhi
(k) M/s. L & T Ramboll, Denmark
(l) M/s. Infra Tech Systems & services Pvt. Ltd., Australia
(m) M/s. Bridge Diagnostics, USA
(n) M/s. Wilbur Smith Associates, USA
(o) M/s. TISEC, Canada
(p) M/s. Dunegan Engineering Company, USA
(q) M/s. TTCI, Pueblo, Colorado, USA
(r) M/s. Collins Engineer Inc. USA
Note: In case of foreign firms, their authorized agents in India may be


The selected bridge should be modeled using finite element technology. The
modeling may be done with any of the standard FE software like STAAD,
SAP, ANSYS, ME SCOPE, FEM Software RM-2004 FEM based LUSAS etc.
For Arch Bridges FEM based software NISA, ELFEN (FDE numerical
method) and Mechanism failure using RING 1.5 can be used. It is desirable
that the software used by agency is available with designer who is overseeing

the work so that the work done by agency can be verified. Suitable conditions
for either using software already available in design office or for
procurement/training of software for railways design office need to be
incorporated in the offer documents. The model shall be analyzed to show the
effect of:
i) dead load, super imposed dead load and live load (under Static &
different speeds).
ii) static loading conditions including standard Railway loadings like
BGML, MBG, 25 tonne loading, HML and Test Train Loading
iii) the dynamic property of structure like Eigen values, Eigen vector and
damping values.
The assumption in the modeling shall be clearly reflected in the scheme
submitted by agency or being adopted by Railway so as to make it self


The Finite Element Model so developed shall be validated and updated with
the help of experimental techniques like operation model analysis duly
comparing the frequencies, mode shape and damping values. The models
then be corrected with respect to experimental observations and re-analysis
of the capacity.

Validation of numerical model is required to be done. The model is required to

be validated for some boundary conditions. One of the important boundary
condition is linear movement at the sliding bearing end. Other parameters
such as deflection etc. can be used for numerical model to ensure with the
model represent to the field condition as close as possible. The details of
response parameters used for validation of numerical model should be
included in the instrumentation reports.

If for some reason, changes in Numerical Model are made in subsequent

rounds then changes & reasons for same should be included in the
subsequent Instrumentation Reports. Kindly note that Validated Numerical
Model is most important tool and only with its help, values for Higher
Axle Loads or Higher Speeds can be successfully predicted.


12.1 Bridge Condition Observations:-

During each round of instrumentation, the physical conditions of the bridge
superstructure members, substructure members, track condition, approach
condition, etc. as seen visually should be recorded. Grade and curvature
information on the bridge and approaches should also be recorded.
Annexure-E presents a sample format for recording and presenting the data.
12.2 Section Property Verification:-
During the initial tests, the member cross sections actually used on the bridge
should be verified with the member cross sections used for the analysis. Any
differences should be noted and confirmed by the local bridge engineering
office (BRI/AEN) verifying the dimensions used.

12.3 Train Weights:-

During each round of instrumentation, it is essential to know the train weights
including locomotive as accurately as possible. Ideally, for the speed runs,
weights should be known on an axle by axle basis, lacking which at least
individual locomotive/ car weights should be known.

12.4 Gauge Locations:-

The intent of the instrumentation effort is to measure the nominal stress at

appropriate locations away from areas of stress concentrations and local
stress variations. This is best done by placing gauges away from rivet
locations, connections, cross-section changes, etc. For axial force members,
it is best to place gauges at the CG of the section, wherever feasible. For
flexural members, gauges are best placed on the top or bottom flanges. For
members on trusses, it is recommended to use multiple gauges per member,
since they are frequently subjected to both axial force and some bending

12.5 Speed:-

The speed of Train is directly related with the Impact Factor, higher the
speed more will be the Impact. The Stress/Strain & Deflection, will be
effected by the speed. Hence speed of train at time of passing on Bridge
should invariably be recorded & referred in all the relevant data & analysis.


The values obtained during Instrumentation must invariably be compared
A. Theoretical Values as per Normal Design Procedure using Drawing,
Design Codes etc. & Test Train as Loading at given speed.
B. Predicted Values from Validated Numerical Model at given speed.
C. Permissible Values as per Codal Provisions. However attention should
be given to-
 L/R Ratio for Comp. Stress/Strain
 Net Effective Area for Tensile Stress/Strain.

 Fatigue Consideration for the Bridge/Member/Joint under

Note:- (1) If Test Train changes due to some reason in subsequent rounds,
then values of (A) & (B) will also change. (2) Value of Stress/Strain &
Defflection are also dependent on Impact Factor i.e. Speed of Test
Train & this aspect should be, taken care of while finding values of (A)
& (B).


Different Railways have carried out instrumentation of 85 number of Bridges
(310 Rounds) & around 274 Number of Report were sent to RDSO. On
scrutiny lot of shortcomings were noticed in the Reports for which RDSO has
written numerous letters to Railways. Some of important issues faced are
given below as same will help in guiding Field Engineers to improve the
Instrumentation work under progress or in pipeline:-
 Numerical Models are not paid desired attention by Railway Design
Engineers. Model adjustments done during validation of Model should be
elaborated & understood by Railways. Normally validation is done in 1 st
Round of Instrumentation. If Model requires further changes in subsequent
rounds, then what parameters were changed and for what reason should
be understood by Railway Design Engineers & should be part of the next
round Report. After such changes, the conclusions drawn in previous
rounds also need to be reviewed. Proper Validation & Updation of
Numerical Model is very important, as only with its help effect of Running
Higher Axle Load can be properly extrapolated.
 Theoretical Stresses are of two types, one calculated by Design Engineer
based on Drawings, Design Codes and the Test Train as Loading. Second
type of Theoretical Stress is one which is calculated from Numerical
Model. Many Railways have made correlation with Numerical Model
Values only. It may happen that Numerical Model is not validated, then its
derived Theoretical Values may not be correct But Practice is that both
types of Comparison should be done, first comparison to be made with
Theoretical Values calculated by Design Engineer. Second comparison
should be between Numerical Model Values & Values obtained from
Instrumentation Last Comparison i.e. Third Comparison should be
between Permissible Values as per Codal Provisions w.r.t. values
obtained from Instrumentation to have a view that how much margin is still
left. Many Reports are having only one type of comparison and with this
only partial purpose is served.
 Stresses found from Numerical Model for a particular Test Train Load is
taken as Theoretical Stress/Deflection etc. & its comparison with
Measured Stresses/Deflection is not properly given in the Instrumentation
Reports. Note that theoretical Stress given by Design Engineer is not
considered at all. Also proper reasons for differences if any are not

mentioned. Note that if Test Train composition changes, then Theoretical
Stress/Deflection will also change in subsequent rounds & proper attention
should be given to the aspect in subsequent reports.
 During comparison of Measured Stresses/Deflection with Permissible
Stresses/ Deflection, it is noted that many Railway are not deducting holes
areas for finding effective areas to calculate Tensile Stresses. Special
attention on this aspect is warranted. Similarly for compressive stresses,
slenderness ratio (l/r) is not accounted for. Moreover Fatigue Criteria used
to find Permissible Values is also found completely forgotten in some of
the Reports.
 Extraction of Natural Frequency from Acceleration Time History is not
clearly mentioned. Normally Residual Acceleration left after passage of
Train (Excitation Load) should be used to find Natural Frequency.
 Comparison of Measured Natural Frequency with Natural Frequency from
Validated Numerical Model (Theoretical) is not being done by many
Railways. If there are differences, same needs to be elaborated &
explained in the Report.
 “As per the suggestion in first round of Instrumentation Report, kindly
confirm whether the additional studies regarding the difference between
model behavior and actual behavior of bridge regarding natural frequency
has been completed or not. If yes, the details of same may also be
provided.” Queries like above brought in 1st Report needs to be answered
in subsequent report but same is found lacking in subsequent reports.
 Speed is important parameter which is directly related with impact loading.
In many Reports Speed is not mentioned for values recorded & in
comparison charts, comparison will be true only if Theoretical Values &
Values projected by Numerical Model taken are for the same speed
scenario. Sometimes zonal railways do not provide complete details of
operations to agencies which lead to such issues.
 Residual Life of Bridges needs to be calculated as per New Fatigue
Provisions given in IRS Steel Bridge Code. Many Railway are not paying
attention to this aspect. Zonal railways have to support agencies by
providing an elaborate breaking of loads passed over the bridge as much
correct as possible, only then accurate residual life prediction can be
 Simple Arithmatic in Tractive Effort applied and a part of it getting
dispersed through Railway Abutments or Adjacent Span & part going to
Bearing is not paid attention to. No. valid reasons are given in Reports for
glaring discrepancies noted in the Reports.
 % Dispersion and % Longitudinal Force gong in Bearing is found
Changing drastically in the subsequent round reports & even no attempt
for explaining such changes are made in the Reports.

 No conclusion is being drawn regarding Longitudinal Force
Measurements. If no conclusion can be drawn, even this aspect needs to
be clearly mentioned in the Report along with proper reasons.
 There are three methods which have been applied by the agency to cater
the Longitudinal Force dispersion. But no consistent trend has been
observed between the measured values. The instrumentation agency may
be asked to explain the extent of reliability and authenticity of these
methods and finally which of the three should be considered best.
 In the process of measurement of longitudinal force and its dispersion by
using bearing strain method, it Is observed that the load calculated in
bearing is exceeding with the value of measured tractive effort at draw
bar. However theoretically, it is felt that it should not exceed the measured
value at draw bar. It also needs to be justified.
 Comparison of Theoretical Stress/Strain/Deflection with Stresses/ Strains/
Deflection recorded during instrumentation requires a closer look. Many
time Theoretical Stress are taken from Numerical Model & Comparison is
in the Report. However Design Engineer should do Theoretical Calculation
independently to see whether Numerical Model Calculations are in line i.e.
within reasonable variation. If not then Numerical Model needs Review &
Modification A para on this needs to be included.
 In many reports, assumption made during making of Numerical Models
are not mentioned. Assumptions made like Joint stiffeners, Support
Conditions should be clearly mentioned in the Report. Subsequent
Adjustment in Parameters made in 2nd or 3rd Round for improvement also
needs to be explicitly mentioned in respective Reports & if No correction is
made, then it should also be mentioned.
 For mismatch of values between Numerical Model & Instrumented values
beyond reasonable limit, explicit reasons should be mentioned. Attention
also needs to be paid that whenever Numerical Model is changed,
theoretical values of Stress/Strain/Deflection etc. should also change &
fresh comparison charts, even for earlier rounds should be made part of
the Reports.
 Many times Theoretical Stresses are found very abnormal like 1/3 rd of
Permissible Stresses, this needs to be looked in detail & necessary
reasons for same should be furnished.
 Many times Permissible Stresses in Report are incorrect. For Tensile
Stresses, net effective area to be considered & allowable stress be as per
Fatigue Life/ Appendix-G of Steel Bridge Code. For Comp. Stress it should
be as per Slenderness Ratio of Compression Flange.
 Many time deflection in 3rd or 4th Round is found half of what was reported
in 1st & 2nd Round. Reasons for abnormal variations must always be

 Permissible Stresses given in Reports are maximum stresses mentioned
in code. Whereas Actual Permissible Stresses are always lower due to
L/R ratio in compression members, Net Area in Tensile Member and
Fatigue Considerations depending upon Joint Details. Permissible
Stresses must always be vetted by Design Engineer before making
comparison with Instrumented Values, to truly understand the margins left
viz-a-viz Permissible Values.
 Many Times Values recorded in Stringers of OWG are more than
Theoretical Stresses but Reasons for same are not furnished.
 Residual Life of Stringers & X-Girders is found less as compared to life of
Main Truss Members. This Truss is satisfactory, then best is to only
replace Stringer & X-Girders in planned manner to utilize remaining
Fatigue Life of the Bridge.
 Shear Stresses are found measured at distance 0.7 d from supports
midpoint but same not considered while calculating Theoretical Stress.
 In Arch Bridges, Horizontal Spread is on important Parameter, which is not
found instrumented in some of the Reports.
 Maximum % Deviation of Numerical Model Stresses is found upto 74.2%,
yet there were no comments/clarification in the Report.
 In Composite Girders Assumption & Boundary Conditions taken in
modelling the connection between RCC & Steel is not elaborated.
 In Composite Girders, Steel is taking full stresses during casting of Deck
Slab, but load of ballast & sleeper etc. is taken by composite action, same
found missing during calculation of D.L.Stresses in Report.
 In Composite Girders, effect of Temperature Gradient not taken, same
should be taken from IRC-24.
 EUDL Concept is used wrongly in some Reports. EUDL has no meaning
unless Loaded Length as per Influence Line Diagram is also correlated.
For OWG, Loaded Length of Stringer is totally different as compared to
Top & Bottom Chord. This aspects needs to be paid special attention.
 Tractive Effort Measured on Draw Bar are mentioned but Tractive Effort
coming from Loco is found Missing In many Locos, Person in Loco, based
on features can advise about TE being exerted by the Locomotive.
 Dynamic Amplication Factor is mentioned in many report but same not
correlated with speed. As speed affects impact, Correlated with sped is a
This section outlines the instruments that are proposed to be used for
monitoring the super-structure & sub-structure. The instrumentation is

divided into three sections: Sensors, Conditioning Amplifier Cum Data logging
System and Storage Cum Control Device.


SENSORS Electrical Linear Accelerometer Temperature

Strain Potentiometer

CONDITIONING Conditioning Amplifier Cum Data Logger


& CONTROL With compatible Data Acquisition Software

a) Strain Gauges
Uniaxial and Rosette (0-90˚ and 0-45˚-90˚) Electrical Resistance Strain
Gauges to be used.
Electrical resistance strain gauges are best suitable for measurement
in Dynamic conditions. However full care & attention to be paid to fix
the Electrical Strain Gauge in the True Longitudinal or Transverse or at
450 Angle Direction as per the requirement. Any slight change will give
strain in that direction.
Sensors based on the vibrating wire (V.W.) principle possess desirable
characteristics with respect to (a) ruggedness for onsite handling and
installation (b) long term stability (i.e. absence of drift) (c) degradation
of the output signals over long cables. However inspite of above
merits, dynamic response cannot be monitored precisely through
vibrating wire sensors. For monitoring thermal stresses vibrating wire
strain gauges to be preferred. The V.W. gauges use frequency, rather
than voltage, as the output signal. Consequently, signals can be
transmitted over long cable lengths without the appreciable
degradation. They posses excellent long term stability. Vibrating wire
surface mounted sensors are therefore the automatic choice for
monitoring of thermal stresses.

Special mounting and protection device in the form of steel tabs and
aluminium plate covers are provided to the electrical strain gauges and
these can be reused also, whereas ordinary electrical strain gauges
are glued to the surface & can be used for one location only. Re-
usable Electrical Strain Gauges are also called as Strain Intelliducers.
b) Linear Potentiometer/ LVDT’s (Linear Voltage Displacement
Conductive Plastic Linear Potentiometer to be used. Also LVDT based
on electrical resistance type sensor can be used.
c) Accelerometer
Piezoelectric accelerometers to be used preferably upto 10g capacity.
d) Pressure Cell / Load Cell
Earth Pressure Cell Flat Type having capacity of 10-12 MPa and
sensitivity 2mV/V, to be used.
Amplifier system with several conditioning modules viz. thirty two channels
of strain measurement, eight channels of deflection measurement, eight
channels of temperature measurement, eight channels of vibration
measurement to be used for the acquisition of data from sensors.
DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM to be interfaced to Laptop through USB/
Serial/ LAN port. All the data to be monitored and stored using the
dedicated software. The measurement system to be configured to trigger,
control and display the data.
Normally, it is observed that those sub structure which are in sound
condition do not show any significant tilt or strain during instrumentation.
Based on physically sound condition of the masonry/PCC/RCC
instrumentation of the substructure can be dispensed with. However if
some physical observations show signs of distress like opening of joints in
masonry, fine cracks in masonry/PCC/RCC or other signs of distress, then
invariably instrumentation should be carried out.
a) Long Electrical Strain Gauges
Electric resistance strain gauges with Long Gauge Length of 75 mm. to
be used.
b) Tiltmeter

Vibrating Wire Based Tiltmeter to be used. Readings be taken using
the read out unit at regular intervals of 1 hour throughout the data
acquisition cycle.


A. Deflection:-
Most of the bridges on IR are simply supported and have maximum
deflection at the centre of the span. Therefore Deflection transducers
should be placed at the centre of span on the main girders to measure
the vertical and out of plane deflections.
B. Acceleration:-
Piezoelectric accelerometers are being used to measure the acceleration
response to the applied dynamic load. It is necessary to capture the
significant mode shapes, and in order to do so, it is proposed to place the
accelerometers at mid-span and at quarter span on the main girders at
bottom. This would enable capture of all significant modes of interest.
C. Temperature:-
Thermocouples are used to calibrate the amount of thermal strains
existing in the members. Knowing these values it is possible to apply a
correction to the total strain measured to segregate them into elastic and
thermal strains. These will be randomly distributed at two points to map
the steel temperature & Temperature Gradient in RCC/PSC and one
point for mapping of ambient temperature.
D. Tilt:-
Vibrating Wire based Tiltmeter is being used for the measurement of tilt of
Pier and Abutment. It is proposed to install two of these on a pier
(masonary, MCC and RCC) and two on the abutment on the side wall of
the bed-block to measure the in plane and out of plane tilts. This data to
be used to monitor the effects of the long term loadings on the sub
E. Dynamic Augment:-
a) Two electric strain gauges (0-90 rosettes) to be placed on one of the
rails at its centroidal axis on both side faces, at the mid span,
between two sleepers to assess the load including the dynamic
augment coming on the bridge. The two sleepers to be selected by
sound Engineering judgment, where maximum dynamic augment is
expected like at the receiving end of a fish plated joint or a low welded
joint or by hearing impact sound of train wheels passing over the
proposed test span. The dynamic augment for the super structure shall
be computed by working out the ratio increase of response parameters
like stresses and strains, over their static counterparts, for the dynamic

b) Two nos. Flat Type Pressure Cell to be used for the measurement of
vertical load under the railway track under both rail seats of a critical
sleeper, sleeper to be selected by sound engineering judgment where
maximum dynamic augment is expected like at the receiving end of a
fish plated joint or a low welded joint or by hearing impact sound of
train wheels passing over the proposed test span. This will provide an
estimation of the load transferred on the substructure including the
dynamic impact.
F. Strains in sub-structure (to be provided in Vertical Directions):-
a) Individual Piers and Abutments:-

It is proposed to have 4 electric long gauge length strain gauges (3 on

the pier and 1 on the abutment) to measure the dynamic strains
coming on the sub-structure. These are proposed at the centroidal axis
of the pier on the side face, on the center of the two faces of the pier
and on the central face of the abutment. The gauges should be placed
vertically at the bottom most possible location so as to have maximum
lever arm from bearing level.
b) Combined Piers and abutments (in case of two or more lines):

It is proposed to have 6 electric long gauge length strain gauges (4 on
the pier and 2 on the abutment) to measure the dynamic strains
coming on the sub structure. These are proposed for the pier at the
following locations:
 One strain gauge at the centroidal axis of the pier on the side face.
 Two strain gauges on the front face of the pier, one on the
centroidal axis of the loaded span and one on the centroidal axis of
the adjacent span.
 One strain gauge on the back face of the pier at the centroidal axis
of the loaded span.
 For the abutment the two strain gauges are proposed on the
exposed face on the centroidal axis of both spans.
c) Diaphragm piers:-

It is proposed to have 6 electric long gauge length strain gauges (5 on

the pier and 1 on the abutment) to measure the dynamic strains

coming on the sub structure. These are proposed for the pier at the
following locations:
 Two strain gauge at the centroidal axis of the pier on the side face
as shown.
 One strain gauges on the front face of the pier as shown.
 One strain gauge on the back face of the pier on the bulb as
 One strain gauge on the front face of the pier on the center of the
diaphragm as shown.
For the abutment, one strain gauge is proposed on the centroidal axis
of the span on the exposed face.
G. Longitudinal Force at Bearing:-
One of the goals of the instrumentation has been to evaluate the extent of
applied longitudinal force being transferred to the bearings/substructure.
The fraction of applied longitudinal load transferred to the substructure is
usually thought of in linear and deterministic terms, i.e., it is believed that
the extent of transfer can be represented by a consistent percentage. But
actuality, the longitudinal load transfer is a stochastic, non-linear process
with a high level of randomness. Some factors that influence the extent of
transfer include:
a) The behavior of the rail/clips/pads/sleepers combination is highly
unpredictable, due to multiple connection levels and reliance on friction
for load transfer.
b) Track quality at the approaches plays a vital role in the peak loads that
can be accommodated by the rail.
c) The magnitude and distribution of vertical loads on the superstructure
influences the longitudinal load transfer also.
d) Application of longitudinal load varies from loco pilot to loco pilot and
sometimes from run to run and is not very controlled (in magnitude or
f) The type of bearing.
g) The capacity of rail to transfer the forces.
Given the stochastic nature of the process, one should not expect that the
load transfer will be represented as a consistent percentage. Nonetheless,
multiple runs can be used to arrive at the worst case condition, i.e.,
maximum load transfer to the substructure. Review of these worst case
conditions may then be used to confirm or revise codal provisions.
Efforts should be made to generate the maximum tractive effort possible
[Ideally it should match the maximum theoretical tractive effort, which in
turn corresponds to the number of axles of the loco on the bridge]. For

generating the required tractive effort, suitable number of wagons can be
brake-binded, by applying hand brakes, in consultation with
Sr. DME(C&W), however care is to be taken that no skidding of wheels
take place over the rails i.e. no damage is inflicted on the rails as well as
wheels. Retarding force of approximately 2.2t per wagon can be obtained
by applying hand brakes on one BOXN/BOXNHS wagon.
It is also critical to keep the longitudinal load test, the measurements, and
the subsequent data analysis, as simple and as consistent as possible.
Complex test sequences or data analysis methodologies result in
inconsistencies and thus low confidence in the results.
Multiple methodologies have been proposed and attempted for
longitudinal load transfer evaluation:
1. The longitudinal force is proposed to be calculated from the strain data
of the bearings. The process of doing this is as follows:
a. Creating a numerical model of the rocker bearing. The strains
developed in the ribs are computed from the numerical model and
compared with the corresponding site data.
b. The dynamic site data is split into an equivalent vertical load static
data and an equivalent longitudinal force data.
c. The strains coming for a horizontal load on the numerical model are
computed and thereby along with step (b) gives an estimate of the
longitudinal force.
2. The longitudinal force is also estimated from the forces coming in the
first portal on the rocker side of the bridge. The vectorial resolution of
the forces in the first portal in the horizontal direction also gives an
estimate of the longitudinal force. In the plate girder, Axial forces
should be measured by providing strain gauge near to bearing. one
strain gauge is placed on the bottom flange near the bearing and the
other placed at mid-height of the web diagonally at a 450 angle from
the center of the bearing.
3. Difference Method:
3.1 In this method, tractive effort applied and the longitudinal load
transferred to approaches is measured and the difference of two is
considered to be transferred to the bearing and the substructure.
3.2 In majority of the cases, due to available gradients and curvature at
bridge site, it may not be possible to generate maximum tractive effort.
However, efforts should be made to generate the maximum tractive
effort possible [Ideally it should match the maximum theoretical tractive
effort, which in turn corresponds to the number of axles of the loco on
the bridge]. For generating the required tractive effort, suitable number
of wagons can be brake-binded, by applying hand brakes, in
consultation with Sr. DME(C&W), however care is to be taken that no

skidding of wheels take place over the rails i.e. no damage is inflicted
on the rails as well as wheels. Retarding force of approximately 2.2t
per wagon can be obtained by applying hand brakes on one
3.3 The tractive effort applied is best found from the driver display panel
directly or can be inferred through the current in Amperage drawn by
the traction Motors as follows:-
Electric Loco’s:
(i) In 3 phase AC locomotives i.e. WAP5, WAP7 & WAG9, tractive
effort exerted by loco is directly displayed on driver display panel.
The TE v/s Speed characteristic curve is enclosed as Appendix ‘A’
(i) to ‘A’ (iii).
(ii) In AC tap changer Locomotives i.e. WAP4, WAG5 & WAG7, the
tractive effort exerted by Loco can be inferred from current drawn
by Traction Motors. The TE v/s Speed and TM current v/s Loco
tractive effort characteristic curves can be referred given as
appendix ‘B’ (i) to ‘B’ (iv). In these graphs, four to five lines are
shown, depicting 95% field, 77% field, 61%field, 50% field and 40%
weak field etc. which in turn corresponds to position of Shunting
notch as 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. Shunting notch is selected manually by
the loco pilot. According to the position of shunting notch, suitable
graph line w.r.t. % field (F) is selected and T.E. can be found
corresponding to current in Amps.
Diesel Loco’s:
(iii) On EMD locomotives i.e. WDP4 & WDG4, a tractive effort meter
has been fitted on the control panel in driver’s cab and display
shows the tractive effort continuously (Annexure C(i) to C(iv).
(iv) On ALCO locomotives i.e. WDM2, WDM3D etc., a load meter has
been fitted in the driver’s cab on control panel which indicates
current in Ampere and corresponding tractive effort can be
observed from the tractive effort curve given in Appendix-C (v) to C
(v) For WDG3A, WDM3D, WDM2 and WDM3A, tractive effort can be
found from in motor current in amps using the Annexure-C(viii). For
WDG2 locomotive required graphs are placed as Annexure C(ix) &
3.4 In addition to above methods, the Tractive Effort can also be found
through Instrumentation. Coupler of the locomotive that connects to the
first loaded wagon should be instrumented with 4 strain gauges to
record and evaluate the amount of longitudinal forces transmitted
through this coupler connection.

However, with the experience of instrumentation by IISc Banglore in
SW Railway, it is found that the effect of impacting at the coupler level
between the different wagons and locomotives is expected to create
dynamic transients, which the strain gauge would capture, while this
might not register on the panel of the locomotive.
3.5 Theoretical maximum longitudinal force (Maximum of tractive effort and
braking force) coming on a particular span of a bridge depends upon
the maximum number of axles of Loco/BOXN coming on the span. For
this one may refer to the annexures of “guidelines for running of
CC+6+2t and CC+8+2t axle load operation issued vide letter No.
CBS/Golden/Q/Strength dated 20-03-2007. Some important annexures
are as follows:-
i) Longitudinal force chart of CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load
BOXN wagon with coupled WAG9 locomotives (Electric loco with
max. TE 46.9t/loco) are enclosed as Annexure-2A and Annexure-
2B respectively.
ii) Longitudinal force chart of CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load
BOXN wagon with coupled WAG9 locomotives, restricting the
tractive effort of locomotive to 30t per loco are enclosed as
Annexure-3A and Annexure-3B respectively.
iii) Longitudinal force chart of CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load
BOXN wagon with coupled WDG4 locomotives (Diesel loco with
max. TE 53.0t/loco) are enclosed as Annexure-4A and Annexure-
4B respectively.
iv) Longitudinal force chart of CC+6+2 T and CC+8+2 T axle load
BOXN wagon with coupled WDG4 restricting the tractive effort of
locomotive to 30t per loco are enclosed as Annexure-5A and
Annexure-5B respectively.
3.6 Following steps to be taken for the difference method:-
a. Tractive effort input into the span is evaluated.
b. Rail forces taken off the span are evaluated. It is proposed to apply
four longitudinal strain gauges on one of the rails. These are
distributed as two at the centroidal axis on both side faces at the
approach between sleepers, and two at the centroidal axis on both
side faces at the other end between two spans. These would give
an estimate of the amount of longitudinal force dissipated at both
c. Net force transferred down to the bearings is considered to be the
difference between the tractive effort input and the rail force taken
off the span
4. Also calculation of theoretical tractive effort as per technical circular
number 27 of RDSO (enclosed as Annexure-D) should be done. For

Technical Circular one may visit the website www.rdso.gov.in and refer
to technical circular in Electric Loco Directorate or Motive Power
Directorate. For hauling capacity of BOXN/BOX Stock, Chart given at
Annexure D-1 can also be referred which gives the hauling capacity at
different grades and different speed.
Of the above methods, it is observed that the ‘Difference Method’ offers the
most consistent and reliable results. Both bearings and L 0L1/L0U1 member
respond to vertical as well as longitudinal forces; in fact, vertical load
response is usually much higher than longitudinal load response. Therefore,
the reliability of both the ‘bearing strain method’ and the ‘L 0L1/L0U1 method’
depend on accurate estimation of the vertical load effect, which is a complex
process having subjective interpretation of test data. In addition, the response
of bearings to longitudinal loads is small and difficult to quantify numerically.
This is particularly true for plate type bearings usually found on plate girder
Efforts should be made to apply full theoretical longitudinal forces calculated
from rated tractive effort of test loco and interpretation of test results should
be for the “worst case” condition i.e. maximum longitudinal force applied and
minimum longitudinal force dispersed at the approaches and balance to be
assumed as being transferred to the bearings.
While it is impractical to use substructure measurements to quantify the
extent of longitudinal load transfer, they may be used to ascertain whether the
substructure experiences any adverse effects from the longitudinal load
 Usually, deflection, tilt (about the longitudinal axis), substructure strain are
measured using the appropriate instruments. Generally, the movements
observed on substructure elements have been very small, whether they
are strains, deflections, or tilts. Normally, it is observed that those sub
structure which are in sound condition during instrumentation do not show
any significant tilt or strain. Based on physically sound condition of the
masonry/PCC/RCC instrumentation of the substructure can be dispensed
with. However if some physical observations show distress like opening of
joints in masonry, fine cracks in masonry/PCC/RCC or other signs of
distress, then invariably instrumentation should be carried out. The
intention of substructure measurements in such cases is to confirm that
values of tilt, deflection & substructure strains and that there is no unusual
behavior or situations demanding immediate/planned repairs/
 Preferably, the pier or the abutment that supports the fixed bearing end of
the instrumented superstructure should be instrumented.

Vertical Displacement of Piers/Abutments:
 Dynamic soil support issues, such as pumping, can be identified by
measuring the vertical substructure displacement dynamically. Vertical
pier displacement should be measured using one displacement transducer
and the appropriate bracketry. The railway bridges are founded on sound
strata and the bridges are old where consolidation has already taken
place, there is no likely hood of recording noticeable settlement. The initial
test conducted on various railways also confirm this trend. Hence no
useful information can be gathered by measurement of settlements. So
measurement of vertical displacement is not mandatory. However CBE’s
can take a decision depending upon type of soil.
Strain of Piers/Abutments:
 Structural strain of piers is a measure of the elastic compression/tension in
the piers due to applied vertical/longitudinal loads and is thus an important
indicator of substructure performance. This is measured using two
electrical resistance strain gauge based sensors, attached using special
concrete/masonry anchors, one on either side of the pier under
consideration. The two ends of each sensor should span at least one
mortar line.
 Dynamic pier tilt is another important indicator of substructure support
conditions. Soft support conditions will lead to high pier tilt, especially
under high longitudinal force conditions. Dynamic pier tilt should be
measured using an electronic tilt sensor capable of continuous recording.
These sensors measure only the short term dynamic tilt (also called
elastic tilt), and not any long term tilt. Long term tilt issues may take
years/decades to manifest themselves and truly are outside the term or
scope of this effort.
The residual fatigue life is computed as follows:
i. The assessment of residual fatigue life may be done as per General
Guidelines BS-91 issued by RDSO for this purpose.
ii) These ‘guidelines’ are based on generic bridge types and operating
conditions and may be considered to be “generally acceptable”. However,
it must be noted that each bridge is a bit different, with possibly unique
details or operating conditions, and may thus require appropriate revisions
from the ‘guidelines’ presented therein.


Some important points to be kept under consideration during Data

Interpretation, Analysis & Presentation of Results are:-

 Zero Error if any in Recorded Data should be carefully removed.
 Sign Convention adopted should be Generic, +ve for Tensile
Forces/Strains and –ve for Comp Forces/Strains.
 Deflection in downward direction must be shown +ve.
 In OWG, Camber Value under Dead & Imposed Load and Camber Value
under Live Load (Speed to be mentioned) must be clearly mentioned and
difference of two can be stated as deflection under Live Load and should
be less than L/600.
 Whether Stress, Strain & Deflection Value measured during subsequent
Runs in a Single Round or between Successive Rounds are showing
consistency or not should be clearly understood & mentioned in Report. If
not Reasons should be found out & mentioned in the Report.
 Whether Stress, Strain & Deflection Values are increasing with increase in
speed should be properly studied? If not Reasons for same should be
found out & mentioned in the Report.
 Holes from X-section Area is to be deducted and only Net Area is to be
taken to find Tensile Stresses, similarly L/R ratio has to be considered
while finding Permissible Com. Stresses. Fatigue Aspects are also to be
considered during finding Permissible Stresses.
 In Acceleration v/s Time Record, only Residual Acceleration which is left
after passage of Train should be used for finding Natural Frequency.
Check for consistency of results during various Runs in a Round and also
between various Rounds. If there is any major change in Natural
Frequency, it should be properly commented.
 Residual Life of Bridges needs to be calculated as per New Fatigue
Provisions given in IRS Steel Bridge Code.
 In dispersion of Longitudinal Forces, check for consistency of Results in a
Particular Method. If results not found consistent then check for likely
reasons & mention clearly in Report. Annexure H should be used for
presentation of Results.
 Between Different Method for finding Dispersion of Longitudinal Forces,
check for consistency of Results between different Methods. If not found
consistent, then mention with Reasons that by which Method Results are
more Reliable or if no conclusion can be drawn then same should also be
mentioned in clear terms.
 Stress/Strain & Deflection should be compared in three ways as
mentioned as A, B & C in Item 13. Proforma given in Annexure G & H
should be used so that Results of different Railways are presented in
similar fashion and can be easily compared.

 The Stresses & Tilts measured in Piers & Abutments should be analyzed
& compared & for major deviation, proper comments should be
 Validation of Numerical Model must be covered in detail. The changes
made in model along with reasons & difference between Instrumented
values & values predicted from Numerical Model must be properly


The Recommendation should be in line with the Objectives for which

instrumentation has been carried out. Any side finding during Instrumentation
should also form past of the Recommendations. Some Important Aspects
which requires attention are:-
(i) In Comparative Study, Results from Doubtful Girder or Span w.r.f. Results
from Good Span should be subjectively mentioned, whether to continue
with the span, whether Speed Restriction is Required & Major Repairs to
be done etc.
(ii) In Design Validation, based on Results & Logic, subjectively it should be
mentioned that Design is Validated or Design is Unsafe or Design is Over
(iii) In case of running Higher Axle Load, Report should clearly give
recommendation along with reasons that whether Higher Axle Load can
be run or not and if yes, at what speed.
(iv) In case of running Higher Speed, Report should clearly give
recommendation along with reasons that whether Higher Speed can be
permitted safely or not dully considering Phenomenon of Resonance.
(v) In case of efficacy of repairs, report should clearly state with reasons that
whether repairs have give desired result by lowering Stress/Strain/
Deflection/Changing Natural Frequency and if not what could be the
possible reasons for same.
(vi) In case, no recommendation can be made, then it should also be stated
clearly along with reasons for not making recommendations.



For measurement of strains - It is proposed to have strain gauges in the

following members. A typical sketch is enclosed:
A: 0-45-90 rosette on both sides of the end panel at the neutral axis on both
girders. The strain gauges should be placed at a distance of 0.7d from the
Rationale: This is to find out the principal stresses which would exist in the
plate as being the critical ones and to give an estimation of the shear
B: At the top and bottom chord at mid span for both the girders. Also at the top
chord on both ends of one girder, at a distance of 0.7d from the ends each
member being further mapped as having a strain gauge on the top of the top
Rationale: The strains of top and bottom chord in the center of girder will give
maximum compressive and tensile bending stresses. The strain gauge at end
panel is to ascertain that the guides are free and expected sliding is taking
place. This gives an estimate of the degree of fixity at the support. (If
satisfactory movement at bearing is observed, end plate strain gauges may
be dispensed with).
C: On the lateral cross girders at top and bottom
Rationale: These members are being constantly loaded and unloaded, and
hence have a cyclic stress pattern, which, although lower than the main
members, is repeated far more often, and so we map them as well. (If the
condition of lateral cross girders is sound as per physical observation, then its
instrumentation may be dispensed with).
D: On the lateral cross bracings at centre span
Rationale: This is required to find the extent of out of plane bending. (If the
condition of lateral cross bracings is sound as per physical observation, then
its instrumentation may be dispensed with).
E: In case of Centralized Bearing, 0-45-90 rosette on all four bearings of the test
span. However, in case of Rocker-Roller, one bearing (Rocker) will be very
comprehensively mapped with 4 to 6 electrical strain gauges on the stiffening
spars. Electrical Strain gauge will be placed on the ridge of the two central
stiffeners and two of the four end stiffeners.
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution taking
place in the bearing itself.
F: It is proposed to apply four strain gauges on four faces of the drawbar. The
data from these shall be recorded on the load cases of Full Motive Power and

Brake Binding. The application of these strain gauges has to be done before
the beginning of the design train run, and the locomotives to be used should
be made available for strain gauging at least a day prior to the design train
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution taking
place in the drawbar, and through this the estimate of the longitudinal force
applied by the locomotives. ((If longitudinal force can be directly/indirectly
measured at loco level, then above instrumentation can be dispensed with.)
A typical instrumentation schematic for Plate Girder bridges is presented as

A sample instrumentation scheme for girder bridges is presented below:


Uniaxial and Rosette Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges should be used for
measurement of strains on super-structure.
It is proposed to have strain gauges to measure the strains in the following
critical members:
A: On the rocker end raker above the top flange and below the bottom flange
on one truss (L0-U1) and at the centroidal axis on the other truss (L0’-U1’).
On the roller end raker, at the centroidal axis on both trusses (U 5-L6) and
Rationale: This placement would give us the axial strain and the amount
of moment on these sections, also along with the strains mapped in the
first portal, would give an estimation of the tractive effort.
B: On the intermediate diagonal, at the rocker end, above the top flange and
below the bottom flange on one truss (U1-L2), and on the centroidal axis
on the other truss (U1’-L2’).
Rationale: This placement would give us the axial strain and the amount
of moment on these sections.
C: On the bottom chord at mid-span at both top and bottom of one truss (L 2-
L3) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (L2’-L3’).
Rationale: This gives not only the axial strain and the amount of moment,
but also furnishes the amount of out of plane moment which the trusses
are undergoing. The difference in the strain values of the top and bottom
strain gauges give the amount of bending present in the section.
D: On the top chord of the mid span member, at both top and bottom flange
of one truss (U2-U3) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (U2’-U3’).
Rationale: This gives not only the axial strain and the amount of moment,
but also furnishes the amount of out of plane moment which the trusses
are undergoing. The difference in the strain values of the top and bottom
strain gauges give the amount of bending present in the section.
E: Two strain gauges will be placed on the centroidal axis of the vertical post,
one on either truss (U1-L1, U1’-L1’) on the rocker side.
Rationale: This is to validate the stresses in the vertical posts.
F: On the lateral cross girders and rail bearer at two places, top and bottom
flange at mid span.
Rationale: These members are being constantly loaded and unloaded,
and hence have a cyclic stress pattern, which may be lower than the main

members, is repeated far more often, and so we map them as well, as
very often they may be the critical members.
G: On the rocker side, first bottom chord, on top and bottom of one truss (L 0-
L1) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (L0’-L1’).
Rationale: These strains along with the strains of the first portal give an
estimate of the tractive effort.
H: Both bearings (Rocker) will be very comprehensively mapped with 4 to 6
electrical strain gauges on the stiffening spars. Electrical Strain gauge will
be placed on the ridge of the two central stiffeners and two of the four end
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the bearing itself. It would also serve to compute the
tractive effort coming on the bearing.
I: It is proposed to apply four strain gauges on four faces on the drawbar.
The data from these shall be recorded on the load cases of Full Motive
Power and Brake Binding. The application of these strain gauges has to
be done before the beginning of the design train run, and the locomotives
to be used should be made available for strain gauging at least a day prior
to the design train run.
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the drawbar, and through this the estimate of the
longitudinal force applied by the locomotives. (If longitudinal force can be
directly or indirectly measured at loco level, then above instrumentation
can be dispensed with)
A typical instrumentation schematic for open web girder bridges is presented
as below:

Uniaxial and Rosette Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges should be used for
measurement of strains on super-structure.
It is proposed to have strain gauges to measure the strains in the following
A: On the rocker side end raker below the top flange and above the bottom
flange on one truss (L1-U0) and on centroidal axis on the other truss (L1’-
U0’). On the roller side end raker, at the centroidal axis on both trusses
(L9-U10, L9’-U10’).
Rationale: This placement would give us the axial strain and the amount
of moment on these sections. Also along with the strains mapped in the
first portal, would give an estimation of the tractive effort.
B: On the intermediate diagonal, at the rocker end, above the top flange and
below the bottom flange on one truss (L1-U2)), and on the centroidal axis
on the other truss (L1’-U2’).
Rationale: This placement would give us the axial strain and the amount
of moment on these sections.
C: On the bottom chord at mid-span at both top and bottom of one truss (L 4-
L5) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (L4’-L5’).
Rationale: This gives not only the axial strain and the amount of moment,
but also furnishes the amount of out of plane moment which the trusses
are undergoing. The difference in the strain values of the top and bottom
strain gauges give the amount of bending present in the section.
D: On the top chord of the mid span member, at both top and bottom flange
of one truss (U4-U5) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (U4’-U5’).
Rationale: This gives not only the axial strain and the amount of moment,
but also furnishes the amount of out of plane moment which the trusses
are undergoing. The difference in the strain values of the top and bottom
strain gauges give the amount of bending present in the section.
E: Two strain gauges will be placed on the vertical, one on either flange (U 1-
L1, U1’-L1’) on the rocker side.
Rationale: This is to validate the stresses in vertical posts.
F: On the lateral cross girders and rail bearer at two places, top and bottom
flange at mid span.
Rationale: These members are being constantly loaded and unloaded,
and hence have a cyclic stress pattern, which, although lower than the
main members, is repeated far more often, and so we map them as well,
as very often they may be the critical members.
G: On the rocker side, first top chord, on top and bottom of one truss (U 0-U1,
U0’-U1’) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss.

Rationale: These strains along with the strains of the first portal give an
estimate of the tractive effort.
H: Both bearings (Rocker) will be very comprehensively mapped with 4 to 6
electrical strain gauges on the stiffening spars. Electrical Strain gauge will
be placed on the ridge of the two central stiffeners and two of the four end
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the bearing itself. It would also serve to compute the
tractive effort coming on the bearing.
I: It is proposed to apply four strain gauges four faces on the drawbar. The
data from these shall be recorded on the load cases of Full Motive Power
and Brake Binding. The application of these strain gauges has to be done
before the beginning of the design train run, and the locomotives to be
used should be made available for strain gauging at least a day prior to
the design train run.
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the drawbar, and through this the estimate of the
longitudinal force applied by the locomotives. (If longitudinal force can be
directly/indirectly measured at loco level, then above instrumentation can
be dispensed with)
A typical instrumentation schematic for open web girder bridges is presented
as below:

Uniaxial and Rosette Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges should be used for
measurement of strains on super-structure.
It is proposed to have strain gauges to measure the strains in the following
critical members:
A: On the rocker end raker above the top flange and below the bottom flange
on one truss (L0-U1) and at the centroidal axis on the other truss (L 0’-U1’).
On the roller end raker, at the centroidal axis on both trusses (U 7-L8) and
Rationale: This placement would give us the axial strain and the amount
of moment on these sections. Also along with the strains mapped in the
first portal, would give an estimation of the tractive effort.
B: On the intermediate diagonal, at the rocker end, above the top flange and
below the bottom flange on one truss (U1-L2), and on the centroidal axis
on the other truss (U1’-L2’).
Rationale: This placement would give us the axial strain and the amount
of moment on these sections.
C: On the bottom chord at mid-span at both top and bottom of two truss (L3-
L4) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (L3’-L4’) & on the centroidal
axis of the other member at mid span(L4-L5 & L4’-L5’).
Rationale: This gives not only the axial strain and the amount of moment,
but also furnishes the amount of out of plane moment which the trusses
are undergoing. The difference in the strain values of the top and bottom
strain gauges give the amount of bending present in the section.
D: On the top chord of the mid span member, at both top and bottom flange
of one truss (U3-U4) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (U3’-U4’).
Rationale: This gives not only the axial strain and the amount of moment,
but also furnishes the amount of out of plane moment which the trusses
are undergoing. The difference in the strain values of the top and bottom
strain gauges give the amount of bending present in the section.
E: On the top chord of the end span member rocker side, at centroidal axis of
both trusses (U1-U2 & U1’-U2’).
Rationale: This would give an estimate of the axial strain in these
F: Two strain gauges will be placed on the centroidal axis of the vertical post,
one on either truss (U1-L1, U1’-L1’) on the rocker side.
Rationale: This is to validate the stresses in vertical posts.
G: On the lateral cross girders and rail bearer at two places, top and bottom
flange at mid span.

Rationale: These members are being constantly loaded and unloaded,
and hence have a cyclic stress pattern, which, although lower than the
main members, is repeated far more often, and so we map them as well,
as very often they may be the critical members.
H: On the rocker side, first bottom chord, on top and bottom of one truss (L 0-
L1) and on the centroidal axis of the other truss (L0’-L1’).
Rationale: These strains along with the strains of the first portal give an
estimate of the tractive effort.
I: Both bearings (Rocker) will be very comprehensively mapped with 4 to 6
electrical strain gauges on the stiffening spars. Electrical Strain gauge will
be placed on the ridge of the two central stiffeners and two of the four end
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the bearing itself. It would also serve to compute the
tractive effort coming on the bearing.
J: It is proposed to apply four strain gauges on the four faces of the draw-
bar. The data from these shall be recorded on the load cases of Full
Motive Power and Brake Binding. The application of these strain gauges
has to be done before the beginning of the design train run, and the
locomotives to be used should be made available for strain gauging at
least a day prior to the design train run.
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the drawbar, and through this the estimate of the
longitudinal force applied by the locomotives. (If longitudinal force can be
directly/indirectly measured at loco level, then above instrumentation can
be dispensed with).
A Typical instrumentation schematic for open web girder bridges is presented
on next page. Some more sample sketches of strain gauge arrangement in
specific cases are given in next slides:

(Not to scale)

Gauges on Rail
(Two gauges on each rail at each location)

Strain Gauge
(for shear strain on one girder)
Accelerometer Strain Gauge Accelerometer
Strain Gauge (on one girder) Diagonal Strain Gauge (one girder) (on one girder)
(one girder) (for longitudinal force study)
Location C Location B Location A

100' Span
Deflection Sensor
(on one girder)

Strain Gauge
Strain Gauge Tiltmeter
(one girder) Strain Gauge Deflection Sensor
(for shear strain
on one girder) One Strain Gauge (one gauge per girder) (on one girder)
Tiltmeter (on one girder)

Bearing Strains
(2 channels per bearing)

Bottom Flange Strain Gauge
(for longitudinal force study)

Deflection Sensor

Masonry Sensors


Instrumentation for Quarter 3 Monitoring - Bridge No. 105 - SEC Railway 12.2m Plate Girder
Gauges on Rail
(Two gauges on each rail at each location)

Strain Gauge (1)

(1st cut-off location Strain Gauge (1)
for both girders) (midspan for both girders)
Strain Gauge (1) - Diagonal
(for longitudinal force studies)

Strain Gauge (1) - Vertical

(for longitudinal force studies)
(both girders) Strain Gauge (1) - Bottom Flange
(for longitudinal force studies)
Horizontal Deflection
Sensor (1 girder)
Strain Gauge (1) - Shear Strain Gauges (2)
(@ d from support (midspan for both girders)
for both girders)

Vertical Deflection Sensor Tiltmeter
(1 girder) Gauges on bearings (4)

Vertical Deflection

Masonry Sensor


Schematic of Instrumentation for Bridge No. 1217/1 - Second Quarter (18.3m Plate Girder)Testing - NCR

(Not to scale)
Gauge on L0U1


Schematic of Instrumentation for Bridge No. 1258/1 - NCR - Second Quarter 30.5m OWG

(Not to scale)
Strain Gauges on EAST
Cross Girder

L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L3 L2 L1 L0
Strain Gauges on bearing
Truss 2
Strain Gauges on
Rail Girder

Truss 1
Strain Gauges on bearing
L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L3 L2 L1 L0

U0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U3 U2 U0

Strain Gauges on
Gauges on Rail M0L0(Truss 1)
M3 M2 M1 M0

Gauges on Rail
Strain Gauges
L1 L2 L3 L3 L2 L1 L0 on Bearings

Vertical Deflection Sensor Strain Gauges on

M0L1 (Truss 1) Tiltmeter
Strain Gauges on
Strain Gauges on
Strain Gauges on
M2L2(Truss 1)
Pier Sensor

Pier Deflection Sensor

(Not to scale)

Schematic of Instrumentation for Bridge No. 248A - First Quarter - 45.7m Span - SC Railway


It is proposed to have strain gauges to measure the strains in the following
A: 0- 45-90 rosette on both sides of the end panel at the neutral axis on both
girders. The strain gauges should be placed at a distance of 0.7d from the
Rationale: This is to find out the principal stresses which would exist in
the plate as being the critical ones and to give an estimation of the shear
B: At the top and bottom chord at mid span for both the girders. Also at the
top chord on both ends of one girder, at a distance of 0.7d from the ends,
each member being further mapped as having a strain gauge on the top of
the top flange.
Rationale: The strains of top and bottom chord in the center of girder will
give maximum compressive and tensile bending stresses. The strain
gauge at end plate is to ascertain that the guides are free and expected
sliding is taking place. (If satisfactory movement at bearings is observed,
end plate strain gauges may be dispensed with)
C: Two long gauge length electric strain gauge on the concrete deck at the
bottom of mid span: one in the direction of the track and the other
perpendicular to the track direction.
Rationale: These give an estimate of the bending strain coming in the
concrete due to bending in two perpendicular axes.
D: On the lateral cross bracings at centre span.
Rationale: This is required to find the extent of out of plane bending. (If
the condition of lateral cross bracing is sound under physical observation,
then its instrumentation may be dispensed with)
E: Incase of Centralized Bearing, 0-45-90 rosette on all four bearings of the
test span. However, in case of Rocker-Roller, one bearing (Rocker) will be
very comprehensively mapped with 4 to 6 electrical strain gauges on the
stiffening spars. Electrical Strain gauge will be placed on the ridge of the
two central stiffeners and two of the four end stiffeners.
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the bearing itself.
F: It is proposed to apply four strain gauges on four faces of the drawbar.
The data from these shall be recorded on the load cases of Full Motive
Power and Brake Binding. The application of these strain gauges has to
be done before the beginning of the design train run, and the locomotives

to be used should be made available for strain gauging at least a day prior
to the design train run.
Rationale: This will provide details of the nature of stress distribution
taking place in the drawbar, and through this the estimate of the
longitudinal force applied by the locomotives. (If longitudinal force can be
directly/indirectly measured at loco level, then above instrumentation can
be dispensed with).
A Typical instrumentation schematic for composite plate girder bridges is
presented on next page. One more sample sketch of strain gauge
arrangement in specific case of Bridge No. 184 of SWR is given in next slide:

(Not to scale)


Strain Gauges
 Long Gauge Length Electric Strain Gauge to be used.
 Uniaxial and Rosette (0-90) Electrical Resistance Strain Gauges to be used.
Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge
 Vibrating Wire Strain Gauges to be used.
Linear Potentiometer
 Conductive Plastic Linear Potentiometer to be used.
 Piezoelectric accelerometers to be used.
Amplifier system with several conditioning modules viz. thirty two channels of
strain measurement, eight channels of deflection measurement, eight
channels of temperature measurement, eight channels of vibration
measurement to be used for the acquisition of data from sensors.
DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM to be interfaced to Laptop through USB/
Serial/ LAN port. All the data to be monitored and stored using the dedicated
software. The measurement system to be configured to trigger, control and
display the data.
After carrying out a preliminary structural analysis, the members of the structure
which are under relatively higher levels of stress are to be identified. It is
proposed that these members will be instrumented to measure the exact strains
under design load situations. In addition to strains, a variety of structural
response parameters are needed to completely analyze the structure and predict
its actions under different excitation sequences. The instrumentation done would
capture the physical data necessary for correlation with the detailed structural
analysis and numerical data generated for each bridge.

All arches have maximum deflection at the crown. Therefore Deflection
transducers should be placed at the following locations.
 At the crown to measure the vertical deflections.
o It is proposed that three sensors be placed to measure the vertical
deflection on the U/S, D/S and center crown of the bridge.
 At the springing point to measure the horizontal spread.
o It is also proposed to have six deflection transducers to measure the
horizontal spread at the springing point. For these, it is proposed that
one sensor each should be placed on both, the abutment and pier
side, along the center line of the barrel. Two more sensors shall be
placed at similar locations, on the U/S and D/S side of the arch at the
pier and abutment.
Piezoelectric accelerometers to be used to measure the acceleration response to
the applied dynamic load. It is necessary to capture the significant mode shapes,
and in order to do so, it is proposed to place the accelerometers at the crown.
This would enable capture of all significant modes of interest. It is proposed to
place two accelerometers at the U/S side to measure the vertical and horizontal
acceleration and one each on center and D/S side to measure vertical
Dynamic Augment
Electric strain gauges (0-90 rosettes) to be placed on any one of the rails on the
centroidal axis, at mid span, between two sleepers to assess the load including
the dynamic augment coming on the bridge. The dynamic augment for the arch
shall be compared by working out the ratio increase of response parameters like
displacements, stresses and strains, over their static counterparts, for the
dynamic cases.
It is proposed to have vibrating wire strain gauges to measure the strains in
the following locations:
 On the U/S side at three locations:
o At the springing point on the abutment and pier side to measure the
longitudinal strain.
o At the crown to measure the longitudinal strain.

 On the D/S side at two locations:
o At the springing point on the pier side.
o At the crown.
 Along the centre line of the intrados at three locations:
o At the springing point on the abutment and pier to measure the
longitudinal strain.
o At the crown to measure the longitudinal and transverse strain.
These locations are chosen as it is expected that the response
parameters being monitored would have significant values here.
A Typical instrumentation schematic for arch bridges is presented on next

A sample instrumentation schematic for open web girder bridges is presented
as below:

Annexure-A (i)

Annexure-A (ii)

Annexure-A (iii)

Annexure-B (i)

Annexure-B (ii)

Annexure-B (iii)

Annexure-B (iv)

Annexure-C (i)

Annexure-C (ii)

Annexure-C (iii)

Annexure-C (iii) (b)

Annexure-C (iv)

Tractive Effort Vs Speed Characteristics

4500 HP WDP4E Diesel Electric Locomotive
One Traction Alternator type TA 17
Six Traction Motor type ITB 2622
Gear ratio : 17: 77, Wheel Dia: 1054mm(HW)
Starting Tractive Effort : 39200 Kg










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Annexure-C (v)

Annexure-C (vi)

Annexure-C (vii)

Annexure-C (viii)

Annexure-C (ix)

Annexure-C (x)


Annexure-D (i)


Sample Bridge Details


 The sketch/photographs of the bridges.

 Purpose and objective of the instrumentation.
 Methodology of instrumentation being adopted should be deliberated
upon in the results.
 Details of test train and sensors being used in the instrumentation
should be given.
 The results of instrumentation should be given in detail for each aspect
of instrumentation along with graphical presentation.


Performa for instrumentation detail of steel superstructure (Plate Girder)

Railway :
Bridge No. :
Type of Bridge :
Span of Bridge Instrumentation :
Loading for which span designed :
Drawing No. of design :
Date of instrumentation :
Loading for which instrumentation :

S. No. Description of Actual Speed Theor. Stresses by Predicted Permissible % % Stresses %

member Stresses (kmph) Des. Eng. ((M/Z) Value from stresses Stresses/ /Defl. of Stresses/
Measured (kg/mm2) & Validated 2
(kg/mm ) & Defl. of Predicted Defl. of
(kg/mm2) & deflection (mm) as Numerical deflection Theoretic Value Permissib
deflection per design Model ** (mm) as per al Value le Value
(mm) with live procedure, codes Codes &
load and manuals * Manuals***
1. Bottom
flange at
mid span
2. Top flange
at mid span
3. Shear
stress 0.7 D
from centre
of bearing
4. Deflection

Details of instrumentation Round 2

Date of instrumentation ………..

1. Bottom flange
at mid span
2. Top flange at
mid span
3. Shear stress
0.7 D from
centre of
4. Deflection
Note: * Theoretical Values as per Normal Design Procedure using Codes & Test Train as
Loading at Particular Speed.
** Predicted Values from Validated Numerical Model for required Test Speed.
*** Permissible Value as per Codal Provisions, consider Net Effective Area for Tensile
Stress, L/R Ratio for Comp. Stress & also considering Fatigue Criteria.

Performa for instrumentation detail of steel superstructure
Railway :
Bridge No. :
Type of Bridge :
Span of Bridge Instrumentation :
Loading for which span designed :
Drawing No. of design :
Date of instrumentation :
Loading for which instrumentation :
Details of instrumentation :
1st Round
S. No. Description of Actual Speed Theor. Stresses by Predicted Permissible % % Stresses %
member Stresses (kmph) Des. Eng. ((M/Z) Value from stresses Stresses/ /Defl. of Stresses/
Measured (kg/mm2) & Validated (kg/mm2) & Defl. of Predicted Defl. of
(kg/mm2) & deflection (mm) as Numerical deflection Theoretic Value Permissib
deflection per design Model ** (mm) as per al Value le Value
(mm) with live procedure, codes Codes &
load and manuals * Manuals***
1. Bottom
2. Top Chord
3. End Raker
4. First
5. Vertical
6. Cross
7. Rail Bearer
8. Deflection
Note: * Theoretical Values as per Normal Design Procedure using Codes & Test Train as
Loading at Particular Speed.
** Predicted Values from Validated Numerical Model for required Test Speed.
*** Permissible Value as per Codal Provisions, consider Net Effective Area for Tensile
Stress, L/R Ratio for Comp. Stress & also considering Fatigue Criteria.
2nd Round

S. No. Description of Actual Speed Theor. Stresses by Predicted Permissible % % Stresses %

member Stresses (kmph) Des. Eng. ((M/Z) Value from stresses Stresses/ /Defl. of Stresses/
Measured (kg/mm2) & Validated (kg/mm2) & Defl. of Predicted Defl. of
(kg/mm2) & deflection (mm) as Numerical deflection Theoretic Value Permissib
deflection per design Model ** (mm) as per al Value le Value
(mm) with live procedure, codes Codes &
load and manuals * Manuals***
1. Bottom
2. Top Chord


Performa for instrumentation details of Longitudinal Forces

Railway :
Bridge No. :
Type of Bridge :
Span of Bridge Instrumentation :
Loading for which span designed :
Drawing No. of design :
Date of instrumentation :
Loading for which instrumentation :
Details of instrumentation :
Maximum Possible Tractive Effort Applicable = ………Tonnes (A)
Measured Maximum Tractive Effort = ………Tonnes (B)
Measured Longitudinal Force in Bearing = ……….Tonnes (C)
Measured Longitudinal Force in Approaches = ………..Tonnes (D)
% Dispersion of Longitudinal Force = ………...D/A
(%Dispersion needs to be on conservative side and for the most adverse/bad condition)
Note: 1. As far as possible A&B should be equal, if not so then reasons to be found and
mentioned for differences in A and B. For calculation to be on conservative side
A should be used.
2. Theoretically B = C+D, if not same, reason for same should be found &


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