Business Plan Hawi EDIT
Business Plan Hawi EDIT
Business Plan Hawi EDIT
This is a business plan of Birr 2,000,000.00 to Hawi Ashenafi Cafe and Breakfast
service, which is established in Oromia Region, East Wollega Zone, and sasiga
The objective of the promoters is to expand the existing business of Cafeteria and
Fast food to other different level of business like restaurants, breakfast, and soft
drink and additionally expand to other new business which is hotel and there by
create employment opportunity for 6 permanent employees & 4 daily laborers.
The market analysis of the project carried out in line with general Breakfast like,
egg fit-fit, Injera fit-fit, meat with injera fit-fit, spaget (pasta) with meat, spaget
(pasta) with Vegitable, Rise with meat, Rise with vegetables, egg sandwich, Beye
aynet, shiro feses, Tagabino, Kinche, beso Bites, cornake, Bread, coffee, tea, soft
drink, Milk and related carry inputs, and other agricultural product that are meant
for consumption purposes that are having heavy and constant demand in the daily
consumption livelihood of humans..
Regarding the economic contribution of the business, it will create job opportunity,
generate an income tax for the government & maximize the wealth of the promoter
which has significant contribution to the economic growth of the country.
Practice and Improve Value chain efficiency: - it is well recognized that poor
marketing services and facilities and transport in rural areas present a large constraint
to the dwellers of the district. Thus, the business owner aims as easy as possible at
removing these barriers.
By creating employment opportunity for 6 permanent employees (including the
promoter in the project) & 4 daily laborers; contributing to the national employment
opportunity creation goal.
4. Market Study
4.1. General Review of the Market for the Products
Café and Breakfast trade businesses unquestionably have large domestic markets. The size of
Ethiopian population is currently estimated above 120 million. And the Sasiga town is
highly populated in which its center for the Sasiga woreda.
As we also observe that as Ethiopian economy keeps developing over the past ten years;
urbanization and preference for such service are growing. The number of household, schools,
college, business organizations, Retailers and laborers are increasingly flourishing in the
country specifically in Sasiga Town which needs the accesses of cafeteria and other related
service. There is no doubt that such development and the corresponding changes in
preference for such products drive demand for the project’s products.
Market Segment and Target Market:-The firm plans to sell about 80% of its
service to the house holders, students, retailers and others living in Sasiga town,
while the remaining volume will be sold to the rural dwellers of the district.
Product Strategy: In order to be competitive in the market place, the business
promoter will work with great focus on the quality and best variety of product that
the market prefers at most .
Pricing strategy: since the very motive of the project owner is not merely to make
profit but also to contribute toward the socio-economic development of the society,
the pricing strategy of the firm will be market-based for the local customer, and
accordingly the pricing strategy of twenty percent (20%) conventional markup will be
applied to the purchase cost.
Promotion strategy: The promotional technique that the firm will employ will be
more of personal selling.
5. Technical Study
5.1. Project Location
The project is located in Oromia Region, East Wollega Zone, and Sasiga town. Sasiga is one
of the woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia and a part of the Misraq (East) Welega
Zone. Sasiga is bordered on the south by Diga Leka, on the west by the Benishangul-Gumuz
Region, on the northwest by Limmu, on the north by an exclave of the Benishangul-Gumuz
Region and on the east by Guto Wayu. The administrative center of this woreda is Galo.
Other towns in Sasiga include Handhura Balo, Bareda, Angar, Arb Gebeya, Ehud Gebeya,
Gute and Tsige.
Standardized asphalt has already constructed running from Finfine to Nekemte but from
Nekemte to Sasiga is not asphalt, where by the business site is situated along the road side in
the Sasiga town. Fortunately, the project site is found in a more convenient location to
transport the input throughout the four seasons, which in turn gives the project the
opportunity to easily transport the project input to store.
Availability of cheap labor in the area;
Availability of market for the envisaged business
Availability of Road infrastructure
Availability of the product in the area
Market volatility, due to the current Inflation and political instability
Table 1: Permanent Employees Requirement with their Estimated Gross Salaries and Benefits
Experienc Salary Total Salary
S.No Position Qualifications Benefit Annual Salary
e in years scale & Wage
1 General Manager The owner 1 >5 4,000.00 400.00 4,400.00 52,800.00
2 Sales Any person 5 >=3 2,200.00 220.00 2,420.00 145,200.00
Total Salary 6,820.00 198,000.00
Laborers (60 per day and work for 26 day
4 1,690.00 1,690.00 20,280.00
per month)
Total Salary & Wage Expense 10 8,510.00 218,280.00
8. Financial Study
The business is expected to grow significantly in its operation especially in the coming five
years as it meets the market need for an alternative to local community-oriented users.
Organization growth to other location will occur at the end of the second year, which is
expected to be financed by the cash reserves of the business.
The following are assumed to forecast revenue, cost and expenses depending on past
business experiences.
The business will operate for 360 days per year and purchase and sale different food
item & provide other cafeteria service.
95% of the inventories available for sales during the year are assumed to be sold out.
Both the cost of purchase and selling price for the year following the 2024/25 G.C is
assumed to increase by 5% ( normal inflationary scenario)
Both purchase and Sales for the year following 2024/25 G.C is assumed to increase by
20% respectively.
Purchase is made daily at birr 3,000.00 for breakfast inputs for 300 days per year.
The selling prices of all the input category is assumed to be of 40% margin on the
purchase price and the cooking cost estimated at 20% (the net margin estimated at
Working capital loan will be obtained from Sinke Bank. The bank loan will be
repayable within three years. Bank loan and interest will be paid on semiannually
bases over three years and 15% interest rate is assumed on outstanding loan- balance.
It is assumed that 50% of the cash flow before investing and financing is used for
investing in fixed asset only when excess cash balance exists.
The Promoters can withdraw when there is surplus cash and invest from own others source
when there is a deficit.
Purchase and Sales plan in a summary of cost incurred to purchase the inventory and income
generated by the firm from sales made to the customers.
The estimated purchase cost and sales revenue of the business for the first year and continual
20% growth estimation is presented in the following table:
Table 2: Purchase and Revenue plan for the five years (2024/25 to 2027/28 G.C)
Hawi Ashenafi Cafteria & Breakfast Service, Purchase and Sales Plan over
S.No. Item the Coming Five Years ( 2024/25 to 2028/29 G.C)
2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29
1 Purchase cafteria input 4,875,000.00 5,850,000.00 7,020,000.00 8,424,000.00 10,108,800.00
2 Sales 6,825,000.00 8,190,000.00 9,828,000.00 11,793,600.00 14,152,320.00
8.2.2 Estimates of operating expenses
The operating expenses that are required to make the smooth flows of the business are
assumed to be the percentages of the annual purchase and sales plan and hence a wise
estimate is made about the transportation, Cooking expense and other miscellaneous
expenses as 2.5% , 20% and 0.5% respectively.
These costs are usually determined as a given percentage of the next year’s increase in the
operating cost requirements. Accordingly, the following table shows the business working
capital requirement.
NB: The Sinke Bank is expected to finance 35% of the whole working capital which is
2,000,000.00 at a rate of 15% per annum and the promoter of the business is planning to
repay the loan amount and the interests there of over the coming three years on semiannual
bases for 6 semiannual.
8.3 Forecasted Financial statements
Note: the loan amount will be settled within three years period (the principal and interest)
will be paid at the end of every six months, whereas the interest expense for the first year is
computed Starting here after October 2024 for 3 years.
8.3.2 Projected Balance Sheet
The balance sheet table shows the overall financial position of the company as of specific
date during the consecutive five years of operation. The balance sheet reports the
composition of liability and owners capital to own the total asset of the business over the five
As the business operation seems to have responded to climate and environmental urgencies
taking in to consideration the natural resources, energy conservation and preservation of the
global environment through the uses of environmentally friendly business practices.
Furthermore, as the project has no negative effects on natural reserve territory, monuments of
cultural heritage, public buildings like hospitals, schools it is hence supposed to have
insignificant negative impact on the environment.
10. Socio-economic Benefits of the Project
The socio-economic significance of implementation of this business can be seen from its
contribution to employment opportunity, its contribution to government revenue in the form of
tax. Accordingly, this project creates job opportunity for six permanent workers & four laborers.
Likewise, it contributes to government revenue in the form of income tax over the coming five
years) which in turn helps to insure distribution of resources among citizens.
11. Conclusion & Recommendation
The engagement in to cafeteria service businesses has got promising benefit for the promoter as
well as the country profit taxes. Based on facts discussed above, undertaking of this project will
have positive contribution to the overall development of the country as it enables the country to
exploit idle economic resources more wisely at a large scale and optimally. Thus, the project
deserves to get the necessary loan and technical assistance from the institution, Sinke Bank.