Business Plan On Bar and Restaurant
Business Plan On Bar and Restaurant
Business Plan On Bar and Restaurant
Executive Summary
This business plan i.e Nu restaurant we are joining is intended for ,because of There is more
people around Debre birhan like students ,merchants , employees, and soon .
While they need consume anything from restaurant they faced more challenges such as: less
restaurant ,location of other restaurant are far from they were and so on. To overcome these just
focus on this creative business plan .
The financing needed for our business plan is basically on our equity and the rest we get from
banks, as loans and deal with them to return after three years of our launched business plan.
The market potential of the given business plan is clearly obvious as discussed above
i.e there is less restaurant in a city relative to the people live here so he market potential is high
,not a controversial idea.
The business will be formed as a profit making enterprise with five partners having equal
individual paid in capital. The formal charter and the agreement accordance with the law of
Sodoand will be drawn up by the authorized body.
Legal form
Contact address Phone_No:
As a big business restaurant and bar, it will be contains around 100 different kinds of food
services and drinks. It may include internet service, entertainment and support sport shown by
Source of capital
In order to accomplish this business the owners have borrowed the loan from commercial bank
of Ethiopia in debreberhan.
Company summary
The restaurant and bar also opened in collection of different five partners to see the customer
need doesn’t get full service around that area and build this company proper service for the
customer .
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to provide a unique and relaxing dining experience – similar to dining at
To provide many kinds of services for all customers with satisfactory costs, particularly
to visitors and the resident of Sodo city. Because there is no any restaurant that gives the
services like online bed room assign system, that have a capacity to provide all needed
materials to solve the problems of visitors. Furthermore our business have the following
mission statement:
Creating accessibility of all necessary services at the area with affordable price to solve
our customer’s costs, time, and money and buying efforts.
Increasing sales revenue (profit) of the owner of the business by the higher rate.
Be the first and most competent supplier of the restaurant in Debre Birhan city.
Start-Up Summary
The cost to open the restaurant is 463,000. The majority of the expenses are in furniture fixtures and
equipment totally 200,000. The location requires some build-out and renovation totally 50,000 and
will require approximately 30 days to complete.
175,000 of the start-up costs will be funded by the owners. The owner’s source of funds is a
combination of liquid assets and marketable securities, primarily from their existing catering
NU expects to hire 26 employees. We’ve adopted an effective interview process designed to staff
the restaurant with highly qualified people for each position. Each applicant will be rated and
evaluated according to a pre-defined set of standards designed for each position. Background
checks will be utilized for designated positions. Recruiting efforts will always center on referrals.
Position task, responsibility and qualification
Manager a person has first degree in hotel mgmt, who can manage the restaurant properly,
Description of Market
This restaurant is going to be built in Debre birhan city around Tebase besides the college of Victory.
This area or location is chosen because it is centralized market area.
Reaching the customer by providing services to:-
The residential population in the immediate area is comprised of a mixture of single family and
multi-family housing.
Consumers believe that meals at home are healthier and higher quality than eating at restaurants. At
NU, we will position ourselves as the premier home-style restaurant by preparing quality home
cooked meals with simple wholesome ingredients. NU will also provide home cooked fare that
appeals to the current trends of healthier food and offer menu selections which will appeal to this
group. NU will be positioned as the premier traditional home-style restaurant.
Legal form
Since it is difficult for single person possessing adequate capital, technical skill. Knowledge and
managerial experience. So to solve these problems two or more individuals having their own.
Capital, technical skill, knowledge and managerial experience for contribution of the developing
company are united together.
• Financial resources and talent are pooled from all the members of the partnership.
• Simple and inexpensive to form. Registration fee and taxes become easy because each
owner contribute actively.
• It is often easier for a partnership to obtain capital than other forms of business
ownership because the financial resources of all the partners can be used as security.
• In this ownership system, taxes are paid through each partner’s personal income tax so
the same savings are possible.
Market strategy and implementation
The environmental analysis of the business consists of both external and internal aspect of the
environment. From external, opportunities and threat will be analyzed while internal
environment contains analysis of strength and weakness of restaurant in its working time periods.
These all analysis is called as SWOT analysis.
a/ Strength: Purchasing restaurant goods directly from whole seller and importer companies will
reduce the unit cost of purchased materials, good quality products of the store will exactly meet
customers need, and it will be the only provider of all kind of only “NU”restaurant in the area
around the city of debreberhan.
• Government mandates (restaurant operation, food safety, and worker protection at the federal level
and health, sanitation, safety, fire at the local level)
• Rising operating costs
• Building/maintaining sales volume
Start-up Capital
This business plan is prepared to obtain supporting in the amount of 10,000,000 birr The
supplemental financing is required to begin work on site preparation and modifications,
equipment purchases, and to cover costs in the first year of operations.
Loan :
Commercial bank of Ethiopia which founds in Debrebirhan
Credit agreement
Market Analysis
The restaurant is rapidly expanding its services and number of services from time to time.
Restaurant particularly targets the dwellers and visitors with all customers in the city of
debrebirhan. Currently there is no as such restaurant in the city that of debrebirhan. which gives
the online bed room reservation system..
The restaurant has many visible comparative advantages than its competitor. In terms of products
or kind of services in the restaurant has an overwhelming advantage than the restaurant that is
found in the debrebirhan. city building which is called “NU”. The restaurant and bar product
quality as well as supplying capacity was far better than that of the restaurant in the city of
debrebirhan.. In addition to this, it may have the ability to provide products with low costs and
have capacity to serve the customers appropriately in a better manner than its competitor.
Sales Strategy
In order to facilitate the service delivery in addition to customer’s satisfaction, the “NU” will
have three rooms: one to food products and drink, and the second to entertainment places, the
third one for bed room classes laminating, printing and writing room. The customer of the city
dweller by the needed material directly from the restaurant with cash or they can use through
borrowing or debt by registering their address which will and will be paid maximum within a
6. Management Plan
will be responsible for the overall operation of the “NU” restaurant, while manager will be
responsible for the accounting (record keeping), buying of the needed material from different
agents, keeping the restaurant relation with the tax collectors and other as well as the selection of
the employees. The payment for employees, the number and kind of employee required, the
expenditure of funds, as well as other accidental risks and agreements will be conducted to them.
The “NU” has more 26 employees . Those employees with their functions will be recognized as
A/ The initial capital for the business is 10,000,000 Birr, and increasing after a year as the
revenue of the business and its scope of service is increasing.
B/all partners have equal right of sharing the revenue or profit of the business per each month.
C/ The capital getting or received from Bank as loan is expected to rapid and fast in each month
after the business start and make the profit. 30% from net profit of each month will be paid to the
Financial plan
Required Cost of Start-Up
• Profit and Loss
• Cash Flow
• Balance Sheet
• Financial Ratios
Projected Profit and Loss
The profit and loss demonstrates modest increases in revenues over the three expected years with
adjustments for inflation.
Finical Loan from
Key Word