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Trends q1 Week3

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DAILY LESSON LOG School Grade Level



Department of Education Teacher Learning Area CRITICAL THINKING IN THE 21st

Teaching Dates and
WEEK 3 Quarter QUARTER 1
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner understands strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.
The learner draws a color-coded map of the networks of power relations (political, economic, cultural, and kinship ties) within a particular
B. Performance Standards
a. Explain strategic analysis and intuitive thinking:
 Define strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.
C. Learning
 Differentiate key components in strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.
b. Apply strategic analysis.
c. Apply intuitive thinking in solving a problem in the community using a map of social networks.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
The teacher will review the
Review the previous lesson on previous lesson on strategic
The teacher will ask the students the key components of strategic analysis and intuitive thinking
The teacher will start the lesson
to share what they understand analysis and intuitive thinking. by asking the students to share
1. Reviewing previous lesson by reviewing the previous lesson
about strategic analysis and Recap on the differences their understanding of the
or presenting the new and its importance to the topic
intuitive thinking based on their between the two concepts and concepts. The teacher will then
lesson for today or introduce the new
previous knowledge or their importance in introduce the new lesson on
lesson to the students.
experience. understanding trends and applying intuitive thinking in
networks in the 21st century. solving a problem using a map
of social networks.
a. The teacher will explain the The teacher will explain to the
The teacher will explain that the The purpose of this lesson is to
purpose of the lesson and its students that the purpose of
purpose of the lesson is to define enable students to apply
relevance to the students' this lesson is to develop their
2. Establishing the purpose of and understand the concepts of strategic analysis in identifying
learning. ability to apply intuitive thinking
the lesson strategic analysis and intuitive and analyzing emerging trends in
b. The teacher will also discuss in solving a problem in the
thinking, and how they can be various areas of the 21st
the competencies that will be community using a map of
applied in the 21st century. century.
addressed during the lesson. social networks.
The teacher will present the
following examples to introduce
the concepts:
Present real-world examples of The teacher will present an
a. The teacher will present
 Strategic analysis: analyzing how strategic analysis has been example of a problem in the
examples of strategic
a company's strengths, applied in various fields such as community that can be solved
analysis and intuitive
3. Presenting weaknesses, opportunities, business, politics, and technology using a map of social networks,
examples/instances of the and threats (SWOT analysis) to identify and analyze emerging such as identifying the key
b. The teacher will provide real-
new lesson to develop a business trends. Provide students with stakeholders in a community
world examples where
strategy case studies to help them better project or determining the
strategic analysis and
 Intuitive thinking: using gut understand the concept of sources of support for a
intuitive thinking are applied.
feelings or instincts to make strategic analysis. community initiative.
a decision in a situation
where there is not enough
information available
a. Define strategic analysis and
explain its importance in
identifying and analyzing
a. The teacher will discuss the
b. Discuss the steps involved in
key components of strategic The teacher will introduce the
strategic analysis, including
analysis. concept of intuitive thinking and
The teacher will provide a brief environmental scanning,
b. The teacher will explain how discuss its importance in solving
lecture on the definitions of SWOT analysis, and
strategic analysis is used in problems. The teacher will then
4. Discussing new concepts strategic analysis and intuitive identifying strategic options.
decision-making. guide the students in practicing
and practicing new skills thinking, highlighting their c. Provide students with
c. The students will be asked to intuitive thinking by presenting
#1 importance in the 21st century. examples of how each step is
participate in a brief a scenario where they will need
Students will be encouraged to applied in real-world
discussion of their to identify the key stakeholders
take notes during the lecture. scenarios.
understanding of the key in a community project using a
d. In groups, ask students to
components of strategic map of social networks.
identify emerging trends in
their own areas of interest
and apply the strategic
analysis process to analyze
5. Discussing new concepts The teacher will ask the students a. The teacher will discuss the a. Discuss the importance of The teacher will present a more
and practicing new skills to work in pairs or small groups key components of intuitive data analysis in strategic complex scenario where the
#2 to brainstorm and discuss how thinking. analysis. students will need to identify
strategic analysis and intuitive b. The teacher will explain how b. Provide students with the sources of support for a
thinking can be applied in intuitive thinking is used in examples of how data is community initiative using a
different scenarios. Students will decision-making. collected and analyzed to map of social networks. The
be given a few minutes to come c. The students will be asked to identify and analyze trends. teacher will guide the students
up with ideas and then share participate in a brief c. In groups, ask students to in using intuitive thinking to
them with the class. discussion of their collect data on emerging analyze the social networks and
understanding of the key trends in their own areas of identify the key stakeholders.
components of intuitive interest and use the strategic
thinking. analysis process to analyze
the data.
a. The teacher will divide the
students into groups.
b. Each group will be given a
a. In pairs, ask students to
scenario where they have to The teacher will divide the class
For this part, students will be identify an emerging trend in
use strategic analysis and into small groups and provide
given a case study related to a a field of their choice.
intuitive thinking to arrive at each group with a different
current issue, and they will be b. Ask students to apply the
a decision. scenario involving a problem in
asked to apply their strategic analysis process to
c. The groups will present their the community. The students
understanding of strategic analyze the trend, including
6. Developing Mastery analysis and decision to the will need to apply intuitive
analysis and intuitive thinking to conducting environmental
class, and the class will thinking to solve the problem
analyze and propose solutions to scanning, SWOT analysis, and
evaluate their work. using a map of social networks.
the problem. Students will work identifying strategic options.
d. The teacher will provide The teacher will monitor the
in groups and present their c. After analyzing the trend, ask
feedback to each group, progress of each group and
analysis to the class. students to present their
emphasizing the key provide guidance as needed.
findings to the class.
components of strategic
analysis and intuitive
a. Ask students to identify a The teacher will ask the
The teacher will lead a
personal situation where they students to reflect on how they
discussion on how strategic
could apply strategic analysis can apply the concepts and
analysis and intuitive thinking The teacher will ask the students
7. Finding practical to make a decision. skills they learned in their daily
can be applied in students' daily to reflect on how they can apply
applications of concepts b. In groups, have students lives. The students can discuss
lives, such as in making the concepts and skills they have
and skills in daily living discuss and share their how they can use intuitive
decisions about college majors, learned in their daily lives.
personal situations and how thinking to solve problems they
choosing a career, or managing
strategic analysis could be encounter in their communities
personal finances.
applied. or personal lives.
a. Recap the key concepts of
The teacher will guide the class a. The teacher will facilitate a strategic analysis and how it The teacher will guide the
to reflect on the concepts of class discussion on the is applied to identify and students in generalizing and
strategic analysis and intuitive importance of strategic analyze emerging trends. abstracting the lesson by asking
8. Generalizing and
thinking and how they relate to analysis and intuitive thinking b. Discuss the importance of them to identify the key
abstractions about the
other areas of life. Students will in decision-making. critical thinking and data elements of intuitive thinking
be asked to share their insights b. The students will be asked to analysis in strategic analysis. and how it can be applied to
and make connections with other reflect on the lesson's key c. Highlight how strategic solve different types of
subjects. takeaways. analysis can be applied in problems.
different areas of daily living.
The teacher will evaluate the
learning of the students through
The teacher will conduct a quiz
a class discussion and a written
to evaluate the students'
assessment. The assessment
9. Evaluating Learning understanding of the key
will require the students to
components of strategic analysis
apply intuitive thinking in
and intuitive thinking.
solving a problem using a map
of social networks.
10. Additional Activities for The teacher can assign a. Ask students to research and
analyze emerging trends in
different fields and present
their findings to the class.
b. Provide students with
homework for students to
additional case studies to
research and analyze different
practice their strategic
Application or Remediation companies' SWOT analyses or
analysis skills.
practice using intuitive thinking
c. If students need remediation,
in different scenarios.
provide them with additional
resources to help them
understand the concept of
strategic analysis.


A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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