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Ancients Of Gaia_v2.01

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Introduction Page 1 Weapon Profiles Page 13

Setting the Scene Page 2 Weapon List Page 14
Introduction to Gameplay Page 3 Weapon List (Continued) Page 15
Actions Per Turn Page 4 Weapon List (Continued) Page 16
Taking Actions Weapon Creation Page 17
Renown Page 5 Weapon Upgrades
Dice Rolls Page 6 Armour, The Defense Rating Page 18
Social Interaction Armour Profiles Page 19
Stealth And The Sneak Skill Armour List Page 20
Attacking From Sneak Page 7 Armour List (Continued) Page 21
Technical Skills Supplies And Equipment Page 22
Looting In-Game Inventory
Environmental Investigation Supplies And Equipment List Page 23
Healing And Medicine Page 8 Axioms Page 24
The Healing Chart The Pragmatist Page 25
Combat Page 9 The Gnostic Page 26
Close Combat The Savant Page 27
Thrown Weapons and Objects Aspects Page 28
Dodge, Parry Or Block Sky Traits And Abilities Page 29-30
Damage And Wounding Page 10 Sea Traits And Abilities Page 31-32
Base Wounding Table Land Traits And Abilities Page 33-34
Focused Strikes, Aimed Shots Page 11 Heart Traits And Abilities Page 35-36
Additional Wounds War Traits And Abilities Page 37-38
Weaponry Page 12 Underworld Traits, Abilities Page 39-40
Weapons In Gameplay Character Creation Page 41-48
Experience Record Page 48 Storyteller’s Guide Page 51
Wounding Chart Page 49 Creating For Storytellers Page 52
Status Generating Weapons
Additional Character Info Generating Armour
Character Sheet Page 50 Generating NPCs Page 53

With the dawning of the concept of the City-State,

Civilisation has advanced exponentially. Entire cultures
have risen to glory developing the written word,
advanced mathematics, and seeking to understand the
nature of the stars along with as the celestial. In this age
of legend, where the creatures of mythology can be
found in living colour, and Magic is manifest by the
faithful, the time of the Ancients is the time for
The secrets held by the Universe are no longer beyond
the understanding of the people of Gaia. The people
are realising when their heart and mind unites, there is
no limit to their power. Whether these gifts are born of
the favour from superior beings, Pantheons of deities,
or as an acknowledgement from the Universe itself, the
yearning for and mastery of enhanced abilities are met
with both awe and suspicion.
For those who dare to take up the mantle, renown and
heroism await. For those who wish to advance their lot,
a world of treasure previously beyond the wildest of
imaginations is now within their grasp. To live and
experience deeds that will become legend and myth;
that is the stuff of life. These adventurers of the mythic
age of the Ancients of Gaia hold the key to unlocking
their own destiny and fulfilling their true potential. This
is their story.

Page 1
Setting The Scene
Ancients Of Gaia (AOG) is a tabletop role-playing game
intended for two Players or more, with one Player assuming the
role of Storyteller. You will never need more than 2d6, a pencil,
some paper (and of course, your imagination) to create and
play a full adventure.

AOG is set during a wildly reimagined period of the late Bronze

Age, and uses historical themes to bring mythology and legend
to the tabletop.

Within this manual are the core rules that will allow you to tell
the story you wish to create, along with an introductory
Adventure. There is no limit to the scope for the way in which
this manual may be used . The Storyteller should factor in
choices made by the Players and provide outcomes that further
the story and the Character’s personal development. Keep in
mind that just as the Party are pursuing their own agendas,
forces will be aligning against them, and that which was won
can also be lost.

If any rule contained within conflicts with the narrative flow or

stands in the way of role-play or expression, the Storyteller can
make the decision to amend, discard or reinvent that rule for
the good of the story.

Page 2
Introduction to Gameplay
The Ancients of Gaia found themselves in a time of Magic and myth,
and those who manifested special abilities found that their skills
were either revered or the subject of much derision. Whatever their
calling, those who were destined for more than the average life
found eachother, and took the first steps on their path of adventure
In gameplay terms AOG uses a system that will never require more
than 2d6 to tell the story of a team of Characters who assemble
together. Utilising any Skills, Traits and Abilities at their Character’s
disposal, Players are encouraged to take an analytical and strategic
approach in order to accomplish their goals. Interaction with the
environment, Non-Player Characters (NPCs), and opponents can be
carried out through roleplay or description, and successful actions
are rewarded with Experience Points (XP) specific to the type of Skill
(either Combat, Technical, Personal or Magical) they have used to
execute that action.
The Storyteller adjudicates over the outcomes of all actions and
takes these into account when continuing the narrative. As
previously state - if at any point gameplay comes into conflict with a
rule, a roll or a result that the Storyteller or the Party as a whole feels
will detract from furthering this narrative, the Storyteller may choose
to amend or overlook any of those aspects. The Storyteller always
has the final decision on this.
Page 3
Actions Per Turn The Storyteller may keep a mental,
written or verbal note of the running
During the course of an adventure turn order when ideas are flying thick
there will be a certain amount of and fast, and can prompt a Player
conversational planning within the where necessary to describe what
Party. Interaction with the NPC’s and their Character is doing in order to
the location in which the Party is complete the turn. The Character’s
exploring can enhance immersion and physical positioning should be taken
encourage strategic planning. An into account when taking turns, and
adventure would not be such the dimensions and distances at
however without the need for Action locations should also be described
and the resolution of said Action. broadly upon the Party’s arrival to a
There is no specific order for turns to new location.
take place; but all Players must have
described or roleplayed their Action Taking Actions
for the turn to be completed. This is to
encourage Players to express their Each Action taken in Morningstar is
Character without rigid limitations. assigned a Difficulty Rating by the
Turns become more significant during Storyteller. The difficulty should take
Combat and some Abilities and Traits into account the circumstances,
will require keeping track of turns. surroundings and the intention of the
With any tabletop RPG experience it is declared Action. The Players, through
helpful to be aware that a Party will role-play or giving a narrative
contain unique individuals with description of what their Character is
varying levels of confidence and doing, will have the chance to take
experience. Players may wish to take Actions as the story unfolds. The
quick and decisive Action to get the Storyteller will decide whether a
best possible outcome, or might want description or role-play is sufficient for
to analyse the minutia of a situation or the action to succeed, or if a dice roll is
surrounding before moving forward. required from the Player. 2d6 are
The Storyteller should provide enough rolled in an attempt to equal or better
description and react to investigations the Difficulty Rating, described in more
sufficiently to facilitate all Players. detail in the following section.

Page 4
gain an advantage in some way. It is
the Player’s responsibility to describe
or roleplay the relevance of their
Gaining Renown affects the way in Renown in-game when this request is
which certain NPCs interact with the made. The Storyteller than makes any
Party. Whether the Renown refers to adjustment to the Difficulty Rating
fame amongst the general populace they see fit (if any).
or infamy amongst the Party’s Renown will mean different things in
opponents, Renown is a device used different situations, and is awarded for
by the Storyteller to illicit a prescribed different Actions. Acts of heroism,
response from an NPC or group of selflessness, grand strategy, or Actions
NPCs. A Player may request for their specifically taken to enhance the
Renown Rating to be taken into perception of a Character are all ways
account when interacting socially, to to gain Renown.

Page 5
Dice Rolls

Once the Player has decided on their action, a difficulty rating for the action
is assigned by the Storyteller. Two d6 are rolled and the result, taking into
account any modifiers from the Character Sheet, must equal or better the
difficulty rating assigned for the action to be considered a Pass.

Passes, Extreme Passes and Blunders

When an action has Passed, the result of that action comes to fruition. If the
required difficulty rating has been doubled (inclusive of modifiers), the
action is considered an Extreme Pass and the Storyteller should narratively
incorporate a bonus to the action. When a double 1 is rolled for any action,
a Blunder has occurred. Not only has the action failed, a negative
consequence should be incorporated by the Storyteller.

Social Interaction

When interacting with Non-Player Characters (NPCs), the Player may

decide to Intimidate or Persuade them to convince them for a specific
purpose. This may be to influence them to do something for the Player, or
to discern the true intent of what has been said. When assigning the
difficulty to these rolls, the Storyteller should take into account the
determination of the NPC and how the Character has delivered their
intended Action conversationally. A compelling story or reason for the NPC
to be Persuaded or Intimidated that has been roleplayed by the Player can
modify the difficulty favourably, and vice versa if the statement is less

Stealth and the sneak skill

Using the Sneak Skill, any action that is intended to be concealed by any
Character or NPC may be attempted. The basic difficulty rating to
successfully Sneak is 10. A successful Stealth roll ensures the Character will
remain unnoticed until they choose to reveal themselves, or carry out an
action that would otherwise draw attention to them. If the Player wishes for
their Character to remain in Stealth after an Action has exposed them, they
may attempt another Stealth roll at a greatly increased difficulty to remain

Page 6
Even if the Player has a specific item
Attacking From Sneak in mind that they are looking for,
the Blunder Action rule is taken into
Whilst a Character is successfully account for these kind of searches.
remaining in Sneak, any Attacks A prized weapon that the Character
(including Focused Strikes and was hoping to liberate from it’s
Aimed Shots) they carry out are owner may break or shatter if it is
modified favourably. If the attack is looted with an Investigation roll of
successful the Character remains in double 1.
Environmental Investigation
Technical Skills
Investigation also covers all searches
Players will have the opportunity to and perception checks. The
craft items, weapons and armour, Storyteller should explain clearly
using the Crafting Skill on the what is visible to the Party in the
Character Sheet. This also use to immediate, but have an
create potions and brews. understanding of any concealed
Engineering is used to operate, aspects of a location. The Party may
repair or modify mechanical devices. enter the cargo-hold of a vessel
The Player should keep in mind containing lots of valuables upon
when using these Skills the materials first appearance, however an in-
required when Crafting or any items depth search of the room may
that may make the Engineering of a reveal traps that were previously less
device more easy. The Player then conspicuous. As with all Actions, the
nominates and describes the action degree of success should be taken
to the Storyteller who decides the into account by the Storyteller when
difficulty for the nominated action, revealing aspects of a location that
taking into account the Player’s were previously concealed.
Engineering or Crafting Skill.


Investigation is used for looting

environments or fallen NPCs. In this
case rather than assigning a specific
difficulty to the task (as it is a relative
given that once combat is resolved,
a Character will certainly be able to
carry out an Investigation of a fallen
foe), the Storyteller reveals an item
based on the success of the roll.
Page 7
Healing and Medicine

At some point it will become necessary for the Characters to heal

themselves or eachother. Quick procedures carried out in haste during an
intense encounter may slow the progress of more serious injuries, but often
for a Character to be brought back to full strength medical remedies or
surgery will be required. The below table is a guideline for healing, and of
course there is room for Players to think outside the box on how they may
wish to go about this. The Difficulty Rating is rolled against using the
Medicine Skill from the Character Sheet.

Healing Chart
Method Difficulty Rating Health Restored
Sterilise wound 7 1 Point
Apply bandages/gauss 8 2 Points
Cauterisation 10 3 Points
Stitches 11 Damage Track
Field Surgery 13 All

When administering pre-prepared medication (such as Healing Herbs or

crafted tonics) to themselves or another Character or NPC, the Player may
use their Medicine Skill to see if the medication provides an additional
benefit, based on the below table.

Medicine Roll (2d6) Effect

Double 1 The medication causes 1 Point of Superficial Damage
3–4 The medication has no affect
5–7 The medication works as expected
8 – 11 The medication heals 1 additional Point
12+ The medication heals an entire Damage Track

Advanced medical equipment is scarce, and medics often supplement their

surgical skills with mystic practices.
Healing restores Points on the most severe Damage Track first.

Page 8
Combat is resolved by the Storyteller assigning a Difficulty Rating to an Attack, and
the Player making a roll of 2d6 to equal or better that number. The Player uses the
Skill from their Character Sheet corresponding to the weapon Type they are
wielding, listed under Combat Skills.

Close Combat

In addition to wielding weapons designated as Melee weapons, Characters may

also opt to use a Ranged weapon for Melee. When doing so their Melee Skill is used
to modify the roll and Damage is allocated using the Blunt Melee section of the
Wounding Table.

When a Character is locked in Close Combat with an opponent, they are Tied to
that opponent and can only take Close Combat actions. It takes one turn to
disengage from being Tied to an opponent, and no other Actions can be taken by
that Character during that turn.
Thrown Weapons and Objects
Weapons designed to be thrown and even improvised missiles that can be thrown
are used with the Melee Skill from the Character Sheet.

Dodge, Parry or Block

The Melee and Unarmed Skills are used when a Character is engaged in Close
Combat to attempt to either Dodge, Parry or Block an incoming attack. The
Unarmed Skill is only used if a Character is not holding a weapon. Some advanced
weapons, equipment, Axiom Traits and Magical Abilities also allow the Character to
attempt to take these actions against incoming Ranged Attacks.

If the action to Dodge, Parry and Block is possible the Player must declare which of
these actions they wish to take following a successful incoming Attack from an

The base Difficulty Ratings to attempt these actions, along with the results if
successful, are listed below:

Action Difficulty Result

Parry 13 The attack is negated and the defender gains a Free Action
Dodge 12 The attack is negated and the defender becomes Untied from the
Block 11 The attack is negated

Page 9
Damage and Wounding

Damage following successful Attacks is worked out using the below Base
Wounding Table. The Damage is then allocated on the Character Sheet, under the
Superficial, Prolonged and Sustained tracks. When each track is filled, Damage that
would cause multiple Wounds on a lower track only causes one Wound. For
example, if the Character has suffered two points of Sustained Damage and
receives a further Attack that would cause three points Superficial Damage, the
Character would only receive one point of further Sustained Damage.
Damage modifiers only come into effect if the Attack has not been negated.
When all tracks on the Wounding Track are filled, the Character is dead.
Status Affects
In addition to Wounding, the Character Sheet includes a section for recording the
Status of your Character.
When your Character is Stunned, they are unable to perform any Actions for a
number of turns. The number of turns is determined in the profile of the Item that
causes this effect. Stun is also the result of a successful Knock Out (see Focused

Toxins provide different Affects which can be listed on the Character Sheet to keep
track of them. The Affect of the Toxin will be included in the profile of the Item that
administers the Toxin.

Base Wounding Table

D6 Result
Damage Type
1 2-3 4 5 6

Unarmed 1 Superficial 2 Superficial 3 Superficial 4 Superficial 1 Prolonged

Blunt Melee 1 Superficial 2 Superficial 3 Superficial 1 Sustained 2 Prolonged

Bladed Melee 1 Superficial 2 Superficial 3 Superficial 1 Sustained 3 Prolonged

Ranged 1 Superficial 2 Superficial 1 Prolonged 3 Prolonged 2 Sustained

Elemental 1 Superficial 1 Prolonged 2 Prolonged 3 Prolonged 1 Sustained

Siege 1 Superficial 2 Prolonged 3 Prolonged 1 Sustained 2 Sustained

Page 10
Focused Strikes and Aimed Shots

If Unarmed or wielding a Melee weapon (including Ranged weapons being used for
Close Combat), a Character may attempt a Focused Strike. If wielding a Range
Weapon, the Character may attempt an Aimed Shot. A Focused Strike or an Aimed
Shot replaces a regular Attack. Rather than taking into account Armour and dealing a
set amount of Damage, they are nominated to achieve a specific purpose and have a
specific Difficulty Rating assigned to them. The below table illustrates a general
guideline for the Difficulty of achieving certain Focused Strike and Aimed Shot

The Storyteller may increase or decrease the Difficulty of the of the Focused Strike or
Aimed Shot. For example, if a Character in Stealth attempts to Knock Out an
opponent who is unaware, they may receive -1 to the Difficulty. The Character may
even opt to Knock Out the opponent indefinitely (beyond the nominal single Turn),
which would not be unreasonable for a Character who is in Stealth.

Knock Target Kill Kill

Out Target Disarm Armour Shot – Shot –
(1 Turn) Limb Gap Torso Head
Focused Strike
(Unarmed) 12 12 13 14 17 18
Focused Strike 11 11 12 14 15 17
Aimed Shot - 11 13 15 14 15

Additional Wounds

Some stimulants or Magical Abilities may provide additional resilience to Wounding.

When this is the case, the relevant boxes on the Wounding Chart may have a line
drawn horizontally through them to represent additional Wounds. These new boxes
are shaded when the relevant Damage is taken. In extreme cases the individual
boxes may be quartered with both horizontal and vertical lines drawn through them.

Page 11
During the time of AOG, any item which could be wielded with force or
technique may be considered to be weapons. Certain weapons are more highly
refined and will give additional affects depending upon their intended purpose.

Weapons In Gameplay

Most weapons in Morningstar are standardised and can be found on the

Weapons List. Weapons can be modified and upgraded to affect any of the
aspects of their Weapon Profile. Materials can be gathered throughout a
campaign and the Engineering Skill is used to attempt the upgrade. If the
Engineering roll fails, the intended component breaks irreparably. On a Roll of
double 1, the component and the weapon break irreparably.

Page 12
Weapon Profiles


Weaponry in AOG is sorted by Type

corresponding with the Skill required
to wield the weapon, and the
Damage the weapon deals. The
weapon Types are as follows: Melee
(Blunt), Melee (Bladed), Ranged, and
Siege. Some ammunition Types
(listed under Equipment, page …)
convert the weapon’s Damage to
Elemental. Some Equipment or
created weapons may have their
Type listed as Toxin and Stun to
indicate they only cause these

Range Additional Effects

Range (Rng) indicates the maximum This section shows any additional types of
distance a ranged weapon is damage or any other affects the weapon
effective up to. Aiming at a target produces when wielded.
further away will incur a penalty to Where ‘Type: Level’ is listed, this refers to
the modifier (+1 per additional 20’). the Weapon Type and the Character’s
Melee Weapons are always listed as proficiency Level, i.e. Practitioner then
Close to reflect that they can only be Zenith.
used against an opponent in close Affects vs. Armour/Unarmoured include
combat. Shields.

Wield Cost

The Wield section on the Weapons The average cost of the weapon (in
List table indicates what is required Shekels), in it’s best condition, is
to operate the weapon. Weapons represented under the Cost (Sh) column.
requiring Two Hands to Wield may The actual in-game Cost of the weapon
not be used in conjunction with may vary greatly. This depends upon the
another weapon. One Handed material, the condition of the weapon,
weapons may be Dual Wielded with and your standing with the person buying
any other One Handed weapon. or selling.
Page 13
Weapon List
Weapon Name Type Wield Range Additional Affects Cost
Qurda Wooden Melee One Close Type Zenith: -1 to Knock Out from Sneak 25
Cudgel (Blunt) Hand

Kast Lead-Weighted Melee One Close -1 to Damage against Armour 10

Cosh (Blunt) Hand
Type Zenith: -1 to Focused Strike from
Sharguza Long Staff Melee Two Close Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Block, 45
(Blunt) Hands Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Block and -1
Difficulty to Knock Out

Martshana Fighting Melee Two Close Type Practitioner: -1 Focused Strike vs. 575
Hammer (Blunt) Hands Shields and Armour, Type Zenith: -1
Focused Strike vs. Shields and Armour and
+1 Damage
Sakina Short Dagger Melee One Close -1 to Damage against Armour 260
(Blade) Hand
Type Zenith: one free additional Attack
per Turn if Dual-Wielded
Dao Single-Edged Melee One Close -1 to Damage against Armour 310
Longknife (Blade) Hand
Type Zenith: one free additional Attack
per Turn
Xiphos Double- Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 to Parry if Dual- 525
Edged Shortsword (Blade) Hand Wielded, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to
Parry when used with any other One Hand
Khopesh Sickle- Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 to Attack vs. Shields, 560
Sword (Blade) Hand Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Attack and
Focused Strikes vs. Shields

Shotel Curved Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 to Attack when 610
Longsword (Blade) Hand wielded on Mount, Type Zenith: -1
Difficulty to Attack and Focused Strikes
when wielded on Mount
Mambele Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 to Attack when 625
Broadsword (Blade) Hand Thrown, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to
Attack and Focused Strikes when Thrown

Page 14
Weapon List (continued)

Weapon Name Type Wield Range Additional Affects Cost

Kopis Single-Edged Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 to Attack when 640
Cutting Sword (Blade) Hand wielded with Shield, Type Zenith: -1
Difficulty to Attack and Focused Strikes
wielded with Shield
Falx Fighting Sickle Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 to Attack vs. Armour, 655
(Blade) Hand Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Attack and
Focused Strikes vs. Armour

Makhaira Light Melee One Close Type Practitioner: On Attack result of 10+ 710
Backsword (Blade) Hand gain one Free additional Attack, Type
Zenith: On Attack result of 10+ gain one
Free additional Attack, re-roll failed
Focused Strike
Falcata Heavy Melee One Close Type Practitioner: +1 to Damage result vs. 800
Cutting Sword (Blade) Hand Unarmoured, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to
Focused Strikes vs. Unarmoured

Macauhuitl Obsidian Melee One Close Type Practitioner: +1 to Damage Result vs. 825
Sharp-Edged Club (Blade) Hand Armour, Type Zenith: +1 Damage Result
vs. Armour and re-roll failed Focused
Strike once per Turn
Jian Double-Edged Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 to Attack wielded on 830
Straightsword (Blade) Hand Mount, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Attack
and Focused Strikes wielded on Mount

Doru Spiked Javelin Melee Two Close Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Block, 210
(Blade) Hands Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Block and -1
Difficulty to Focused Strike vs. opponent
on Mount
Henti Obsidian- Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Block, 255
Tipped Spear (Blade) Hand Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Block and +1
Damage when Thrown

Palstave Axe Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Attack 440
(Blade) Hand when Thrown, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to
Attack when Thrown and one re-roll for a
failed Attack per Turn
Labrys Double- Melee One Close Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Attack 495
Headed Axe (Blade) Hand when wielded with Shield, Type Zenith: -1
Difficulty to Attack or Focused Strike when
wielded with Shield

Page 15
Weapon List (continued)

Weapon Name Type Wield Range Additional Affects Cost

Qishta Wooden Ranged Two 350’ Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Attack 465
Shortbow Hands from Sneak, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to
Attack and Aimed Shots from Sneak
Requires: Arrow
Toxon Yew Longbow Ranged Two 720’ Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Attack 680
Hands vs. Unarmoured, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty
to Attack and Aimed Shots vs.
Requires: Arrow
Fuhe Gong Ranged Two 1100’ Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Attack 930
Composite Longbow Hands vs. Armour, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to
Attack and Aimed Shots vs. Armour
Requires: Arrow
Altatl Spear Thrower Ranged Two 450’ Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Attack 230
Hands vs. Unarmoured, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty
to Attack and Aimed Shots vs.
Requires: Henti Obsidian-Tipped Spear
Sa Pan Slingshot Ranged Two 300’ Type Practitioner: -1 Difficulty to Attack 35
Hands vs. Unarmoured, Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty
to Attack and Aimed Shots vs.
Requires: Bullet
Magadha Stone- Siege Two 1550’ +2 to Damage around 6’ radius of Target 15500
Thrower Catapult Hands Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Attack and
Aimed Shots vs. Unarmoured
Requires: Projectile
Gastraphetes Siege Two 500’ +1 to Damage 3800
Handheld Crossbow Hands Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Attack and
Aimed Shots vs. Unarmoured
Requires: Dart
Ballista Long Javelin- Siege Two 900’ +1 to Damage 9950
Thrower Hands Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Attack and
Aimed Shots vs. Armour
Requires: Doru Spiked Javelin
Durta'shda Dart- Siege Two 1100’ +1 to Damage 11150
Thrower Hands Type Zenith: Re-roll a failed Attack or
Aimed Shots once per Turn
Requires: Dart
Kestros Multiple Siege Two 450’ Three Shots per Turn 16800
Dart-Thrower Hands Type Zenith: -1 Difficulty to Attack and
Aimed Shots
Requires: Dart

Page 16
Weapon Creation

The Storyteller can introduce new weapons to the game, taking into account
the Weapon Profile aspects from the Weapon List. Players may wish to put
forward ideas for weapons that may enhance play for their Character.. As
with all aspects of creation in AOG, the Storyteller has the final decision on
any weapons introduced into gameplay, and how they are intended to

Weapon Upgrades

Each component of a weapon can be upgraded using parts looted, crafted

or purchased in-game. Taking into account the Weapon Type for the
Damage output, materials and Items that may increase Range, Damage, or
provide an Additional Affect, it is possible to create a variety of Ranged
weapon upgrades. Melee weapons may have attachments which enhance
their performance. The Storyteller determines the Difficulty to upgrade the
part and attach this to the weapon, using the Engineering Skill. Ensure to
keep a note of the upgrade once it has been applied to the weapon. If a
double 1 is rolled during this process, the component and the weapon are
irreparably damaged.

Page 17
Armour and the Defense Rating
Armour being worn by the Character is listed on the Character Sheet under the
Armour section. The individual Defense Rating per piece of Armour is listed next
to it, and the overall Defense Rating is listed as the cumulative total, in the section
marked Total DR. Some pieces of Armour may also be augmented to give an
additional affect, which can be found on the Armour List.
Armour covers Head, Torso, Arms (including Hands) and Legs (including feet).
The Defense Rating
The Defense Rating is given by any piece of material worn by a Character or NPC
capable of withstanding the impact of more than one Attack. In the case of
improvised Armour, the Storyteller has the final say on what will or will not
constitute a functional piece of Armour. The Defense Rating increases the
chances of absorbing Damage from an Attack or Negating it entirely. The table
below shows the effect on the Damage Roll from the incoming Attack, and the
additional affects heavier Armour have on mobility.

Defence Effect on Damage Result Against the Wearer Additional Effects

1 - 15 -1 from Damage rolls below 3 -1 Difficulty to Combat
Damage Negated from Damage rolls of 1 Rolls, -1 Difficulty to Sneak
16 – 35 -1 from Damage rolls below 4
Damage Negated from Damage rolls of 1
36 – 50 -1 from Damage rolls below 5 +1 Difficulty to Sneak
Damage Negated from Damage rolls of 2 or below
51 – 65 -2 from Damage rolls below 5 +1 Difficulty to Combat
Damage Negated from Damage rolls of 2 or below Rolls, +1 Difficulty to Sneak
65 – 100 -2 from Damage Rolls below 6 +2 Difficulty to Combat
Damage Negated from Damage Rolls of 3 or below Rolls, +2 Difficulty to Sneak
100+ -3 from Damage Rolls below 6 +2 Difficulty to all Physical
Damage Negated from Damage Rolls of 4 or below Action rolls

Focused Strikes and Aimed Shots vs. Armour

When a Character or NPC targets a section of an opponent that is Armoured, this
increases the difficulty of the Focused Strike or Aimed Shot by 2. If this attack is
successful, the Defence Rating does not come into play and does not have any
effect on the result. Certain Equipment may have effects that impact the way
Focused Strikes and Aimed Shots work against the Character who possess them.
These effects will be listed in their profile.
Page 18
Armour Profiles

Armour Name

The Armour’s name includes a brief

description of the material and form
the piece of Armour or Shield takes.
A panoply refers to a full set of
Armour, often customised to the
wearer. Whilst the more expensive
option, a panoply is matched, usually
ornately decorated and enables a
better ease of movement.

Body Part

The Body Part identifies the section

of the body protected by the
Armour. Shields have ‘Wielded’ listed
under the Body Part section to
indicate the Shield requires One
Hand to wield, and is used to protect
any section of the body the wielder
For limb protection, the feet
included under Legs, and the hands Additional Affects
are included under Arms.
This section shows any additional types of
Defense Rating damage or any other affects the Armour
or Shield offers.
The Defense Rating is the amount of
DR the Armour or Shield contributes Cost
to the overall DR on the Character
Sheet. As with weaponry, the average cost of the
DR is akin to weight as well as Armour or Shield (in Shekels) is
offering more protection, and makes represented under the Cost (Sh) column.
certain actions increasingly difficult – Whilst cloth and leather are relatively
refer to Armour and the Defense common and readily manufactured, pieces
Rating on page … for a of Armour or Shields requiring metalwork
comprehensive description of the exponentially increase in cost. As with any
way in which this is intended to trade in AOG, the purchase and selling of
work. Armour varies greatly.
Page 19
Armour List
Armour Name Body Defense Additional Effects Cost
Part Rating (Sh)

Padded Cloth Robe Chest, 5 Can be worn in addition to other Chest Armour 350
Arms, (worn over Armour)
Enforced Cloth Cloak Chest, 5 Can be worn in addition to other Chest Armour 410
Arms, (worn over Armour)
Padded Cloth Cap Head 5 255

Leather Tunic Chest 10 +1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee (Blunt) 550

Leather Skullcap Head 5 285

Leather Gloves and Arms 5 250


Leather Sandals Legs 5 260

Fitted Leather Panoply Head, 20 +1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee (Blunt) 800
Bronze Cuirass Chest 20 +1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee 1100
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee (Blunt)
Form-Fitted Chest 15 +1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee 1300
Musculature Bronze (Bladed)
Cuirass +1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee (Blunt)
Bronze Closed Helm Head 10 +1 Difficulty to received Aimed Shots and Focused 1080
Strikes vs. Head
Bronze Vambraces Arms 10 910

Bronze Shinguard and Legs 10 920


Bronze Fitted Panoply Head, 40 +1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee 4500
Chest, (Bladed)
Arms, +2 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee (Blunt)

Page 20
Armour List (continued)
Armour Name Body Defense Additional Effects Cost
Part Rating (Sh)

Wicker Shield Wielded 5 Requires One Hand to Wield 300

Wooden Hide Shield Wielded 5 Requires One Hand to Wield 500

+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee
Reinforced Wooden Wielded 10 Requires One Hand to Wield 650
Shield +1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee
Wooden Board Shield Wielded 10 Requires One Hand to Wield 775
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Ranged
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee
Circular Bronze Pelte Wielded 15 Requires One Hand to Wield 1110
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee
Bronze Recurved Pelte Wielded 20 Requires One Hand to Wield 1350
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Ranged
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee
Bronze Tower Shield Wielded 25 Requires One Hand to Wield 1610
+2 Difficulty to received Attacks from Ranged
+1 Difficulty to received Attacks from Melee

Page 21
Supplies and Equipment
Trade routes across the Known World supply all manner of goods constantly. This
includes medication, luxuries, apparel, weapons and armour. While most vendors
are part of the network of government and corporate approved supply chains,
there are always merchants seeking new opportunities to provide for the demands
of potential customers. Whilst most merchants wish to seek only an honest living,
there are always those who will exploit the demand for items that wouldn’t be
sanctioned by the relevant authorities.
Most goods have a genuine cost, an actual cost, and a black market cost. The
genuine cost is the nominal amount charge depending on the quality of the item
and the time spent by the craftworker to manufacture the item. This is the amount
shown (in Shekels) on the relevant Equipment Chart.
When selling to vendors, unless the Character is to able negotiate a better deal, the
item’s value is usually reduced to one quarter of it’s original cost. If the Party take
actions that raise the hostility of those within the immediate environment, or those
connected to their immediate environment, this may impact their ability to acquire
what they need.
Items on the Supplies and Equipment list show the name of the item, it’s affects,
and the typical cost to purchase the item at it’s recommended price point.
In-Game Inventory

Any items that are not Weapons or Armour are listed in the Inventory section of the
Character sheet. This is limited to what can be carried about the Character’s person.
Clothing with additional (and concealable) pockets, satchels, packs, and slings are
all reasonable methods in which Players can extend their ability to carry more items
at any one time. Players can also store items at separate, safe locations. Players
should keep track of what they are carrying in their Inventory and what items are
stored (and where) on a separate sheet of paper or text document. The Storyteller
has the final decision on what items are reasonably able to be carried and
immediately accessed.

Page 22
Supplies and Equipment List

Name Description and Effects Cost

Healing Herbs Healing herbs are the most widely available method for restoring Damage. Whether 350
administered orally, directly applied to an open wound, or steamed in an enclosed
space, Healing Herbs and the Shaman who mix them are the saviours of the Ancients.

When administering Healing Herbs, roll a D6 and apply the following result:

1 One point of Damage restored

2 – 5 Two points of Damage restored
6 Entire track of Damage restored
Arrow Arrows are required for all Bows. Arrows vary in material, quality and intended affect.
Knapped Stone Arrow 3
Bronze Tipped Arrow 5
+1 Damage vs. Unarmoured
Barbed Bronze Arrow 7
+1 Damage
Broad Obsidian Arrow 20
+1 Damage, -1 Difficulty to Aimed Shots
Bullet Small Projectile Bullets are required for Sling weapons. Depending on the material and the Skill
(Pouch of 10) of the Slinger, the lethality of the Sling is not to be underestimated.
Stone Bullet 5
Metal Bullet 35
+1 Damage
Holed Stone Bullet 15
Toxin may be applied to Bullet, causing gradual Toxin
Projectile Stone Catapults require a large Projectile Stone to propel. Whilst the projectile does not 450
require refinement, the cost for quarrying the stone is passed on to the owner of the
Dart Broader and more robust than arrows, Darts loaded into siege weapons are capable of 260
wreaking havoc upon an opponent, or group of opponents.

Page 23 35
A Character’s Axiom represents their own essential truth. The journey of stages
through the chosen Axiom will provide benefits to the Character. Only one
Axiom may be chosen for a Character.

Each Axiom Trait has a name (to be recorded and tracked by the Player in the
Background section of their Character Sheet), a description of it’s Affect along
with the required aspects to unlock the Trait, and the amount of XP required.

Page 24
The Pragmatist
The Pragmatist focuses on the idea that direct action is the most
effective route to demonstrating one’s heroic courage.

Trait Affect XP Cost

Lockbreaker May use Unarmed Skill Rating to attempt Lockpick Actions 120 XP
Required: 2 Skill Points in Unarmed

Martial Arts -1 Difficulty to Unarmed Focused Strikes 130 XP

Practitioner Required: 2 Skill Points in Unarmed

Weaponsmith -1 Difficulty when Crafting or upgrading Weapons 150 XP

Required: 2 Skill Points in Crafting

Animal Kinship -1 Difficulty when Horseriding and interacting with animals 230 XP
Required: 2 Skill Points in Horseriding and Persuasion

Siegeworker -1 Difficulty when using, Crafting or upgrading Siege Weapons 300 CXP
Required: 2 Skill Point in Crafting, 3 Skill Points in Siege

Keen Eye -1 Difficulty to Focused Strike with Bows and Crossbows 390 XP
Required: 3 Skill Points in Bows 3 Skill Points in Crossbows

Advanced May use Unarmed Skill Rating with -1 Difficulty to attempt Lockpick Actions 480 XP
Lockbreaker Required/Replaces: Lockbreaker

Animal Reflexes -1 Difficulty to all Combat rolls when Horseriding 580 XP

Required: 3 Skill Points in Horseriding, 2 Skill Points in Unarmed

Close Combat -1 Difficulty to Melee Focused Strikes 700 XP

Expert Required/Replaces: Martial Arts Practitioner Required: 3 Skill Points in Melee

Animal Mastery One Re-Roll per any Action taken when Horseriding 810 XP
Required/Replaces: Animal Kinship, Animal Reflexes

Ranged Expert -1 Difficulty to Focused Strike and Engineering to all Ranged Weapons 900 XP
Required/Replaces: Siegeworker and Keen Eye

Weapon Mastery -1 Difficulty to all Combat rolls, and Engineering all weapons 1100 XP
Required/Replaces: Close Combat Expert and Ranged Expert

Page 25
The Gnostic
Rather than reacting to the actions of others, the Gnostic relies on
their own knowledge, staying true to their own path.

Trait Affect XP Cost

Contemplative -1 Difficulty to Investigation following Combat 120 XP
Observer Requires 1 Skill Point in Investigate, 1 Skill Point Discern Intent

Student of Zen -1 Difficulty to Perception following Combat 130 XP

Required : 1 Skill Point in Perception

Mindful -1 Difficulty to Persuade and Investigate following Combat 150 XP

Presence Required: 1 Skill Point in Investigate, 2 Skill Points in Discern Intent

Nihilistic -1 Difficulty to Intimidate 280 XP

Channelling Required: 2 Skill Points in Perception

Stoic -1 Difficulty to Block or Parry with Melee Weapons 370 XP

Conservation Required: 2 Skill Points in Perception, 2 Skill Points in Unarmed

Attuned -1 Difficulty to Investigation and Perception 460 XP

Understanding Required/Replaces: Contemplative Observer, Student of Zen

Unnatural -1 Difficulty to Block or Parry with Unarmed or Melee Weapons 580 XP

Athletics Required: 3 Skill Points in Unarmed, 2 Skill Points in Perception

Nihilistic -1 Difficulty to Intimidate, Investigate and Persuade 670 XP

Perception Required: 3 Skill Points in Investigate, 4 Skill Points in Perception

Ethereal Echoes Re-Roll one Block or Parry attempt using Unarmed or any Weapon 780 XP
Required: 3 Skill Points in Perception, 4 Skill Points in Unarmed

Windwalker -1 Difficulty and Re-Roll one attempt at all Combat rolls 850 XP
Required/Replaces: Unnatural Athletics, Ethereal Echoes

Stoic -1 Difficulty to Persuade, Intimidate, Investigation and Perception 960 XP

Required/Replaces: Mindful Presence, Attuned Understanding

Soul Balance -1 Difficulty and Re-roll one attempt at any Action roll 1800 XP
Required/Replaces: Windwalker, Stoic

Page 26
The Savant
The Savant pursues an agenda often known only to themselves, for they
understand that the arbiter of one’s own moral code is oneself.

Trait Affect XP Cost

Physician -1 Difficulty to Medicine during or following combat 120 XP
Required: 2 Skill Points in Medicine

Personable -1 Difficulty to Persuade a newly encountered NPC 140 XP

Required: 2 Skill Points in Persuasion, 1 Skill Point in Sneak

Looter -1 Difficulty to Investigate following combat 150 XP

Required: 2 Skill Points in Investigation

Self- -1 Difficulty to remain in Sneak 280 XP

Disciplined Required: 2 Skill Points in Sneak, 2 Skill Points in Perception

Surgeon -1 Difficulty to Medical performing operations 370 XP

Required: 3 Skill Points in Medicine, 2 Skill Points in Crafting

Keen -1 Difficulty to Persuade and Intimidate a newly encountered NPC 490 XP

Perception Required/Replaces: Personable Required: 3 Skill Points in Intimidate

Acrobat -1 Difficulty to Condition in Sneak outside combat, +1 to remain in Sneak outside combat 560 XP
Required/Replaces: Self-Disciplined

Raider -1 Difficulty to Investigate 690 XP

Required /Replaces: Looter

Battlefield -1 Difficulty to Unarmed, Melee and Ranged in Sneak, +1 to remain in Sneak 750 XP
Analyst Required/Replaces: Acrobat

Medical -1 Difficulty to Medical rolls 860 XP

Specialist Required/Replaces: Physician, Surgeon Required: 3 Skill Points in Crafting

Subliminal -1 Difficulty to Intimidate and Persuade 940 XP

Suggestion Required/Replaces: Keen Perception

Ghost One Re-roll and -1 Difficulty to all Non-Combat and Combat from Sneak Rolls 1150 XP
Required/Replaces: Battlefield Analyst, Medical Specialist, Subliminal Suggestion

Page 27
The humans of Gaia place their faith in that which they perceive to
yield the most bounty. Those who toil the fields bear witness to the
unique blessings of the rain which falls from the sky, whilst the
traveller is connected to the ground and the fisher, the sea. The one
who fights for a cause ignites their soul to war, and the poet
connects their soul to their heart. Those who abandon natural order
and embrace nihilism may find themselves in league with the
Underworld. Whilst the human condition is more than capable of
merging all of these states there is always an overriding, consuming
drive which motivates action. This drive is represented by the
Character’s spiritual avatar – their Aspect.

With the honing of their Aspect, the Character may pick up Passive
Traits or unlock Magical Abilities as they experience more of ancient

Any Passive Traits which are activated under the same

circumstances are resolved in the order chosen by the Player who’s
Character possesses those Traits.

The standard Difficulty Rating to activate a Magical Ability is 9. This

increases by 1 per each time the Magical Ability is used in a single
session, to a maximum of Difficulty Rating of 17.

At Character Creation the maximum number of Skill Points that can

be allocated to an Aspect is 3 (Practitioner Level).

As with all aspects of AOG the Storyteller may adapt or create new
Passive Traits or Magical Abilities within any of the Aspects.
The Abnegate Skill may be used to defend against any Magical
Ability. A Successful Abnegate is the equivalent to a Dodge in

Page 28
Sky Aspect: Traits and Abilities
The Sky Aspect draws upon the power of the very air that surrounds us.
Ancients under the Sky Aspect swear fealty to deities who are perceived to be
the leaders of their respective pantheons.

Restore Vitality
Magical Ability
Level: Initiate
Requires:150 MXP, 150 CXP

The first stepping stone to harnessing your power is the ability to heal others.

If successful, Restore One Point of Damage to another Character or NPC, on the highest
current Track applicable.

Whisper In The Wind Thunderclap

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires:230 PXP, Restore Vitality Requires:240 CXP, Restore Vitality

You possess an other-worldly ability to The energy which guides thunder and
pacify a situation. lightning occasionally chooses you to
be it’s conduit.
Cast in Combat when a Character or NPC
makes an Attack Action. If successfully Roll a D6 each time you make an
activated, roll a D6. On the result of 5+, the Unarmed Attack. On a 5+, your Attack
Attack is not made and the Attacking deals Elemental Damage.
Character or NPC skips their Turn.

Mirror Walk Battle Calm

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires:450 MXP, Whisper In the Wind Requires:430 PXP, Thunderclap

The mind’s eye is your journey, as well as As the eye of the storm, the whirlwind
your destination. centres you.

For Three Turns, the Character is able to When Combat is initiated by yourself or
project a corporeal version of themself to a any other Character or NPC, roll a d6.
location familiar to them. The Character On the result of a 4+ you Receive a –1
becomes inactive at their physical location, Difficulty modifier to all Persuade and
and the corporeal projection instead takes Intimidate Actions during this Combat.
all Actions on behalf of the Character.

Page 29
Breathe Of Life Channel Storm
Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:600 MXP, Mirror Walk Requires:750 CXP, 700 MXP, Battle Calm
Requires and Replaces: Restore Vitality Requires and Replaces: Thunderclap

Laying your hands upon a diminishing Once the chosen vessel, now you
aura, your energy restores vitality. choose to become the driving force.

Cast on yourself, another Character or When making a successful Unarmed

NPC. If successful, Breathe of Life restores Attack, you may choose for the Attack
D6 worth of Damage Points, starting on to deliver Elemental Damage, or to
the highest Damage Track currently remain a regular Unarmed Attack.

Wind Walk Magical Ability
Magical Ability Level: Learned
Level: Learned Requires:1100 CXP, Channel Storm
Requires:1000 MXP, Breathe Of Life
Requires and Replaces: Mirror Walk You project the energy that charges
your being.
You are one with your mind, you are one
with the air. When successfully activated, you
project a bolt of lightning which deals
Your Character may levitate and travel up Elemental Damage. In addition to this,
to 50m, for Three Turns (50m per turn). roll a D6. On the result of 5+, you deal
This may be done as a corporeal projection +1 Elemental Damage instead of
under the normal rules for Mirror Walk, or regular Elemental Damage.
in the Character’s regular physical form.
The Character does not receive Damage
upon landing.

Raise The Fallen

Magical Ability
Level: Zenith
Requires:1500 MXP, Wind Walk, Thunderbolt

At the height of your powers, you prevent another soul crossing the veil by electrifying
their physical vessel.

If successful, resurrect a Character or NPC who has died within the last hour. The
Character or NPC is resurrected with no Damage taken.

Page 30
Sea Aspect: Traits and Abilities
The Sea Aspect represents the fluid nature of existence. Ancients under the Sea
Aspect accept all things without restriction, and see time as an open door.

Invigorate Life Force

Magical Ability
Level: Initiate
Requires:150 MXP, 150 CXP

Your inner strength bolsters and boosts your physical presence.

When successful, your Condition Actions receive -1 Difficulty for the following two Turns.

Skip Beat Fluid Vessel

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires:250 MXP, Invigorate Life Force Requires:210 PXP, Invigorate Life Force

Time recognises your journey, and lends a Your heart and mind are one clear pool,
helping hand. without a ripple of disturbance.

If successfully cast, you drop out of the Any Character or NPC who wishes to
physical realm and perform a free Action, Intimidate or Persuade you gains +1
before reappearing to the physical realm Difficulty to attempt such Action.
(at the physical location you arrived at
finishing your free Action), where you may
take another Action as normal.
Aqua Vitae Cleanse
Passive Trait
Enhance Vitality Level: Practitioner
Magical Ability Requires:450 PXP, Fluid Vessel
Level: Practitioner
Requires:470 MXP, Skip Beat You heed the body’s craving for the
cleansing purification of water.
Your aura absorbs and cleanses your
ailments. By drinking uncontaminated water you
restore one point of Damage on the
The Character’s vitality is enhanced with highest Damage track affecting you.
one additional Wound. The Player may
choose which Damage track this applies

Page 31
Flowing Vitality Passive Resistance
Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires: 590 MXP, 510 PXP, Enhance Requires: 800 CXP, 400 PXP Aqua Vitae
Vitality Cleanse
Requires and Replaces: Invigorate Life Requires and Replaces: Fluid Vessel
Flowing with the rhythm of life, you
The rush of energy engulfs you, and you become harder to restrict.
ride the crest of the wave.
In addition to the affects of Fluid Vessel,
Cast on yourself, another Character or roll a D6 when you are the target of
NPC. If successful, the subject receives -1 any Attack Action. On a 5+ you Dodge
Difficulty to all Physical Actions for the the Attack completely.
following three Turns.

Fold Time Water Oneness

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:980 MXP, Flowing Vitality Requires:1100 CXP, Channel Storm
Requires and Replaces: Skip Beat Requires and Replaces: Aqua Vitae
Quietening your mind, time and tide wait
for you. Submerging below the waterline, you
find yourself perfectly within your
In addition to the effects of the Skip Beat element.
ability, when Fold Time is successfully
activated the Character may choose to In addition to the affects of Aqua Vitae
“rewind” time and undo the most recent Cleanse, you breathe as easily
Action taken by a Character or an NPC. underwater as on land, and receive no
The Player may choose in which order penalty to Actions taken underwater.
their free Action from the Skip Beat ability
and the affects of Fold time take place.

Self Resurrection
Magical Ability
Level: Zenith
Requires:1500 MXP, Fold Time, Water Oneness

The river of life continues to flow. Your journey is not at it’s end.

Following one Turn as Deceased, you are resurrected with all Damage tracks restored.

Page 32
LAND Aspect: Traits and Abilities
Combining inner strength with steadfast energy, the Ancients who choose the
Land Aspect are grounded, measured, headstrong and guarded.

Spirit Shield
Magical Ability
Level: Initiate
Requires:150 MXP, 150 CXP

When grounded, you hold your ground.

The Character may attempt to produce a shield of energy when an Action is taken
against them. If Spirit Shield is successful, the Action is Blocked and negated. This counts
as the Character’s Turn. Outside Combat, Spirit Shield can also be used to block hazardous
objects that may be falling or travelling towards the Character.

Moving Parts Hands of Stone

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires: 160 MXP, 50 TXP, Spirit Shield Requires:260 CXP, Spirit Shield

Your intuition for the way things fit You know your own strength, but it can
together has always been second nature. still surprise you.

Cast by touching a a broken or damaged Roll a D6 each time you make an

mechanism, machine or object Unarmed Attack. On a 5+, your Attack
constructed from three or more parts. If Knocks Out your opponent for three
successful, the subject is restored to Turns.
working order.

Pre-Emptive Stun Grounded Movement

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires:450 MXP, Moving Parts Requires:430 PXP, Hands of Stone

Your third eye reveals your opponent’s You move in unison with the flow of
intent. Gaia’s energy.

As an Attack Action is taken against you, Reroll any attempt to enter Sneak, and
another Character, or an NPC, if Pre- any attempt to maintain Sneak when
Emptive Stun is successful you Stun the potentially compromised.
opponent attempting to take that Action.
The Attack is negated and the opponent is
Stunned for One Turn.

Page 33
Charge Shield Pacifier
Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:710 MXP, Pre-Emptive Stun Requires:730 CXP, 710 MXP, Grounded
Requires and Replaces: Spirit Shield Movement
Requires and Replaces: Hands of Stone
Your spirit recalls the disruption in your
energy field. You now fully control your physical
In addition to the affects of Spirit Shield,
the blocked energy is absorbed by you Roll a D6 each time you make an
and provides -1 Difficulty to your next Unarmed Attack. On a 4+, you may
Action. choose for the Attack to Knock Out
your opponent for three Turns.
Animate the Inanimate
Magical Ability
Level: Learned Stonewall
Requires:700 MXP, 500 TXP, Charge Shield Magical Ability
Requires and Replaces: Working Parts Level: Learned
Requires:110 0CXP, Pacifier
You are attuned to the physical realm, and
it allows for your direction. When acting for another, your energy
works in it’s purest form.
Up to a distance of 15m, in addition to the
affects of Moving Parts, you may activate When another Character or NPC is
mechanisms, take control of objects for subject of an Attack Action or the target
one Turn, or dismantle objects constructed of a Magical Ability, cast to trade
from three or more pieces*. physical places with them and roll a D6.
On the result of 5+ the Attack or
*The more intricate the object, the higher the Magical Ability is successful against the
starting Difficulty Rating to successfully cast. opponent who initiated the Attack or
cast the Magical Ability.

Fully Grounded
Magical Ability
Level: Zenith
Requires:1600 MXP, Animate the Inanimate, Thunderbolt

As one with Gaia, you are protected from the physical realm.

Roll a D6 whenever an Action is taken against you, or as harm is about to befall you. On
the result of 4+ Mother Earth absorbs and dissipates any Damage caused to you that Turn.

Page 34
Heart Aspect: Traits and Abilities
The Heart Aspect is the path chosen by those who support the people around
them. Whether through sacrifice, subterfuge or stealth, the Ancients of the
Heart Aspect will defend their people via any means necessary.

Courageous Soul
Passive Trait
Level: Initiate
Requires:150 MXP, 150 PXP

As your chakras open, your empathy becomes your shield and your sword.

You receive -1 Difficulty when asking questions or analysing the intent of another
Character or NPC.

Rags To Riches Managed Luck

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires:250 MXP, Courageous Soul Requires:230 PXP, Courageous Soul

Your journey has taught you to favour the You give yourself to the Universe, and
mind-set of abundance. the Universe is listening.

Cast on any Character or NPC when When the Character fails three rolls in a
attempting to barter in trade. When row, after the third failed attempt roll a
successfully cast you have -1 Difficulty to D6. On the result of 5+ the Action is a
strike the bargain you desire using pass.
Persuade or Intimidate.

Iron Gut
Glean Aura Passive Trait
Magical Ability Level: Practitioner
Level: Practitioner Requires:450 PXP, Managed Luck
Requires:480 MXP, Rags To Riches
Your constitution is renowned, and
The mind’s eye is your journey, as well as trained.
your destination.
You do not receive ill affects from
If successfully cast on another Character or imbibing Toxins. In addition to this,
NPC, upon placing your hand near to when you receive a Toxin Damage as
them, you reveal their intent towards the the result of an Attack, roll a D6. On a
Party. 4+ you are not affected by the Toxin.

Page 35
Bewitching Message Battle Hindrance
Magical Ability Magical Ability
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:650 PXP, 230 MXP Glean Aura Requires:710 MXP, 700 PXP, Iron Gut

Your power of suggestion rests upon your Your tricks and sleight of hand make
turn of phrase, with a sprinkling of Magic. you a problem on the battlefield.

When encountering a hostile NPC, you When another Character or NPC that
recite a monologue, poem or ballad in an you wish to protect is the target of a
attempt to pacify the opponent. Roll a D6, Physical Attack, you may use your Turn
on a result of 4+, the opponent ceases to hinder this Action. If successful, roll a
hostility and takes no further Actions D6. On the result of a 4+ the attacker's
against the Party. weapon has been sabotaged, breaks,
and becomes unusable.

Spirit Sacrifice Shot Caller

Magical Ability Magical Ability
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:1000 PXP, Bewitching Message Requires:1100 CXP, Battle Hindrance

Your empathy pierces the veil, and you The Universe favours your will.
take the burdens of another upon your
shoulders. At the beginning of the session roll a
D6 and half the result. This is the
When another Character or NPC is number of Shot Caller Actions able to
engaged in a Combat that you are not, if be taken by the Character this session.
Spirit Sacrifice is successfully activated you At any time, you may use one of these
may exchange your life force for theirs. Actions to nominate the Pass of any
You switch Damage with them as Action (in or out of Combat), on behalf
applicable. of yourself or for any other Character or

Lion Heart
Magical Ability
Level: Zenith
Requires:1500 MXP, Spirit Sacrifice, Shot Caller

You revitalise your energy, and transfer the influx to your friends if needed.

When cast successfully, roll a D6 and heal that number of Wounds, starting with Damage
on the highest track. If any points from the roll are remaining you may transfer the
remainder to one or more other Characters or NPCs.

Page 36
War Aspect: Traits and Abilities
Those who adopt the Aspect of War understand the balance of life and death,
light and dark, yin and yang. For the Ancients of the War Aspect honour is the
goal – the kill is the necessity.

Call To Focus
Magical Ability
Level: Initiate
Requires:150 MXP, 150 CXP

On the field of conflict you stand ready. When Combat is first initiated, you may step
forward to draw the focus of any opponent.

If successful, the opponent you are targeting breaks from their current target, and
becomes Tied with you.

Thermal Conduit Aggressive Block

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires:260 MXP, Call To Focus Requires:300 CXP, Call To Focus

The rage burning within your soul pours Standing strong, you return the flow of
forth. aggression against your foe.

When Thermal Conduit is successfully Roll a D6 each time you make a

activated, an object up to 15m away may successful Block. On a result of 5+ you
be heated up to it’s melting point as a instantly return the Damage to your
maximum, or the Character launches a ball opponent that was intended for you.
of fire from their hands causing Elemental
Hakka Passive Trait
Magical Ability Level: Practitioner
Level: Practitioner Requires:450 CXP, Aggressive Block
Requires:250 MXP, 220 PXP, Thermal
Conduit You possess a keener eye when armed
Requires and Replaces: Call To Focus with a ranged weapon.

Your war cry strikes fear into the heart of Roll a D6 each time you operate a
your enemy. Ranged Weapon. On a result of 5+ your
Attack becomes an Aimed Shot, and
In addition to the affects of Call To Focus, you may choose to disarm, target limb,
you have -1 Difficulty to all Actions against or kill the target.
your opponent.

Page 37
Charged Wield Counter Fighter
Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:410 MXP, 220 CXP Hakka Requires:800 CXP, Sharpshooter
Requires and Replaces: Aggressive
You transfer your energy to the weapon Block
you are wielding, overcharging it’s lethal
potential. Closing with you is a risk your enemies
take, at their own peril.
Cast on any weapon you possess. For
three Turns, the weapon deals +1 In addition to the affects of Aggressive
Elemental Damage. After those three Block, roll a D6 whenever a failed
Turns, the weapon dissipates into the Unarmed or Melee Attack is made
ether. against you. On a 4+ the Attack is
successful against the opponent who
made the Attack. You get to roll for
Coat In Flames Damage.
Magical Ability
Level: Learned Lay In Wait
Requires:150 MXP, Charged Wield Passive Trait
Requires and Replaces: Thermal Conduit Level: Learned
Requires:600 CXP, 510 PXP, Counter
You control your rage beyond it’s apex. Fighter

Coat In Flames grants the ability to heat Your killer instinct is honed when you
objects up beyond their melting point at settle into the shadows.
an exponential speed, causing them to
explode. Characters or NPCs within 1m of When successfully in Sneak, you may re-
this explosion take Explosive Damage. roll any Focused Strike or Aimed Shot.
Fireballs hurled from the Character now
deal +1 Explosive Damage on the
Wounding Chart.
Killing Blow
Passive Trait
Level: Zenith
Requires:1650 CXP, Coat In Flames, Lay In Wait

Drawing on all of your combat experience, time grinds to a halt as you identify your
opponent’s prominent arteries, and gaps in their armour.

Following any successful Attack you make, roll a D6. On the result of 4+ you deliver a
strike which extinguishes the life force of your opponent.

Page 38
Underworld Aspect: Traits and Abilities
The Underworld Aspect is the most feared and, consequently, least understood
journey a soul can willingly undertake. The Ancients who follow the path of the
Underworld acknowledge the natural order, but follow only the authority of
the self.

Commune With Spirit

Magical Ability
Level: Initiate
Requires:150 MXP, 150 CXP

The first stepping stone to harnessing your power is the ability to heal others.

If successful, Restore One Point of Damage to another Character or NPC, on the highest
current Track applicable.

Distort Memory Bound Blade

Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Practitioner Level: Practitioner
Requires:320 MXP, Commune With Spirit Requires:260 CXP, Commune With Spirit

Control of yourself grants you influence A corporeal blade is summoned for you
over others. to use; a gift from the Underworld.

You implant a memory into the target When Bound Blade is successfully
Character or NPC’s mind which they activated, you possess a Melee (Bladed)
believe to be true. You are able to weapon that is bound to you until
Intimidate or Persuade the target at -2 deactivated. Each time a successful
Difficulty Attack is made, roll a D6. On the result
of 5+, you deal Elemental Damage in
addition to the Melee (Bladed) Attack.
Torturous Stasis
Magical Ability Bound Armour
Level: Practitioner Passive Trait
Requires:450 MXP, Distort Memory Level: Practitioner
Requires:510 CXP, Bound Blade
A binding prison conferred from your
mind, to the corporeal. Without physical trappings, your soul
summons a protective layer.
An excruciating electric stasis field around
is summoned around a sentient life form, When not wearing Armour, you may
causing them to become Stunned for 1 successfully summon Bound Armour to
turn, and applies a +1 Difficulty modifier to protect you with a DR of 50, and no
actions taken by that Character or NPC in penalties from the Defense Chart, for up
their following turn. to five Turns.

Page 39
Host Denizen Deflective Spikes
Magical Ability Passive Trait
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:670 MXP, Torturous Stasis Requires:760 CXP, 780 MXP
Requires and Replaces: Bound Blade,
Your soul rescinds to the Underworld, and Bound Armour
your physical form becomes a host vessel.
When struck, your spirit protects itself
Cast on yourself, you are willingly with elemental spikes and barbs.
possessed by an ally from the Underworld
who boosts a Skill Group of you choosing, When making a successful Block or
making -1 Difficulty to any Rolls within that Parry, roll a D6. On the result of 4+, you
Skill Group. deal Elemental Damage in addition to
the affect of the Block or Parry.

Corrupting Whisper Shadow Phase

Magical Ability Magical Ability
Level: Learned Level: Learned
Requires:1200 MXP, Host Denizen Requires:1150 CXP, Deflective Spikes
Requires and Replaces: Distort Memory
You fade into the ether, choosing when
You weave the fate of another with your to reveal yourself.
When making a successful Dodge, you
In addition to the affects of Distort may immediately move into Sneak. Any
Memory, once the target Character or NPC Attacks made from this Sneak deal +1
is successfully Intimidated or Persuaded, Elemental Damage, and any Focused
you are able to take three Turns as that Strikes or Aimed Shots are made at -1
Character or NPC (in addition to your own Difficulty.
Turns as normal).

Extinguish Life Force

Magical Ability
Level: Zenith
Requires:2200 MXP, Corrupting Whisper, Shadow Phase

The Zenith may choose to extinguish the life force of a sentient being.

The Difficulty Rating to manifest this Ability is always 13. If successful, the target sentient
being is killed.

Page 40
Character Creation
The Character Sheet
The Character Sheet is used to record the main details for your Character. Your
Character’s Name is recorded at the top of the sheet.
Shekels are the currency most familiar throughout the Ancient World. Your running
total of Shekels is recorded on this section.


Your chosen Axiom is recorded here. At Creation, your Character has 150XP available
to spend in each XP Type specific to the main governing XP Types for your Axiom;
Pragmatist – CXP, Savant – TXP, Gnostic – PXP.


Your Character’s Renown for their deeds is recorded here.


Your favoured Aspect is recorded here. As your Character evolves, you may choose to
adopt more and more Aspects. Your first and favoured Aspect gains a 10% XP bonus
for Actions taken pertaining to this Aspect.

Starting Skill Point Allocation

Skills are divided into four Skill Groups on the Character Sheet; Magical, Technical,
Personal and Combat. Skill Points are divided by the / to indicate the base Skill Point,
and any modifier being applied to that Skill Point. Modifiers which affect the
Character’s ability to take Action with that Skill Point for a longer duration than one
Turn are advisable to note here.

There are a maximum of 5 Skill Points which can be achieved in each Skill,
representing each Experience Level per Skill; 1 - Novice, 2 - Initiate, 3 - Practitioner, 4 -
Learned and 5 – Zenith.

Your Character’s backstory and the way you wish to play should inform your decisions
when allocating starting Skill Points at Character creation.

Page 41
When creating your Character you must decide which Skill Group is your Primary Skill
Group, in which you have 8 Skill Points to allocate anywhere in that Skill Group. In
your Secondary Skill Group, you have 6 Skill Points to allocate. Your Tertiary Skill Group
allows 4 Skill Points to allocate. The Outside Skill Group is the Skill Group least pertinent
to your Character’s backstory and you have 2 Skill Points to allocate within that Skill

At Character Creation you may allocate a Maximum of 3 Skill Points (Practitioner Level)
to any Skill Rating.

The XP cost to allocate Skill Points after Character creation starts at 50XP of that type
for an unallocated Skill, doubling each time a new Skill Point is allocated. The total cost
therefore to fully upgrade an unallocated Skill is 1250xp of that type (50, 100. 200,
400, 800). E.g. a Character who has 2 Skill Points in Melee after Character creation
would require 200CXP to allocate a third Skill Point in Melee once gameplay has

Skill Group – Magical

The Magical Skill Group contains all Skills relative to arcane understanding and the
practice of summoning Magical Abilities.

Sky, Land, Sea, War, Love and Underworld

The Magical Skill Group contains all Skills relative to arcane understanding and the
practice of summoning Magical Abilities via your Aspect. Each Aspect is defined on it’s
relevant page under the Aspects section (commencing at page …).


The ability to Abnegate is used to dispel a Magical Ability of which the Character or
NPC is the target.

Detect Arcane

Detect Arcane is used to intentionally seek out the affects or presence of spiritual
manipulation. The Character or NPC is able to detect the influence of the arcane on

Page 42
objects, environments and other Characters or NPCs. A Detect Arcane Novice has
above average attunement to the spiritual world and may have a sense of when it’s
forces are at work. The Zenith in Detect Arcane is able to use their internal third eye to
perceive in an extra-sensory dimension at will.

Heightened Senses

Heightened Senses is used by Character or NPC’s who wish to amplify the natural
receptivity of their physical senses with a boost of spiritual energy. Heightened Senses
enhance one or all of the five natural senses. A Novice in Heightened Senses may see
further than others or pick out aspects of verbal communication across a crowded
room. The Zenith is able to innately process information picked up by their sensory
receptors, and may also utilise these receptors if they are physically damaged.

Skill Group – Technical

Skills used in-game that revolve around Mounts, Crafting and Engineering come under
the Technical Skill Group. The use of Technical Skills garner Technical XP (TXP) and are
used mostly outside Combat and social interaction to enhance an item, or provide an
advantage within a given environment.


The ability to ride creature large enough to carry the Character successfully. The
Novice in Mounts may just about control an animal long enough to reach a nearby
destination. The Zenith in Mounts finds kinship among the animal kingdom, and
creatures will kneel allowing the Character to climb upon their backs.


Crafting is the Character’s prowess for creating something from raw materials.
Whether potions, brews, equipment, armour or weapons, the eye for detail required
to make something is very valuable. The Crafting Novice has assembled some basic
items, probably for self-defence. The Crafting Zenith is a master craftworker, able to
produce items of incredible worth and quality.

Page 43

The ability to work with physical machinery, interact with components, repair items,
vehicles, and spacecraft, and understand structural architecture are all included within
the Engineering Skill. Indeed, Characters looking to improvise or construct new
devices or items will also need to have a grounding in Engineering. An Engineering
Novice is able to carry out general repairs and has a mind for understanding the way
things work. An Engineering Zenith is a master architect, inventor and is able to
maintain intricate working parts.

Skill Group – Personal

Personal Skills reflect the Character’s ability to interact with their surroundings and
with other Characters and NPC’s.


Condition includes all Actions taken where agility, acrobatics, athletics and feats of
physical strength made outside of Combat come into play. A Novice in Condition has a
slightly above average level of fitness and can sprint or carry Elemental loads if
absolutely necessary. The Zenith in Condition has reached the peak of physical
conditioning possible, has shockingly reactive reflexes and can potentially perform
acrobatic stunts that appear to defy the laws of physics.


The Investigate Skill is used to perceive and understand objects, environments and
other Characters or NPCS. Where a Character may not have the technical knowledge
of a component or the scientific understanding of a microclimate, the higher the
Investigate Skill the more chance they have of quickly absorbing the way a thing
works and what it’s intended function is. Investigate is also used for Looting potentially
higher value items. A Novice with Investigate may see things that others do not,
providing the object or aspect is prominent. The Zenith has such finely tuned senses
that the face value of a person, object or environment is merely a façade which can
easily be exploited or further understood.


All Actions involving stealth and sleight of hand are determined by the Sneak Skill.
Sneak may be used for a physical Action such as blending into a crowd or using a

Page 44
shadow to provide visible cover, and may also be used conversationally when a
Character or NPC wishes to conceal their true intent. The Novice in Sneak may have
some experience in blending into crowds or covering their tracks, and a Zenith is
accomplished in all aspects of subterfuge both physical and verbal.


Intimidate is the ability to directly confront a Character or NPC either verbally or

through the use of body language. Used to directly instruct another person, threaten
them into carrying out a course of action, or to reveal information, Intimidate
represents how menacing a Character is, and how they use this presence. A Novice in
Intimidate may be known as a direct talker or have a loose reputation for physical
violence. The Zenith understands the subtleties and psychology of exploiting another
person’s fear in order to convince them to do things that may be against their own


Where science and technology skills are required to produce medicines, the Medical
Skill is the Personal Skill that determines the Character’s own response to treatments,
drugs and remedies. Medical also increases the likelihood of a Character being able to
self-medicate and administer restorative procedures such as constructing ligatures and
tourniquets, or pulping herbal remedies. A Medical Novice has experience in treating
some wounds and has a basic understanding of their own anatomy. A Medical Zenith
is able to optimise treatments and remedies for the best possible outcome, and is able
to administer this to themselves or others.


The Persuade Skill is used when a Character or NPC wishes to influence, rather than
direct, the course of action of another. The ability to Persuade is often deployed when
the Character wishes to remain on good terms with the person they are attempting to
influence. The Novice in Persuade is able to present their case and a hopeful outcome,
and the Zenith can draw on the desires and objectives of another person in order to
convince them that their agendas are mutually aligned.

Skill Group – Combat

Combat Skills cover all aspects of conflict once Combat has been initiated.

Page 45
Unarmed represents the Character’s martial prowess when fighting without weapons.
At Novice level a Character has some basic self defense experience, whilst a Zenith is a
Character who has devoted most of their life to pursuing the perfection of hand to
hand combat techniques.

Melee (Blunt)

The oldest form of offensive weaponry was a simple blunt object wielded with force.
This principle still holds true when using Blunt Melee weapons. The Novice may take
up a rock, whereas the Zenith has an extensive knowledge of the application of blunt

Melee (Bladed)

Edged weapons designed to cut, slash, thrust and impale come under the Bladed
Melee Skill. Novices in Bladed Melee may swing a blade and hope for the best. Zeniths
in Bladed Melee is dedicated to the perfection of their chosen weapon’s form.


Evolving from the hunting of prey whilst keeping distance, Ranged combat has it’s
obvious advantages. The Novice at Ranged has the ability to operate the weapon. The
Zenith has the ability to aim at a chosen target in order to cause maximum impact.


Siege weapons are large and have an additional psychological impact on the enemy.
A novice with siege weapons will have spent some time as a loader. The Zenith with
Siege weapons knows how to dictate the pace of a battle using superior weaponry.


Elemental Damage is caused primarily by Magical Abilities. Weapons that cause

Elemental Damage directly however, such as a flaming arrow or a lightning conductor
rod, fall under this category, as an extra level of care and Skill is required by the
Character operating this kind of weapon.

Page 46
Traits and Abilities

Traits and Abilities that provide a specific effect for the Character or NPC are listed in
this section of the Character Sheet. The effects do not need to be recorded, as they
can be referred back to and over time will become familiar to you the Player.
Abbreviations can be used for ease of purpose and to maximise on space.
In addition to Traits and Abilities listed in the main rules, the Storyteller can also assign
new Traits and Abilities to the Character based on the way the Character has been
roleplayed. For example, a Character who favours a particular weapon or Magical
Ability may gain a trait which benefits them when these Actions are carried out in the
future. A Character that has repeatedly failed at a certain Action may incur a negative
Trait or Ability, again assigned by the Storyteller, that provides a minus modifier when
attempting to accomplish this Action in the future. If the Character manages to Pass
this Action the Storyteller may wish to narrate a bonus outcome for overcoming this
adversity. The Storyteller alone is responsible for naming additional Traits and Abilities,
and assigning their affects.
All items that are not weapons or armour carried by your Character are listed in the
Inventory. As the Player you are responsible for keeping track of the items in your
Inventory, including ammo and consumable goods. The Inventory represents the
items being carried by your Character at any time. There is no carry capacity limit in
Morningstar; instead the method used to store and carry items must be described by
the Player. Belts, pockets on clothing, satchels, backpacks, straps, harnesses and
pouches are all acceptable methods of carrying items. You may also wish to improvise
and innovate methods for carrying items. When beginning an adventure the Player
describes their Inventory and methods of carrying items to the Storyteller (the Player
does not necessarily have to disclose every item in their Inventory to the rest of the
Party, and some items are concealable). When new items are gained, for example via
looting or purchase, the Player describes how they intend to store the item. The
Storyteller may request a periodic Inventory check at any time to review the amount of
items carried by the Character, to ensure fairness and reasonable realism. The
Storyteller has the final say on what is realistically acceptable to be carried by a
The apparel worn by your Character and any of the gear used to carry additional
items (described above, or innovated) do not need to be listed in your Inventory,
rather this should be included in your description of your Character’s appearance at
the beginning of an adventure. You may wish to keep a separate note or an
illustration of your Character’s appearance to assist you with this.
Items not being carried by your Character and stored at a separate location (within a
building or at any other location) are not listed in your Inventory and are noted
separately from your Character Sheet.
Page 47

All weaponry carried by your Character at any time is listed on the Weapons section of
your Character Sheet. You may wish to note the name of the weapon in abbreviated
form and remaining ammunition if needed. The same principle applies to carried
weaponry in the Weapons section as carried items in the Inventory section. Your
method for carrying your weapons must be outlined to the Storyteller, and the
Storyteller assesses whether these methods are reasonable and realistic.
Weapons not intended for use or to be readily accessed by the Character may be
stored in the Inventory and classed as items. These weapons may be equipped into
the Weapons section, and this takes one full turn during Combat.
The Armour being currently worn by your Character is listed in the Armour section of
the Character Sheet. As with weaponry, pieces of armour may have an initialled
abbreviation for your ease of purpose for listing them on your Character Sheet.
Armour not being worn is classed as an item and listed in your Inventory. The usual
principles of carrying items in your Inventory apply to pieces of armour being carried
and not being worn. If you wish to equip and wear a piece of Armour being carried in
your Inventory this takes two fill turns in Combat, to represent suiting up and fastening
the armour to your Character’s body.
The overall Defence Rating of all the Armour your Character is wearing is noted next
to your Total DR in the bottom right-hand corner in the Armour section of the
Character Sheet.
Experience Record
Experience Points (XP) in AOG is broken down into four governing Skill Groups from
the Character Sheet; Magical, Technical, Personal and Combat. Actions taken using
these governing Skill Groups earn XP based on the success of the Action or the way in
which the Player reacts to and roleplays the outcome of the Action. This XP is then
used to move up the Experience Levels within a Skill, or to unlock new Axiom Traits (or
Traits awarded by the Storyteller).
The current unspent total XP available is recorded next to the Current section of the
Experience Record. The running total of all XP gained within that XP Type is listed next
to the Total section of the Experience Record.
Actions, interactions and reactions that earn XP along with the amount of XP
awarded in any instance is decided solely by the Storyteller. XP may be awarded by
the Storyteller before, during or after a session. The Player involved or the Party as a

Page 48
whole may wish to discuss XP allocation following or prior to a session, but not during
play. Players who are inclined to take notes or have recalled a particular Action or
instance of exceptional roleplay during gameplay may wish to put forth a suggestion
pertaining to XP to do with their own or another Player’s Character. Whilst such
discussions can be very valuable and valid suggestions make for a great opportunity
for the party to bond, do keep in mind that the Storyteller always has the overall
decision on the allocation of XP.

Wounding Chart

The Wounding Chart is used to keep track of your Character’s vitality. Anything that
affects the Wounds or Damage taken by your Character will have a description of how
this is recorded on your Wounding Chart. Following the allocation of Damage from
the Wounding Table, the relevant number of spaces on the listed Wounding Track
(Superficial, Prolonged and Sustained). Some items and Abilities grant the Character
additional Wounds. To half an individual space and therefore give one additional
Wound on the relevant Wounding Track, simply draw a line horizontally through the
centre of the space, on the first available space that is not shaded. In extreme cases,
spaces on a Wounding Track may be quartered to provide three additional Wounds
per space.


Any Status affects that impact your Character are listed here. If the Status only affects
your Character for one turn you may not wish to list this on the Character Sheet. If the
duration is longer than one turn, to help you to keep track of this write the Status on
the Character Sheet, with a number alongside it representing the number of turns or
length of time your Character will be affected by this Status.

Additional Character Information

Backstory, a description of your Character, owned mount and properties, stored items
(along with weapons and armour) and any other information important to your
Character should be recorded on a separate sheet of paper or text document as a
reference. It is also advisable to keep short-hand notes on the Actions and outcomes
taken by your Character, memorable lines or dialogue, information on objectives,
other Characters and NPCs. This is not strictly required and the Storyteller will have an
overview of these aspects, but it is highly recommended from the point of view of
getting the most out of your Character in-game (not to mention making the case for
your Character to garner XP following the session).

Page 49
Character Name Background
Shekels Axiom
Renown Aspect

Magical Technical
Sky …/… War …/… Abnegate …/… Mounts …/…
Land …/… Heart …/… Detect Arcane …/… Crafting …/…
Sea …/… Underworld …/… Heightened Senses …/… Engineering …/…
Personal Combat
Condition …/… Investigate …/… Unarmed …/… Melee (Blunt) …/…
Sneak …/… Intimidate …/… Ranged …/… Melee (Bladed) …/…
Medical …/… Persuade …/… Siege…/… Elemental …/…
Traits and Abilities Inventory



Experience Record Total DR

Combat (CXP) Current ___ Total ____ Wounding Chart Status
Technical (TXP) Current ___ Total ____ Superficial
Personal (PXP) Current ___ Total ____ Prolonged
Magical (MXP) Current ___ Total ____ Sustained


Storyteller’s Guide
Storyteller’s Guide
As the Storyteller you are, as the name suggests, responsible for telling the
story. This encompasses many aspects of setting up the adventure as a whole
and each individual campaign or chapter, and providing details for the Party.
From setting the scene to creating profiles for NPCs that may potentially be
encountered, and everything in between, the Storyteller has the task of
creating an immersive world in which Dark Age: Bushido can be played. Due
to this, the Storyteller has the final decision in all matters concerning
gameplay. If a rule comes between the enjoyment of the game or furthering
the narrative – discard or tweak it and adapt the situation to better the

Encourage and Include

There are many different ways to enjoy a tabletop role-play game. Some
Players may wish to express their Character’s dialogue or actions through
description, and some will want to act out or role-play the minutia of what
their Character is trying to achieve. As the Storyteller an adaptable approach to
the levels of experience within your Party will garner better results and create
an environment where Players feel confident to be forthcoming with
Character interaction. It is advisable to prompt a Player who is less confident in
their abilities by staying in-character as an NPC and directing questions to that
Player which will encourage them to act. This will also help you to develop
your ability to tell the story and add depth to your NPCs and environments.

Shaping the Story

The adventure (or campaign) is the entire story being told, and each chapter
(or session) is the section of that adventure being played out when a game is
held. The way in which you shape an adventure for an enjoyable Party
experience is completely your decision, and there are no set rules on how
locations or storylines are generated. You may wish to have a few plot points
and work towards those whilst leaving the “how” to the Party, you may wish
to plan, map and create visual aids for yourself and the Party, or indeed take
any approach that you desire. Whatever works for you, the core rules are
designed to support your methods. If

Page 51
anything impedes this, as previously stated, discard or tweak that rule to suit
you. To assist you there are templates and guidelines for creating NPCs, new
weapons and armour. Players may also wish to have input on the creation of
weapons and armour for their Characters either in-game or aside. Ultimately it
is up to you as the Storyteller to decide if an item is appropriate, levelled, and

Creating for Storytellers

The below list for generating weapons, armour, and NPCs are for you to create
new elements to enhance your story. These factors are alluded to previously in
the manual for the interest of Players and what they may wish to do for their
Characters, however the Storyteller must always be consulted when something
is generated.

Generating Weapons

Combat encompasses ever-evolving methods of developing weaponry. As well

as being instruments of war, weaponry may also be seen as a status symbol for
the wielder. Any functioning lethal instrument can be classed as a weapon and
will fall into the categories outlined under the relevant Skill for that type on the
Character Sheet. In addition to the weapon list provided, Storytellers are
encouraged to research and develop their own weapons to be included in the
game. Players also may have their own weapons in mind that they wish to craft
in-game or may ask for this to be provided for them.

The way in which weapons are generated is to firstly decide on the Weapon
Type, whether it is single or double handed, it’s difficulty to Block, to Parry and
any additional affects that may benefit or hinder the user. Once all of this has
been worked out, the weapon is named and it’s profile is written.

Generating Armour

Methods for defending oneself were of grave importance to warriors in the

dark ages. Armour was built and maintained often to the specific requirement
of the wearer. To generate new pieces of Armour, consider the material that is

Page 52
to be used, what body part it is intended to protect, the Armour Rating it will
give, and any additional affects the Armour may provide. The Armour is
named on the Armour List and for ease of purpose can be abbreviated on the
Character Sheet.

Generating NPCs

NPCs are of vital importance to telling your story, and their Names, Skills and
Wounds will need to be kept track of as the adventure progresses. When
creating an NPC, keep in mind the part of your story that they are to facilitate.
What are their intentions? What is their purpose? Once you have the answers
to understanding their motivation you will know how to act out or describe
their interactions. How you do this will also help with immersion and
bringing your world to life, and can be a very fun way to get your Players to
become more involved with their own Character’s development. An NPC that
the Party feel something for can be your most useful tool for encouraging the
Party to participate in a particular task.

Page 53

It is with gratitude for my group of roleplaying comrades that I release

this latest work, without whom this would not be possible.

Whether you are a Storyteller or a Player, it is my sincere wish for you

to have as much fun playing within the AOG setting as I did
researching and developing for it.

P.G. Harrington

All systems were created, and all content formatted and/or edited, by
P.G. Harrington.


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