Abdullah Shariff Resume
Abdullah Shariff Resume
Abdullah Shariff Resume
Professional Experience
Cleveland State University, Department of Civil Engineering, Cleveland, Ohio
Undergraduate Research Assistant, NASA MOSAICS Program August 2024- Present
Conducted research on surface coatings for shape memory alloys to use in biomedical applications
Read and annotated over 50 scientific papers on functionalities of surface coatings such as thermal resistance,
insulation, biocompatibility, strength and conductivity to construct literature review
Project Experience
NASA Lunabotics 2025 Challenge August 2024- Present
Improved prior year’s design of a robot to simulate constructing a berm on Lunar surface
Brainstormed different excavation methods to make design more functionally efficient
Discussed new manufacturing techniques such as Isogrid and Orthogrid via Topology Optimization and
Generative Design to reduce mass of design by 10 kg while not compromising structural integrity
Buckeye Space Launch Initiative – Liquid Engine Project- Propulsion Team September 2020- May 2023
Goal was to design and manufacture a liquid propellant engine to incorporate into a rocket body
Utilized ANSYS (Fluent) to place design of engine through thermal simulations
Cleaned equipment for engine using liquid oxygen in preparation for static fire test