Ivy Hill Resume 1
Ivy Hill Resume 1
Ivy Hill Resume 1
Proficient With Strong willingness and curiosity to learn
Matlab RASAero Pick up new skills quickly
C++ 3D printing in Plastic Am able to work on a team or independently
Javascript and Resin to acquire new skills as needed
Solidworks Microsoft and Google Lots of experience in team management and
Autodesk Inventor Tool Platforms collaborative work
Siemens NX Laser Cutting and CNC Able to utilize a variety of technologies and
Arduino Machining tools
Design Build Fly Systems Lead 8/2021 - Current University of Colorado
Boulder Boulder, CO
Member of CU Boulder's student-run Design Build Fly team. This team
Current Third Year Student
operates with the purpose of competing in the AIAA's annual Build
Aerospace Engineering Major
Design Fly competition in which teams build an RC plane capable of AIAA Member
completing a series of objectives and missions. 3.713 GPA
Last year (2022 - 2023) I was the Structures and Manufacturing Lead. I Deans List
managed a team of ~6 individuals to develop, CAD, and manufacture a
Newtown High School
plane capable of passing the objectives Sandy Hook, CT
For the current year (2023-2024) I have been selected to be the
High School diploma
systems engineering lead. As such I must ensure suitable Graduated 6/2021
communication between the other subteams, develop solutions for 4.5/5 GPA
integrating design components, and more. Honor Roll 2017-2021
National Honors Society
Sounding Rocket Lab Member 8/2021 - 5/2022 National Science Honors
Member of an on-campus group whose primary purpose is to design AP Scalar with Distinction
and launch a Sounding Rocket with the goal of passing the Karman Line. Award Recipient
Primary member developing the CAD model and design of a Solenoid
Valve system for a sub-sonic rocket capable of detecting its own
acceleration and correcting its trajectory autonomously.