Powerpoint Presentation Notes
Powerpoint Presentation Notes
Powerpoint Presentation Notes
software company named Forethought, Inc. It was released on April 20, 1987, initially for Macintosh
computers only. Microsoft acquired PowerPoint for about $14 million three months after it
appeared. Wikipedia
Here are seven reasons why you still need PowerPoint, and why you should
use it at your next meeting:
1. PowerPoint Keeps Meetings On Topic
A good PowerPoint helps the presenter keep the meeting organized and
moving at a good pace. With virtual meetings, keeping an audience focused is
even more of a challenge, so having a good PowerPoint presentation design
will help the presenter stay in command of the audience’s attention. Even
simply using an agenda slide will help attendees stay on topic and ensure you
accomplish what you need.
Most people dislike public speaking so anything that makes the job easier is a
win. Having a well-designed slide deck can serve as a content guide for
presenters, so they don’t have to worry about forgetting any of their important
points. This allows them to relax and feel more confident so they come across
as more knowledgeable, authoritative and engaging. All of this makes it more
likely that audiences will pay attention and be convinced by their message.
The act of creating a PowerPoint deck – putting ideas ‘on paper’ – forces the
presenter to hone their message. By going through this process, they become
more familiar with their content. This refinement exercise gives them a better
chance of delivering a well-crafted and well-executed presentation. Think of it
as a series of practice sessions that solidify a presenter’s ideas in their own
mind, resulting in a stronger, more focused presentation.
PowerPoint is often maligned for being boring, but this is a problem of use
rather than something inherently wrong with the software. When used
properly, i.e., as a visual medium, it’s the perfect vehicle for communicating in
meetings. Research shows that the brain consumes and comprehends
images more effectively than words alone. Using visual representations of
information in a PowerPoint presentation design allows the audience to digest
the presenter’s ideas instantaneously, without the need for additional
When a presenter uses PowerPoint, attendees know they can have the deck
afterward so they can focus on listening rather than taking notes during the
meeting. This allows the audience to give the presenter their full attention,
going on the journey as the presenter tells it. And because a PowerPoint deck
is a perfect post-meeting handout, the presenter’s work is done when the
presentation is finished.
Your time is valuable, so don’t spend it on anything you don’t have to. eSlide
has been working with top executives from Fortune 500 companies around
the globe for more than 20 years. PowerPoint presentation design and
enhancement is all we do. Let us focus on your presentation design, so you
can focus on your content and meeting preparation.
Scott Gerber
Community Member
Updated Feb 21, 2023
However, having too many of the wrong things in your PowerPoint could harm your pitch rather than
help. To help make your next investor meeting a success, 13 entrepreneurs from YEC share what
you shouldn’t forget to include in your next PowerPoint.
Having literally worked on PowerPoint itself once upon a time, it pains me to say that I’ve seen far
too many decks which act as a word-for-word transcript. A much better strategy is to limit each point
you want to make to 1-3 words on the slide. Your now extemporaneous talk will be more engaging,
flow more naturally and give you greater flexibility to adjust on the fly for the audience. – Amit
Kumar, CardSpring
2. An objection slide
After presenting the benefits of your proposition, end by addressing the critical issues. Most
presenters avoid these, but there’s always a critical guy in the audience who will bring them up.
You’re much better positioned if you bring them up first and point out how you’re going to find the
right solution together. – Steli Efti, Close.io
3. An agenda
I always add an agenda as the second or third slide. This way, it sets everyone’s expectations for
the meeting. It also helps with the flow of the presentation so everyone knows what the purpose of
the meeting is and how everything connects. – Juliette Brindak, Miss O and Friends
4. A call-to-action slide
What is the action you want people to take as a result of listening to your presentation? Put that
action up on the concluding slide so you make sure that your presentation achieves its purpose.
– Brett Farmiloe, Markitors
5. Key takeaways
By concluding your slide with a brief summary of some of the key points highlighted throughout the
presentation, you can control the last memory that your audience will have of your presentation. Use
it as a way to highlight some of the top selling points behind your brand. – Phil Laboon, Eyeflow
Internet Marketing
6. Engaging visuals
When preparing a presentation for a big meeting, make sure your slides are not crammed with text.
One of the best ways to convey your points and make a lasting impression is to use a lot of
interesting and effective visuals like graphs or infographics in your presentation. Not only will this
place the attention of meeting attendees on you as a presenter, but it will be more effective too.
– Doreen Bloch, Poshly Inc.
7. Your logo
Including your logo is your chance to have a small branding moment on each page. – Ashley
Mady, Brandberry
8. Backup slides
Include backup materials for detail questions. Your presentation should be concise and to the point,
always moving toward your target outcome. But sometimes detail-oriented audience members want
to veer into the weeds and go off-presentation. Quickly address their questions with backup slides,
materials or handouts. Then get back to your presentation and target outcome. – Matt
Hunckler, Verge
9. Updated data
It’s great to have a tried-and-true deck, but if you’re too attached to your favorite PowerPoint you
may fail to notice when a certain slide has gone stale. Revisit every single number and date to make
sure they’re current, especially if they make reference to your business’ traction or market. – Heather
Schwarz-Lopes, EarlyShares
Creating and establishing a clear roadmap in your speech allows the audience to keep track with
you. No one likes going through multiple slides with no clear indication where they are in the
presentation. – Kenny Nguyen, Big Fish Presentations
However, slideshows can also spell disaster even for experienced presenters.
The key to success is to make certain your slideshow is a visual aid and not a
visual distraction.
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It’s not surprising PowerPoint© slideshows have become the norm for visuals
in most business presentations. Slideshows are quick to produce, easy to
update and effective to inject visual interest into the presentation. However,
slideshows can also spell disaster even for experienced presenters. The key
to success is to make certain your slide show is a visual aid and not a visual
distraction. For the best results, avoid these common “seven deadly sins” of
PowerPoint© presentations.
Joseph Sommerville has earned the title “The Presentation Expert” for
helping professionals design, develop and deliver more effective
presentations. He is the principal of Peak Communication Performance, a
Houston-based firm working worldwide to help professionals develop skills in
strategic communication.
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General Presentation
Plan carefully.
Do your research.
Know your audience.
Time your presentation.
Speak comfortably and clearly.
Check the spelling and grammar.
Do not read the presentation. Practice the presentation so you can
speak from bullet points. The text should be a cue for the presenter
rather than a message for the viewer.
Give a brief overview at the start. Then present the information. Finally
review important points.
It is often more effective to have bulleted points appear one at a time
so the audience listens to the presenter rather than reading the
Use a wireless mouse or pick up the wired mouse so you can move
around as you speak.
If sound effects are used, wait until the sound has finished to speak.
If the content is complex, print the slides so the audience can take
Do not turn your back on the audience. Try to position the monitor so
you can speak from it.
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With the advancement in technology, PowerPoint presentations are very essential not only
in the schools and colleges but also in the government and the corporate environment. In
colleges and universities, the instructors use to give projects and assignments to the
students and the students then have to present these tasks with the visual aid called the
PowerPoint presentation.
The PowerPoint presentation is just like the visual aid that facilitates the students to express
their views in an organized way. In the corporate environment for the launching of the
project, like the new products, the concerned departments used to prepare a presentation to
express and their ideas and upcoming plans to the audience.
It is very difficult for the instructors and the students to learn every point of the
lecture/assignment so it is better to use PowerPoint. To grasp the audience it is essential for
the presenter to develop the presentation in a very professional way and for this, the
presenter needs to be user-friendly with the computer. Learning the technical aspect is the
key to make a good presentation.
Following are the factor which needs to be considered very carefully while making the
1. Animation
It makes the presentation more innovative and gives a different touch to the audience.
2. Colors Scheme:
The presenter should choose colors that are soothing for the eyes rather than painful colors.
3. Images/Pictures:
The presenter should use colorful pictures related to the topic to attract the readers more
because it has been proved that it is easy to grasp the attention of the audience with the
help of the videos and picture clips between the slides.
4. Errors:
5. Bullets:
The presenter should give the ideas and facts in bullets rather than in the paragraphs
because points are more readable and comprehensible.
6. Sequence of Slides:
This is the most essential factor for creating an effective presentation but most presenters
neglect this one. So in the first slide, the presenter should always write the name of the
topic and then write the road map to the presentation to make the audience get involved. At
the end of the presentation, there should be a slide of questions and answers to make it
more professional.
7. Font Size:
The font size of the headings should be different than the size of the sub-points. Mostly 14
and 12 font sizes are common in use.
8. Backgrounds:
The maker should use sophisticated colors in the background so that the text could easily
be read.
9. Exterior of Presenter:
This factor is highly recommended because your body language should show confidence
and determination while speaking. Your gestures and eye contact with the audience make
the presentation more successful.
The verbal communication should be aligned with the text of the PowerPoint slides, if it
contradicts, then the audience could be confused about the presentation topic and the value
of the presentation.
We believe that these factors make your presentation remarkable and help you to get your
purpose. Good Luck and design your presentation!