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Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
Aligned with these considerations, the primary objective An Autonomous System-on-Chip (SoC) Design
of this paper is to develop an automatic circuit generator Framework introduced in 2021 promised faster design times
utilizing deep neural network (DNN) technology. This and reduced Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) costs.
automatic circuit generator aims to create a comprehensive However, the framework was hindered by manual layout
System-on-Chip (SoC) synthesis tool, guiding the process requirements and process-specific constraints [23].
from user specifications to GDSII. This tool leverages In this work, we propose an automated analog circuit
innovative technology to automatically synthesize “correct- generator leveraging multiple open-source Electronic Design
by-construction” Verilog descriptions for analog circuits, Automation (EDA) tools such as AutoCkt, Xschem, ALIGN,
enabling a portable, single-pass implementation flow [4]. and OpenFASOC. These tools were selected for their
Additionally, the paper aims to evaluate and analyze the capabilities to incorporate deep neural networks, enabling the
performance of analog generators in terms of accuracy and system to learn from experience and adapt to various circuit
circuit performance. types. AutoCkt employs deep reinforcement learning to
optimize circuit designs efficiently, while Xschem provides a
II. LITERATURE REVIEW versatile schematic capture tool. ALIGN facilitates analog
layout automation, and OpenFASOC integrates machine
Automated analog circuit optimization has progressed learning techniques for circuit synthesis and optimization to
significantly, reducing the need for human expertise. automate analog mixed signals. Together, these tools enable
Methods include reinforcement learning (RL) for parallel a comprehensive and adaptive approach to analog circuit
circuit design predictions [8], machine learning (ML) design, aligning with diverse design objectives and
combining neural networks and RL for autonomous circuit improving design efficiency and accuracy.
sizing [9], and deep learning models for automated placement
in circuit layout design [10]. Techniques like Generalized III. METHODOLOGY
Differential Evolution 3 (GDE3) and Gaussian Processes
efficiently optimize complex circuits with conflicting This methodology integrates a system to automate and
objectives [11]. Key steps in transforming a netlist into a optimize the design of analog circuits, analog layouts, and
layout involve partitioning the netlist [12][13][14], automated mixed-signal ICs. By combining advanced machine learning
layout stitching [15], and customizable logic device layout techniques with traditional Electronic Design Automation
generation [16]. Designing analog and mixed-signal (AMS) (EDA) tools, the system enhances design efficiency and
IP blocks on advanced technologies like FinFET or GAAFET effectiveness. The integrated system includes four key
is challenging due to the schematic-post-layout simulation components: AutoCkt, Xschem, ALIGN, and OpenFASoC,
gap, complex design rules, and reliability requirements. each providing unique functionalities to the workflow.
Recent research has focused on layout synthesis using ML
advancements, with studies showing potential improvements A. Automated Analog Circuit Design
using Boolean satisfiability-based routing algorithms and AutoCkt is a machine learning framework designed to
verifiable constraint languages [17]. solve analog circuit design problems. By training on a sparse
Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been developed sub-sample of the design space, AutoCkt significantly
for designing analog-integrated circuits such as operational reduces convergence time and efficiently meets various new
amplifiers. This method uses trial and error to find optimal design specifications. It takes three inputs: a circuit netlist, a
designs, building circuits from basic components with custom simulation testbench, and target design specifications. Using
rules and improving efficiency through hash tables and this information, AutoCkt determines the circuit parameters
symbolic analysis, achieving effective designs in a few hours to ensure the design meets the specified requirements. The
[18]. Similarly, reinforcement learning was used in AutoCkt GUI for AutoCkt allows users to easily select between two-
to design two-stage operational amplifiers, showing stage op-amp and ring oscillator circuits and includes a reset
efficiency in sparse subsampling and converging 25 times button and a help button to assist novice users.
faster than standard methods, with a 40-fold speedup for
subsequent circuits [19]. Another approach proposed a DNN-
based framework for RL-inspired circuit optimization,
demonstrating improved performance and reduced design
time, although it relies on accurate DNN predictions and fine-
tuning of hyperparameters [20].
The transformation of a netlist into a physical layout using
electronic design automation (EDA) involves key steps such
as partitioning, floor planning, placement, and routing. These
processes are supported by advanced tools tailored for both
digital and analog designs, ensuring functional correctness
Figure 1: Automated Analog Circuit Design
and compliance with manufacturing standards. Resolution
enhancement techniques (RET) are also essential for refining
The graphical user interface of AutoCkt provides a
layout quality [21]. Additionally, an open-source framework
seamless navigation experience, allowing users to easily
developed for automating analog layout generation using
transition between different functions. When selecting the
machine learning and graph-based recognition aimed to
Two Stage Opamp option, users are directed to the Two Stage
minimize human intervention but faced limitations due to
Opamp Options Window, where they can access five options
proprietary Process Design Kits (PDKs) [22].
tailored to their needs, such as updating target specifications,
running scripts, and accessing external tools like IPython and
Tensorboard. This structured approach enhances productivity
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
and user satisfaction by making it easy to perform tasks relative specification, adjusting the handling for ‘ibias_max’
related to circuit design. The intuitive layout and clear by inverting its sign. For negative relative specifications, their
labeling help users quickly locate and utilize the desired values are added to the reward, and 0 is appended to
functionalities to optimize circuit parameters based on target ‘pos_val’; otherwise, 1 is appended. Finally, if the computed
design specifications. reward is less than -0.02, it returns the reward, otherwise, it
defaults to 10, ensuring no penalty for exceeding the
B. AutoCkt Framework specification in AutoCkt. This approach enhances the
In AutoCkt, the system comprises two main components: efficiency of the proximal policy optimization algorithm’s
the RL agent, responsible for decision-making, and the circuit training process.
simulation environment, where decisions are executed and
evaluated. Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a subset of
machine learning that involves an agent interacting with its
environment through trial and error, mimicking human
learning. This approach uses a simulation-in-the-loop
framework, requiring validation of outputs against a reliable
simulation source.
At each step, the RL agent, equipped with a neural
network, observes the state of the environment and selects an
action from a probabilistic distribution. This process balances
exploration and exploitation, enabling the agent to discover
new possibilities while leveraging its existing knowledge to
maximize rewards. After selecting an action, the environment
transitions to a new state, and the reward for that action is
calculated. This iterative process continues across a trajectory
of multiple steps, with rewards accumulating until the target
is achieved or a maximum step limit is reached.
In this scenario, N refers to the array of parameters that
need to be adjusted within a circuit, including transistor
lengths and widths. M refers to the various target design
specifications that the circuit aims to achieve post-training,
such as gain and bandwidth. Together, these variables Figure 2: Calculating Reward in AutoCkt
encompass a wide range of performance goals and
requirements. The parameter space, denoted as x ∈ ZN, and In AutoCkt, a three-layer neural network with 64 neurons
the target design specifications space, labeled as y ∈ RM, are per layer facilitates the mapping between states and actions
standardized to a predefined range, ensuring uniformity and in the reinforcement learning framework, as depicted in
comparability across different parameters and specifications. Figure 2. This architecture was chosen for its ability to
Initially spanning RN, the parameter space is discretized into manage the complexity of adjusting parameters to meet target
K grids: {x ∈ ZN: 0 ≤ xi ≤ K, i= 1,…,N}. The system generates specifications without fixating excessively on specific circuit
L trajectories, each with targets chosen from the set of M components. Within this reinforcement learning algorithm,
specifications. The reward for each trajectory is calculated by the network takes inputs including current performance (o),
summing the rewards for each action, which are determined target specifications (o*), and current parameters (p). It
by the differences between the actual circuit performance (o) outputs a probabilistic distribution from which samples are
and its target specification (o*), normalized and bounded, and drawn to determine whether to increase, decrease, or maintain
then multiplied by a scaling constant, β as shown below: each circuit parameter. This approach enables adaptive
parameter adjustments based on the circuit’s current state and
𝑜−𝑜∗ desired performance goals.
𝑟𝑜 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝛽 , 0) (1)
𝑜+𝑜∗ When the agent is deployed, it is trained to create paths
𝑟 = ∑ 𝑟𝑜 (2) using distinct target requirements derived from o* (‘target
𝑜∈𝑜 design specification’). This training setting may differ from
the simulation environment. After comparing the target
For metrics being maximized, β is set to 1, while for design specification (o*) with the final specification o
metrics being minimized, β is set to -1. For minimized metrics produced by the trajectory, the corresponding counter is
that are not strict constraints, such as power, β is assigned a incremented.
value within the range -1 < β < 0. More negative rewards are
given for greater deviations below the target metrics being C. Automated Analog Layout Generation
maximized or for exceeding the metrics being minimized. ALIGN automates the layout generation process with a
Over satisfying any one metric results in no reward for the user-friendly graphical interface (GUI), as shown in Figure 3.
agent, with 𝒓𝒐 being set to zero in such cases. This GUI integrates tools like Xschem for schematic capture,
Figure 2 presents a reward method that calculates a reward facilitating hierarchical circuit representation and netlist
based on the differences between current specifications creation in formats such as VHDL, spice netlist, Verilog, or
(‘spec’) and desired goal specifications (‘goal_spec’). It tEDAx. Users can select and run these tools via radio buttons
begins by computing these differences using a 'lookup' on the main window, which also features a welcome message,
method and initializes an empty list ‘pos_val’ along with a option display, and navigation buttons for user convenience.
reward variable set to 0.0. The method iterates through each This setup streamlines operations, reduces manual effort, and
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
improves layout accuracy, ensuring a smooth and efficient on generating analog components from high-level
user experience. specifications using a combination of machine learning and
traditional EDA techniques. OpenFASOC includes a
graphical user interface (GUI), as shown in Figure 5, that
simplifies tasks such as file uploading, viewing Verilog files,
logs, results, and generated GDS files from ALIGN processes
with a single click. This interface enhances efficiency and
productivity in circuit design workflows, and is designed to
be user-friendly for individuals with minimal technical
D. ALIGN Framework
ALIGN is an open-source automatic layout generator for
analog circuits. Figure 4 shows the five key components that
make up the ALIGN flow:
F. OpenFASoC Framework
Figure 6 provides a high-level overview of the
OpenFASoC framework. The initial setup involved creating
aux-cells and generator models for the process design kit
(PDK), a step performed once. The process began by
Figure 4: Key Modules of ALIGN [ 24]
translating high-level user intent into analog specifications
that adhered to user constraints. This included generating the
• Design Rule Capture translates the proprietary Process SoC layout by assembling the design components, executing
Design Kit (PDK) into guidelines for the layout generator. an automatic place and route flow, and utilizing block
Simplified versions for advanced process nodes (10 nm, 7 generators as needed. This comprehensive process
nm, 22 nm) enable layout tools to understand PDK transformed user requirements into a finalized SoC layout
features, including enforced grid stops, minimum length efficiently within the automated framework of OpenFASoC.
design rules, metal spacing, and width/spacing grids for
each layer.
• Netlist auto-annotation in ALIGN identifies geometric
constraints for each block and organizes passives and
transistors into building blocks. Representing the netlist
as a graph, it uses machine learning to recognize
conventional structures, mimicking the pattern
recognition abilities of experienced designers.
• Electrical Constraint Generation translates performance
limitations, such as maximum route lengths, into layout
constraints for sub-blocks. These guidelines define
parameters like route lengths and parasitic requirements,
ensuring compliant and optimized layouts at all
hierarchical levels.
• Parameterized Layout Generation at the lowest ALIGN
hierarchy level automatically generates layouts for
primitives based on variables like transistor size, MOM
capacitance, and serpentine resistance. Parameterized
templates, adhering to PDK grids, ensure design rule
compliance and correct PDK abstraction interfacing.
• Block Assembly organizes blocks according to the design
hierarchy, with primitives using fixed-shape placement
methods to generate multiple layout options. Higher Figure 6: FASoC Architecture
levels use flexible forms and placement algorithms to
create compact layouts, while adhering to geometric and OpenFASoC employed a synthesizable cell-based
electrical constraints. approach to create analog blocks, significantly reducing
manual layout and verification efforts, as depicted in Figure
E. Mixed Signal IC Design 7. These small analog circuits, called aux-cells, augmented
Open-Source Fully Autonomous SOC, also known as the standard cell library with essential analog capabilities
OpenFASOC, is an open-source initiative revolutionizing required by the generators. The process integrated PDK
semiconductor design by automating the entire flow for characterization scripts with design templates to streamline
digital and mixed-signal systems-on-chip (SoCs). It focuses aux-cell creation. The templates encapsulated the exact
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
behavior of each aux-cell without PDK-specific data, while IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
characterization scripts extracted technology-specific
parameters to adjust template knobs. These knobs controlled Optimizing 2-stage Op-amp in Automated Analog
device type, transistor size, and other circuit variables within Circuit Design
the template. The resulting aux-cell generation included
essential files like timing libraries, netlists, and layouts, An automated analog circuit design was evaluated through
facilitating traditional synthesis and automatic place and the implementation and testing of a 2-stage operational
route (APR) seamlessly. amplifier using Xschem, as shown in Figure 9. The schematic
The analog generators in OpenFASoC used models to depicts the operational amplifier circuit that includes a
predict performance and determine design parameters for differential stage, which comprises a differential pair and a
optimized block designs that met user-defined requirements. current mirror. Additionally, it features an amplification stage
These models relied on parameterized templates containing to enhance the gain.
aux-cells as their foundation. Each generator utilized a
distinct model, crafted through a combination of design space
exploration, machine learning, and mathematical formulas.
This modeling process was executed once per PDK, and the
outcomes were stored in respective model files, as illustrated
in Figure 7.
Block designs and composite designs in OpenFASoC were When users selected Option 1 in the Two Stage Op-amp
stored in the IP-XACT format for comprehensive description. window, they encountered an “Update Target Specifications”
Additional analog data, simulation, and verification dialog box as shown in Figure 10. This feature allowed users
information were recorded in an expanded format [22]. The to input specific parameters aligned with their requirements.
SoC integrator began by assembling the composite design It provided the capability to customize and fine-tune target
and converting it into a structural Verilog format compatible specifications for their circuit designs directly. By enabling
with computer simulation programs. The final validated GDS direct user input, the interface supported real-time
file was generated by processing this structural Verilog adjustments, empowering users to refine their design criteria
through the embedded tool flow, incorporating all necessary precisely. This interactive capability enhanced the design
artifacts from the database. This standardized flow was process by providing flexibility for iterative refinement based
employed universally by all generators (aux-cell, model, and on evolving needs and preferences.
analog) across the framework.
In OpenFASoC, the initial stage involved feeding the
Process Design Kit (PDK), cells, models, and block
specifications into the Verilog generation module, as depicted
in Figure 8. This module generated a synthesizable Verilog
description of the block that met input specifications, utilizing
models for accuracy. It also produced guidance data in a
vendor-independent format. The macro generation phase Figure 10: Update Target Specification for two stage op-amp.
created macros suitable for integration into larger SoC
designs, forwarding the Verilog and guidance data to a digital Selecting Option 2 in the Two Stage Op-amp window
flow. Here, processes like synthesis, automatic place and triggered the automatic execution of the script
route (APR), design rule check (DRC), and layout versus correct_inputs.py, which specifically involved navigating to
schematic (LVS) verification were executed. Finally, macro the circuit netlist directory for training purposes. Moreover, if
validation ensured comprehensive verification and reporting Option 3 was chosen in the Two Stage Op-amp window, it
of the created block, including parasitic extraction, SPICE prompted the user to input the desired number of design
simulations, and requirement checks across the entire circuit. specifications. By confirming with a click on OK, the system
updated the specifications accordingly, as shown in Figure
11. Upon completion, a message indicated whether the
generation process was successful or not.
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
Figure 11: Generating Design Specifications for Two Stage Op-amp. For instance, Figure 14 (a) shows the mean reward over
total environment steps. At the beginning of the training
Option 4 in the Two Stage Op-amp window allowed users process, the agent required a significant number of steps to
to choose between two execution modes: “Faster Execution” complete circuit optimization. As training progressed, the
and “Complete Execution”, as depicted in Figure 12. Opting agent learned to optimize circuit parameters more efficiently,
for Faster Execution triggered a streamlined process with 50 requiring fewer steps. As a result, the average episode length
training iterations, providing a quick overview of AutoCKT’s decreased. This decreasing trend indicated that the agent was
functionality. This mode automatically ended after the improving in its decision-making capabilities for optimizing
specified iterations, offering a brief insight into the process. circuit parameters and was meeting the design specifications
In contrast, selecting “Complete Execution” initiated a faster than through the manual steps. Figure 14(b) shows the
comprehensive cycle that continued until the system achieved maximum reward obtained by the reinforcement learning
the desired specifications and parameters. This mode enabled agent during the training. Initially, the reward increased as the
a thorough exploration of AutoCKT’s capabilities, allowing agent learned how to optimize the circuit parameters to meet
users to monitor its performance until achieving the desired target design specifications. Subsequently, the reward
outcome. stabilized, indicating that the agent has become proficient in
the optimization process.
(a) Ray episode length mean (b) Ray episode reward maximum
Figure 14: Performance Analysis of AutoCkt
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering Vol. 16 No. 4 (2024)
The Option 5: View Generated GDS File feature enabled Sockalingam, Ser Lee Loh, Yan Chiew Wong; draft
users to view the final GDS layout using KLayout, as manuscript preparation: Jiveya Sri Sockalingam, Ranjit
illustrated in Figure 27. Upon selection, the application Singh Sarban Singh, T. Joseph Sahaya Anand. All authors
automatically opened the specified GDS file in KLayout, had reviewed the findings and approved the final manuscript.
providing a detailed visualization of the circuit layout. This
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