Total Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
2. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
3. The time given at the head of the paper is the time allotted for writing the answers.
4. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B.
5. The intended marks of questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [].
Question 1
(i) If car A is travelling at the speed of 80 km/h and car B at 60 km/h in the same direction, what is the velocity of
the car A relative to the car B?
a) 10 km/h
b) 20 km/h
c) 30 km/h d) 40 km/h
(ii) If you whirl a stone on the end of the string and the string suddenly breaks what will happen to the stone?
a) Fly directly towards you.
b) Spiral in towards your hand.
c) Spiral away from your hand.
d) Fly off along the tangent to its circular path.
(vi) The same body is immersed in two liquids A and B in succession. The extent to which the body sinks in
liquid B is less than in liquid A. What are the conclusions that could be derived from such an observation?
a) Density of liquid B is more than liquid A
b) Density of liquid A is more than liquid B
c) No such conclusion can be made
d) Density of the solid is less than the liquid in both
b) 10 W
c) 0.7 w
d) 0.5 W
(ix) An observer moves towards a stationary plane mirror at a speed of 4 m/s. The speed of image with respect to
mirror is,
a) 4 m/s towards the mirror
b) 8 m/s towards the mirror
c) 4 m/s away from the mirror
d) 8 m/s away from the mirror
(xi) Rahul is standing 35 cm in front of a plane mirror. The mirror is moved 2 cm towards Rahul. What will be
the distance between Rahul and his image?
a) 74 cm
b) 64 cm
c) 66 cm
d) 76 cm
(xii) Which of the following is correctly arranged in the increasing order of speed of sound in steel, distilled water,
sea water and oxygen?
a) Steel > Distilled water > Sea water > Oxygen
b) Oxygen < Distilled water = Sea water < Steel
c) Oxygen < Distilled water < Sea water < Steel
d) Steel < Distilled water = Sea water < Oxygen
(xiii) The instrument used to control current in an electric circuit is
a) Ammeter
b) cell
c) plug key
d) Rheostat
(xv) If the field lines in a magnetic field are parallel and equidistant, the magnetic field is
a) non uniform
b) uniform
c) zero
d) nothing can be decided
Question 2
(i) Complete the following by choosing the correct answers from the bracket: [6]
(ii) Amplitude of a transverse wave is 1.5 m and wavelength is 5 m. If the velocity of wave is 300 m/s, find the
frequency of the wave. [2] (iii)ln the given circuit diagram, you are asked to measure the current in the resistance
wire XY and potential difference across it. Name the instruments that you would use. [2]
Question 3
(i) Will the weight of 1 kg of iron and 1 kg of cotton be the same in air? Explain. [2]
(ii) A body, whose volume is 100 cm , weighs 1 kg in the air. Find its weight in water.
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(a) (b)
Question 4
(i) What is the function of ratchet in a screw gauge? A screw gauge has positive error of 7 divisions such that its
main scale is marked in half mm and circular scale has 100 divisions. The spindle of the screw advances by 1
division on one complete revolution. If the screw gauge reading is 9 divisions on the main scale and 67
divisions on the circular scale for the diameter of a wire, calculate [4]
a) Pitch
b) Least count and
c) Corrected diameter.
(ii) A girl standing on an oscillating swing sits down. How does the time period of a swing get affected? What
happens to its frequency of oscillation?
(iii) Define the term volume. Mass of a sphere of radius 1.4 m is 500 kg. Calculate the density of the material of
the sphere.
Question 5
(i) Given figure shows a velocity-time graph for two cars A and B starting from the same point in the same
direction. [4]
a) Acceleration of car A.
b) Acceleration of car B between 2s - 5 s.
c) At what time intervals, both cars have same velocity?
d) Which car is ahead after 10 s and how much?
(ii) Derive the first equation of motion. [3]
(iii) A stone dropped from the top of a cliff reaches ground level in 4 s and buries itself 0.8 m into the mud.
Calculate, [3]
a) height of cliff
b) final velocity of stone on reaching level and
c) retardation produced by the mud. Take g = 9.8 m/s2 .
Question 6
(i) It is experienced that in our daily life Newton's first law is contradicted. Comment. [3] (ii) Sound takes 3 s to
reach a certain distance from the source placed in air. How much time will it take to reach the same distance when
the source is in water?
Take speed of sound in air as 330 m/s and in water as 1650 m/s. [3] (iii) Define coefficient of linear expansion.
Give its SI unit. State the factors on which the thermal expansion of a solid depends. [4]
Question 7
(i) Describe an experiment to demonstrate thermal expansion in gases. [4] (ii) The mercury falls by 8/15 parts
between two standard points on a Celsius thermometer, when the boiling water at 100 0C is allowed to cool to room
temperature. Calculate room temperature in
(i) Celsius scale (ii) Fahrenheit scale. [3]
(iii) [3]
i. What is the difference in the wavelength of infrared rays emitted from the sun and that radiated from the
ii. How is the size of a degree defined on the Celsius scale and on the Fahrenheit scale?
Question 8
(i) Given figure shows the image I of a point object O. How will you differentiate between point object and its
image? [3]
(ii) Give three applications of plane mirrors. [3] (iii) In a physics lab there where two charged spheres A and B,
initially both were kept at some distance from each other in an enclosed box as shown in figure below.
After some time, the teacher bought both the sphere close to each other such that they are now in contact with
each other.[4] Answer the following questions based on the given information.
a) Which sphere is at higher potential before electrical contact based on convention?
b) Which sphere is at lower potential before electrical contact based on convention?
c) In which direction conventional current flows?
d) In which direction electronic current flows?
Question 9
(i) An engineer wrapped copper coils around a soft iron bar XY. Which is then connected to a switch, battery and
rheostat as shown below.
Answer the following questions based on the given information.
a) State the polarity at the ends X and Y as the switch is pressed.
b) What is an electromagnet? Rheostat Name the material used for preparing an
Switch Battery
c) Suggest two ways of increasing the strength of electromagnet so formed.
d) State two differences between an electromagnet and a permanent magnet.
(ii) In the given circuit diagram two cells are connected in parallel. Answer the following: [3]
a) What is the potential difference between points A and B if e.m.f. of each cell is 1.5 V?
b) How does the effective voltage of the two cells connected in series compare to their arrangement in
c) Are the cells in a conventional flash light connected in series or in parallel?
(iii) You are given following three bars exactly similar in size and shape: [3]
a) A permanent magnet
b) A bar of soft iron
c) A bar of non-magnetic substance.
Describe how you will identify each of the bars if only a piece of thread is supplied to you as the extra piece of