Sifal Secondary School: Group A: Multiple Choice Questions (11 1 11) Choose The Correct Answer
Sifal Secondary School: Group A: Multiple Choice Questions (11 1 11) Choose The Correct Answer
Sifal Secondary School: Group A: Multiple Choice Questions (11 1 11) Choose The Correct Answer
Candidates Are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the
margin indicate full marks.
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Attempt all the questions:
1. a) Define a rigid body. Name two kinds of motion that a body can execute? [1]
b) A body is in rotational motion. Is it necessary that a torque be acting on it? [1]
c) Calculate the rotational KE of the earth about its own axis. Mass of the earth = 6 * 1024 kg and radius
of the earth = 6400 km. [3]
2. a) Why does deep water run slow? [2]
b) What are different forms of energy possessed by a flowing fluid? Write an expression for them. [3]
3. a) Write down the differences between progressive and stationary waves. [3]
b) A wave has the equation 𝑦 = 0.02 𝑆𝑖𝑛 (30 𝑡 − 4𝑥). Find the frequency, speed and wavelength. [2]
4. This diagram shows an electron tube. Electrons emitted from the cathode accelerate towards the anode
and then pass into a uniform electric field created by two oppositely charged horizontal metal plates.
a) Explain why the beam curves upwards between the plates. [2]
b) Explain how the pattern formed on the fluorescent screen shows that all the electrons have the
same speed as they leave the anode. [2]
c) Write down an equation relating the speed of the electrons 𝑣 to the potential difference 𝑉𝑎𝑐 between
the anode and the cathode. [1]
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d) A Carnot's engine has 50 % efficiency with sink at 9 0 𝐶. By how many degrees should the
temperature of the source be increased in order to raise the efficiency to 70 %? [3]
6. a) Write down the purpose of performing Young’s Double Slits Experiment. [1]
b) Show that the bright and dark fringes are equally spaced in Young’s Double Slits Experiment. [3]
c) What will be the effect on the fringe width if the double-slit experiment is performed in water? [1]
8 a) State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. [2]
b) A coil of 50 turns has dimensions 10 * 10 cm. It is rotated at the rate of 5 rev/sec in a uniform
magnetic field of flux density 0.7 Tesla. What is the maximum emf induced in it? [3]
10 a) What are the basic properties of AC? Write an expression for its instantaneous value and explain
the term in it. [1 + 1]
b) Which is more dangerous to use: AC or DC? [2]
c) What is the condition for resonance? The maximum capacitance of a variable capacitor is 33 𝑝𝐹.
What should be the self-inductance to be connected to this capacitor for the natural frequency of
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the LC circuit to be 810 kHz. Corresponding to the AM broadcast band of Radio Nepal? [1 + 3]
10 a) This diagram shows a rectangular metal frame PQRS placed in a uniform magnetic field. The
magnetic flux density is 4.5 × 10−3 T and the current in the metal frame is 2.5 A.
11. a) What do you mean by i) the decay constant 𝜆 of radioactive material. [1]
ii) the half-life 𝑇1/2 [1]
b) Why is it a gamma ‘ray’ when the others are called ‘particles’? [1]
c) What change takes place in the nucleus when a 𝛽 −particle is emitted? [2]
d) A radioactive sample has a half-life of 8.3 ∗ 104 years. Calculate (i) its disintegration constant (ii)
the times taken for 25 % of its activity to disappear. [1 + 2]
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