1.1 TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
1.1 TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
1.1 TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
Revision Note: Modified / Added / Deleted lines are indicated by a line on the left border.
Category Code Description
1 INTRODUCTION: .................................................................................................................................. 4
2 DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................................... 4
3 PURPOSE: ............................................................................................................................................ 4
4 CONFLICTS & DEVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. 5
5 BASIC GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................................. 5
6 UNIT ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
PART-A ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ............................................................................................................................ 7
1. GENERAL........................................................................................................................................... 8
2. REFERENCE STANDARDS AND PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................ 8
3. MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................... 13
4. LOADS AND FORCES ..................................................................................................................... 19
5. LOAD COMBINATIONS.................................................................................................................... 33
6. DESIGN OF FOUNDATIONS / FOOTINGS ...................................................................................... 41
7. PLINTH PROTECTION: .................................................................................................................... 50
8. RAMPS: ............................................................................................................................................ 50
9. COVERING OF PITS / BASINS: ....................................................................................................... 50
10. FLOORING DETAILS FOR BUILDINGS & SHEDS: ...................................................................... 50
11. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR RCC STRUCTURES: ........................................................... 51
12. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR STEEL STRUCTURES: ........................................................ 56
13. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR MASONRY WORKS: ............................................................ 63
14. PLATFORM BELOW AIR COOLERS: ........................................................................................... 63
15. RCC AND STEEL CHIMNEYS: ..................................................................................................... 64
16. TANK FOUNDATIONS: ................................................................................................................. 64
PART-B ....................................................................................................................................................... 65
SEISMIC DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................... 65
1. GENERAL......................................................................................................................................... 66
2. DESIGN CONSIDERATION:............................................................................................................. 68
3. PERMISSIBLE STRESSES: ............................................................................................................. 69
4. METHOD OF SEISMIC DESIGN: ..................................................................................................... 70
5. DUCTILE DETAILING ....................................................................................................................... 73
6. SPECIAL PROVISION FOR STORAGE TANKS............................................................................... 73
PART-C ....................................................................................................................................................... 74
ARCHITECTURAL WORKS ........................................................................................................................ 74
1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................. 75
2 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY / CRITERIA - GENERAL............................................................................. 75
3 ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES........................................................................................................... 89
4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 104
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Numaligarh Refinery Limited NRL Expansion Project
Engineering Design Basis For Civil, Structural, Architectural and U/G network TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
Wherever used in this procedure, the following words shall have the meaning as given hereunder:
The purpose of this document is to lay down the basic requirements for design and development
of Civil & Structural, Building and Under Ground (U/G) Activities, including the philosophy,
schematic, functional requirement to be taken in design, manufacture, testing, supply, construction
and installation. This shall be applicable for all CONSULTANTS/ CONTRACTOR / Sub-
CONTRACTOR working in Numaligarh Refinery Expansion Project to meet the overall
requirements of the CLIENT.
1) All Civil / Structural designs shall be carried out in accordance with latest IS Codes (with all
amendments issued there to) on the notified date of tender
2) Internal / External materials of construction for buildings shall conform to Specifications.
3) Construction material such as sand, cement, aggregate, water, reinforcement, weld-mesh
and structural steel & structural steel sections, etc., shall conform to relevant BIS Codes &
specifications. All other material shall be in accordance with specifications.
4) IS Codes shall be followed for workmanship and testing of materials.
5) Apart from the IS codes particularly mentioned in various clauses of this document, all
other relevant codes related to specific job under consideration and/or referred to in the
above-mentioned codes, shall be followed wherever applicable. Reference to some of the
codes in various clauses of this document does not limit or restrict the scope of applicability
of other relevant Codes.
The International System of Units (SI) shall be used.
This specification defines the design criteria and loads that should be taken in to account for the
design of all industrial plant and non-plant structures and buildings.
5. Specification for expanded metal steel sheets for general purposes IS:412
Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-
6. IS:432
drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement.
7. Specification for Portland slag cement IS:455
9. Specification for test sieves: Part-1 Wire cloth test sieves IS:460
28. Code of Basic requirements for water supply, drainage and Sanitation IS:1172
31. Steel tubes, tubulars & other wrought steel fittings IS:1239
32. Methods of sampling and test for anaerobic adhesives and sealants. IS:1305
33. Specification for bitumen felts for water proofing and damp proofing IS:1322
49. Hot rolled low, Medium and high tensile structural steel IS:2062
54. Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars IS:2250
55. Steel wire ropes for General Engineering purposes- Specification IS:2266
60. Drop forged sockets for wire ropes for General Engineering purposes IS:2485
Code of Practice for Bending and Fixing of Bars for Concrete
61. IS:2502
62. Recommended practice for hot dipped galvanizing on iron and steel IS:2629
63. Methods for testing uniformity of coating of zinc coated articles IS:2633
Integral waterproofing compounds for cement mortar and concrete-
64. IS:2645
65. Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundation IS:2911
66. Code of practice for design & construction of raft foundations IS:2950
67. Code of practice for design & construction of machine foundations IS:2974
Methods of sampling & test (physical & chemical) for water and
68. IS:3025
69. Specification for bitumen mastic for use in water proofing of roofs IS:3037
71. Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of Liquids IS:3370
Specification for bitumen primer for use in water proofing and damp
72. IS:3384
73. Design & Installation of Joints in Buildings IS:3414
98. Specification of bitumen mastic for tanking and damp proofing IS:5871
104. Code of practice for design & construction of steel chimney IS:6533
114. Criteria for design of steel bins for storage of bulk Materials IS:9178
Recommendations for metal arc welding of carbon and carbon
115. IS:9595
manganese steel
116. Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design IS:10262
117. Code of practice for design and construction of ring Foundation IS:11089
118. Specification for one part polysulphide base joints sealant IS:11433
Code of practice for design & construction of shallow foundations on
119. IS:12070
120. Two parts polysulphide based sealants IS:12118
Pro vision of water-stops at Transverse contraction joints in masonry
121. IS:12200
& concrete dam- code of practice
122. Specification of 53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement IS:12269
The above list is suggestive not exhaustive. Apart from these basic codes any other codes should
also be followed wherever required.
3.1 General
Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, material specifications should conform to the following.
3.1.1 Cement:
Generally, for all concrete works both above and below ground, the use of one of the following
type of cements shall be considered, with due regard given to suitable for type of structure and/or
chemical resistance:
♦ 43 Grade or 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) conforming to IS: 8112/IS: 12269.
OPC shall be used for all the important structures.
♦ Portland Slag Cement (PSC) confirming to IS: 455.
♦ Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC, fly ash based) confirming to IS: 1489 Part 1.
♦ Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC, calcined based) confirming to IS: 1489 Part 2.
♦ Sulphate Resistant Portland Cement (SRC) confirming to IS: 12330 shall be used for
foundations and below ground structures (if required as per soil recommendation for
respective site).
Use of specific type of cement for U/G works and foundations, piling shall depend on the soil
3.1.2 Aggregate:
Aggregates used in concrete works shall be conforming to IS: 383 sourced from approved quarries
or source. For most works, graded 20 mm down aggregate shall be used. Where there is no
restriction to the flow of concrete into sections, 40 mm down aggregate shall be used in special
cases. Before using, the aggregates shall be tested as per IS 2386. The grading of fine
aggregates, when determined as described in IS: 2386 (Part-I) shall be within the limits as given in
IS: 383. If required, the aggregates shall be thoroughly washed as directed by EIC.
Blast furnace slag and manufactured sand shall not be used as aggregates.
3.1.3 Reinforcement:
Reinforcement shall be High Strength deformed TMT bars of grade Fe 500D (Alternatively Fe
550D acceptable) conforming to IS: 1786.
Reinforcement steel of minimum grade Fe500D to be used. Unless specifically stated otherwise
use of mild steel is not permitted in R.C.C. works. If used shall be of Grade I conforming to IS: 432
Part I. Reinforcement steel shall be procured from suppliers listed in the Master Supplier list -
Document No. -TP-1ZZZA-PQ-VNL-0002
Corrosion resistant steel (CRS-rebars) to be used for liquid retaining structures like sump,
reservoir, Cooling tower cell etc.,
3.1.4 Binding Wire:
18 gauge black soft annealed SWG wire confirm to IS 280 shall be used for binding of
reinforcement bars.
3.1.5 Admixtures:
Admixtures shall conform to IS: 9103 and are to be mixed with concrete strictly as per
manufacturer’s recommendations.
3.1.6 Grouting:
Refer Document No.NR-0ZZZZ-CV-SPE-0004 – Specification for Grouting and Clause 6.14 of this
document for additional grouting information.
3.1.7 Anchor Bolts
Anchor bolts shall be of mild steel conforming to Grade A of IS: 2062 and fabricated as per
Document “Construction Standards for Concrete Works”. Minimum two nuts shall be used for all
anchor bolts except for ladder, stair and handrail. High strength bolts of grade ASTM A193 B7 on
specific cases (required by vendor or specified in equipment data sheet) may be used in lieu of
E650A grade bolts and approved by OWNER/MPMC.
3.1.8 Structural Steel
Structural Steel shall conform to IS: 2062 with minimum yield Strength of 250 N/mm2 & shapes
shall be as per SP 6 of IS: 800 / IS: 12778 (wide flange/narrow flange sections) or Universal
beams and Columns as per BS.
Structural Steel shall comply with requirements as follows:
a) For ISMB, ISMC, ISA (Angles), NPB, WPB : IS 2062 Grade E250BR
b) For Flats : IS 2062 Grade E250BR
c) For Plates : IS 2062 Grade E250BR / E350BR
Page 14 of 131 TP DOC REF: 082176C-ZZZ-JSD-1700-0001_D3
Numaligarh Refinery Limited NRL Expansion Project
Engineering Design Basis For Civil, Structural, Architectural and U/G network TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
Steel chequered plates shall conform to IS: 3502. U-type galvanized grating clamps may be used
for grating fixing, shall rigidly hold the gratings. Clamps shall be inspected and approved by
All gratings shall be Hot dip galvanized with minimum thickness of galvanization shall be 120
3.1.12 Handrails
Hand rails, 1000mm high (from top of grating / top of chequered plate / FFL), should be provided
to all walkways, platforms, staircases. Toe plate (100mmx5mm) should be provided for all
horizontal hand railing (except for hand railing in inclined portion of staircases). Spacing of
uprights should be 1500mm (maximum). Removable hand rails upright spacing shall be restricted
to 1250mm and maximum length of one piece of removable handrail shall be 3750mm.
Two types of hand railing should be provided:
I. For Tech. structures, walkways, platforms (except platform around/on circular/horizontal
vessels), staircases: Top rail, mid-rail and upright should be 32mm dia (NB) galvanized
medium grade MS tubes.
II. For platforms around circular vessels: Top rail should be 32mm dia (NB) galvanized
medium grade MS tubes but mid rail shall be 50X6 MS flat and vertical post shall be of
angle section L50X50X6.
Handrails shall be galvanized and further painted for safety reasons. Galvanization thickness shall
be 610 gsm minimum. Epoxy Painting for Galvanized Hand rails shall be provided with color code
as per safety requirements. Refer to Painting Specification TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003.
3.1.13 Design Strength of Concrete
Unless otherwise specified, the minimum concrete grade should be as follows,
Related Work Grade Designation
Piles M30
Liquid Retaining Structures M30
Structural Concrete M30
Trench/ Drainage M25 / M30
Grade Slab / paving* M30 / M25
Leveling Concrete M20
Filling / Mass / Plum Concrete M7.5 /M10
Dense Fire proofing M20
Precast concrete super structure M35
* Refer to clause 6 in Part-D General Civil.
Minimum cement content, maximum water cement ratio and minimum grade of concrete for
different exposures shall be as per IS: 456 (Latest edition). Special type of Cement shall be used,
if required as per Soil report.
Unless otherwise stated, the mix design is to be carried out by the Contractor for approval of PMC/
3.1.14 Plain Cement Concrete (PCC):
1) 75 mm thick lean concrete of grade 1:4:8 (M7.5) should be provided under all RCC
foundations except under base slab of liquid retaining structures where 100mm thick
concrete of grade 1:3:6 shall be used.
2) The lean concrete shall extend 50mm beyond the foundation for normal foundations and
75mm under liquid retaining structures.
3) Plain Cement Concrete PCC of grade M20 of minimum 150mm thickness shall be provided
under all masonry wall foundations.
4) Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) mud mat of grade M20 (nominal mix) of minimum 150 mm
thickness shall be provided under all masonry wall foundations.
5) Acrylic based waterproofing compound (2% by weight of cement) shall be mixed in concrete
used as damp proof course of minimum 40mm thickness at plinth level of all masonry walls.
6) Plain cement concrete of grade M20 (nominal mix) of minimum 40 mm thickness shall be
provided as damp proof course at plinth level of all masonry walls. Integral waterproofing
compound conforming to IS:2645 shall be mixed with concrete (as per manufacturer’s
specifications) and coated with bitumen emulsion.
7) Minimum grade of concrete for General Civil work should be as specified in Detail
specification for General Civil works.
3.2 Material Of Construction Also refer Sr. No. F2 in Annexure 1 to Material Requisition
Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, material of construction for various Type of Structures
should conform to the following:
1.0 Technological
♦ In acid and caustic handling units / dosing areas and sulfur handing units, steel structure to
be avoided. If unavoidable, suitable protective coatings shall be provided as per site specific
exposure conditions / panting specifications.
♦ Masonry shall be plastered with CM 1:6, 12mm thick on inside surfaces and 20mm thick on
external surfaces.
♦ Bipolar concrete penetrating corrosion inhibitors shall be used for all underground concrete
activities like foundation, piling works, basins, etc.,
a) Blind floor below air cooler shall be in RCC over metal decking (left-in/ sacrificial shuttering).
b) Roofing & side cladding shall be as per Architecture Design Basis.
c) Buildings shall have RCC floors & masonry infill walls, however blast resistant buildings shall
have RCC walls. Material of construction of masonry shall be as per Architecture Design
d) Material of construction for buildings shall be as per Architecture Design Basis.
e) Electro-forged galvanized grating shall be used for flooring at all operating floors, unless
RCC floor is required from operations considerations (e.g. blind floor below air coolers
supported on technological structure & pipe rack, plant & non-plant buildings), However
chequered plate can be used only at unavoidable locations based on approval from
f) Fire-proofing material for steel structures wherever required provided as per Clause 12.2 of
this part of document
Requirement of monorails and overhead cranes shall be as per IS: 800, IS:875 or manufacturer’s
data, whichever is more stringent.
Vibration loads should mean the vibration forces caused by heavy vibrating equipment or
machinery and dynamic forces caused by fluids in the normal operation. Frames, structures and
foundations for machinery or equipment causing vibration should be designed to limit vibrations to
an acceptable level.
It should be designed such that whether they are independent or part of the building, it should not
only safely carry the loads for such items but also prevent resonance.
Dynamic analysis shall be carried out for foundations of critical equipment like compressors &
pumps. While carrying out dynamic analysis of foundation/structures supporting dynamically
loaded equipment’s, the loads indicated by vendor in his documents shall be used.
However, in the absence of such vendor data, the following load shall be assumed as the
equivalent static loads when the dynamic analysis is not carried out for pumps upto 50kN weight.
1B 1C
Condition 2:
7 KPa on Interior wall and
Roof Surfaces (minimum) or as per cl. 4.9.
When the thermal expansion or contraction results in friction between the equipment & its support
at the sliding end, the friction force shall be calculated in accordance with the following coefficient
of static friction & sliding ends in opposite directions:
Concrete to soil………...0.40
Steel on Steel…………. 0.30
Steel on concrete……... 0.45
PTFE to PTFE………… 0.10*
* Comp stress on PTFE (Poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene / Teflon) shall be minimum 3.5 N/mm2.
4.12 Non-Static Loading
Foundations and structures supporting vessels subject to surge loading, such as Deaerators
shall be designed with sufficient stiffness and rigidity to resist a notional horizontal force of 10% of
those derived from the Vessel’s operating weight or the given surge load whichever is the greater.
The surge forces shall be applied at the vessel’s center of gravity and act longitudinally or
transversely, if the surge loads not provided by vendor. Consideration shall be given to bracing
these structures.
The design of foundations and structures supporting agitated vessels, centrifuges, reactors and
other variable load equipment shall take full account of all the loading data provided by the
equipment vendors. Where no loads are available, consideration shall be given to applying
additional force at 10% of operating weight acting in longitudinal and transverse direction.
In addition, for dynamic effect loads will be increased by 50% of steam agitated equipment and
25% for mechanical agitated vessels in vertical direction.
Where two or more similar items of such equipment are supported on a common foundation or
structure, the design must be based on assumption that these items will resonate in phase.
Rotating Equipment
Comprehensive loading data of mechanical equipment, such as, fans, blowers, pumps,
compressors, D.G. Sets, turbines, motors engines etc., as furnished by the equipment vendor
shall be considered.
PV = H ± q q H
Ph = K0 PV GWT 1
H h0
b) Below ground water level
PV = Vertical soil pressure
Ph = Horizontal soil pressure
= Unit weight of soil
h0 = Soil depth from grade surface (m)
q = Distributed load on ground surface
H = Underground water level from grade surface (m)
Liquid Pressure
Liquid Pressure shall mean the pressure of liquid acting on in-side of the Pit/Basin structures.
Liquid pressure shall be calculated by using the following equation:
P1 = x h1
P1 = Liquid pressure
h1 = Depth of liquid content (m)
♦ Davits shall be designed for the heaviest item to be lifted plus 25 % for impact but not less
than a total of 450 kg. Lateral forces shall be assumed as 20 % of the lifted load. A line pull
of 100 % of the lifted load shall be included to provide for the possibility of the load being
handled by a line over a single pulley.
4.16 Process Vibration
Structures supporting process equipment subject to vibration due to normal process surging, e.g.
fluid crackers, fluid hydroformers and fluid cokers, shall be designed for the following dynamic
loads which will be periodic in the range of 60 to 100 cycles per minute (1 to 1.67 Hz):
Fluid coker as per Vendor data/Licensor requirement
Fluid cracker and Hydroformer as per Vendor data/Licensor requirement
4.17 Piping Load & Pipe Rack design requirements:
Piping Loads shall be defined as per the following 3 cases, according to the governing conditions
of erection/empty, operation and testing.
4.17.1 Piping Loads for Erection / Empty (P(E)):
This shall mean the weight of piping during erection or non-operating conditions (empty), exclude
the weight of internals fluid and insulation.
Insulation density shall be taken as 2600 N/m3 minimum. In case of gas/steam carrying pipes, the
material content shall be taken as 1/3rd volume of pipe filled with water. The total actual weight
thus calculated shall then be divided by the actual extent of the span covered by the pipes to get
the uniform distributed load per unit length of the span. To obtain the design uniformly distributed
load over the entire span, the UDL obtained as above shall be increased by 20% to account for
fittings and accessories and shall be assumed to be spread over the entire span. Structures
supporting piping shall be designed for the rigidity assumed in pipe stress analysis.
Vertical loads of flare pipe shall be taken as one third full of water for piping within units & one
sixth full for outside unit battery line. All flare line independent support shall be of four legged
braced open tower type construction.
In addition to piping loads, gravity loads due to encasement, if any, shall be considered.
4.17.2 Piping Loads for Operation (P(O)):
This shall mean, the load of piping during normal operating conditions, including the weight of
internals fluids & insulation.
Piping Loads shall be calculated considering the pipe diameters and piping arrangement subject to
minimum of 1.5 kN/m2 over entire span.
However, minimum loading for any pipe rack shall not be less than 1.5 kN/m2. In case, the
calculated loading is higher than 1.5 kN/m2, this shall be rounded off to the nearest multiple of
0.25 (i.e. 1.50, 1.75, 2.0 kN/m2).
4.17.3 Piping Loads for Testing (P(T)):
This shall mean, the load of piping during hydrostatic testing after erection / installation, including
the weight of water within the piping & insulation.
Only one biggest pipe of diameter ≥ 12” on tier shall be considered at a time, along with all other
pipes in empty condition. Otherwise, simultaneous hydro testing of pipes of diameter ≤ 6” shall be
For lines of diameter between 6” & 12”, two lines can be tested simultaneously.
Operational load shall be defined as the dead load of Piping plus weight of any liquids or solids,
normally present within piping during operation. Design of all structures should also consider any
other relevant and consequential load/stress imparted to the structure.
All liquid retaining/storage structures should be designed assuming liquid upto the full height of
wall irrespective of provision of any over flow arrangement. Pressure relief valves or similar
pressure relieving devices should not be made in underground water retaining/storage RCC
structures. Hot water basin in Cooling tower should be designed for the weight of water up to top
of parapet wall.
All buildings/ structures shall be designed to resist the worst combination of the above loads (in
accordance with IS:875 Part-5, other than seismic loads). However, wind/ seismic loads shall not
be considered in combination together or with loads during maintenance.
Consideration shall be given to loads of a special nature such as piping counterweights, spring
hangers, thrusts from expansion joints, expansion loads from horizontal vessels and exchangers,
purpose made handling equipment such as counterbalanced crane hooks, and thermal expansion
of the structure.
It should be recognized in load combinations that the simultaneous occurrence of maximum
values of wind, earthquake, imposed and snow load is not likely. Selection of Load combinations
to be considered in analysis and design shall be decided based on the type of structure under
consideration. Design shall be done to resist the worst combination of the above loads.
The overall stability of the structure and foundations may need to be reviewed against a more
critical load combination than combinations defined below depending upon configuration of
Load Combinations shall generally follow codal requirements. Below listed load combinations are
not exhaustive, additional combinations shall be added, if needed by the design and erection /
operation / test requirement.
Earthquake Load shall be considered in all the three directions SLX+SLY+SLZ and combined as
per IS 1893. Various load combination shall be taken as follow:
5.1 Load Combination for Foundations for Stacks, Towers and Vertical vessels
5.1.1 Load Combinations for check of soil bearing pressure / pile capacity and stability of foundation.
Load condition Load combination
DL + E(E)
DL + E(E) WL
DL + E(O)
Operating DL + E(O) WL
DL + E(O) SL
DL + E(T)
DL + E(T) 0.25 WL
5.1.2 Load combinations for RC Member Design viz. for footing, pedestal etc.
DL + E(O) TL
Operating DL + E(O) TL WL
DL + E(T)
DL + E(T) 0.25 WL
Maintenance (For
DL + E(E) + BP
Exchanger only)
5.2.2 Load combinations for RC Member Design viz. for footing, pedestal etc.
Load condition Load combination
1.5 [DL + E(E)]
Erection 1.5 [DL + E(E) WL]
0.9 [DL + E(E)] 1.5 WL
1.5 [DL + E(O) TL]
1.5 [DL + E(O) TL WL]
Operating 1.5 [DL + E(O) TL SL]
0.9 [DL + E(O) TL] 1.5 WL
0.9 [DL + E(O) TL] 1.5 SL
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Numaligarh Refinery Limited NRL Expansion Project
Engineering Design Basis For Civil, Structural, Architectural and U/G network TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
DL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL
DL + IL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL
DL + E(O) + BP + VL + P(O) + TA ± TL
DL + IL + E(O) + VL + P(O) + TA ± TL
DL + IL + E(O) + P(O) + Hd ± TL
DL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL ± WL
OPERATING DL + IL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL ± WL
DL + 0.5IL + E(O) + BP + P(O) + TA ± WL
DL + 0.5IL + E(O) + P(O) + Hd ± TL ± WL
DL + EO + PO + TA ± TL ± SL
DL + 0.5IL + EO + PO + TA ± TL ± SL
DL + 0.5IL + EO + BP + PO + TA ± SL
DL + 0.5IL + EO + P(O) + Hd ± TL ± SL
DL + 0.5IL + E(E) + P(E) + BP
(with Exchanger) DL + IL + E(E) + BP + P(E) + 0.5WL
5.3.2 Load Combinations for Foundation Reinforcement design for Pipe rack / Structures
5.3.3 Load Combinations for Serviceability check for Pipe rack / Open Technological Structures
DL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL
DL + IL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL
DL + E(O) + BP + VL + P(O) + TA ± TL
OPERATING DL + IL + E(O) + VL + P(O) + TA ± TL
DL + IL + E(O) + P(O) + Hd ± TL
DL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL ± WL
DL + IL + E(O) + P(O) + TA ± TL ± WL
0.9 [ DL + E(O) + P(O) + TA] 0.9TL 1.5WL
Also load combinations specified in all relevant codes to be considered for RC / steel structure
member design.
5.5 For General Buildings & Buildings (with or without Equipment) and their Foundations
5.5.1 Load Combinations for Foundation sizing.
Load Condition Load Combination
DL + IL (optional)
DL + IL + Hd
NORMAL DL + IL + EE (optional)
DL + IL + EO
DL + IL ± WL + EE+ Hd
DL + EE ± 0.8WL (optional)
WIND DL + EO ± 0.8WL
DL + IL + EE ± 0.8WL
DL + 0.8IL + ET ± 0.8(0.25WL)
DL + 0.8IL + EO ± 0.8WL
DL + 0.5IL ± SL + Hd
DL + EE ± 0.8SL
DL + IL + EE ± 0.8SL (optional)
DL + 0.8(0.5IL) + EO ± 0.8SL
0.9 DL ± 1.5 SL
1.2 DL + 0.6 IL ± 1.2 SL
1.2 [ DL + IL + Hd ] ± 1.2 SL
1.5 DL ± 1.5 SL
1.5 [ DL + EE ] ± 1.5 SL
0.9 [ DL + EE ] ± 1.5 SL
1.5 [ DL + EO ] ± 1.5 SL
1.2 [ DL + 0.5IL + EE ] ± 1.2 SL (optional)
1.2 [ DL + 0.5IL + ET ] ± 1.2 SL (optional)
1.2 [ DL + 0.5IL + EO ] ± 1.2 SL
5.6 For Composite Building and Structures (with or without Equipment) and their Foundations
Load Combinations for Composite Structure and Buildings such as Process Shelters with
operating floors, Buildings with Pipe loads, etc., shall consider Load combinations from both type
of structures given above for analysis and design.
All Buildings/
/ Pipe racks/
Equipments in 1.5 1.75
1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0
Units, Heater/
Boiler Chimneys.
Including offsite
and utilities
Over Head Water 1.5 (empty) 1.5 (empty) 1.5 -
- -
Tank 2.0 (full) 2.0 (full)
Flood Light Mast 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5 -
Retaining Wall - - 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.75
Flare Supporting 1.5 -
1.5 - 1.5 -
Blast Resistant 2.0 1.5 1.5
- - 1.5
Structures Or 1.2#
Tower / Switch 1.5 2.0 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.75
Yard Structure
# With blast pressure.
Percentage weight of overburden shall be taken as 100% & to be considered on projected plan
area of footing. In case area is paved, overburden should be based on NGL (for area under filling)
or 600mm below HPP whichever is lower. In case of unpaved area, it should be w.r.t. FGL.
6.3 Stability against Uplift
In case area is paved, overburden shall be based on NGL (for area under filling) or 600mm below
HPP whichever is lower. In case of unpaved area, it shall be w.r.t FGL.
Minimum factor of safety against Uplift shall be 1.2 for all structures. (Note: In case of sumps,
lining weight should not be included).
In the design of foundations, the upward pressure of water (buoyancy effect), where applicable,
should be taken as the full hydrostatic pressure applied over the whole area. The hydrostatic head
shall be measured from the underside of construction. The beneficial load of backfill can be
included only in circumstances where it will never be removed.
Uplift in Pile foundations shall be limited as per geotechnical recommendation.
amplitudes in excess of specified limits, are foreseen, provisions for increasing foundation
mass without removal of the machine and without affecting surrounding space availability
or connected piping should be made, if possible.
12) Machine foundations should satisfy the following requirements:
• Minimum reinforcement as per requirements of IS: 2974 should be provided unless
required otherwise by design. All units of the foundation system, except foundation raft
should be provided with symmetric reinforcement on opposite faces, even if not
required by design considerations.
• No common raft should be designed for set of machines.
13) The soil stress below foundations under dead loads should not exceed 80% of the
allowable soil bearing capacity, or safe load on pile, for static loading.
14) It should be ensured that there is no transfer of vibrations from machine foundations to any
part of the adjoining structures. Such foundations should be isolated from other
foundations and floor /paving slab by providing adequate gap between the foundation
faces and surrounding soil mass; the gap should be filled with bitumen impregnated fiber
board unless otherwise stated in the item.
15) Special note should be given on the drawing regarding isolation joints, and suitable details
should be shown as required.
16) Block foundations for machine should be cast in a single concreting operation.
17) Foundations consisting of various blocks of the same machine seated on a common
foundation raft may be provided with a single, properly designed construction joint at the
top of base raft. However, a special note should always be given on the drawing regarding
the recommended procedure of construction.
18) All faces of the foundation block should be provided with surface reinforcement. Minimum
reinforcement diameter in horizontal and vertical directions should be 12Ø, and maximum
spacing of bars should not exceed 200 mm.
19) For frame foundations, base raft should be cast in a single concreting operation. A properly
designed construction joint should be provided between the base slab and columns. The
entire superstructure of columns and upper deck should be cast in a continuous concreting
operation. If height of the frame columns above raft level exceeds 8.0m, an additional
construction joint at the junction of columns / top-deck may be provided.
20) The location of beams and columns, and their reinforcement should be arranged, as far as
possible, symmetrically with respect to the vertical plane passing through the longitudinal
axis of the machine.
21) The minimum beam depth should be one-fifth of the span and the beam width is normally
equal to the width of the column, consistent with anchor bolt requirements, embedded
depth, and edge distances etc.
22) Weight of base raft of the frame foundation should not be less than the combined weight of
the machine and foundation superstructure above the base raft, i.e. columns, top-deck
slab/beams etc.
23) For frame type of foundations, all the elements of foundations should be provided with top
and bottom, two way reinforcements. Reinforcement should be provided on all the faces of
beams and columns even if not required by design calculations. The diameter of main bars
in column / beam should be so selected to limit the maximum spacing of bars to 150 mm.
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Numaligarh Refinery Limited NRL Expansion Project
Engineering Design Basis For Civil, Structural, Architectural and U/G network TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
24) For tie beams below ground, consideration shall be given for designing, additionally, for
superimposed load and/or traffic loading, where applicable.
c) Dynamic Analysis:
1) General
Dynamic analysis should be performed by suitable and approved method so that dynamic
feature can be evaluated correctly.
Following effects should be taken into account:
♦ Dynamic features of subsoil
♦ Dynamic features of supporting foundation system
♦ Dynamic effect of the foundation system
♦ Dynamic forces of equipment
All machine foundations shall satisfy two fundamental criteria that resonance does not
occur between the frequencies of the pulsating loads and natural frequency of
foundation/soil system and also the amplitude of vibration does not exceed safe limits.
Data of dynamic load to be used for the dynamic analysis should be supplied by
Equipment Supplier and should state unbalanced force due to:
♦ Eccentricity of dynamic mass of rotating equipment.
♦ Different crank arrangement of reciprocating equipment.
2) Evaluation of Dynamic Analysis:
Foundations should be so designed that natural frequency of the foundation system should
not resonate with the following:
♦ Operating speed of the motor.
♦ Operating speed of the machine.
♦ 2 times operating speed of the machine
♦ (This condition should be complied only when the manufacturer has furnished
the unbalanced forces related to 2 times the operating speed of the machine)
♦ Critical speed of the machine (for centrifugal machines)
Natural frequency of the foundation should be as per Clause 6.7b (8). However,
amplitudes of vibration of the foundation block should always be checked to be
within permissible limits.
Description Pedestal Height
a Open area As required but not less than 300 mm above FGL
8 Offsite pipe rack / pipe As required but not less than 500 mm above FGL
bridges/ pipe support
2) All anchor bolt sleeves/ pockets and spaces under column bases, shoe plates etc. shall be
grouted with free flow, non shrink (premix type) grout with 28 day minimum cube crushing
strength of 40 N/sq mm.
3) Nominal thickness of grouting between the top of concrete foundation levels and the
underside of base plates should be 30 mm, for up to a plate dimension of 500 mm and 50
mm for plate sizes in excess of 500 mm - grout edges & sides shall be splayed at 45
4) The thickness of grout should not be less than 30 mm and should not be more than 50mm
(Unless otherwise required in equipment datasheet).
5) Neat cement should not be used for grouting under any condition.
6) Grouting requirement for machines and equipment are not covered here. The same should
be governed by vendor’s requirement. For rotating equipment bases, (above 300 kW rating)
grout shall be as per requirements of equipment vendor; or in absence of any stated
requirements, grout type shall be Non-Shrink Epoxy Grout.
7) Grout shall be finished at a slope of 1:1 from the Bottom of Base Plates to the finished
concrete level.
8) Non-Shrink Cement Base Grout, as per specifications shall be applied for major Steel
Structures and Stationary Equipment’s unless Epoxy Grout is used.
9) Ordinary cement sand (1:2) grout should only be used under the base plates of cross-overs,
short pipe supports (not exceeding 1.5 m height) and small operating platforms (not
exceeding 2 m height) not supporting any equipment.
Each building shall be provided with 1.0 m wide and 100mm thick plinth protection (100mm high
from top of Approach Road Level) in concrete M20, laid over 75 mm thick PCC M7.5 concrete with
brick bats all round as plinth protection, with building drain around the building. Paving shall be
sloped for a rapid run-off of rain water away from the building. Plinth Protection Edge to Road
Edge shall be covered with Interlocking Paver Blocks.
Ramps for building entrance shall be cast in situ R.C.C designed as a grade slab and the slope of
ramps shall not be steeper than 1 in 10. Minimum thickness of the slab shall be 150mm.
Ramps for physically challenged persons shall be designed in accordance with IS: 4963 and
National Building Code.
1) Open pits and basins without roofing or covering should have safety railings. Stepladders
should also be provided for the pits and basins having a depth of more than 1 m.
2) The minimum 600 mm diameter cover for access should be provided for pits and basins with
The specifications given hereunder should be adopted for the non- suspended ground floor slabs
for buildings & sheds as categorized in following table:
Compacted layer
Sub Grade of sand/ boulder
packing over 150mm
1.2 200mm thick 200mm thick
thoroughly thick
compacted Earth
fill (in mm)
Structural Non
100 mm
suspended slab in
150 mm thick thick slab
M20 Grade 150 mm thick
slab with (single
concrete slab with
reinforcement layer T8
(Reinforced with reinforcement
placed in 2 @300 both
8mm dia bars @ placed
layers (at top ways
200mm c/c both centrally
& bottom) /welded
ways) over lean
a) Flooring details as given above shall be adopted for the non-suspended ground floor slabs for
buildings & sheds only as categorized for various flooring types.
b) Flooring Type I shall be considered for Control Rooms, Satellite Rack Rooms, Sub-Stations,
Pump houses, Utility Compressor Houses, Parking Areas, Stores, Porches.
c) Flooring Type II shall be considered for Ware Houses, Workshops, Cement Godowns, Fire
Stations, Process Compressor Houses.
d) Flooring Type III shall be considered for Administration, Laboratory, Canteen, Time Office,
Gate House, Training Centre, Guest House, Residential buildings.
e) Reinforcement steel grade shall be as per other relevant clause of this document.
f) Expansion gap if provided in the building shall be provided in flooring also.
g) Outdoor pavements shall be as per Engineering Design Basis – General Civil. However, 20
mm gap to be provided between floor slab and equipment foundation/ column and shall be
sealed using joint sealing compound.
f) All liquid retaining/storage RCC structures should be leak-proof and designed as un-cracked
section (or with limited crack width in limit state design) as per IS:3370. However, the parts
of such structures not coming in direct contact with the liquid should be designed according
to IS:456 except ribs of beams of suspended floor slabs, counter forts of walls (located on
the side remote from the liquid) and roof which should be designed as un-cracked section.
No increase in permissible stresses in concrete and reinforcement should be made under
wind or seismic conditions for such structures.
g) All liquid retaining/storage RCC structures/Sludge pits etc. shall be lined with HDPE/LDPE
lining or any other suitable impermeable media such that no leaching takes place at any
point of time. Adequate safety measures shall also be implemented to protect the
structures/pits from getting breached.
h) The walls and base slabs of liquid retaining/storage structures should be provided with
reinforcement on both faces for thickness greater than or equal to 150mm. In all liquid
retaining structures, PVC water bars (minimum size 230mm wide x 5mm thick) should be
provided at each construction joint (horizontal and vertical).
i) The coating requirement for underground RCC structures which are in contact with soil, shall
be in line with that required by Codes of practices and other recommendation of confirmatory
soil investigation.
j) Coating requirement of Liquid retaining structures like CT cell, reservoir etc shall be as per
k) Hot/cold water basin and other primary framing members of Cooling towers or similar liquid
retaining structures which remain constantly in contact with water (stored/sprayed) should be
designed as un-cracked sections.
l) Following conditions shall be also considered for design of liquid retaining structures,
basement, trenches and other underground structure:
i. Only water pressure from inside and no earth pressure, groundwater pressure or
surcharge from outside wherever such a condition is likely to exist either in operation
or during installation / testing.
ii. Earth pressure, surcharge pressure or ground water pressure from outside and no
water pressure from inside.
iii. Base slab shall also be designed for the empty condition during construction and
maintenance stages with maximum ground water table.
iv. Intermediate dividing walls of pump sumps shall be designed considering water in
one pump sump only and the other sump being empty for maintenance.
m) Structures analysis and design shall be done using STAAD Pro Software.
n) Minimum Head Room Clearance of 2.2m shall be provided for under side of beams, slabs,
lintels, etc. For specific requirements, head room clearances shall be followed as per
Project/Layout requirements.-
11.2 Concrete:
a) The minimum grade of reinforced cement concrete to be used for superstructure &
substructure (in case otherwise specified in Geotechnical Recommendations, higher grade
shall be followed for substructure) shall be M30 (design mix) as per IS:456 based on Severe
exposure condition.
7 Pile Cap
The above requirements shall not be applied to concrete construction of trench, local foundation,
minor platform foundation, sump pit/ manhole, paving and other miscellaneous concrete
construction, for which minimum clear cover shall be 40 mm.
Designer shall ensure that the reinforcement cover, mentioned above shall in no case be lower
than that required by Codes of practices as per exposure condition of site and other
recommendation of confirmatory soil investigation report.
11.4 Minimum Thickness of Structural Concrete Elements:
The following minimum thickness should be followed:
Sr.No. Description
a Walls 150 mm
7 Parapet 125 mm
11.6 Deflections:
Deflections in concrete structures shall in generally be limited by adherence to the limits on span
by depth ratio for beams and slabs and length to lateral dimension ratios for columns as
prescribed in IS: 456. Where special functional / serviceability requirements or large spans
demand actual deflections and / or crack widths shall be calculated and the following limits
adhered to:
Total vertical deflection due to all loads including Span/250
the effects of temperature creep and shrinkage
Crack width (for non-liquid retaining structural) 0.3 mm
Total horizontal deflection between two floors Storey height / 200 (for wind)
Storey height / 250 (for earthquake)
11.7 Bar Spacing:
Minimum and maximum bar spacing for Foundations, Slabs, Stirrups for Beams, Ties for Columns,
Pedestals, Walls etc. should be 100 mm and 300 mm respectively. Bar spacing should be
provided in multiples of 5 mm.
11.8 Cathodic Protection of Reinforcement:
Where reinforcement is to be cathodically protected, reference should be made to IS 8062/ BS
7361 for guidance on design and detailing requirements.
c) Fireproofing shall be carried out on all exposed structural steel members in process and
Tankage areas as per OISD-164 norms.
d) Crane gantry girders should generally be of welded construction and of single span length.
Chequered plate should be used for gantry girder walkway flooring.
e) Steel staircases for main approaches to operating platforms should have channels provided
as stringers with minimum clear width of 900mm and slope of app. 41 degree. The vertical
height between successive landings should not exceed 4.0 meters. Treads should be
minimum 250mm wide made of electro-forged galvanized grating (with suitable nosing)
spaced equally so as to restrict the rise to maximum 200mm. However, for non-important
structures like crossovers etc. the minimum width of stair shall be 750 mm).
f) It is preferred to have welded connections and shall be adopted as far as practicable except
for the removable members where bolted connections are required viz. removable members,
Galvanized electrical switchyard structures and transmission towers. Field / Site connections
shall be bolted. Structural connections should have minimum two bolts of 16mm dia. unless
otherwise limited by the size of members.
g) Dedicated monorail for every pump with driver rating of 75 kw and above shall be provided.
The monorail shall be placed longitudinally along the centerline of the pump and its drive
Monorail and trolley shall also be arranged for pumps with driver rating of 30 to 75 kw. But in
such cases, different clusters can be formed with the like pumps and a monorail can be
placed across every cluster of pumps over the line joining the CGs of the motors in that
h) Minimum design capacity of monorail shall be 3 MT or 1.5 times weight of concerned
equipment, whichever is higher.
i) Minimum two nuts should be used for all anchor bolts except for ladder, stair and handrail.
j) Lock nuts shall be provided for anchor bolts of tall structures, tall process columns, vibrating
equipments etc.
k) Framing and bracing shall be planned so that the stiffness of the structure can be well
balanced with the loads and the structural stability can be secured.
l) Vertical & Horizontal bracings shall be arranged properly, considering the following
• Plant Layout
• Equipment / Piping arrangement
• Structural layout
• Construction, operation & maintenance requirement.
• Seismic design requirement
m) The Vertical bracings provided for lateral stability of structure may be diagonal or V type and
shall satisfy clearance and rigidity requirements. Requirements of IS 800 2007 clause shall also be followed for bracings for design.
n) Expansion joints for the structure shall be as per IS: 800.
o) Removable stoppers, fixed with bolts shall be provided on both sides of Hoist Beams.
p) Structures analysis and design using STAAD pro Software.
q) Torsion on Open web steel profiles shall be avoided as far as possible. Where ever Steel
members subject to torsion, effect of additional shear stresses shall be considered.
r) All members of supporting system on which pipes are laid shall be erected & painted prior to
installing pipes. No contact surface of the supports/ structure with pipe shall be without paint/
s) Minimum Head Room Clearance of 2.2m shall be provided for under side (or passage way)
of beams, braces, gussets, cleats, etc. For specific requirements, head room clearances
shall be followed as per Project/Layout requirements
12.2 Fireproofing of steel structures:
Fire proofing for steel structures and equipment supports that could collapse under fire condition
and contribute to intensity of the fire shall be provided to meet the requirements of OISD 164 (Fire
Proofing in Oil and Gas Industry).
Fire-proofing of steel structures should be with vermiculite, wherever required as per OISD-STD-
164, and should be done for 2 hours fire rating as per Specifications or as required as per TAC
rules and Fire Risk Assessment of Plant Structures/Equipment.
Fire resistance of a material is defined by fire rating, evaluated through a fire test based on applied
thickness and time taken to reach the defined critical steel temperature. Fire rating adopted is
based on UL-1709 rapid rise fire tests of protection materials for structural steel, conducted by
Underwriters Laboratory, USA. In this test, fire resistance of a material is evaluated on a W10x49
steel column as per UL-1709 fire curve and fire rating is published in a UL design number under
XR category for thickness and time. In addition to the fire rating, under this test, material for
exterior use is also evaluated for accelerated ageing, high humidity, salt spray, wet-freeze-dry
cycling, acid spray, solvent spray etc.
For the structures / equipment with fireproofing, considering the risk of corrosion under fireproofing
(Refer note under Table 11 of TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003) as per table 2 of NACE SP0198, suitable
compatible protective coating system should be applied prior to the fireproofing application.
12.2.1 Thickness of fireproof coating to be applied shall be based on the following:
1) Type-I : In-situ cement concrete for application up to 1.8m from grade level for steel
structures shall be applied with minimum 50mm thickness. For Equipments, entire skirt of
equipment/saddle support steel/support frame shall be provided with fireproofing.
2) Type-II : Structural steel members such as column, beam etc. which shall be protected for 2
hours from reaching critical temperature 538°C, shall be applied with vermiculite based
lightweight cementitious fireproof of thickness corresponding to 2 hours fire rating as per
respective UL design number under UL-1709 (XR category) subject to a minimum of 40mm.
3) Type-III : For equipment skirts/ saddles/ supports (which shall be protected for 2 hours from
reaching critical temperature 427°C), 2 hours fire rating as per UL design is not adequate as
the UL-1709 test is based on 538°C critical temperature. Therefore, for the required fire
protection from reaching 427°C, higher thickness shall be necessary. For this, fireproof
thickness corresponding to 3 hours fire rating as per respective UL design number under
UL-1709 (XR category) shall be adopted subject to a minimum of 40mm.
4) Type-IV : Epoxy Intumescent Coating, shall be provided with prior approval from OWNER
12.2.2 Weather Barrier Finish Coat (for both Vermiculite based cementitious and In-situ concrete)
1) Sealer Coat
A sealer coat of epoxy polyamide shall be applied over the fireproofing surface as a base for the finish
coat. The sealing compound shall be compatible and approved by fireproofing material supplier.
(Paint FP-3B with DFT 100 micron. thickness as per TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003)
2) Finish Coat
The finish coat shall be pre-qualified for coating system No. 1 of NORSOK Standard M-501. Two
coats of acrylic elastomeric or polyurethane coating shall be used as finish coat. The sealing
compound shall be compatible and approved by fireproofing material supplier.
(Paint two coats of FP-1 with DFT 40 micron thickness as per TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003)
Paint data sheet and selected product shall be compatible with PFP material.
12.3 Limiting permissible Stresses:
1) Permissible stresses in structural members should be as specified in:
IS:800 Hot rolled sections (excluding transmission towers and
switchyard structures).
The limiting permissible vertical/horizontal deflection for structural steel members such as gantry
girder for electric overhead crane, manually operated crane, purlin supporting any type of roofing
material under dead + live load or dead + wind load conditions shall be as specified in IS: 800.
3) Miscellaneous
Allowable vertical deflection of miscellaneous members shall be as stated below:
The limiting permissible horizontal deflection for structural steel members shall be as
specified below, where 'H' represents the height:
12.6 Connections:
Unless otherwise specified, the following shall be followed:
1) Shop connections shall be welded and all welds shall be continuous fillet / butt structural
welds. Where galvanizing is specified, seal welding is required at all shop connections prior
to hot-dip galvanizing. Welding subsequent to galvanizing shall not be permitted generally.
But from construction point of view, if openings in gratings are provided after erection,
galvanizing spray shall be used on cut & welded surfaces.
2) Field connection for Ladder, Handrails, post, stair stringers, removable members, platform
framing members shall be made with Black Bolts.
3) Bolted connection for structural members shall be made, with at least two bolts except for
lacing bolt, where it may be with single bolt.
4) High Tensile Friction Grip bolts shall be used for connections subjected to repetitive cycles
of loadings and moments.
5) Ordinary black bolts & nuts (property class 4.6) shall conform to IS: 1367, part 3 shall be
used for purlins, side runners, grade platforms, ladders. Etc. High strength bolts (property
class 8.8 or 10.9) shall conform to IS: 3757 shall be used for main structure members, such
as beams, columns, bracings, floor beams, etc.
6) Minimum two nuts shall be used for all Anchor Bolts.
7) Crane gantry girders shall generally be of welded construction and of single span length.
8) Permissible stresses in bolts shall be as specified in IS: 800.
9) Connections shall be designed as per provisions of IS 800 Sec 12 : Design Detailing for
Earth Quake Loads
12.7 Platforms and Walkways:
1) Platform and walkways shall be as per piping design basis and shall be made of grating
flooring unless otherwise specified. Platforms below the air fin coolers shall be provided with
RCC platform.
2) The minimum clear headroom over platforms and walkways shall be 2250 mm to the lowest
point of overhead structural framing or equipment.
12.8 Ladders:
1) Ladders shall be 450 mm wide and shall be made of stringers with 20 mm diameter M.S.
rungs at 300 mm (max.) intervals.
2) The flight of Ladder without the intermediate platform shall not exceed 6000 mm. However,
wherever feasible, staircase shall be provided .
3) Ladders over 3500 mm in height or originated from a point which is 3500 mm or more above
grade, shall be provided with safety cages, originating 2400mm from the bottom.
4) Ladder access openings shall be provided with the safety chain/safety bars.
5) Ladders shall preferably be vertical. In no case, will the angle with the vertical exceed 5
12.9 Electrical switchyard structure and Transmission Tower:
All electrical switchyard structure and Transmission Tower should be bolted connection structural
steel and designed on the basis of IS:802.
Structural Steel members including bolts, Nuts and washers should be hot dip galvanized in
accordance with relevant IS Codes. The zinc coating on tower members shall not be less than 900
gm/ sqm of the surface area.
12.10 Slenderness Ratio:
Maximum slenderness ratio of a member shall be in accordance with IS: 800.
12.11 Painting:
Painting including shop primer to Structural Steel should be as per the painting specification to be
adopted for the concerned project. For structural steel painting details Refer to Painting
Specification TP-1ZZZA-PI-SPE-0003.
1.1 Scope:
This establishes the basic inputs required for seismic design of the plant and provides certain
guidelines for the methods used for seismic analysis of structures/equipment. However, detailed
mathematical formulations of seismic analysis are outside its scope.
Calculations of Seismic forces shall be made as per the provisions of latest revision of IS: 1893 as
well as this document and design shall be done based on greater of the two forces obtained.
The Analysis and Design of structures and foundations shall be based on IS1893(Part 4) - (Latest
edition) and for general guidance IS:1893 (Part 1) - (Latest Edition) shall be referred and Project
specific recommendations & Site Specific Response Spectra (Refer Document TP-1ZZZA-CV-
BOD-0002), whichever is stringent. Earthquake Zone–V shall be considered in design of all
Structures & Foundations.
For Process columns, vessels, tanks, exchangers, compressors etc., seismic loads shall be taken
from Mechanical Group / Equipment design data.
Natural frequency calculation, modal analysis, missing mass corrections. method of modal
combinations, DBE/MCE equipment.
7 IS: 875 Part-1 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures Part 1 Dead loads - Unit weights of
building material and stored materials
8 IS: 875 Part-2 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures: Part 2 Imposed loads
9 IS: 875 Part-3 Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures - Part 3: Wind Loads
10 IS: 875 Part-4 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures Part 4 Snow loads
11 IS: 875 Part-5 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures Part 5 special loads and load
12 IS 3370 Part-1 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids;
Part 1 General requirements.
13 IS 3370 Part-2 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids;
Part 2 Reinforced concrete structures.
14 IS 3370 Part-4 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquids;
Part 4 Design tables.
15 IS 4326 Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings -
code practice.
16 IS 4994 Criteria for blast resistant design of structures for explosions
above ground
17 IS 13920 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to
seismic forces - Code of Practice.
Licensor’s standard/ standard specification shall be followed wherever applicable /available.
Note: The above list is suggestive and not exhaustive. Apart from these basic codes any other
related codes shall be also followed wherever required.
1.3.1 Category-I:
Structures / Equipment whose failure can cause conditions that can lead directly or indirectly
to extensive loss of life/ property to population at large in the areas adjacent to the plant complex.
List of Equipment Tags coming under category-1 shall be confirmed by Process Safety.
1.3.2 Category-II :
Structures / Equipment whose failure can cause conditions that can lead directly or indirectly to
serious fire hazard / extensive damage within the plant complex.
Structures / Equipment which are required to handle emergencies immediately after an
earthquake, also are included.
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Numaligarh Refinery Limited NRL Expansion Project
Engineering Design Basis For Civil, Structural, Architectural and U/G network TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
1.3.3 Category-III :
Structures / Equipment whose failure, although expensive, does not lead to serious hazard within
the plant complex.
1.3.4 Category-IV :
All other structures / Equipment.
Typical categorization of Industrial structures shall be as per Table-6 given in the IS: 1893 Part-4.
Category of structures not covered in Table-6 of IS: 1893 Part-4, shall be determined based on the
above definition of different categories and confirmed by Process Safety,
The term failure used in the definition of categories implies loss of function and not complete
Pressurized equipment where cracking can lead to rupture may be categorized by the
consequences of rupture.
Structures which are ductile detailed as per IS 13920 or IS 800 and equipment which are made of
ductile materials can withstand earthquakes many fold higher than the design spectra without
collapse; and damage in such cases is restricted to cracking only.
Generally, such equipment / structures where cracking will not lead to hazards are to be placed in
category-III and where it may lead to hazards within the complex are to be placed in category - II.
Category - I earthquake is an extreme event with little possibility of its occurrence. Nevertheless, in
the remote case when it occurs, structures / equipment whose failure can lead to loss of life at
large, are to be designed so as to avoid failure.
4.1 General:
This document provides certain guidelines for the methods to be used for seismic analysis of
structures/equipment. However, detailed mathematical formulations of seismic analysis are
outside its scope. IS:1893 essentially defines the acceleration spectra to be used in different
zones and gives the method of design of various kinds of structures. If available, acceleration
spectra for the project site are not to be taken from IS:1893, but is to be taken from site-dependent
spectra. Apart from the modifications of acceleration values, other provisions given in IS:1893 in
respect of the applicability of the methods remain unaltered.
If Site-Specific Spectrum gives design MCE acceleration spectrum Ah value less than that by
the MCE (Maximum Considered Earthquake) Spectrum value specified (as per IS 1893 Part-IV),
the latter shall govern.
If Site-Specific Spectrum gives design DBE (Design Basis Earthquake) acceleration
spectrum Ah value less than that by the DBE Spectrum value specified (as per IS 1893 Part-IV),
the latter shall govern.
All category-I Industrial structures shall be analyzed using site specific spectra. However, if site
specific studies are not carried out, the code specified spectra may be used with modifications as
per the provisions given in IS: 1893 (Part-IV). For all other structures the spectra and seismic zone
shall be as per IS: 1893 (Part-I & IV).
Site specific earthquake hazard assessment may not be required for Category-2, 3 & 4 Industrial
This shall be determined by any of the standard methods described in IS: 1893 Part-4.
In seismic analysis mass participation of minimum 90% shall be ensured and correction for
missing mass shall be taken.
Analysis and design shall be performed using STAAD Pro software with appropriate design
In the pseudo static method, value of Ah corresponding to the fundamental period of structure is
taken from the site dependent spectra. Small vessels supported on lugs and storage vessels
which can be approximated as single degree of freedom system are examples where pseudo
static method may be used.
Steps involved in response spectra method are given briefly:
a) Calculate all natural periods above 0.04 second and their mode shapes.
b) Pick up Ah corresponding to each period from the site dependent spectra curve.
c) Calculate response of structure for each mode. (i.e. Displacement, bending moment, shear
force etc.).
d) Combine response of each mode by SRSS (square root of sum of squares) CQC Method.
For seismic analysis of piping, seismic coefficient method is not valid and one has to resort to the
use of response spectrum method. Thermal loading calls for a flexible system while seismic
loading calls for a rigid system and the designer has to make an optimum choice. Generally, it is
seen that pipes are provided with supports in the vertical direction with little or no support in the
horizontal plane. Such supporting arrangement gives large seismic forces and moments on the
equipment / vessel nozzles. As far as possible supports which restrain the motion of pipe in
horizontal plane, should be provided without exceeding the seismic forces and moments on the
equipment/vessel nozzles.
4.9 Damping
The variety of damping displayed in different types of structures has made the choice of a suitable
damping co-efficient for a given structure largely a matter of judgement. In general, damping
increases with increase in stress amplitude or displacement amplitude or both. Moreover, damping
exhibited in lower-frequency modes of vibration is generally lower than that exhibited in higher-
frequency modes. For detail design, Bidder shall follow values in IS: 1893 Part-1.
Appropriate ductility details of reinforced concrete members should be provided as per the
provisions of IS:13920 to avoid premature failure during earthquake. In steel structures, members
and their connections should be so proportioned that high ductility is obtained to ensure that
premature failure due to elastic or inelastic buckling does not occur. Ductile detailing of steel
structures should be carried out as per the provisions of IS 800 chapter 12, IS: 4326 and IS: 1893.
Deformations Lateral and joint rotation shall be checked as per provisions of IS 1893.
This Part of specification defines the design criteria and loads that should be taken in to account
for the design of all architectural works.
1.1 Referenced Standards & Publications
1) National Building Code of India
2) State Govt. Factory Acts
3) Local Municipality or any other Authority’s Bye- Laws as applicable.
4) TAC (Tariff Advisory Committee) Rules.
5) OISD Standards.
6) BPE (Bureau of Public Enterprise) Norms.
7) Bye-laws of Town & Country Planning Organization.
8) BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) Codes.
9) (IER) Indian Electricity Rules.
10) CEA (Central Electricity Authority).
11) Guidelines of IGBC/ GRIHA/ LEED for Green Building concept.
12) Pollution Control Board norms.
13) Any other applicable Law, Rules, Standard as referred in respective clause.
14) Code of Practice for Building Bye Laws IS 1256
15) Process Control Room Safety
Note: The above list is suggestive and not exhaustive. Apart from the basic codes, any other
related codes shall also be followed whenever required.
1.2 Standard Specifications Codes & Practices
Engineering design incorporates Codes and Standards as referred in the design philosophy of
respective engineering disciplines as well as applicable standards and specifications. All codes &
Standards shall be latest revision with all amendments issued thereto. However, effort shall be
made for effective utilization of space and facilities for cost effective design.
2.1 Architectural Design
Architectural Design of Buildings / Sheds shall be in accordance with this Design Basis and
References as stated above to meet the functional requirements. In plant area, no underground /
basement shall be provided in the building.
2.2 Building Requirements
2.2.1 Spatial Requirements
Spatial requirements inside a Building / Shed shall be decided based on equipment / panel layout,
activities to be performed in the building and consequent occupancy pattern, Equipment Layout,
etc. Sizes of various type of spaces shall be decided based on occupancy/ equipment/Panel
layout, clearances, maintenance & safety requirements. The objective of spatial arrangement shall
be to satisfy functional requirements, physical comfort and safety regulations as well as aesthetics.
Requirement of services/utilities such as air conditioning, LAN etc. shall be finalized as per
Owner’s specific requirement. Special care shall be taken to design buildings (Except Plant
buildings such as Satellite Rack Room, Substation, Control Room etc.) to meet the criteria of
Green Buildings as per the standards of IGBC/ GRIHA or any other Green Building rating system
decided by Owner, for desired rating.
Spaces can be generally classified as follows, which shall be provided in all the Buildings / Sheds.
1) Functional Spaces
Functional areas of any building / shed are constituted by main activity areas for which
building is required. Various spaces / rooms shall be judiciously sized and shall be
integrated logically to generate the total building plan taking into account the following
a) Activities, group of activities and consequent work-flow pattern.
b) Site conditions i.e., dimensions, contours, etc.
c) Climatic conditions vis-à-vis orientation.
d) Site Planning (solar geometry, approaches, adjoining facilities, safety standards
e) General arrangement of equipments
f) Health, Safety & environmental standards & regulations.
g) Lighting and Ventilation
h) Acoustics
i) Building utilities, amenities & Services
j) Security
k) Economy
l) Aesthetics
m) Statutory requirements (viz. local building authority bye-laws, fire authority
approval, airport authority approval, environmental clearance, forest authority
approval, power utility & requirement approval, consent to establish / operate etc.)
n) Any Specific requirements pertaining to particular buildings
o) All other established Architectural Design Parameters.
The objective of spatial arrangement shall be to satisfy functional requirements and
physical comfort and safety regulations as well as aesthetics which has significant role in
creating working and living conditions.
2) Circulation Spaces
Following spaces are classified as circulation spaces. These spaces shall be provided for
integrating various types of spaces and as means of access / exit / escape.
a) Corridors & passages
b) Staircases
c) Elevators
d) Entrance lobby / Foyer including reception & waiting
e) Gangways / Walkways
f) Equipment loading / unloading platforms
g) Emergency exits
h) Ramps for physically challenged and equipment entry/exit as applicable.
3) Amenity Spaces
Following spaces are classified as amenity spaces.
a) Toilet
b) Drinking Water Facility
c) Locker & Change room
d) Rest room / Lunch room
e) Wash rooms & space for drying clothes
f) Canteen / Pantry room
Out of the above-mentioned areas, a) Toilet, b) Drinking Water enclosure shall be
mandatory requirement for human occupied buildings / sheds. Other requirements shall be
provided as required.
4) Utility Spaces
Utility spaces are space requirements which materialize due to provision of services like
air- conditioning, pressurization, firefighting, electrical, telephone etc. These spaces shall
be provided as per required building services. Following are examples.
a) Air-conditioning plant room.
b) Air handling rooms.
c) Pressurization blower plant room
d) Electrical distribution panels rooms
e) Service ducts
f) Firefighting equipment room
g) Telephone exchange equipment room
h) UPS room
i) Battery room
NBC shall be followed for Minimum width/ dimension of the spaces of the building.
However, following are the minimum sizes/ dimensions for various purposes, which are
to be adhered to.
Minimum size of any habitable 9.5 sq.m. with minimum dimension not less than
room 2.75 m.
For Residential Buildings, 3.0m which may be
reduced to 2.75 m for air-conditioned areas.
Minimum height of any habitable Headroom below beams: min. 2.4m.
room For Educational & Industrial Buildings, the
minimum height shall be 3.6 m & 3 m for air
conditioned spaces.
2.2.3 Ventilation
1) Natural Ventilation
Established level of Ventilation in terms of air changes per hour shall be maintained for all
spaces. Following references shall be adhered to for the purpose:
a) National Building Code of India
b) BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) Codes
c) State Factory Act
d) Any other relevant rules / Codes etc.
Natural Ventilation shall also be supplemented by mechanical or electrical means of
ventilation in all human occupied areas. Sufficient no. of Glazed/Louvered
windows/Ventilators shall be provided and supplemented by exhaust fans.
2) Mechanical Ventilation
In addition to natural ventilation, if required Mechanical or electrical ventilation is provided
depending on the type of building and its use. Refer Design Basis of Packaged Equipment
for its requirement and applications.
2.2.4 Acoustics and Sound Insulation
Specified acceptable noise level and reverberation time shall be maintained inside a building /
shed. Following references shall be referred to for the purpose:
1) National Building Code of India
2) State Factory Act
3) Limitations on decibel level stated elsewhere, if any, in the bid document
Required noise level in any space shall be maintained by means of
1) Segregating noise sources by buffer zones
2) Dampening of noise levels by damping devices
3) Providing Acoustic treatment with acoustic material (on walls, ceilings, floors, as required).
2.2.5 Safety Requirements
Safety from fire and like emergencies shall be taken into account in building / shed design. Every
building / shed meant for human occupancy shall be provided with exits sufficient to permit safe
escape of occupants in case of emergency. The exits shall be in terms of doorway, corridors,
passage ways to internal / external staircase or to areas having access to the outside. Control
room building shall be provided with emergency exit on the other side of the entrance.
Following references shall be adhered to in this regard.
1) National Building Code of India
2) State Factory Act
2.2.6 Site planning & landscaping
Site planning of building shall take into account aspects like interrelationship of the buildings with
the whole system, movement pattern, traffic and road net-work, safety regulations, service
network, fire safety, climatic and environmental aspects, site conditions like site dimension,
contour, drainage, noise level, view, future expansion, visual aspects, Natural Light and Ventilation
Main and service/ maintenance entrances of buildings shall be provided with vehicular access. All
exit points shall also be provided with footpath/ vehicular access. Truck movement space in
accordance with traffic pattern shall be provided for the building as per the location of hoisting
bay/loading, unloading platform. Road network and open space around the buildings shall be
designed considering movement and functioning of Fire tenders and cranes etc. Parking space in
accordance with traffic load shall be provided to all buildings.
Climatic factors like wind direction, solar geometry shall be taken into account in orienting the
buildings depending on type of climate. Orientation of building shall also consider noise and smell
propagation, views, and visual effect from various directions.
Sufficient open space shall be provided for planned expansion of buildings. Sufficient open space
shall also be provided around the buildings for lighting and ventilation in accordance with Factory
Acts & National Building Code. Open spaces in a plot and around buildings proportional to the
height of the structure shall satisfy the requirements of the local byelaws.
Suitable Landscaping treatment shall also be done around the important buildings. Such treatment
shall generally consist of lawns, road side plantation and beautification of building entrance areas.
Standard landscape elements such as earth contours, paving, flower beds, hedges, shrubs,
ground cover and ornamental trees shall be incorporated in landscape treatment. Necessary water
supply/sprinklers shall also be provided.
2.3 Building Services
Following services shall be provided for all buildings / sheds as essential services.
2.3.1 Water Supply, Distribution and Drainage, Sanitary Services
This service is essential for all human occupied buildings / sheds. All buildings with human
occupancy shall have toilet and drinking water facility and accordingly water supply, distribution
and drainage, sanitary services as per the following references:
1) National Building Code of India
2) State Factory Act
Drinking water provisions, including sufficient number of water cooler (Minimum one per area)
shall be provided within an enclosure separated from the toilets. Space for janitor to be provided in
each toilet block.
All service pipes showing on the external wall shall be suitably concealed or shall be provided
within a shaft.
Each building shall be equipped with approved PVC overhead water tanks of capacity based on
occupancy and as recommended by code.
2.3.2 Electrical services
This service shall be provided as essential service for all the buildings. Electrical services for
building shall consist of electrical supply, and distributions, electrical lighting installations,
telephone network, fans, exhaust fans, lighting protection system etc., including all accessories,
cabling etc. including Emergency power supply, all as defined under Engineering Design Basis of
2.3.3 Air Conditioning and Heating
Control Room Building, Satellite Rack Rooms, Administration Building, Amenity Building, Training
Center etc. shall be centrally air-conditioned. Accordingly, A.C. Plant/ AHU etc. of the require
capacity (depending on the requirement) shall be provided and suitably housed. Some designated
rooms (as per Electrical requirement) in the Sub Station Buildings or in other buildings like
canteen; scale room etc. may be required to be air-conditioned. For this suitable window/ split/
package type units may be provided as per requirement w.r.t. the Design Basis of Packaged
2.4 Aesthetics
Apart from the fulfillment of functional & safety requirement, aesthetic requirement of the building
shall be taken care of in the design. As specific guidelines for achieving required aesthetics are
difficult to establish, preliminary drawings indicating Architectural treatment (with minimum three
different alternative proposals) shall be submitted for Owner’s approval.
Architectural scheme shall be based on general principles of Aesthetics. Building facades shall
reflect such principles like symmetry, balance, proportion, rhythm, light and shade etc.
Following elements shall be considered as contributory elements to aesthetics and their design
etc. shall be subjected to the Owner’s approval. Any change/modifications sought for aesthetics
improvements with regards to these elements shall be carried out. Any incidental elements like
brickwork, RCC work etc. required for such changes/modifications shall also be added.
♦ Building/shed shape and features
♦ Canopies, overhangs & shading devices
♦ Gutters, roof projections
♦ Entrance/exit steps, door
♦ Window/Ventilator composition
♦ External wall location with respect to columns
♦ Colour scheme, grooves in plaster
♦ Spatial arrangement
Local Climatic conditions shall be considered while designing the buildings.
Architectural scheme including design of above mentioned elements shall be subjected to Owner/
PMC approval.
2.5 Structural and Construction Elements
Blast resistance control room buildings, if provided, shall be fully R.C.C. structure to withstand the
specified blast pressure. Other buildings (Non-blast proof Control Room Buildings, Sub Stations
etc.) shall be R.C.C. framed structure (columns, beams and R.C.C. roof slab) with brick masonry /
Burnt clay fly ash building bricks / AAC block infill walls. Structural & Construction elements shall
be designed as per the details given in Engineering Design Basis-Structural.
2.6 Building Elements
1) Plinth protection
All the buildings & sheds shall be provided with minimum 1000 mm wide (top of plinth
protection shall be 100mm high from top of Approach Road Level) plinth Protection with
building drain around the building /shed.
2) Finished Floor Level (FFL)
In general, FFL of the buildings, sheds shall be determined with respect to top of Approach
road or pavement. Following schedule shall be adhered to for FFL of various buildings &
Control Room
Building/Satellite Rack Top Road level of Approach road + 450 mm + Height of false
Room Building (Building flooring
having false flooring)
Top of approach Road level + 300 mm (Cable Cellar floor)
Sub Station Buildings Top of approach Road level + 150 mm (Transformer bays)
with pebbles
♦ In case of approaches with different top levels, the highest top level of approach
road/pavement shall be considered.
♦ FFL shall be same throughout in a building/shed. Split levels may be considered in
exceptional cases due to ground terrain etc.
♦ FFL of external loading/unloading bays/platforms, toilet, pantry, kitchen shall be 10-15
mm lower than that of the building/shed’s FFL to check ingress of rainwater.
♦ In case of discrepancy, philosophy of levels shall be followed.
♦ FFL of Loading/ Unloading bays of Warehouses, Godowns, stores shall be
maintained as Loading platform level of trucks with outward slope to avoid ingress of
rain water splash.
3) Steps / Ramps / Stairs
Steps/ramps shall be provided for access to the buildings/sheds for Pedestrian/Vehicular
equipment entry as per relevant code. Minimum 1000 mm wide platform shall be provided
in between entrance door and steps/ramps. Following dimensions of the steps/ramps shall
be adhered to:
Handrail shall be provided as per the provisions of National Building Code and IS: 4963.
(Recommendations for Buildings and facilities for the physically challenged).
Edge of treads shall be provided with friction grip strips or similar anti-skid arrangement.
Ramps for physically challenged persons shall be designed in accordance with IS: 4963.
4) Wall
Following schedule shall be adhered to for wall material and thickness.
♦ 115 mm thick. Brick partition walls (with nominal steel requirement as per structure
design) shall be provided with 230 mm thick. brick pillars for stability depending upon
the length and height of wall.
♦ Wherever conduits or pipes are required to be concealed within partition wall, the wall
thickness shall be increased suitably
♦ Wherever, bricks are not commonly available, suitable alternative material shall be
used for obtaining OWNER’s/PMC approval
5) Doors
Doors shall be provided for access, security and safety to all entry & exits of rooms,
functional areas in a building. Air tight door shall be provided in pressurized area and in
gaseous protection area. Fire check doors shall be with minimum two hours rating as per
statutory requirement. Emergency door shall be opened outwards. Sizes of the doors shall
be determined on the basis of the following schedule:
a) Equipment, Panel area: Maximum size of equipment including packing.
b) Other areas: Volume of movement through door.
c) Minimum door size at entrance: 1500 mm x 2100 mm (wall opening size)
d) W.C. bath Cubicle door: 800 mm x 2100 mm (wall opening size)
e) Minimum size of other doors: 1000 mm x 2100 mm (wall opening size)
Page 83 of 131 TP DOC REF: 082176C-ZZZ-JSD-1700-0001_D3
Numaligarh Refinery Limited NRL Expansion Project
Engineering Design Basis For Civil, Structural, Architectural and U/G network TP-1ZZZA-CV-BOD-0001_D3
♦ Entrance doors shall be provided covering full width of the entrance lobby. In that
case the door shall be of composite type consisting of openable shutters & fixed
panels. Entrance lobby shall be provided with elaborate canopy.
♦ Rolling shutters shall be provided wherever size of opening exceeds 2500 mm width x
2700 mm height.
♦ Mechanically operated rolling shutters shall be provided for opening sizes exceeding
8 Sq.m
♦ Blast resistant Control room entry door shall be provided with blast Resistant baffle
wall in front of entry door and shall have 45 degree / 90 degree overlap on both sides.
6) Windows/Ventilators
Windows/ ventilators shall be provided in all areas for natural lighting, ventilation and
visibility at working level.
For the purposes of ventilation, total openable area of the windows/ventilators shall be as
required for necessary air changes as per Factory Act subjected to a minimum of 15% of
the floor area to be ventilated. However, the % shall finally depend on the Climate Zones
(complying with NBC) and shall count only the openable area of the windows.
Windows/ ventilators are also elements of building aesthetics and shall be provided in
accordance with approved Architectural control scheme. Windows shall be provided at
working levels. For the purpose of natural lighting total glass area shall be minimum 15% of
the floor area. However, in case of offices, work places etc. windows shall be provided for
the full length of walls as per approved Architectural scheme.
Areas accommodating panels/ equipments shall be normally provided with ventilators at
high level for unobstructed distributed lighting. Ventilators shall be provided below roof
beam. Ventilators shall be with Aluminium louvers in case of buildings. In case of Sheds,
Aluminium louvers or cladding sheet louvers as approved shall be provided.
Rooms, spaces, sheds having height more than 4 metre shall have windows and
ventilators at multiple levels to ensure required natural lighting and ventilation at all levels.
Such windows & ventilators must be provided at all intermediate working levels of such
high rooms, spaces, sheds.
Fly mesh shutters shall be provided for windows/ventilators in Kitchen, Pantry, Dining hall
Ventilator shall be able to serve as smoke vents in the event of fire.
Wherever due to limitation of external wall area or any other reasons, stipulated area of
window/ ventilation cannot be provided, suitable mechanical devices shall be provided. For
Workshop/Warehouse sheds etc. with pre-coated/GI roof sheeting etc. suitable monitor
may added in provide additional ventilation.
Transparent roof light sheeting / Light Pipe / Light Tube shall be provided in roofing of shed
type structures for day lighting.
Blast resistant Control room windows openings through wall may be provided as per OISD-
STD 163.
Constructional details of rainwater gutters and downpipes and their fittings for drainage
shall be as per the provisions given in IS: 2527.
All buildings shall be provided with rainwater harvesting system (as per Assam Ground
water Control and Regulation Act 2012), for rain water harvesting system, site specific
scheme shall be developed. Provision in the Storm water drainage scheme of non-
contaminated water for replenishment of ground water/rain water harvesting shall be
But whenever passages/ corridors are to be used for equipment/ machinery/panels etc. the
width shall be determined on the basis of equipment/machinery /panel sizes.
17) Service Entry
Separate service entry shall be provided for service areas such as kitchen, air-condition/
pressurization plant room, electrical rooms, battery & UPS room etc. A common service
entry may be provided depending on spatial arrangement.
Parameter Guidelines
Janitor Each Toilet block shall be provided with suitable janitor facility.
Toilet plumbing, piping, etc. visible on external facade of building shall be visually
concealed by means of shafts etc considering building aesthetics.
Drinking water enclosure (as required) shall be provided in all buildings /sheds having
human occupancy. Drinking water facility may be provided in Pantry also.
22) Electrical Room:
Electrical Room may be provided to accommodate electrical/telephone main distribution
box. However, depending on size, space requirement, the same may be mounted in wall
23) Partitions
If required, partitions shall be provided for flexible space arrangement in Office spaces,
Control room etc. The partitions shall be of removable type. Glazed panels shall be
provided for visibility in the partitions as per requirement.
24) False Ceiling
False ceilings shall be provided for following purposes: -
a) To reduce room volume and hide ducting etc. for air conditioned spaces.
b) To maintain acoustic level inside any space.
c) To reduce habitable room, corridor, lobby, toilet heights located in high ceiling
building/shed to a reasonable and satisfactory height of minimum 2800 mm.
d) In fire-rated areas where walls and doors are required to be fire rated, false ceiling
shall also have complementing fire rating. It is appreciated that false ceiling have
limitations in their fire performance due to openings in them for lighting and air-
conditioning. Therefore, alternative systems to prevent puncturing the ceiling must
be employed.
25) Underdeck Insulation
If required as per design, Underdeck insulation below RCC roof and over false ceiling (both
locations) shall be provided for air-conditioned office / space.
26) False/Cavity flooring
False/cavity flooring shall be provided to accommodate under floor cabling in
instrumentation areas like console rooms, rack room, computer room, UPS room etc.
Extent of false/cavity flooring shall be as per instrumentation requirements
Wherever applicable, False flooring shall be fire rated to the level of fire rating of the walls,
doors and suspended ceiling in the compartment.
27) Transformer Gate
Steel gate of suitable size in front of transformer bays in substations building shall be
provided as per electrical requirement.
28) Fire water / Fire extinguisher
All buildings shall be provided with fire water network / fire extinguishers in compliance to
statutory requirement.
29) Solar Panels on Top of Building
Buildings shall be designed and provided with provision of Installation of Solar Panels as
per NRL requirement.
All the buildings shall be provided with Architectural finishes such as floor finishes, plastering &
painting on walls & ceilings, doors/ windows/ ventilators, roof treatment, plinth protection etc. as
For the purposes of schedule of Architectural finishes, buildings are categorized into following
Type Buildings
Type A • Office Building
• Training Centre
• Gate House
• Marketing Office Building
• Canteen/Dining Hall
• Guest House
• Control Rooms
• Satellite Rack Room
Type B • Substation
• Switchgear Building
• MCC Room etc.
Type C • Laboratory
• Occupational Health Centre
• Fire Station
• Gate Houses (other than Main Gate House)
• Other non-plant/ process building not listed in any other
Type D All process/ plant buildings not listed in other category.
Type E • Stores
• Ware house
• Workshop
• Cement Godown
• Site Office
• Weigh Bridge
• Watch Towers
• Other storage/ maintenance buildings
Type F • Utility storage Sheds like D.G.shed, Pump Houses,
Compressor House, Analyzer Room etc.
• Process sheds & other sheds
Combination of:
Type "A" Buildings
• Plain cement plaster and texture coating
• Granite stone/sand stone cladding
• GFRC Jaali
• Plain Cement plaster and Acrylic paint
Combination of :
Type "C" Buildings
• Plain cement plaster and texture coating
• Granite stone/sand stone cladding
Note: Grooves in plaster shall be provided at junction of different materials and as per
external facade treatment.
Type "A"
• Granite Stone
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Office and associated office areas like records/ storage, meeting/ conference room etc.:
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "C"
• Vitrified Tiles
Type "D"
Type "E"
Type "F"
Type "A"
• Combination of Granite stones and Vitrified Tiles.
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "D"
• Vitrified Tiles
Type "E"
Type "F"
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "E"
Type "F"
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Staircase area.:
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "E"
Type "F"
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "E"
Type "F"
Type "A"
Type "B"
• Heavy Duty Cement concrete flooring.
Type "C"
• Vacuum de-watering flooring in large Rooms/ areas
Type "D"
• Switchgear hall - epoxy coating over heavy duty
cement concrete flooring
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Console, Rack room, UPS Room, areas housing instrumentation Equipment’s requiring
under-floor cabling etc.:
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Executive Block Including all office areas, lounge, lobby, dining room, meeting/ conference
room, etc. of admin building:
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "C"
• Combination of Granite and Vitrified Tiles
Type "D"
Type "E"
Type "F"
1) Only the back of CRT and small channel in front for carrying the cables of CRT etc. shall
be provided with false flooring. The area in front of panels shall have Vitrified tiles or as
2) Skirting shall be provided in all areas which shall be of same material as that of flooring.
Panel dividers shall be provided in cement concrete flooring.
3.2.2 Internal Wall Finishes
The schedule of Architectural finishes shall be finalized w.r.t the Type of Buildings from among the
following respective finishing options or a combination of the options:
• Entrance Lobby, Reception, Lounge, Waiting area, Viewing gallery etc:
Type "D"
• Cement Plaster, POP punning & Plastic emulsion
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Office and associated office areas like records/ storage, meeting/ conference room etc.:
Type "A"
Type "D"
Type "E"
• Cement Plaster and Oil Bound Distemper
Type "F"
Type "B"
• Cement Plaster, POP punning & Plastic emulsion
Type "C"
Type "D"
Type "E"
• Cement Plaster and Oil Bound Distemper
Type "F"
Type "B"
Type "E"
• Cement Plaster and Oil Bound Distemper
Type "F"
Type "D"
Type "F"
• Staircase area.:
Type "E"
• Cement Plaster & Textured Coating Cement
Type "F" Plaster, POP punning & Plastic Emulsion paint
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Electrical Room, AC Plant, Loading / Unloading bays, Equipment handling areas, Storage
areas, Switchgear, MCC, Ware House, Work Shop, Process/ utility Sheds etc.:
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "C"
• Cement Plaster & Oil Bound Distemper
Type "D"
• Cement Plaster, POP punning & Plastic emulsion
Type "F"
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "C"
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Console Room.:
Type "A"
Type "B"
• Granite stone dado up to 1500mm height Cement
Type "C" plaster, POP punning & Plastic emulsion paint
Type "D"
• Cement Plaster, POP punning with plastic emulsion
Type "F"
Grooves in plaster shall be provided at all junctions of different material cladding and as per
external façade treatment. POP molding shall be provided in “A” & “B” type buildings as per
Architectural scheme.
• Office and associated office areas like records/ storage, meeting/ conference room etc.:
Type "A"
Type "B"
•Combination of Gypsum & Mineral fibre tiles false
Type "C" ceiling
Type "F"
Type "D"
Type "F"
Type "A"
Type "B"
Type "C"
• Combination of Gypsum & Mineral fibre tiles false
Type "D" ceiling
• Aluminium panel/ Strip false ceiling
Type "E"
Type "F"
Type "A"
Type "B"
• Aluminium panel/ Strip false ceiling
Type "C"
Type "F"
Type "A"
Type "F"
1) Office area, Corridors circulation areas to be provided with false ceiling.
2) For Other areas – Architectural scheme shall be followed.
3) False ceiling to be provided in Air conditioned areas of other types of buildings also
depending upon the requirement.
3.3 Doors, Windows & Ventilators:
The schedule of Doors, Windows & Ventilators shall be finalized w.r.t the Type of Buildings from
among the following the respective options or a combination of the options:
3.3.1 Doors
• Entrance/ exit Doors
• Powder coated Aluminum glazed doors
Type "A"
Type "E"
Type "F"
Type "F"
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Toilet Doors:
• Cubicle system (with compact laminated board)
Type "A"
• PVC Doors
• PVC Doors
Type "B"
• Cubicle system (with compact laminated board)
Type "C"
• PVC Doors
Type "D"
Type "F"
Note: Wooden doors along with wooden frames shall be provided in all office building.
- Solid type steel fire check door (with 300mm x 300mm vision panel).
b) Other Rooms:
- Glazed steel Fire check door
- Solid type steel fire check door (with 300mm x 300mm vision panel).
- Wooden TW veneered fire check door (with 300mm x 300mm vision panel).
b) Other Rooms:
- Glazed steel Fire check door
- Solid type steel fire check door (with 300mm x 300mm vision panel).
- Wooden TW veneered fire check door (with 300mm x 300mm vision panel).
b) Other Rooms:
- Solid type steel fire check door (with 300mm x 300mm vision panel).
Rolling shutters shall be provided in equipment areas like Switchgear/ MCC Room, Workshop,
Ware House etc. where opening size for door exceeds 3000 x 3000mm, in non-Air-conditioned
areas. Doors/windows/ventilators shall be complete with all fittings & fixtures for easy smooth
operation & locking facility.
Doors/windows/ventilators shall be complete with all fittings & fixtures for easy smooth operation &
locking facility.
3.3.2 Windows & Ventilators:
Type "A"
Type "D"
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Wash basins:
Type "E"
Type "F"
• Urinals:
Type "D"
Type "F"
All toilets shall be provided with “Geysers” and automatic “No touch Hand drier”.
3.6 Roofing (Sheds/Workshops)
Precoated, profiled colour coated alloy / Galvalume / Zincalume steel sheeting of 0.5mm minimum
thickness (TCT) shall be of clip-lock arrangement.
3.7 Cladding
Precoated, profiled colour coated alloy / Galvalume / Zincalume steel sheeting of 0.5mm minimum
thickness (TCT) shall be of clip-lock arrangement. S-Type Louvres with frame shall be used for
1) All free edges of chajjas and slab projections shall have drip mould in plaster 50 mm wide
and 20 mm drop unless the need is resolved in some other manner.
2) Sunken Floor slab in WC areas, toilet, pantry, kitchen floor slabs shall be avoided. Pipes
shall be camouflaged by using false ceiling. However, where required, floor slabs in WC
areas shall be sunk by 500 mm and toilet, pantry, kitchen floor slabs shall be sunk by 200
mm at all levels (including terrace, where future extension is envisaged).
3) All supporting framework members of partition walls within false ceiling areas shall go up to
roof level, partitions shall go up to false ceiling level except where there are fire
compartment wall where it shall be from floor to ceiling.
4) Preferably all cut outs in slab shall be provided with 200 high curb. Gaps in floor cut outs
shall be sealed with fireproof material for fire safety.
5) Roofs of RCC buildings should have mild slope towards rainwater gutters.
6) All instrument / Electrical cable trenches at the junction of the building (outside) shall be
covered with precast RCC slab.
7) Plinth beams level shall clear trenches if any.
8) Water tanks, AC plant, Cooling tower, Chiller units etc., where required, shall be located on
building roof as far as possible and it shall be positioned and supported to transfer its load
on to beams and columns and not to the slab. Such facilities should not be visible from
outside. Suitable side cladding shall be provided for this purpose.
Various Architectural finishes/items, Sanitary fitting & fixtures, door/window schedule etc.
indicated here are as per prevailing system in various units of Refineries. Any other preference
of the owner not covered here shall also be considered.
This document covers engineering design basis for Civil works such as compound wall, fencing,
site grading, roads, pavements, storm water drainage, water supply, waste collection &
disposal system, tank farm dyke, tank foundations, etc.
Units of measurement in design shall be metric system
CCE Chief Controller of Explosives
TAC Tariff Advisory Committee
NFA National Fire Protection Association
IS Indian Standards
4.1 Latest editions of codes and standard as referred below shall be followed:
4 Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and IS: 432
hard-drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement
5 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete IS: 456
8 Code of practice for design loads (Other than earthquake for IS: 875
buildings & structures
9 Hot rolled mild steel, medium tensile steel and high yield strength IS: 1139
steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcements
10 Code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage & IS: 1172
11 Specification for Hard-drawn Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete IS: 1566
12 Code of practice for building drainage IS: 1742
13 High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and Wires for Concrete IS: 1786
Reinforcement - Specification
14 Code of practice for structural use of unreinforced masonry. IS: 1905
19 Code of practice for concrete structures for storage of liquid IS: 3370
20 Cast iron spigot and socket drain pipes -- (Withdrawn Standards) IS: 3486
27 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable IS: 4984
water supplies
28 Unplasticized PVC Pipes for Potable Water Supplies - IS: 4985
29 Guidelines for design of surface drains IS: 8835
31 Specification for UPVC pipes for soil and waste discharge IS: 13592
systems inside buildings including ventilation and rainwater
32 Unplasticized Non-Pressure Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC - U ) Pipes IS: 15328
for use in Underground Drainage and Sewerage Systems -
33 Codes for Roads, Indian Roads Congress IRC
Code Description
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CRWS Contaminated Rain Water Sewer
FGL Finished Ground Level
HFL High Flood Level
HPP Highest Pavement Point
IRC Indian Road Congress
MSA Million Standard Axle
MSL Mean Sea Level
OWS Oily Waste Sewer
PCC Plain Cement Concrete
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
WMM Water Mix Macadam
WBM Water Bound Macadam
EWS Environment, Water & Safety
a) Plot plan shall be prepared based on Mechanical / Piping Design Basis showing
proposed facilities and referring the existing overall plot plan, taking care of the
requirements of PESO (Petroleum & Explosive safety Organisation), DGCA and good
engineering practice.
b) Overall Plot Plan shall also meet as applicable t h e requirement of OISD-STD-118,
OISD-STD-144,OISD-STD-163 and OISD-STD-169 depending upon the nature of the
plant and process licensors’ recommendations for Refineries & Petrochemical plants.
c) Existing services where interfering with the new construction should be located and
rerouted as instructed by Owner / Consultant.
d) The Overall Plot Plan shall be reviewed, modified and got approved by the Owner
before implementing any project or facility. After receipt of the Owner's approval only,
the Overall Plot Plan shall be valid for further engineering and statutory approvals.
a) The work area shall be cleared and stripped completely of all bushes, roots, trees, shrubs
and Other vegetations, organic matter and other objectionable materials. All these should
be completely Uprooted and removed and not merely scraped at the surface.
b) The grading of the area shall be done by cutting and filling with the following:
Micro grading shall be carried out by the Contractor over graded areas to bring the FGL to
indicated levels including provision of required slopes and finishes.
Cross section of roads shall be designed, including roads for crane access, as per IRC 37.
However, the minimum section to be adopted shall be as given below under 'Road Width' (Point.
b). Ruling gradient shall be 1 in 30. In case contractor proposes to use existing roads for
erection purposes, the same should be strengthened to cater for erection loads. Contractor shall
ensure that use of existing roads does not hinder normal activities in existing plants. The
contractor shall repair any damage to existing roads or other facilities, at the earliest, at no extra
7.1 Roads and Paving classification:
Plant road and paving shall be classified as under:
♦ Asphalt Road
♦ Concrete Paving
♦ Gravel Paving
Concrete Paving is further classified under Pt. 4 - "Concrete Pavement".
a) Roads susceptible to spillage of petroleum products specifically roads in loading gantry
area shall be of RCC.
b) Plant roads / Access roads shall be of widths as per plot plan and 1.0m shoulders on
both sides.
c) The surface slope of roads shall be 2.5% from the center to both road edges.
d) The shoulders shall be sloped with 3%.
e) The Longitudinal gradient of roads shall not be more than 5% on Heavy Duty roads and
10% on Light Duty roads.
f) The road crown elevation shall be minimum 450 mm above Finished Ground level.
g) Minimum 8.0 m clearance to underside of pipe racks at overh ead road crossing, shall be
7.2 Road Width:
♦ Width of the road to be finalized as per site condition in consultation with OWNER/PMC
7.3 Camber:
Camber shall be 1 in 40.
7.4 Radius of Curve:
8 m. 6 m. wide road.
WBM in Grade-
Base II aggregates
- 225
course (3 layers of
75mm thk.)
WBM in Grade-I
Primary / Plant Sub-base - (2 layers of 300
150mm thk.)
Approach Road
- 150mm thick 150
Road Carriage
Material (mm) Refer
Class Layer Way (m) Way (m)
notes below
- sub-grade -
Surface 7.5 5.5 50
Secondary concrete
Road (around
tank farm) 75mm thick
Shoulder 2x1 WBM in Grade- 75
II aggregates
WBM in Grade-
Base II aggregates
- 150
course ( 2 layers of
75mm thk.)
♦ Provided thickness of all layers for different class of roads to be used as guide line.
However, all thicknesses are to be verified by design based on actual/projected traffic load
and geo-technical report for important stretch of road.
♦ Over Compacted subgrade minimum 150mm think GSB should be provided as drainage
♦ Width of all types of roads, shoulders / berm road elevation of all new roads shall be in line
with existing Refinery roads. Thickness of new roads sections should not be less than that
of existing as followed in refinery for different uses.
7.8 Crossings:
♦ Pipe Ways under road & rails : RCC Box Culverts
♦ Storm Water Culverts Under road / rail : RCC Box Culverts
♦ Electric/Instruments Cable : RCC duct bank with PVC
Pipe Class01 (IS 4985)
7.9 Over Head Clearance:
Refer to document 082176C-ZZ-JSD-1300-0001 (Client Ref TP-1ZZZA-PI-BOD-0001): ENGINEERING
8.1 Pavement Slope:
Concrete Paving shall be sloped (along length) steepest to 1:100 unless otherwise shown in detail
engineering drawing. Slope of the sub-grade shall be prepared to match with the slope of
Pavements below the pipe racks, pipe way bridges should have proper slope towards storm water
drain to avoid accumulation of water. Suitable gap between wall of pipe-way bridges and sleepers
shall be left for smooth drainage.
8.2 Type:
Type of Pavements
Type-I: 200 mm thick, RCC M30
Type-II: 150 mm thick, RCC M25
Type-III: 100 mm thick, RCC M25
Area Type
Vehicular movement area
Type-I (200 mm thick) RCC M30 (Two
Process Unit layers of 75mm thick WMM as sub-base
1) Sub-grade below RCC pavement shall be compacted to 95% of Laboratory dry density as
per IS: 2720 Part-VIII and the slope of sub- grade shall be same as top of pavement slope.
Geogrid & Geosynthetics may be used in sub-grade layers as per geotechnical
recommendations, site suitability & design requirements.
2) In case of poor soil, black cotton soil, treatment below base shall be carried out as per soil
investigation report.
3) For crane movement area pavement shall be designed as per loading and soil data.
Hardstand to be designed and provided only at the identified area and designed for the
actual capacity.
4) Hard surface of PCC M20 (100 mm thick) shall be provided below all pipe rack in order to
avoid growth of bushes and grass and to provide free passage This shall extend 600 mm
on either side for rack width less than 6 m, 900 mm on either side for pipe track having
width 6 M or more and it shall have approach @ 500 m c/c from nearest road. Hard surface
of PCC M20 (100mm thick) of size 1Mx1M shall be provided with proper approach near
drain point of offsite piping, near drinking water installations, at washing facilities and at
other places as required / instructed by Engineer in charge.
5) Removable type RCC precast slab with leak proof joints using bitumen fill in all concrete
pavement covering underground piping shall be provided for maintenance/ inspection of
6) Pavement and trenches including covers in process unit shall be suitable for Hydra crane
movement. Section of Trench and Trench cover shall be demarcated for hydra crane
movement and only the trench cover which are demarcated for hydra movement to be
7) The surface of concrete paving exposed to corrosive chemicals shall be protected with the
suitable anti-corrosive / chemical resistant material / coating which shall be selected and
applied fully in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
8) All edges of concrete paving adjacent to manholes and catch basins shall be suitably
9) Raised concrete kerbs shall be provided wherever necessary to contain the spillage before
conveying them to the appropriate drainage system. Kerbs shall be 150 mm thick & 100
mm in height.
10) Provision of trenches, drains, sealing of trench covers, inserts, thickening for pipe /
equipment supports etc. shall be made while construction pavements, as detailed in
8.3 Reinforcement:
Reinforcement shall conform to the requirement of IS: 432, IS: 1139 and IS: 1786 as relevant. The
dowel bars shall conform to Grade S 240 (with yield strength 240MPa) and tie bars
(deformed/plain) to Grade Fe-500 D deformed steel bars as per IS 1786 / IS 432. If steel mesh is
used, it shall conform to IS: 1566.
Temperature reinforcement shall be provided as per the provisions of IRC: 15.
The area of steel required per meter length of joint shall be computed as per IRC -15.
8.4 Joint arrangement:
8.4.1 Expansion joint:
In concrete paving, expansion joints shall be arranged at maximum interval of 14m for Type-I
pavements, 13m for Type-II pavements and 15m for Type III pavements. The joints shall be 20
mm wide and filled with bitumen impregnated fibre boards, with the top 25 mm filled with flexible
bituminous joint sealing compound.
Heavy-duty paving shall be provided with dowel bars. The dowel bars shall be provided in the
direction of traffic (longitudinal). Design of Dowel bars shall be done as per provisions given in
IRC: 58. Following shall be design considerations:
1) Mild steel round bars.
2) Dowel bars shall be bonded into concrete on one side of the joint and its other half length
shall be prevented from bonding with concrete.
3) One half of the dowel bar is painted with a bond-breaking layer of bitumen. This bond-
breaking layer shall preferably be provided on opposite sides of the joint in adjacent dowel
bar. In case of transverse expansion joints, the unbonded portion of the dowel is provided
with expansion cap at the end. Cotton waste or other compressible material shall be
inserted but not tightly packed before fitting the cap over the painted end of the dowel bar
so that there is sufficient gap between the bar end and the inside of the cap.
For slabs of thickness less than 150mm, no dowel bars may be provided.
8 Between Unit & Roads (Except 100mm Thick PCC Paving -Grade M20. 150mm
approach road to units & thick concrete pad shall be provided all around
approaches to fire hydrant) hydrant and foundation for Fire-hose box, BA sets
9 Fire Hydrant protection Hydrant shall be provided with Guard system /
bollards to avoid damage from Traffic
10 Parking including truck parking RCC Concrete Pavement min. 250 thick and
Pavement shall be designed for actual loads
vehicle design condition
11 Truck Loading / Unloading area Concrete Pavement
12 Pipeways PCC M 15
13 Open storage / Main areas Other compacted earth surface
14 Sphere area (with Kerb wall) min. 100 mm thick PCC, M20 (No sphere area
envisaged in NREP)
15 Coke storage RCC pavement
16 Coke truck loading RCC pavement
Rainfall data: (b) for 24-hour 160 mm in 24 hours (max) (rainy season is from April to
period September – Tropical Heavy Monsoon)
The following rational method equation shall be used to calculate design quantities of storm
Qr = (1/360) X C X I X A.
Qr : Design quantities of storm water (m3/sec)
V= ( I ) * R 2/3 * I ½
Q =AxV
V : Velocity (m/sec)
n : Coefficient of Roughness (As per below table)
R : Hydraulic Radius (m)
I : Slope of channel
Open Channels:
Lined with Concrete 0.015
Earth, Clean after weathering 0.020
Earth, with grass & some weeds 0.030
Excavated in rock, smooth 0.040
Excavated in rock, jagged & irregular 0.045
i. Main
A main may run through or around plot areas to an off-plot ponding area, disposal
facility, or lift station and collects the effluents from all of the blanches (submains and
laterals )of sewer piping network.
ii. Submain/ Secondary
A submain collects the effluents from the lateral and sublateral blanches.
The Effluents of submain are discharged into the main.
iii. Lateral/ Teritiary
A lateral collects the effluents from sublaterals.
B. Culverts:
♦ Storm water drains shall cross the road by suitable precast / cast-in-situ box culverts as
the case may be. Material of construction of culverts shall be as below:
♦ Box culverts: R.C.C. construction (M25 concrete grade for in-situ concrete and
minimum M30 grade for Precast concrete).
♦ The top of bottom raft of the box culvert shall be sloped and connected to the nearest
storm water drain in a manner so that any water coming into the box culvert shall be
drained off. Alternate suitable arrangement (e.g. filling up of the box culvert till FGL
etc.) may be adopted so as to ensure that no water gets accumulated inside the box
♦ Pipe culverts, if instructed to use by Owner/CONSULTANT, as per following
C. Catch Basin:
♦ Minimum catch basin size (internal Dimension) shall be 900 mm x 900 mm
♦ The bottom level of catch basin shall be lower than 150 mm from the invert level
of the lowest connected pipe.
♦ The surface travel of the drainage prior to entering catch pit shall be limited to 15
♦ The maximum area per catch pit shall be 250 to 300 m2.
♦ Cover for catch basin shall be of Galvanized gratings.
D. Storm water pond: Storage and disposal:
E. Trenches:
a) Electrical Cable Trench:
♦ Sand filled R.C.C. trenches shall be provided with pre-cast RC covers.
♦ Wherever trench crosses storm water drains, trenches shall be taken below
b) Pipe Trenches:
♦ R.C.C. trenches shall be provided with pre-cast RC cover as per piping
Cable trenches shall be filled with sand as indicated in relevant electrical drawings. If
trenches are filled with sand then no inserts plates shall be provided within the
In paved areas, the top of cable trench will be flush with finished floor level. Covers
shall overlap walls and joints with paving shall be sealed to prevent water entry.
In unpaved areas, walls shall be raised above ground level by 100 mm.
Trench floors shall be provided with a nominal slope to drain pits, where any water
entering trenches can be collected and be drained to the nearest contaminated rain
water sewer / storm water sewer. The trench bed shall have a slope of 1 in 750 along
the run and 1 in 250 perpendicular to the run.
Trench covers shall be designed for the vehicle load relevant to the area where the
trench is located.
Cable trench shall be of leak proof construction (un-cracked design). All the
construction joints of cable trenches i.e. between base slab to base slab and the
junction of vertical wall to base slab shall be ensured for water tightness.
4) Drinking water piping network shall be laid U/G in a closed loop wherever possible.
Isolation valves shall be provided at junctions. Valve pit shall be provided for valves in
underground drinking pipes.
5) Min. Clear Cover: 600 mm in open areas and 1200 mm below road crossings.
6) Storage: Overhead tank of R.C.C. construction / PVC. In case of PVC tank, insulated
type (PUF) tanks shall be considered. Capacity - 12 hours, based on average daily
7) Disinfection Method: ClO2 based method shall be used.
8) Drinking water system capacity shall be such that leakage and wastage etc. are accounted
so that shortage of drinking water may not occur. It is suggested to keep 25% design
margin to take care of above losses.
11.2 Underground piping:
All underground process pipes if otherwise not specified shall be C.S. pipes and shall be
provided with corrosion resistance protection.
Process drains shall be oily water sewers, closed blow down sewers or chemical sewers. These
shall be provided as per OISD 109 and as per Mechanical / Piping design basis. Sizing layouts,
Material Specifications, corrosion protection etc. will be as per Mechanical / Piping design basis.
a) Storm water drains shall not be combined with oily waste sewer (OWS)/
Contaminated Rain Water Sewer (CRWS)/ Sanitary Waste Sewer (SWS) / combined
sewer system.
b) OWS/ CRWS within process unit from the equipment and area around equipment pumps
(by providing curb wall) shall be collected and shall be sent to Effluent Treatment Plant
(ETP). OWS from tank farm and other off sites areas shall be sent to ETP by gravity.
c) Initial 15 minutes of contaminated rainwater from the process unit areas (where rain
is likely to get contaminated) shall be sent to ETP through separate sewer (CRWS).
After 15 minutes, it shall be routed to storm water open drain via oil catcher by using two
way valve system.
d) RCC drain with HDG grating shall be provided all around the unit pavement to
collect non-contaminated water. This drain shall b e connected to main plant drain
through double valve pit arrangement. In case of accidental contamination, in generally
non-contaminated areas, the flow can be diverted to CRWS via double valve pit.
e) Tank farm drainage shall be provided in such a way that the storm water discharge
shall be either sent to storm water open ditch or to the contaminated rain water sewer
(CRWS) by providing valve pit outside the dyke wall depending on its contamination.
The discharge from tank farm shall be a released to ETP through gravity sewer at
controlled rate to CRWS by operating two way valve system.
f) Configuration of sewer shall be done in such a way to have minimum depth of sewer.
The exact depth shall be decided during detailed engineering. Any primary treatment, as
required at Inside Plant Battery Limit (ISBL) as per Process licensor’s
recommendations/ process design package, shall be provided.
g) Acidic waste shall be neutralized and discharged to Effluent Treatment Plant as per the
design requirement. Required treatment as per process data sheet and design data shall
be provided in Design Basis.
h) Lining/coating to be provided over concrete and steel surfaces to protect them from
the corrosive attack of chemicals in the form of leakages, spillages, overflows, washings
etc. Acid/Alkali proof floor/drain lining shall be provided within and around the Caustic
treatment/Handling/ Wash areas/ other chemical handling areas over RCC surface. The
entire area shall be curbed by RCC kerb wall.
i) All underground C.S. pipes shall be provided with corrosion resistance protection for service
temperature up to 60°C as per specifications. All CBD lines with service temperature more
than 60°C shall be provided with inorganic zinc silicate primer followed by HB coal tar epoxy
coating. In addition, the CBD lines with more than 60°C shall be laid in stone/gravel bed
minimum 300mm on either side on top & bottom. In no case these painted lines shall be
buried in soil directly.
j) Corrosion resistant protection given to underground CS pipe shall extend up to min. 500
mm. above/ beyond grade on both sides.
k) Transformer oil (for oil filled transformer of 2000 liter) shall be drained as per provisions
given in OISD 173.
l) The maximum depth of sewer (invert level) shall be kept minimum possible. the system
shall be suitably supplemented with a pumping system.
m) Where sewerage system is absent, holding tank shall be provided which shall be emptied at
regular intervals.
n) Design of septic tank shall be as per the provisions of IS: 2470 Part-I & Part- II.
o) If a s per site requirement pre-cast septic tanks are to be provided specifications of IS:
9872 shall be followed.
♦ All RCC pipes shall have socket & spigot joints. Suitable concrete supports at all
socket/ spigot joints of underground piping shall be provided.
♦ OWS/CRWS of each process unit shall be collected in closed pit within the process
unit battery limit and shall be sent to ETP as per process design basis. OWS
system shall be kept sealed during construction period to avoid its use for drainage of
construction water.
♦ Any oil drain e.g. pump suction header drain shall be discharged to OWS even if
it is intermittent.
♦ All exchanger drain shall be routed to OWS or CBD as per process design
♦ For drainage philosophy refer document TP-1ZZZA-PR-BOD-0003.
♦ Suitable Clean outs shall be provided at the ends and at the change of direction of
branch headers (where manhole is not provided) for cleaning of sewers as and when
12.1 Design of contaminated rain water Sewer (Independent system):
The CRWS system collects contaminated rainwater, floor washings, condensate recovery drain,
firewater etc. This system consists of RCC catch basin, underground piping, RCC manholes,
vent pipes, flame arresters, CI manhole covers & frames, MS gratings, MS rungs, clean-outs
holding pits etc shall be provided by “contractor “as required to complete system. Drainage of
condensate steam from steam traps in plant area shall be properly designed.
Attempt shall be made to reduce the quantity of contaminated water by providing suitable means
of segregating the clean and contaminated areas.
Arrangement shall be made to collect the entire quantity of contaminated water emanating
from each plant area and install suitable means of physical separation of oil. The treated oil-free
water shall be discharged to the nearest storm water drain. This collection and treatment
system shall be suitable to take care of maximum rate of contaminated water either due to
rainfall or firefighting.
The contaminated rain water sewer shall be designed for the following combinations:
♦ Contaminated rain water or Fire water whichever is more. The quantities of contaminated
rainwater shall be worked out based on the contaminated process area in the unit block.
♦ Sewer shall be sized flowing full with peak flows taking future requirements or 2/3 full
without future requirements.
12.2 Design of process water sewer / OWS (Independent system):
The sewer shall be designed based o n the quantities o f process waste specified by process
department/ Licensor.
a) General considerations
Trenches shall be provided all around the Compressor, DG, TGs, IA/PA compressor &
other sources of oily water for collecting Oily floor wash with a Catch basin. The oily
water will be sent to a common pit through underground pipes, which would be
connected to the Oily Water Sewer system for disposal. The potential source of Oil
contamination i.e. Compressor, DG, TG, IA/PA Compressor will be located inside the
shed. So, rain water mixing is not envisaged.
For Storage Tanks, two-valve pit will be provided with connection to Storm Sewer &
OWS outside the dyke wall. If the water is contaminated with Oil, it will be sent to the
Oily water pit which would be connected to the Oily Water Sewer system for disposal.
Alternatively, Tank farm drainage shall be provided in such a way that the storm water
discharge shall be either sent to storm water open ditch or to the contaminated rain water
sewer (CRWS) by providing valve pit outside the dyke wall depending on its
contamination. The discharge from tank farm shall be a released to ETP through
gravity sewer at controlled rate to CRWS by operating two way valve system.
For pumps requiring Lubrication, a small curb wall with connection to OWS through
manholes will be provided.
For Hot Oil Storage, two-valve pit will be provided with connection to OWS & Storm
Sewer & if the spillage is substantial, Oil can be collected in the drums with a barrel
b) Discharge Data
The branch sewers from processing areas should be designed for the greater of the
following two situations,
i. Rainfall plus process waste water with the sewer flowing at 2/3 of full depth.
ii. Process waste water plus expected fire water runoff with sewers running full.
The design capacity of the trunk sewer should depend on the cumulative amount of used
cooling water and condensate from various processing areas and the storm drainage
from the paved areas and the largest tank dyke area. Trunk sewers generally drain large
water shed; therefore, fire water flows are not governing for their sizing. However, this
should be checked.
A PFD of the system shall be made identifying normal flow and design flow. The
normal flow shall be equal to average process flow. After the design flows shall be
identified, sewer shall be designed for running full.
c) Sewer Design
Minimum size of sewer shall be 150 mm.
All funnel drain shall be of minimum pipe size 100 mm dia. When 2 or more funnels
join together, the OWS size shall be 150 mm.
The main oily waste sewer header shall not be less than 200 mm dia. All connections
from funnel points shall be fire sealed.
Minimum velocity (at half full or running full) shall be 0.6 m/sec. If sewage consists of
large quantities of sediments the minimum velocity shall be 1.0 m/sec. subject to a
maximum of 2.4 m/sec.
d) Cover
Oily Sewer- Within C.S. Pipes as per NRL requirement and relevant PMC
process units and Piping Material Specifications
Tankage areas
Oily Sewer- Offsite gravity C.S. Pipes / RCC Hume Pipe (Class NP2) and Road
sewer crossing location Hume Pipe (Class NP3) as per relevant
PMC Piping Material Specifications
Oily Sewer- Offsite Main C.S. Pipes as per relevant PMC Piping Material Specifications
Sanitary Sewer- Toilet uPVC pipes (as per IS: 13592, 15328)/ CI pipes (as per IS:
block up to inspection 3486/1729)
Sanitary Sewer- PVC / uPVC pipes (as per IS: 13592, 15328)/Ductile Iron
Gravity main & lateral Pipes Socket and spigot, rubber joints (Suitable concrete
supports at all socket / spigot joints of underground piping
shall be provided)
Sanitary Sewer- Pressure G.I. Pipes
Manhole for acid/ alkali sewer shall be provided with Acid/ Alkali proof lining.
a) Foundation Type:
Storage tanks shall be supported either on open ring wall type foundations or sand pads in
accordance with the Geotechnical recommendations.
b) Anticorrosive layer:
Anticorrosive layer shall be provided as per specifications for tank pads of 50 thick premix
carpet over 50 thick bitumen sand mixed with additions of kerosene / oil as required.
c) Storage Tank Dyke Walls:
Dyke walls / Fire Walls shall be provided as per OISD 118. Dyke Walls shall be of RCC.
Concrete grade M25 shall be used for Dyke walls. Dyke walls shall be designed for
retaining liquid in case of rupture of the largest tank in the farm. It shall have minimum 750
mm wide walkway with hand railing (if required) at top of wall to enable persons to walk on
the wall top. Stair cases at suitable location shall be provided to approach the walkway. If
space permits, dyke walls shall be provided with ramps on both sides at suitable places, for
movement of vehicles for tank cleaning purpose. Fire walls, if required shall be of plastered
brickwork and shall be 600 mm high (min) or as drawings / as instructed. They shall only
retain spillage to prevent fire spread.
d) Cathodic Protection:
When Cathodic Protection is provided for the Tank bottom plate, the use of crushed stone
layer, anticorrosive (Asphalt) layer etc shall be avoided for the effective functioning of CP
system. In such cases, tank bottom plate shall directly rest on the Clean Compacted Sand
fill below.
Barricading shall be provided near construction area to prevent damage to existing facilities. The
barricade shall be within the plot plan.
The height of the barricade shall be; minimum two meters above the highest point of active work.
The barricade shall be properly designed/ constructed as per BIS codes. The barricade shall be
made out of steel framework with galvanized iron sheets. Steel framework and its foundations
shall be properly designed/ constructed as per BIS codes.
If required, the barricade shall also be provided with suitable piping arrangement to be connected
to a pressurized water source to provide necessary water curtain. After completion of the work,
barricading including its foundations shall be removed and the site made good.
a) Preferably all Buildings shall be designed as Energy Efficient building.
b) Rain water harvesting shall be mandatory for all buildings. (Refer to Clause 2.6 (11) of Part
c) Rain Water Harvesting systems shall be designed, operated & maintained in line with
guidelines provided in Manual published by Central Public Works Department & Central
Ground Water Board.
d) Rain Water Recharging well shall be provided for the non plant area for recharging the
ground water
All underground or aboveground structures / foundations which will cause obstruction to new
structures / foundations, and which can be removed without disturbing any function of the existing
plant, shall be removed by the Contractor.
All existing underground or above found facilities requiring rerouting due to fouling with new
facilities shall be rerouted by the contractor in such a manner that rerouted facilities keep on
functioning as before.
Note: Before finalizing the route connection to existing system, adequacies of existing system shall
be checked by the contractor.