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Table of Contents
1.0 Applicable Documents.................................................................................. 7
1.1 Order of Precedence.................................................................................. 7
1.2 Client specifications ................................................................................... 7
1.3 Industry standards ..................................................................................... 7
1.4 TechnipFMC Specifications and Documents ............................................. 8
2.0 General Information ...................................................................................... 9
2.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Overview .................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Third party selection and description ....................................................... 10
3.0 System Description ..................................................................................... 11
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 11
3.2 Equipment to be recertified ...................................................................... 11
3.3 General inspection criteria ....................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Fasteners ................................................................................................. 17
3.3.2 Seals ........................................................................................................ 17
3.3.3 Sealing surfaces - inspection ................................................................... 17
3.3.4 Welded surfaces - inspection ................................................................... 17
3.3.5 Hydraulic system ..................................................................................... 18
3.3.6 Coating condition ..................................................................................... 18
3.3.7 Corrosion and wear - findings .................................................................. 18
3.4 Component criticality................................................................................ 19
4.0 Activities - Planning Phase ........................................................................ 19
4.1 Kick-off meeting (with all parties) ............................................................. 19
4.2 Documentation review and evaluation of history by 3rd party .................. 20
4.3 Risk review - project HAZOP ................................................................... 20
4.4 Gap Analysis............................................................................................ 21
4.4.1 Standards and specifications from phase 1 delivery ................................ 21
4.4.2 ECN change history on component PN level ........................................... 22
4.5 Procurement of parts ............................................................................... 22
4.5.1 Create Excel plan for parts to be procured .............................................. 22
4.5.2 Procure parts ........................................................................................... 22
4.6 Vendors and service providers ................................................................ 22
4.6.1 Inspection and NDE ................................................................................. 23
4.6.2 Coating .................................................................................................... 23
4.6.3 Machining and welding repair .................................................................. 23
4.7 Create recertification procedures ............................................................. 24
4.7.1 Overview .................................................................................................. 24
4.7.2 RRP's ....................................................................................................... 24
4.8 Create work packages ............................................................................. 25
4.8.1 WP's- for recertification ............................................................................ 25
4.8.2 WP's - for the Phase 2 Upgrade of EDP/LRP/IWOCS ............................. 26
4.8.3 WP's - Additional tasks ............................................................................ 26
4.9 Set up site for execution phase ................................................................ 27
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List of Tables
Table 1: Shell Gumusut Phase 1 specifications........................................................................... 7
Table 2: Industry standards ......................................................................................................... 7
Table 3: TFMC specifications and documents ............................................................................. 8
Table 4: Stack components to be recertified ............................................................................. 11
Table 5: ERC Riser and Special joint components to be recertified ........................................... 11
Table 6: Riser and Crossovers involving 3rd party connections ................................................ 14
Table 8: Component criticality ................................................................................................... 19
Table 9: Criticality input ............................................................................................................. 19
Table 10: Gap analysis - relevant Client Specifications ............................................................. 21
Table 11: GAP analysis - relevant Industry Standards .............................................................. 21
Table 12: Inspection categories ................................................................................................ 29
Table 13: NDT Operations ........................................................................................................ 30
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The following abbreviations are used throughout this procedure.
Abbreviation Description
API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
BOP Blowout Preventer
COB Close of Business
COC Certificate of Conformance
CPI Customer Provided Item
CT Coiled Tubing
CWOR Completion Work Over Riser
DBD Design Basis Document
DBI Database Information
DIM Dimensional
DP Dynamically Positioned
ECN Engineering Change Notice
EDP Emergency Disconnect Package
EFAT Extended Factory Acceptance Test
EQD Emergency Quick Disconnect
ERC Enhanced Riser Connection
ET Eddy Current Testing
EVDT Enhanced Vertical Deepwater Tree
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
GV Gate Valve
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
HT Hardness Testing
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IWOCS Installation Work Over Control System
KSI Kilopound per Square Inch
LRP Lower Riser Package
MRB Manufacturing Record Book
MT Magnetic Particle Testing
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NDT/NDE Non-destructive Testing / Non-destructive Examination
NJ Nusajaya
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PCM Pressure Control Manual
PIV Production Isolation Valve
PMI Positive Material Identification
PO Purchase Order
PRE Product Responsible Engineer
PSM Preservation, Storage and Maintenance
PT Penetrant Testing
PWHT Post weld heat treatment
QA Quality Assurance
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QC Quality Check
QN Quality Notification
QP Quality Plan
ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle
RP Recommended Practice
RRP Recertification Procedure
RT Radiographic Testing
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SFT Surface Flow Tree
SIT Systems Integration Test
SME Subject Matter Expert
SN Service Notification
SSS Subsea Services
TRT Tree Running Tool
TSJ Tapered Stress Joint
UT Ultrasonic Testing
VIS Visual
VO Variation Order
W/O Work Over
WAS Well Access System
WCS Well Completion System
WP Work Package
WP Working Pressure
WPS Weld Procedure Specification
XO Crossover
XT X-mas Tree
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2.2 Overview
The following activities shall be included in the recertification process:
• Upfront planning phase
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• Stripping/dismantling of equipment
• Equipment assembly
• Sub-assembly testing and assembly FAT, including gas testing, if not already
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• Involvement in witnessing critical hold points during execution e.g Valve block
inspections, gas testing etc.
• Involvement in review/approval of inspection reports and completed
recertification procedures
• Issue a final recertification report and recertification COC's (RCCs)
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Note: As the THRA's (2 off) for phase 2 gas injector wells were modified from phase 1
and recertified in September 2014, both THRA's have been purposely left out of the 5-
year recertification work scope. The THRA is currently one of Shell's optional methods
to gain access to the well via BOP on Tree for intervention works, while the CWOR
system is out of service. The THRA's should be considered to be included in the next 5-
year recertification, or perhaps 1 year in advance.
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3.3.1 Fasteners
All fasteners shall be visually inspected for wear, corrosion and degradation.
All wellbore pressure containing fasteners should be replaced in accordance with the
equipment's original design specification and DGL10000290.
All critically load bearing fasteners should either be thoroughly inspected or procured
3.3.2 Seals
All elastomer seals, both exposed and non-exposed to wellbore fluids shall be replaced.
This scope is to be agreed upon upfront, based on criticality and result from RIT.
All metal seals exposed to wellbore fluids shall be replaced.
Seals that are replaced should be visually inspected for damage and deformation so
that the PSM's potentially can be improved for the future.
All sealing surfaces exposed to wellbore fluids shall be NDT inspected as per
DBI/design requirements.
All sealing surfaces not exposed to wellbore fluids shall be visually inspected and
potentially NDT inspected as per TFMC and 3rd party recommendations, to be
evaluated upfront.
All welded surfaces exposed to wellbore fluids, e.g., joining riser joint flange to pipe,
shall be NDT inspected as per RRP, based on DBI requirements and an agreement
between TFMC/Shell/DNV.
Load bearing welds/welded surfaces not exposed to wellbore fluids, e.g., EDP
protection structure, shall be visually inspected and potentially NDT inspected as per
RRP, based on DBI requirements and an agreement between TFMC/Shell/DNV. This
scope is to be agreed upon upfront, based on criticality.
For potential repairs, see section 5.4.
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Coated surfaces that are visually inspected and found to be in poor condition, shall be
stripped and recoated as per design specification. It is important that available vendors
for all types of relevant coating application are to be set up and prepared relative to the
execution site.
Coatings on pressure containing and load bearing components requiring NDT
inspection shall be stripped to allow for inspection. Stripping of coating shall only be
performed to the extent necessary to complete the required NDT inspection.
Load bearing and pressure containing: Visible corrosion shall require NDE and/or
dimensional verification to determine the extent and severity of the corrosion. Tubular
components shall be inspected using a borescope.
Corrosion repair will be performed after direction by relevant product responsible and/or
SME's on the matter. Using Teams, findings will be reported, and a separate work
package (see section 4.8.3) is to be made on site by responsible engineer for approval
by relevant parties. This is to be turned around quickly enough, so that corrective
measures can be taken within the planned schedule.
Note: An inspection of all equipment in Nusajaya/Labuan shall be conducted as early as
possible in the project. To mitigate risk of findings and to plan for corrective measures
within the Execution phase.
Cathodic protection: Shall be visually inspected and only replaced if found necessary.
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The table below defines the minimum requirements to be performed for used
equipment. It is to be implemented for each assembly in each recertification procedure.
Table 9: Criticality input
Criticality Required inspection Witness/Hold points*
MLB VIS, DIM, NDT Required
SL VIS, DIM, NDT Required
FC VIS, TEST Required
STRL VIS Required
* Usually, TFMC and TFMC 3rd party inspector, but can also be Shell or Shell 3rd party.
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• Delivery schedule
• Involvement from owner (Shell), 3rd party (DNV), TFMC 3rd party inspector and
main contact points within TFMC
• Resources
• Sites
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• Quality
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All class 1 and class 2 changes to all PNs in the CWOR system since delivery shall be
established and documented in gap analysis report RPT40025617. This can be done in
a table format, in conjunction with the procurements of parts listed in the next section.
Class 1 change that has not been performed through PSM work already should be
performed during the Recertification if possible or justified through this gap analysis.
Class 2 changes usually involve smaller changes and will usually be justified in the gap
A plan for procuring all parts to be changed out is to be made. This needs to be detailed
out for each assembly, and when a PO is set this need to be linked into the plan. This
will ease the follow-up during the execution phase between the project
planner/purchaser and procurement team.
Parts are to be purchased by the purchaser in the project via the proper channels in the
line organization. KL / Nusajaya, being the project executioner, will procure parts as
necessary, thereby receiving products with the required quality control.
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4.6.2 Coating
Vendors for performing various types of coating are to be set up in the local area of the
execution phase, if not already present. If certain coating applications are unavailable,
components will potentially be shipped to NJ, Malaysia.
All coating types and applications are to be outlined upfront before the execution phase,
so that the components that need to be sent out of Labuan are identified upfront.
Vendors for performing machining and welding are to be set up in the local area of the
execution phase. They should be able to do a variety of 'ad hoc' repair.
For potential major findings resulting in major repairs, a contingency plan shall be made
upfront. This might call for a shipping of components to other sites and countries. The
most critical example to be made is the composite valve block of the LRP, where a
major repair might result in the transportation of the block back to manufacture site -
TFMC Dunfermline, Scotland. This example is also subject to the upfront risk review.
Relevant welding procedures need to be prepared upfront from the relevant workshops
and reviewed/approved by TFMC Welding Engineers. The relevant procedures, related
to material and application, should be outlined during the writing of the recertification
Any alteration, modification from the component's initial design, potential findings
resulting in repair during disassembly of the equipment or during NDE inspections, shall
be captured using management of change process and the rectification method
proposed is subjected to Shell approval.
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4.7.1 Overview
Two different types of procedures will be made for essentially all components: RRP's,
recertification procedures, and WP's, work packages
4.7.2 RRP's
RRP's are to be made based on best practices from last recertification. They are made
per assembly as shown in the figure above. They will include high-level steps for
disassembly, inspection, assembly and test, and function as a top-level document
whereas for details they will refer to the relevant assembly and test procedures via the
work packages.
The RRP's will include inspection tables for existing equipment and serialization tables
for new equipment that is to be installed. They will be released after the Receive
Inspection Test that is performed in the planning phase and should be
reviewed/approved by both Shell and DNV.
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On site in the execution phase they will be filled out continuously, and signed off by
TFMC and TFMC 3rd party, Shell or Shell 3rd Party and DNV.
The RRP's, completed and signed off, forms the main requirements for TFMC to make
and issue a 5-year COC per assembly to Shell. They are also treated as the basis for
the Recertification Upgrade MRB's to be compiled.
Any deviations/changes from the planned work scope will be captured through TFMC's
management of change process or a customized solution to meet our project needs.
The change, depending on criticality, should be subject to a risk review and be signed
off by TFMC, Shell and DNV.
The RRP's should be updated and revised after the execution phase is completed to
incorporate experience from the project.
Work packages will, when needed, be made based on splitting up the RRP's into more
practical procedures. E.g., Disassembly/Assembly and Testing Procedures for Torus
connector, TOT rams, 5'' gate valves etc. They will include more detailed steps for the
workshop personnel and refer to relevant procedures and drawings released in the
system. They will be created and approved by TFMC in the planning phase, but do not
require review/approval by Shell/DNV as the RRP's are the main procedures basing the
COC's and MRB's.
The procedure steps will be filled out by the personnel performing the actual execution
at site, and important information will be transferred from the work packages to the
RRP's by the engineers on site. This transfer should be done daily at COB, so that the
RRP's are kept updated at all times.
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During the Gumusut CWOR recertification in 2015, engineering and delivery of the
Phase 2 Upgrade was performed in parallel. The Upgrades involve changes to the EDP,
DBD40021512 describes the modifications that were performed.
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4.9.2 HSE
An HSE plan is to be made, based on the site of execution and the type of work to be
conducted. If a current plan for the site is in place, the project related HSE should
review this in terms of project relevance and Client relevance.
4.9.3 Quality
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5.1.1 Disassembly
The components to be verified, with part and serial number towards original
documentation, shall be specified in the recertification procedures. The work packages
will then incorporate checklists for identifying these components.
Components shall be tagged during disassembly, so that they are logged properly into
the logistic/warehouse system on the site. It will then be the logistic engineer that has
100% control over where the parts that was disassembled are located. This should be
done by implementing a known marking/tagging system, and by the logistic engineer to
have a logistic log (Excel sheet) that is updated daily and placed on Teams so that it is
available to all.
Some parts might need to go out for coating, machining etc., and it is then important
that the tagging at disassembly is done properly containing this information. It is
furthermore the logistic engineer and delivery coordinator on site to make sure that the
item e.g., bracket, leaves the site and comes back again. It is important that the logistic
log is updated continuously for knowing where this component is at all times. And it is
important that the delivery coordinator makes sure that the e.g., the coating vendor has
the required procedures in place and returns the required reports/COC's for the job.
Note: For critical components that cannot be identified, e.g., even heat number is worn
away; alternative solutions should be presented in the recertification procedures.
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• Other parts based on experience and usage, e.g., GV seats, gates, and bearings.
5.3 Inspection
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DIM Dimensional:
Dimensional check of critical dimensions on dynamic parts.
PMI Positive Material Identification:
Identifying chemical composition in material.
NDT Non Destructive Testing:
Type of NDT operation to be selected
• Design Specifications
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A 3rd party inspector will be chosen in the planning phase, see chapter 4.
They will prepare all procedures as already mentioned. They will also prepare
inspection equipment and certified inspectors to the site.
The Inspection Plan will be an Excel sheet describing the inspections to be performed
during the recertification. It will be a summarizing table of all inspections points in the
recertification procedures (RRP's) and includes:
• Component PN and material type for relevant part
5.4.1 General
Repair of potential findings shall be in accordance with the original procedures and
potential findings during inspection shall be reported. Any repairs done to the equipment
shall be documented and traceable. Depending on the size of repair, it may be
advantageous to make an additional work package (see section 4.7.3) for control and
quality of the repair job.
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5.6 Reassembly
All equipment listed in section 3.2, except the ones described in the section below, are
generally to be assembled the way they were before the recertification process started.
The only differences might come from the additional tasks listed in section 4.8.3, but
these should not result in any changes in functionality or design.
Assembly procedures and drawings will be referred to in the work packages, and should
be printed out by engineers on site, and reviewed together with the workshop personnel
accordingly while performing the work packages.
Assembly procedures and drawings will be referred to in the work packages, and should
be printed out by engineers on site, and reviewed together with the workshop personnel
accordingly while performing the work packages.
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5.7 Testing
All test equipment will be listed in a separate document early in the planning phase.
Most of the components should be CPI from Gumusut Phase 1, but items such as seals
(for test only) should be procured if needed. If any required test equipment is missing,
this needs to be either rented or procured from the Labuan base or Shell to be ready for
the execution phase.
A contingency plan for potential hot work repairs, see section 5.4, should be made.
Test procedure, TST40025550 will be updated. This will give an overview of testing to
be performed on equipment from section 3.2, and the order of how to perform them.
Testing will be conducted during RIT, any re-work, and the FAT to get the re-
During reassembly of the stack components, there is a huge benefit to performing sub
assembly leak testing at certain stages of assembly. For instance, a 10k hydrostatic
leak test of the LRP valve block assembled, thereby eliminating leakage at an early
stage. This can potentially save a lot of time at a later stage with regards to not having
to disassemble the entire piping/structural package to fix the problem.
Sub assembly testing will be performed as separate work packages, and will be brought
into the flowchart/schedule so that it is performed at the right time. The necessary
procedures are already in place, as per DBI's.
Witness/hold points for sub assembly testing is not required as it will be repeated during
the FAT at a later stage, but this can be discussed upfront with all relevant parties.
Any 10k psi well pressure exposed components that undergo repair or modification
during the project, will need to undergo a new 1.5 x WP = 15 KSI hydrostatic test. See
section 5.4.2 for more information.
5.7.4 FAT
Separate work packages will be made for the FAT's. These will refer to relevant
chapters of the already released TST test procedures.
Some changes to the TST's might also be required to accommodate the appropriate
leak testing criteria (not always in the TST procedures from original assembly).
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Relevant chapters of the FAT procedures include, but are not limited to: hydraulic
system flushing and leak testing, functional testing of connectors/valves, interface
testing, 1.1 x WP hydrostatic leak testing and 1 x WP gas test (EDP, LRP, SFT only).
6.2 MRB's
These will be compiled continuously in the execution phase. There will be one MRB per
assembly PN. The recertification is covered in this MRB. The MRB mainly constitutes
signed RRPs, RIT and ITPs which gives proof that all inspections have been performed
accordingly. The RRPs will also include BOM tables for the entire assembly, where
existing parts and replaced parts will have a column for serialization. They also contain
the approved FAT (with gas test if relevant) stating that the equipment is ready to go
offshore or to SIT.
Based on this, Recertification MRB's 2023 shall be considered as the main MRB going
forward after the Recertification. Old MRB´s (from phase 1 and 2 delivery) will be
available in the system but will be superseded by the new MRB. Similarly, the next
Recertification with corresponding MRB's based on new RRP's will be superseding
The time required to compile MRB's results in them being completed after the execution
phase is completed, though the compilation of them shall start early in the execution
phase and run continuously through the project.
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The MRB's shall include the following, but are not only restricted to:
• Signed off and completed RRP's
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