Incentive Pay &
other pay systems
Group 5:
Araman, Princess Shantelle R.
Dave, Kyla Ann A.
Fontecha, Shiela Marie M.
Gernale, Hannah Lee
Incentive Pay
Pay based on
Fixed salary,
unrelated to
commissions). performance.
Incentive Pay vs. Traditional Pay
2. Motivation & Performance
Incentive Pay Traditional Pay
Provides stability,
Directly motivates
less performance-
high performance. driven.
Incentive Pay vs. Traditional Pay
3. Flexibility
Incentive Pay Traditional Pay
Adjusts with
Inflexible, limited
performance and
to set raises.
Incentive Pay vs. Traditional Pay
4. Risk
Incentive Pay Traditional Pay
Promotes goal-focused
Focuses on stability,
behavior, possibly
less pressure on
leading to short-term
thinking. performance.
Incentive Pay vs. Traditional Pay
8. Implementation Costs
Incentive Pay Traditional Pay
Complex to manage,
Simpler and easier
higher costs in peak
to budget for.
performance periods.
Incentive Pay vs. Traditional Pay
9. Alignment with Company Goals
Incentive Pay Traditional Pay
1. Encourages teamwork .
2. Create a cooperative environment.
3. All members benefit from the success of the group,
promoting unity.
Disadvantages of Group Incentives
1. High performers may feel undervalued if rewards are
equally shared.
2. Group conflict can arise if some members do not contribute
3. Difficult to assess individual contributions to the group
companywide incentives
knowledge skills
This is the information an This is an employee’s ability to
employee has accumulated apply the knowledge to
throughout their career and different work situations. It
education. describes what an employee is
capable of doing.