1. Work certified ……………….Rs. 5,00,000 Retention ratio ……………… 20% Required: Cash received [Ans: 4,00,000] Solution: Cash received = (100-20)% of work certified = 80% of 5,00,000 = Rs. 4,00,000 2. Cash received ………………. Rs. 12,00,000 Retention ratio ………………. 20% Required: Work Certified [Ans: 15,00,000] Solution: Cash received = (100-20)% of work certified 80 or, 12,00,000 = 100 ×Work certified 100 or, Wc = 12,00,000× 80 = Rs. 15,00,000 3. The following expenditure was incurred on a contract of Rs. 1,000,000 for the year ending 31st December, 2021. Materials Rs. 2,40,000 Wages 325,000 Plant 50,000 Other Expenses 35,000 Work certified was Rs. 600,000 and cash received on account of contract to 31st December 2021 was Rs. 4,50,000. The value of plant at end was Rs. 4,000 Required: Contract Account [Ans: Net Loss Rs 10,000] Solution: Contract Account For the year ended 31st Dec. 2021 To Materials 2,40,000 By plant at end 40,000 To wages 3,25,000 By WIP To plant 50,000 Work certified 6,00,000 To other expenses 35,000 By net loss 10,000 6,50,000 6,50,000 4. Cash received on account of 31st December, 2021 was Rs. 15,00,000 being 75% of work certified. Required: Work certified [Ans: Rs. 2,000,000] Solution: 100 Wak certified = Cash received × 75 100 = 1,500,000× 75 = Rs. 20,00,000 5. Following data were extracted from Shan construction company regarding contract No. 201. Work certified Rs. 400,000 Work uncertified 50,000 Contract price 600,000 Cash received 80% of work certified National profit 60,000 Required: Profit transferred to Profit and Loss Account [Ans: Rs. 32,000] Solution: 2 Cash received P/C/ A/C = Notional profit × × 3 work certified 2 80 = Rs. 60,000 × × 3 100 = Rs. 32,000 6. Following information is provided to you: Work certified Rs. 600,000 Work uncertified Rs. 50,000 Cash received 50% of work certified WIP Reserve created form National Profit Rs. 40,000. Required: Work in progress Account [Ans: 6,10,000] Solution: WIP Account To contract A/C 6,50,000 By Contract A/C 40,000 (6,00,000+50,000) By balance C/D 6,10,000 6,50,000 6,50,000 To balance b/d 6,10,000 7. Following information is provided to you: Work certified Rs. 8,00,000 Work uncertified Rs. 40,000 Cash received 90% of work certified WIP Reserve Rs. 50,000 Required: WIP shown in the balance sheet [Ans: Rs. 70,000] Solution: Asset Amount Work in Progress Work Certified 8,00,000 Work Uncertified 40,000 8,40,000 Less Work in Progress Reserve 50,000 Cash received 7,20,000 7,70,000
8. Following information is provided to you.
Work certified Rs. 900,000 Work uncertified Rs. 20,000 Cash received 80% of work certified Required: Contractee's Account [Ans: Rs. 7,20,000] Solution: Contractee's Account To balance c/d 7,20,000 By bank A/c 7,20,000 By balance B/d 7,20,000 9. Complete estimated profit on a contract from the following particulars: Total expenditure to date Rs. 2,25,000 Estimated further expenditure to Complete the contract Rs. 25,000 Contract price Rs. 3,25,000 Work certified Rs. 2,70,000 Cash received 80% of W.C [Ans: Rs. 75,000] Solution: Calculation of Estimated Profit Details Amount Total expenditure to date 2,25,000 Add: Estimated further expenditure to complete the contract 25,000 Total estimated cost 2,50,000 Add: estimated profit (Bal Fig) 75,000 Contract price 3,25,000 10. Consider the following information: Work certified ……………… ………………… Rs. 40,00,000 Work uncertified ………………………………. Rs. 2,00,000 National profit transferred to reserve ………… Rs. 2,50,000 Cash received …………………………………… Rs. 28,00,000 Required: a. Work in progress account. b. Work in progress to be shown in the balance sheet. [Ans: a. 39,50,000; b. 11,50,000] Solution: a. Dr. Work in Progress Account Cr. Particular Rs. Particular Rs. To contract a/c (40,00,000 + 2,00,000) 42,00,000 By contract a/c (Reserve) 2,50,000 By Balance C/d 39,50,000 42,00,000 42,00,000 b. Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. Work in progress a/c 40,00,000 Work certified 40,00,000 Work uncertified 2,00,000 42,00,000 Less Reserve 2,50,000
39,50,000 Less Cash received 28,00,000 11,50,000 ◼ Short Answer Questions 11. The following information is provided to you: Contract price Rs. 3,00,000 Work certified 2,00,000 Work Uncertified 4,500 Materials sent to site 80,000 Labour Paid 64,000 Wages outstanding 2,500 Plant Installed at site 15,000 Direct Expenses incurred 3,000 Outstanding Direct Expenses 500 Materials returned to stores 500 Other expenses 4,000 Cash received form contractee 1,50,000 Value of plant at the end 11,000 Materials at the end 2,000 Required: Contract Account [Ans: National Profit 49,000; PL A/c 24,500] Solution: In the books of….. Contract A/c Dr. As on ………… Cr. Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Materials sent to site 80,000 By Work in progress: To Labours paid 64,000 Work certified 2,00,000 Add: wages outstanding 2500 66,500 Add: Work uncertified 4500 204,500 To Plant Installed 15,000 By materials returned to stores 500 To Direct expenses 3,000 By Value of plant at the end 11,000 Add: Outstanding direct expenses 500 3,500 By Materials at the end 2,000 To Other expenses incurred 4,000 To Notional profit c/d (balancing figure) 49,000 218,000 2,18,000 To Profit & loss A/c (Refer: Note) 24,500 By Notional profit b/d 49,000 To Reserve (i.e. work in progress A/c) 24,500 49,000 49,000 Working note: Here, Work Certifeid % of work certified (W.C) to Contract Price (CP) = Contract Price × 100 Rs. 2‚00‚000 = Rs. 3‚00‚000 × 100 = 66.6% Since, the above calculated % of WC to CP i.e. 66.67% falls in between the category of "50% to below 100%", then-
2 CR Amount of profit transferred to Profit and loss A/c = 3 × NP × WC 2 1‚50‚000 = 3 × 49,000 × 2‚00‚000 = Rs. 24,500 And, Amount transferred to Reserve A/c = Rs. 45,000 – 24,500 = Rs. 24,500 (i.e. balancing figure). 12. Nepal constructions company limited have undertaken the construction of a bridge over Kamala River. The value of the contract is Rs. 2,500,000 subject to retention of 20% unit one year offer the certified completion of the contract. The following are the details as shown in the books as on 31st December, 2016. Particulars Amount (Rs.) Materials direct to site 840,000 Maternal from store 162,400 Hire & use of plant 24,000 Direct expenses 46,000 General overhead allocated 74,000 Materials in hand 12,400 Wages accrued 15,000 Wages at site 810,000 Direct expense incurred 4,000 Work uncertified 33,000 Work certified 2,200,000 Cash received (50% of W.C.) Required: (a) Contract Account (b) WIP Account [Ans: National Profit 2,70,000] Solution: Contract Account For the year ended 31–12–2016 Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To materials direct to site 840,000 By Materials in hand 12,400 To materials from store 162,400 By worth in progress To hire & use of plant 24,000 Work Certified. 2,200,000 Work uncertified 33,000 2,233,000
To direct expenses 460,000
To outstanding 4,000 50,000 To general overhead 74,000 To wages 810,000 To outstanding 15,000 825,000 To national profit e/d 270,000 2,245,400 2,245,400 To P/C A/C 144,000 By national profit b/d 270,000
To Work in Progress (received) 126,000
270,000 270,000
Wash-in-progress account To contract account 2,233,000 By contract A/c 126,000 By balance c/d 2,107,000 2,233,000 2,233,000 13. A firm of building contractors began to trade as 1st Jan, 2015. The following was the expenditure as contract for Rs. 5,000,000 Materials issued to contract 510,000 Plant installed 150,000 Wages incurred 810,000 Other expenses 50,000 Cash received on account to 31st December, 2015 amounted to Rs. 1,280,000 being 80% of the was certified, of materials and plant charged the to contract, materials which cost Rs. 25,000 and plant which cost Rs. 30,000 were lost on 31st December 2015, plant which cost Rs. 20,000 were returned to stone. The cost of were done but uncertified was Rs. 10,000 and materials costing Rs. 23,000 were in hand on site. Depreciation of plant is to be taken into account at the rate of 15% per annum. Required: (i) Contract account (ii) Contract's account (iii) Relevant items in the balance sheet [Ans: National Profit 2,70,000] Solution: Contract Account For the year ended 31–12–2015 Particular Amount Particulars Amount To materials issued 510,000 By P/C A/C To plant 150,000 Plant lost 30,000 To wages 810,000 Mat. lost 25,000 55,000 To other expenses 50,000 To national int c/d 270,000 By plant return 20,000 Less, deprecation 3,000 17,000 By plant at end 100,000 Loss, depreciation 15,000 85,000 Loss material in hand 23,000 By work in progress 1600,000 Work certified 10,000 1,610,000 1,790,000 1,790,000 72,000 By national profit b/d 270,000 To P/C A/C (270‚000×13×100 80 ) WIP (reserve) 198,000 270,000 270,000 Contract's Account To balance c/d 1,280,000 By bank 1,280,000
Balance sheet as on 31–12–2015 Liabilities Amount Assets Amount P/C A/C 72,000 Work in progress Less: Plant cost (30,000) Work certified 1,600,000 Work uncertified 10,000 1,610,000 Materials lost (25,000) 17,000 Reserve 198,000 1,412,000 Cash received 1,280,000 132,000 Materials at site 23,000 Plant return to store 17,000 Plant at site 85,000 14. The following particulars relating to a contract were provided to you: Contract price 3,000,000 Materials issued 800,000 Materials returned 20,000 Material at site (31st December, 2016) 110,000 Direct wages 750,000 Direct expenses 330,000 Establishment expenses 125,000 Plant at site (31st December, 2016) 320,000 Was uncertified 160,000 Was certified 2,100,000 Cash received 90% of W.C. Architect's fees 10,000 Materials transferred to other site 45,000 Plant is deprecated at 20% per annum Required: (i) Contract account (ii) WIP in balance sheet [Ans: National Profit 3,40,000] Solution: Contract Account As on 31–12–2016 Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To materials issued 800,000 By materials return 20,000 To direct wages 750,000 By materials at site 110,000 To direct expenses 330,000 By plant at site 320,000 To establishment expenses 125,000 By WIP 100 400,000 Work certified 2,100,000 ( To plant 320‚000 × 80 ) Work uncertified 160,000 10,000 By materials transfer red to other site 2,260,000 To architect fee To normal profit c/d 340,000 45,000 2,755,000 2,755,000 2 90 204,000 By notional profit b/d 340,000 ( To P/C A/C 340‚000× × 3 100 ) To WIP (Reserve) 136,000
340,000 340,000 Balance Sheet as on 31–12–2016 W.I.P Amount Work certified 2,100,000 Work certified 160,000 2,260,000 Less, reserve 136,000 2,124,000 Cash received 1,890,000 234,000 15. The following Trial Balance was expected on 31st December 2016 from the books of Saumya Co. Pvt. Ltd. Debit balance Rs. Credit Balance Rs. Land & building 300,000 Share capital 700,000 Furniture 70,000 P/L Ac (1–1–2016) 50,000 Bank 50,000 Cash received Contract No. 10% on account Materials 700,000 Contract No. 101 1,600,000 Direct labour 800,000 Creditors 150,000 Expenses 80,000 Machinery 500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Contact No. 101 was began on 1st Jan, 2016. The contract price is Rs. 2,500,000 and the customer has so far paid Rs. 1,600,000. Being 80% of wash certified. Walk uncertified is estimated at Rs. 20,000. On 31st December 2016, after the above trial balance was extracted, machinery costing Rs. 100,000 was returned to store and materials when at site were valued at Rs. 30,000. Depreciation is to be charged at 10% and machinery. Required: (i) Contract account (ii) Balance sheet as on 31–12–2016. [Ans: National Profit 4,20,000; BS-11,24,000] Solution: Construct Account For the year ended 31st December, 2016 Particular Account Particular Amount To materials 700,000 By WIP To direct labour 800,000 Work certified 2,000,000 To expenses 80,000 Work uncertified 20,000 2,020,000 To machinery 500,000 By machinery return 100,000 To notional profit c/d 420,000 Less, depreciation 10,000 90,000 By machinery at site 400,000 Less, depreciation 40,000 360,000 By materials at site 30,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 To P/C A/C 224,000 By national profit 420,000 2 80 (420‚000× × 3 100 ) To WIP (Reserve) 196,000 420,000 420,000
Balance Sheet as on 31–12–2016 Share capital 700,000 Land & Building 300,000 P/C A/C 50,000 Furniture 70,000 Profit on contract 224,000 274,000 Bank 50,000 Creditors 150,000 Machinery at site 360,000 Machinery at site 90,000 Materials at site 30,000 WIP: Work certified 2,000,000 Work uncertified 20,000 Reserve (196,000) Cash (16,000,000) 224,000 1,124,000 1,124,000 16. The following information is supplied regarding a contract which is incomplete on 31 st March, 2016. i. Cost to date: Direct materials 360,000 Direct labour 270,000 Other expenses 40,000 Total 670,000 ii. Technical estimates of wall completed to date: Direct materials 90% Direct labour 75% Other expenses 40% iii. Contract price Rs. 1,000,000 Cash received Rs. 640,000 (80% of W.C.) Wash certified Rs. 800,000 Required: (i) Total estimated cost (ii) Estimated profit on the completion of the contract (iii) Profit transferred to p/c A/c under different method [Ans: a. 8,60,000; b. 1,12,000; 89,600; 1,09,070; 87,256] Solution: Total estimated cost Cost to date Direct materials 360,000 Direct labour 270,000 Other expenses 40,000 670,000 Add: Estimated expenditure: Direct materials (360‚000 × 1090) 40,000
Direct labour (270‚000 × 2575) 90,000
860,000 Other expenses (40‚000 × 6040) 60,000 Total estimated cost Estimated profit = Contract price – Total estimated profit = 1,000,000 – 860,000 = Rs. 140,000 Profit transferred to P/C A/C under different methods Work Certified. (a) Estimated profit × contract price 800‚000 = 140,000 × 1‚000‚000 = Rs. 112,000 Work Certified cash received (b) Estimated profit × contruct price × Work Certified 800‚000 80 = 140,000 × 1‚000‚000 × 100 = Rs. 89,600 cost to date (c) Estimate profit × Total estimated cost 670‚000 = 140,000 × 860‚000 = Rs. 109,070 cost to date cosh received (d) Estimated profit × Total estimated profit × Work Certified 670‚000 80 = 140,000 × 860‚000 × 100 = Rs. 87,256 17. On 1st January 2016, a contractor under took a contract for the construction of a building. The constrictor price was agreed at Rs. 800,000. The contractor had made the following expenditure during the year ended 31st December 2016. Materials purchased Rs. 80,000 Direct labour Rs. 50,000 Overhead Rs. 20,000 Materials transferred from Rs. 30,000 Other contract Rs. 20,000 Plant purchased Rs. 200,000 Other information: a. The scrap value of plant is Rs. 40,000 and its life is estimated to be 8 years. b. Materials on 31st December 2016 Rs. 10,000 c. Cash received from contracted Rs. 180,000 (being 75% of work certified) d. Materials transferred to other contract Rs. 2,000 e. Materials returned to store Rs. 1,000 f. Cost of work uncertified Rs.7, 000 Required: (a) Contract account (b) Work-in-progress account (c) Relevant items in balance sheet [Ans: National Profit 60,000; WIP 2,02,000]
Solution: Contract Account For the year ended 31–12–2016 Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To materials purchases 80,000 By plant at end 200,000 To direct labour 50,000 Less deprecation 20,000 180,000 To overhead 20,000 By materials at end 10,000 To materials transferred from other By WIP contract 30,000 Work certified 240,000 To plant purchased 200,000 Work uncertified 7,000 247,000 To notional profit c/d 60,000 By materials transferred to other contract 2,000 By materials returned to store 1,000 440,000 440,000 15,000 By notional profit b/d 60,000 To P/C A/C (60‚000 × 13 × 100 75 ) 45,000 To balance c/d (WIP reserve) 60,000 60,000 WIP Account To contract A/C 247,000 By contract A/C 45,000 By balance c/d 202,000 247,000 247,000 To balance b/d 202,000 Balance sheet As on 31–12–2016 Liabilities Amount Assets Amount P/L A/C 15,000 WIP: Work certified 240,000 Work uncertified 7,000 247,000 Less, WIP Res. 45,000 202,000 Less, cash res. 180,000 22,000 Plant at end 18,000 Materials at end 10,000 Material returned to store 1,000
◼ Long Answers Questions
18. The following is the summary of the expenditure on contract for the year ended 31 st December 2015. Direct materials 400,000 Direct wages 100,000 Subcontract cost 50,000 Plant 300,000 Other information: (i) The contract price is Rs. 1,000,000 (ii) Overhead 40% of direct wages
(iii) Depreciation 20% on plant (iv) The architect has certified that 4/5 of the contract has been completed by 20th December. (v) The following expenses were incurred after work certification, which were included in above cost. Maternal Rs. 36,000 Wages Rs. 10,000 Overhead as a percentage of direct wages. (vi) Materials at site on 31st December, 2015 Rs. 10,000. (vii) Cash received 80% of wash certified Required: (i) Contract account (ii) Wash-in-progress account [Ans: National Profit 2,10,000] Solution: Contract Account For the year ended 31–12–2015 Particulars Amount Particulars Amount To direct materials 400,000 By WIP: To direct wages 100,000 Work certified 800,000 To subcontract cost 50,000 Work uncertified 50,000 850,000 To plant 300,000 By materials at site 10,000 To overhead 40,000 By plant at end 300,000 To notation Less, depreciation 60,000 240,000 Profit c/d 210,000 1,100,000 1,100,000 2 80 112,000 By notional profit b/d 210,000 ( To P/C A/C 210‚000× 3×100 ) 98,000 To WIP reserve 210,000 210,000 Work-in-Progress Account Particulars Amount (Rs.) Particulars Amount (Rs.) To contract A/c 850,000 By contract A/c 98,000 By balance c/d 752,000 850,000 850,000 2 cash received P/C A/C = National profit × 3 × Work certified 3×100 80,000 = Notional profit = 80,000 × 2×80 = Rs. 150,000 19. Janakpur construction company provides you the following information relating to a contract for the year ended 31st December, 2017. Materials from suppliers 400,000 Materials from store 50,000 Wages 180,000 Office expenses 43,000 Materials at 31–12–2017 60,000 Plant at 31–12–2017 45,000 During the year, materials costing Rs. 20,000 was sold for Rs. 25,000. Plant costing Rs. 50,000 were returned to store on December 31, 2017. The company's revenue a/c showed
the amount received an account the sum of Rs. 588,000 after deduction of 2% contract tax at source price was Rs. 1,000,000 and cash received was 80% of work certified. The value of work uncertified has been estimated to be 10% of work certified. Depreciate plant by 10% per annum. Required: Contract account. [Ans: National Profit- 2,10,000] Solution: Contract Account For the year ended 31–12–2017 Particular Amount Particular Amount To materials from suppliers 400,000 By materials at end 60,000 To materials from store 50,000 By plant at end 45,000 To wages 180,000 By sale of materials 25,000 To office expenses 43,000 By plant return 50,000 100 Less: Deprecation 5,000 45,000 ( To plant 45‚000 × 90 + 50‚000 ) 100,000 By work in progress 5,000 Work certified 750,000 To gain on sale of materials 2 Work uncertified 75,000 825,000 ( ) To contract tax 5‚88‚000× 98 12,000 To national profit c/d 210,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2 80 112,000 By national profit b/d 210,000 ( To P/C A/C: 210‚000 × 3 × 100 ) 98,000 To balance c/d 210,000 210,000 Working Notes 100 Cash received = 588,000 × 98 = 600,000 100 W.C. 600,000 × 80 = 750,000 20. The following trial balance was extracted on 31st December, 2017 from the books of a contractor. Debt balance Amount (Rs.) Credit balance Amount (Rs.) Land & building 200,000 Share capital 400,000 Plant & machinery 200,000 P/C A/C (1–1–2017) 50,000 Cash at bank 60,000 Cash received on account: Construct No. 10 Construct No. 101 640,000 Materials 400,000 Creditors 60,000 Wages 200,000 Provision for depreciation 60,000 Other expenses 50,000 Plant at site (cost) 100,000 1,210,000 1,210,000 Contract No. 101 was begun on 1st January, 2017. The contract price was Rs. 1,500,000 and cash received was 80% of work certified. The cost of work done but not yet certified is estimated at Rs. 20,000. Materials at 31–12–2017 were valued at Rs. 15,000. Depreciative plant at 20% on original cost. Required: (i) Contract Account (ii) Balance sheet as on 31–12–2017 [Ans: National profit - 1,65,000] Solution:
Contract no 10% account For the year ended – 31–12–2017 Debt balance Amount Credit balance Amount To materials 400,000 By work in progress To wages 200,000 Work certified 800,000 To other expenses 50,000 Work uncertified 20,000 820,000 To plant 100,000 By materials at end 15,000 To national profit c/d 165,000 By plant at end 100,000 Less, depreciation 20,000 80,000 915,000 915,000 88,000 By notional profit b/d 165,000 To P/C A/C (165‚000×23 × 100 80 ) 77,000 To balance c/d 165,000 165,000 Balance sheet As on 31–12–2017 Liabilities Amount (Rs.) Assets Amount (Rs.) Share capital 400,000 P/C A/C 50,000 Add, Profit on contract 88,000 Less, depreciation (40,000) 98,000 Creditors 60,000 Provision for depreciation (60,000 + 20,000 + 40,000) 120,000 678,000 678,000 21. The following is the summary of contract ledger of Nischal constriction (P) Ltd. as on 31st December 2016 respect of a contract. The contract price is for Rs. 1,200,000. Materials purchased Amount (Rs.) Materials purchased 400,000 Direct wages 200,000 Overhead 100% of direct wages Plant purchased 100,000 Notional profit 120,000 Out of materials purchased Rs. 10,000 were damaged and disposed off it at Rs. 4,000. Material used for the contract was only or Rs. 340,000. Depreciation is charged at 20% p.a. on plant. Up to 31st December, Rs. 640,000 has been received in cash which amount represents 80% of the work certified. Required: (i) Contract account showing value of work uncertified. (ii) Contractee’s account (iii) Work in progress account [Ans: Work uncertified - 80,000] Solution: Contract Account for the year ended 31st December, 2016 Particulars Amount Particulars Account To materials purchased 400,000 By materials sold 4,000 To direct wages 200,000 By P/C A/c (Loss on materials sold) 6,000
To overhead 200,000 By materials at end 50,000 To plant purchased 100,000 (400,000–10,000–340,000) To notional profit c/d 120,000 By plant 1,00,000 Less depreciation 20,000 80,000 By work in progress Work certified 800,000 Work uncertified 80,000 880,000 1,020,000 1,020,000 64,000 By notional profit b/d 120,000 To P/C A/C (120‚000×23×100 80 ) 56,000 To balance c/d 120,000 120,000 Contractee’s A/C Particulars Amount (Rs.) Particulars Amount (Rs.) To balance c/d 640,000 By balance A/c 640,000 By balance b/d 640,000 Work-in-progress A/c Particulars Amount (Rs.) Particulars Amount (Rs.) To contract A/c 880,000 By contract A/c 56,000 By balance c/d 824,000 880,000 880,000 To balance b/d 824,000 22. The following information are extracted from the books of Sagun contraction Co. Ltd: Year 2008 Year 2009 Materials issued Rs. 3,00,000 84,000 Direct wages 2,30,000 105,000 Direct expenses 22,000 10,000 Indirect expenses 6,000 1,400 work certified 7,50,000 10,00,000 Work uncertified 8,000 – Materials at site 5,000 7,000 Plant Issued 14,000 2,000 Cash received from contractee 6,00,000 10,00,000 Contract price was Rs. 10,00,000. The value of plant at the of years. 10,00,000. The value of plant at the end of year 2008 and 2009 was Rs. 7,000 and 5,000 respectively. Required: (i) Contract A/C and (ii) Contractee's A/c with necessary workings. [Ans: National Profit: 1,98,000] Solution: In the books of Sagun Construction Co. Ltd. Contract A/C Dr. As on year 2008 Ending Cr. Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Material issued 3,00,000 By Materials at site 5,000 To Direct wages 2,30,000 By Pant at the end 7,000 To Direct Expenses 22,000 By Work in progress: To Indirect expenses 6,000 Work certified 7,50,000
To Plant issued 14,000 Add: Work uncertified 8,000 7,58,000 To National profit c/d (bal. fig.) 1,98,000 7,70,000 7,70,000 To Profit & Loss A/c (Refer: Note 1) 105,600 By Notional profit b/d 1,98,000 To Reserve i.e. work in progress A/c 92,400 (balancing figure) 1,98,000 1,98,000 Working Note: 1. For the Notional profit (NP) transferred to P & L A/c: Here, Work Certifed % of Work certified to Contact price = Contact price × 100 Rs. 750000 = × 100 = 75% Rs.1000000 Since the calculated % falls in between the category of "50% to below 100%", then, 2 600000 the amount of NP to be transferred to P & L A/c = 3 × NP × = Rs. 1,05,600 750000 And, The balance of NP transferred to Reserve A/c i.e. work in progress A/c = Rs. 1,98,000 – 1,05,600 = Rs. 92,400 (bal. fig). Similarly, Contract A/c Dr. As on year 2009 Ending Cr. Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Material at site b/d 5,000 By Materials at site 7,000 To Plant at the end b/d 7,000 By Plant at the end 5,000 To Work in progress b/d 6,65,600 By, Contractee's A/c (for the contract price on the 10,00,000 (Refer: Note 2) completion of contract) To Materials issued 84,000 To Direct wages 105,000 To Direct Expenses 10,000 To Indirect Expenses 1,400 To Plant issued 2,000 To Profit & loss A/c (bal. fig.) 1,32,000 10,12,000 10,12,000 Working Note: 2. For the Actual balance of working progress A/c: Dr. Work in progress A/c Cr. Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. Year 2008: Year 2008: 92,400 To Contract A/c (WC +WUC) 7,58,000 By Contract A/c (for the Reserve) By balance c/d 6,65,600 7,58,000 7,58,000 Year 2009: Year 2009: To Balance b/d 6,65,600 By Contract A/c 6,65,600
Note that: At the end of Yr. 2009, the contract is being completed and hence whatever amount is earned from contract, that should be totally transferred to P & L A/c assuming that the actual profit earned from contract. ii) Dr. Contractee's A/c Cr. Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. Year 2008: Year 2008: To, Balance c/d 6,00,000 By Bank A/c 6,00,000 6,00,000 6,00,000 Year 2009: Year 2009: To, Contract 10,00,000 By Balance b/d 6,00,000 A/c By Bank A/c (Cash received on completion of contract : bal. fig) 4,00,000 10,00,000 10,00,000 23. Global Construction Ltd. is engaged in two contracts A & B during the year. The following information are obtained from the records at the end of year. 2068. Contract A Contract B Date of commencement 2069 – 01 – 01 2068 – 04 – 01 Contract price Rs. 6,00,000 Rs. 5,00,000 Materials issued 1,60,000 60,000 Materials Returned 4,000 2,000 Materials at site 22,000 8,000 Direct labour 1,50,000 42,000 Direct Expenses 66,000 35,000 Establishment Expenses 25,000 7,000 Plant installed at cost 80,000 70,000 value of pant at the end 65,000 64,000 value of work certified 4,20,000 1,35,000 Cost of work not yet certified 23,000 10,000 Cash received from contractee 378,000 125,000 Architect fees 2,000 1,000 During the period materials amounting to Rs. 9,000 have been transferred from contract A to Contract B. Required: a) Contract B. b) Contractee's A/c b) Balance sheet showing the relevant items. [Ans: National Pofit: 60,000; B/S: 2,24,000] Solution: a) In the books of Global construction Ltd. Contract- A Account Dr. As on 31st Chaitra, 2068 Cr. Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Material issued 1,60,000 By Materials Returned 4,000 To Direct Labour 1,50,000 By Materials at site 22,000 To Direct Expenses 66,000 By Value of plant at the end 65,000
To Establishment Expenses 25,000 By Work in progress: To Plant Installed at cost 80,000 Work certified : 4,20,000 To Architect fees 2,000 Add: Work uncertified 23,000 4,43,000 To Notional profit c/d (bal. fig.) 60,000 By, Materials transferred to contract B 9,000 5,43,000 5,43,000 To P & L A/c 36,000 By National Profit b/d 60,000 To Reserve A/c i.e. work in progress A/c 24,000 (balancing figure) 60,000 60,000 Working Note: i) For the amount of Notional profit (NP) transferred to P & L A/c: WC Here, % we to CP = CP × 100 420000 = × 100 600000 = 70% Since, the calculated % falls in between the category of "50% to below 100%", then- 2 CR the amount of NP to be transferred to P &L A/c = 3 × NP × WC 2 378000 = 3 × 60,000 ×420000 = Rs. 36,000 And, the balance of NP to be transferred to Reserve A/c = Rs. 60,000 – 36,000 = Rs. 24,000 Similarly, Contract -B Account Dr. As on 31st Chaitra, 2068 Cr. Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. To Material issued 60,000 By Materials Returned 2,000 To Direct labour 42,000 By Materials at site 8,000 To Direct Expenses 35,000 By Values of plant at the end 64,000 To Establishment Expenses 7,000 By Work in progress: To Plant Installed at cost 70,000 Work certified 135,000 To Architect's fees 1,000 Add: Work uncertified 10,000 1,45,000 To Materials transferred from contract A 9,000 By P & L A/c (Loss on contract bal. fig) 5,000 2,24,000 2,24,000 b) Dr. Contractee's A/c Cr. Particulars A B Particulars A B To, Balance c/d 378,000 125,000 By Bank A/c 378,000 125,000 378,000 125,000 378,000 125,000
c) Balance sheet As on 31st Chaitra 2068 Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs. Profit and loss a/c: Plant at the end: Add: Profit from contract A = 36,000 from contract A = 65,000 Less: Loss from contract B = (5,000) 31,000 Add: " " B = 64,000 129,000 Materials returned to stores: from contract A = 4,000 Add: " " B = 2,000 6,000 Materials at site: from contract A = 22,000 Add: " " B = 8,000 30,000 Work in progress: from contract A = 41,000 Add: " " B = 20,000 61,000 (Refer : Note: 1) Working Notes: 1. For the work in progress for balance sheet purpose: Details A B Work certified Rs. 420,000 Rs. 135,000 Add: Work uncertified. 23,000 10,000 443,000 145,000 Less: Reserve A/c 24,000 – 419,000 145,000 Less: Cash received from contractee 378,000 125,000 Work in progress to be shown in balance sheet 41,000 20,000 24. Paramount Engineering is engaged in the construction of a bridge under a long term contract. The cost incurred upto 31st March, 2001 was as under: Direct Materials Rs. 280,00,000 Direct Labour 100,00,000 Overheads 60,00,000 440,00,000 Erection cost to date 110,00,000 Total cost of work to date Rs. 550,00,000 The contract price is Rs. 11,00,00,000 and the cash received on account till 31 st March 2001, was Rs. 600,00,000. A technical estimate of the contract indicates the following degree of completion of work. Fabrication: Direct materials 70% Direct labour and overheads 60% and, Erection 40% You are required to estimate the profit that could be taken to profit and loss a/c against this partly completed contract as on 31st March, 2001. [Ans: Total estimated cost - 941,66,666.67] Solution: Statement showing the Estimated profit Particulars Rs. Rs. Direct materials at 70% (given) 280,00,000 Direct labour at 60% (given) 100,00,000 Overheads at 60% (given) 60,00,000 Erection cost at 40% (given) 110,00,000 Total cost of work to date 550,00,000
Add: Estimated profit (bal. fig.) 158,33,333.33 Contract price (given) 11,00,00,000 Now, The amount of estimated profit that could be transferred to profit and loss A/c Cost of work to date = Estimated profit × Total estimated cost 55000000 = Rs. 158,33,333.33 × 94166666.67 = Rs. 92,47,787.608 Alternatively, The amount of estimated profit that could be transferred to P/L A/c = Cash Received Estimated profit × Contract price 60000000 = Rs. 158,33,333.33 × 110000000 = Rs. 86,36,363.635