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Section "A" Very Short Answer Questions) (Attempt All Questions)

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(Accounting) [Acc.

Set: A (original)
Model Question2077
Time: 3 hrs
Full Marks: 75
(Section “A”)
(Very Short Answer Questions)
(Attempt All Questions) 11 ×1 = 11
1. What is book-keeping?
2. Mention any two objective of accounting.
3. Write the meaning of money measurement concept.
4. Define trial balance.
5. What is cross cheque?
6. Write about error of principle.
7. What is reserve?
8. Write any one difference between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure.
9. What is dhapot?
10. Define bank cash book.
11. State the use of budget sheet.
(Section “B”)
(Short Answer Questions)
(Attempt All Questions:) 8 × 5 = 40
12. A. State accounting process in brief. [3]
B. Prepare accounting equation from following details. [2]
a) Started business with cash Rs. 2, 00,000 and furniture Rs. 5, 00,000.
b) Purchase goods worth Rs. 80,000 on cash and 70,000 on credit.
c) Paid rent Rs.90,000.
d) Sold goods costing Rs 20,000 on cash Rs. 25,000.
13. A. Cash and banking transactions are given below:
Poush 1: Opening balance of cash and bank are Rs. 60,000 and 2, 00,000 respectively.
Poush 13: Cash deposited in bank ofRs. 30,000.
Poush 22: Paid of Rs. 32,000 to Ram through cheque for settling account of Rs. 35,000.
Poush 27: Received a cheque from A viral of Rs.19,000 and cash Rs.3,000 for selling machine.
Required:(Triple column cash book) [3]
B. Transactions related to furniture purchases are given below:
Dec5: Purchase from Karuna suppliers
10 coffee tablesforRs.1,00,000
20 small chairs @ Rs. 4,000each
(Trade discount @ 10% )
Dec19: Purchased from Anjali traders:
5 beds @ 15,000 each
8 pieces of sofa @Rs. 25,000 per sofa
Required: Purchase book [2]
14.Following information’s are given
a) Cash book showed a balance of Rs. 80,000.
b) Bank credited Rs. 20,000onlyout of various cheques of Rs. 75,000 deposited in the bank.
c) Cheques issued of Rs. 90,000 but a cheque of Rs. 10,000 was not presented for payment till the
d) A customer deposited a cheque of Rs. 44,000 directly in the bank but has not been recorded in the
cash book.
e) Bank debited Rs. 500 as bank charge in the pass book.
f) Cheque of Rs. 12,000 received and entered into the cash book but failed to deposit in the bank.
Required: (Bank Reconciliation Statement) [ 5]
15.A. Rectify following errors before preparing of trial balance. [ 3]
a) Cash sales to Sharma Rs. 45,000 debited to his account
b) Sales of machinery@ Rs. 19,000 were wrongly credited in sales account.
c) Purchase goods from Pema Rs. 20,000 recorded in sales book.
B. Following information are extracted from the trial balance
Particulars Debit (Rs.) Credit (Rs)
Sundry debtors 52,000
Provision for bad debt 7,000
Bad debt 1,000
Additional information
a) Bad debt Rs. 2,000
b) provision for bad debt @ 5%
Required: Provision for bad debt account 2
An unadjusted trial balance of' A' trading concern is given below
Particulars Debit (Rs.) Particulars Credit (Rs)
Land and building 400,000 Capital 425,000
Debtors 225,000 Creditors 120,000
Bank balance 145,000 Sales 515,000
Salary 80,000 Loan 250,000
Office expenses 40,000
Purchase 380,000
Cash 25,000
Prepaid insurance 15,000
Total 13,10,000 (Total) 13,10,000
Additional information:
a) Office expenses prepaid Rs 3,000
b) Land appreciated by 10%
c) Salary outstanding Rs. 1500
d) Bad debts written off Rs. 2500
e) Prepaid insurance expired Rs. 10,000
Required: Adjusted Trial balance 5
16. On1 January,2018 ABC Company purchase Motor Van Rs.6,00,000.On1stJuly,2019,company

purchase Motor Van

worthRs.8,00,000.On1 stJuly2020,thefirstmotorvanwassoldbearingthelossofRs.50,000andonthesame
date company purchased another van for Rs.10,00,000. Depreciation was charged@10% p.a. under
fixed installment method. The accounts of the company were closed on31st December each year.
Required: Motor Van account for the first three years 1+2+2=5
17.Trial balance of Nabin Trader on Chaitra30, 2071is given below.
Particulars (Rs.) Particulars (Rs.)
Selling expenses 5,000 Gross profit b/d 87,000
Interest 5,000 Creditors 8,000
Debtors 25,000 Bank loan 19,000
Bad debt 2,000 Provision for bad debt 2,000
Insurance 1000 Capital 50,000
Salaries 20,000
Investment 40,000
Cash 14,000
Machinery 50,000
Rent 4,000
Total 166,000 Total 166,000
Additional information
a) { Depreciation on machinery 10%p.a
b) Salary payable Rs. 4,000
c) New bad debt Rs. 1,000
a) Profit & Loss account
b) Balance sheet (3+2)
18 The balance sheet and receipt and payment account of a club is given below.
. Balance sheet (as on 1stBaishak 2070)
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
Capital fund 80000 Fixed assets 70000
10% Loan 15000 Subscription due 10000
Outstanding salaries 5000 Cash as bank 20000
100000 100000

Receipt & payment a/c (30th Chaitra 2070)

Receipts Amount Payment Amount
To Balance b/d 20000 By salaries 35000
To entrance fees 25000 By electricity 20000
To Subscription 66000 By stationary 10000
To sundry income 30000 By General expenses 15000
By seminar expenses 25000
By Balance c/d 36000
141,000 141,000
Additional information:
a) Half of the entrance fees are to be capitalized
b) Depreciate fixed assets by 20%
c) Subscription due for the year Rs.15000 and received for 2071 is Rs.6000
d) Interest on Loan is due for whole year @10%
Required: a. Income and expenditure account. [2.5]
b. Balance sheet as on 31 chaitra 2070[2.5]
19. A. Shweta keep sher account under the single- e n t r y system. She started a businesswithRs.2,00,000 on
1 Jan,2017.She with drawsRs.2,000per month for household work. The position of her business at
the end of the year was as follows;
Fixed assets Rs. 1,90,000
Inventory Rs. 85,000
Due expenses Rs. 10,000
Creditors Rs. 50,000
Debtors Rs. 40,000
Bank balance Rs. 60,000
a) Closing statement of affairs
b) Statement of profit and loss (1+1=2)
B. Following transactions of District level office are given:
a) Chaitra1, House rent @ Rs. 8000 per month for three month paid to house owner Sailesh
b) Chaitra15, Furniture advance of Rs. 5000 was cleared as per bill of Rs.6000 and bank
voucher of Rs. 1000 submitted by Na. Su. Ramchandra
c) Staff salary of kartik Rs. 30000 (with out provident fund)was distributed after deducting
P.F.Rs. 6000, social security Rs. 300 and income tax Rs. 1500.
Required: Journal Vouchers (1+1+1=3)
Following information are given:
Budget sub-heads Annual budget Expenses up to Falgun
Employee remuneration 800,000 400,000
Office materials 120,000 60,000
House rent 140,000 80,000
Furniture and fitting 80,000 35,000
Vehicles 500,000 350,000
Expenditure for the month of Chaitra:
Chaitra1: Purchase furniture Rs. 10,000
Chaitra5: Purchase vehicles for Rs.100,000
Chaitra10: Advance rent paid for Rs 10,000
Chaitra28 Distributed Rs. 35,000 for employee’s remuneration after deducting income tax Rs.
1,000 and P.F. Rs 8,000
Required: Budget Sheet [ 5]
(Section “C”)
(Short Answer Questions)
(Attempt All Questions) 3 × 8 = 24
20. Information of Samriyan Enterprises is given below
January 1 Started a business with Rs. 200,000
January 5 Purchase goods of Rs. 15,000 from Ram
January 10 Goods sold on cash Rs 18,000
January 15 Cash paid to Ram Rs. 10,000
January 20 Again goods purchase from Ram of Rs. 20,000
January 25 Paid to Ram Rs. 24,000 infull settlement ofhis account.
Required: (a.) Journal Entries (b.) Necessary Ledger (c.) Trail Balance (3+4+1)
21 The Following is the Trail balance of a Trading concern as on 31st December
Debit Amount Credit Amount
Opening stock 40000 Capital 400000
Discount 4000 Discount received 3000
Audit fees 8000 Provision for bad debt 7000
General 16000 General reserve 10000
Purchase 192000 sundry creditors 50000
Plant & 100000 Sales revenues 300000
Sundry debtors 70000
Investment 50000
wages 55000
Insurance 10000
Land& building 180000
Drawing 20000
Custom duty 5000
sales return 20000
Total 770000 Total 770000
Additional information :
a) Closing stock Rs.120000
b) Audit fee payable Rs. 1,000 per month
c) Prepaid insurance Rs.4000
d) General expenses due Rs.5000
e) Depreciate plant by 20% and appreciate land and building by 15%
f) Wages includes Rs. 10,000 paid for installation charge of machinery
g) Bad debt written off Rs. 10,000 and provision for bad debt 10%
Required (a) Trading A/c (b) Profit & Loss A/c (c). Balance sheet. [2+3+3]
What is government accounting? Explain the features of new government accounting system.(3+5=8)
22.A. Following transactions are given
Marga1: Balance at Bank Rs. 75,000
Marga3: Received bank transfer order Rs. 3, 25,000 as a budget release
Marga9: Issued a cheque of Rs. 20,000 for purchasing furniture.
Marga22: Cleared advance of Subodh Regmi against the submission of bill of book purchase
amount of Rs. 10,000 and cash Rs. 3,000.
Marga22: Distributed total salary of Rs. 88,000 after deduction of Provident fund Rs. 16,000 and
income tax of Rs. 4,000.
Required: Bank cash book [4]
B. Following information is given:
Budget Heads Annual Expenditure Expenditure of
Budget Up to Bhadra Aswin
Salaries 2,75,000 55,000 24,000
Allowances 80,000 10,000 6,000
Office expenses 60,000 15,000 3,000
House rent 1,50,000 25,000 12,000
Furniture and fittings 75,000 35,000 --------
Machinery 2,00,000 ------- 80,000
Total 8,40,000 1,40,000 1,25,000
Additional information:
c) Unclear Furniture advance Rs.15,000
Required: Statement of expenditure [4]

The End
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