journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/structures
Keywords: Despite advancements in modern structural engineering, adobe and mud brick constructions persisted as
Mud-brick walls important housing options for a significant percentage of the world’s population. However, because of their low
Strengthening strength and brittle nature, they are susceptible to natural disasters, especially earthquakes, which is a concern
Bamboo strips
for many mud-brick buildings found in seismically active areas. To address this issue, this research investigated
Dried jute thread
Diagonal shear loading
the in-plane behavior of 4 ft x 4 ft mud-brick walls strengthened with locally available materials i.e. Bamboo
Strips and Dried Jute Thread in mesh format with various spacing. The specimens were subjected to compressive
and diagonal shear loading separately. The data collected was analyzed to determine the important mechanical
properties such as compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, shear strength, modulus of rigidity, and energy
absorption. Notably, the bamboo strips technique improved these properties by 30 %, 19 %, 96 %, 82 %, and
195 %, respectively. The dried jute thread wrapping technique, on the other hand, demonstrated even greater
improvements with increases of 40 %, 69 %, 102 %, 110 %, and 314 % for the same properties. Based on the
experimental results, the proposed technique can be applied to mud-brick wall in seismically active areas.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: 17pwciv4784@uetpeshawar.edu.pk (M. Aizaz), khanshahzada@uetpeshawar.edu.pk (K. Shahzada).
Received 18 March 2024; Received in revised form 28 July 2024; Accepted 3 September 2024
Available online 12 September 2024
2352-0124/© 2024 Institution of Structural Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and
similar technologies.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Bamboo can be one of the most adoptable materials for the rein This section deals with the methodology that has been followed
forcement of mud structures. It is the world’s fastest-growing plant, and during this research study, which includes the preparation of mud-
it can grow up to 60 cm (23.62 in) or more in a single day. Bamboos are a bricks, construction of masonry prisms and walls, the preparation of
type of grass and are columnar in shape rather than tapering. In East Asia Bamboo Strips and Dried Jute Thread meshes of the desired spacing, and
and South East Asia, bamboos have significant social, economic, and installation of meshes to masonry prisms and wall.
cultural significance. They are widely used as building materials, source
of food, and an adaptable raw material. A bamboo plant can grow up to 2.1. Mud-bricks preparation
40 m (131.23 ft) tall and still withstand wind pressure [19]. Untreated
bamboo can survive up to 6 years before significant structural integrity A batch of conventional mud-bricks was placed for production at the
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 4. Mesh materials; (a) bamboo strips; (b) dried jute thread.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 5. Mesh installation; (a) key connection point for bamboo mesh; (b) bamboo strip mesh; (c) jute thread mesh.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 7. Atterberg’s limits determination; (a) liquid limit (b) plastic limit.
3w(2l − x)
S= (2)
S = Bending resistance or rupture modulus,
w = Peak load applied,
L = Span between the two supports,
Fig. 8. Flow curve.
Table 3
was set at 0.5 kN/s. The area of the brick was taken as Testing summary of unit brick.
21.59 cm × 10.16 cm (8.5″ x 4″). The testing results are present in
Specimen Compressive strength MPa (psi) Flexure strength MPa (psi)
Table 3.
1 1.34 (194.52) 0.56 (80.84)
The crushing resistance of the brick was determined using Eq. (1).
2 1.43 (207.49) 0.60 (86.71)
P 3 1.24 (180.26) 0.68 (98.47)
σc = (1) Mean 1.34 (194.09) 0.61 (88.67)
CoV 5.7% 8.3%
σc = Crushing strength,
Fig. 9. Compression test on unit brick; (a) schematic view, (b) testing of specimen, (c) crushing of specimen.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 10. Flexure test on unit brick; (a) schematic view, (b) testing of specimen, (c) cracking of specimen.
Fig. 11. Tensile testing of; (a) bamboo strip, (b) dried jute thread.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 12. Prisms compression tests; (a) schematic view, (b) UMW, (c) SMW1A, (d) SMW1B, (e) SMW2A, (f) SMW2B.
3.3. Diagonal shear testing each category specified in Table 1. To measure both diagonal shortening
(ΔV) and diagonal lengthening (ΔH) of the walls, two LVDTs were
Masonry wallets measuring 122 cm × 122 cm (4 ft x 4 ft) were installed and connected to the wall through both diagonals. For data
constructed following the guidelines outlined in ASTM E519 [48]. A acquisition, the hydraulic jack system and LVDTs were linked to
series of twenty-five tests were conducted, with five tests performed for UCAM-70A data logger. The load application for each category of wall is
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 13. Diagonal shear testing; (a) schematic view, (b) UMW, (c) SMW1A, (d) SMW1B, (e) SMW2A, (f) SMW2B.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 14. Damage behavior under compression; (a) schematic view (b) UMW, (c) SMW1A, (d) SMW1B, (e) SMW2A, (f) SMW2B.
shown in Fig. 13. Shear strength (τ), shear strain (γ) and modulus of (see Fig. 14). This consistency in failure modes emphasizes the tested
rigidity (g) were calculated using Eqs. (3), (4), and (5). prisms’ dependability and consistency, providing valuable insights into
their structural performance.
τ= (3) The compressive stress-strain graphs are shown in Fig. 15, depicts the
0.5t(L + H)
material’s behavior under stress. Table 5 summarizes the corresponding
where t is the wall thickness and L and H are the length and height of the average values and CoV for prism compressive strength, masonry
wall respectively. compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, and strain at ultimate stress.
In cases where the hp/tp ratio equaled 2.33, the ASTM C1314 [47]
(4) correction factor of 1.0266 was used for calculating masonry compres
g sive strength.
G= (15)
γ 4.2. Diagonal shear testing result
4. Results and discussion For the shear strength of masonry, diagonal shear test, according to
ASTM E519 [48] was performed on 25 specimens as outlined in Table 1.
The outcomes of the experimental examination of the materials, The 121.92 cm × 121.92 cm× 22.86 cm (48 in x 48 in x 9 in) English
specifically masonry prisms and the masonry wallet, are presented in the bond specimens were loaded diagonally, and the corresponding applied
following section. An approach of comparison was used, focusing on the load and deformation in both diagonals were meticulously recorded.
mechanical properties of strengthened and un-strengthened walls. The walls under diagonal shear test exhibit considerable deformation
Average values and the coefficient of variation (CoV) have been used to without collapsing, indicating their structural integrity, as shown in
convey the results of all tests comprehensively. Fig. 16. Remarkably, there is no visible local collapse despite the walls
displaying diagonal cracks that suggest the stress they experience. The
4.1. Testing results on masonry prism robustness of the construction is demonstrated by this resilience.
Remarkably, no rocking motion is seen in any kind of wall, even with
A total of fifteen specimens were tested to determine the average significant deformation, suggesting that the structures are stable under
compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of the prisms, with three applied load. The absence of localized collapse is notable; this implies
prisms falling into each category, as shown in Table 1. When the failure that the walls can distribute stress uniformly, preventing any concen
modes of all specimens are examined, a consistent pattern emerges, trated failure points. Moreover, the cohesion failure pattern is evident in
characterized by vertical cracks, distinct vertical crushing, and splitting both the inter-brick bonding and the bricks themselves. This cohesive
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 15. Compressive stress-strain curves; (a) UMW, (b) SMW1A, (c) SMW1B, (d) SMW2A, (e) SMW2B.
failure, in combination with the lack of rocking motion and localized technique also performed exceptionally well. Using the secant modulus,
collapse, indicates an excellent deformation pattern. Such findings are which ranges from 1/20th to 1/3rd of the maximum shear strength, the
critical in understanding the behavior of walls under stress and can shear modulus was determined from the shear stress-strain curves.
inform future construction practices, ensuring structures are designed to Table 6, presents the compiled results from the diagonal shear tests
withstand a wide range of loads and deformations. conducted on each specimen. These results provide a thorough summary
Fig. 17 graphically depict the shear stress-strain curves for each of the performance metrics and add significant information to the ma
specimen, showing how the walls behaved in terms of load and defor sonry shear strength studies.
mation when subjected to diagonal loading. The performance of the. Notably, the energy delivered to the walls increases significantly
walls wrapped in dried Jute Thread stood out significantly in terms after the strengthening intervention, particularly in the large deforma
of shear strength, modulus of rigidity, and especially in strain under tion range. This increase in total delivered energy demonstrates the
diagonal loading, similar to the findings in masonry compression prisms. effectiveness of the retrofitting technique used. The data in Table 4
Notably, in comparison to the untreated walls, the Bamboo Strips shows a significant increase in the energy absorption until failure, which
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Table 5 which is typically represented as the gradient of the P-D curve. Sathi
Summary of masonry prism compression testing. paran et al. (2008) [49] described the concept of initial stiffness
Property UMW SMW1A SMW1B SMW2A SMW2B (denoted as K0) by analyzing the variation in diagonal force at specific
stages and corresponding displacements just before the initial cracking
Compressive 0.564 0.834 0.801 1.040 0.791
strength of (81.80) (121.07) (116.24) (150.80) (114.77) of a wall (Eq. (6)). P0 denotes the initial cracking load, and D0 denotes
prism fp the displacement caused by this load. The ratio of the variation of di
-MPa (psi) agonal force at stages occurring after the initial cracking and the cor
CoV (%) 12 3 4 9 15 responding displacement changes is used to calculate residual stiffness
Compressive 0.579 0.856 0.822 1.068 0.812
strength of (83.98) (124.29) (119.33) (154.81) (117.82)
(Kr), as shown in Eq. (7). Similarly, ɑ is the ratio between Ko and Kr
masonry fm Fig. 18 is idealized load-deformation curve, clearly shows two stages:
-MPa (psi) the first representing the initial stiffness up to the point of cracking load,
CoV (%) 12 3% 4 9 15 and the second representing the residual stiffness. Significant improve
Modulus of 32.4 61.7 45.3 102.1 49.0
ments in the stiffness of reinforced walls have been observed in the
elasticity (4692.42) (8939.59) (6571.06) (14799.01) (7119.91)
Em -GPa realm of structural strengthening techniques. The effectiveness of these
(psi) techniques is demonstrated by the data presented in Table 7.
CoV (%) 31 17 5 27 46
Strain at 0.0137 0.0122 0.0150 0.0182 0.0165 Po − 0
Ko = (6)
maximum Do − 0
stress Ɛ’m
CoV (%) 14 28 18 19 13 Pmax − Po
Kr = (7)
Dmax − Do
Fig. 16. ; Damage behavior under diagonal load; (a) schematic view (b) UMW, (c) SMW1A, (d) SMW1B, (e) SMW2A, (f) SMW2B.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Fig. 17. Shear stress-strain curves; (a) UMW, (b) SMW1A, (c) SMW1B, (d) SMW2A, (e) SMW2B.
of cracks in the bed joints of the pier due to bending tension can be Paul (1999) [51].
determined using Eq. (9). φ′ = ηif η ≥ 0.5.
φ′ = 1-ηif η < 0.5.
(σo + ft)Lp × t
Vfl, cr = (9) In accordance with the ASCE/SEI 41 guidelines [43], the horizontal
6φʹ × hp
force (Vsl) related to shear failure in sliding can be computed using Eq.
where ft is the flexural strength of the wall or the bond strength of the
wall in tension, and σo is the stress in wall caused by axial load, also Vsl = Vs x An (10)
known as fa. The pier’s length is denoted by Lp, its thickness by t, and its
height by hp. When assessing either the force causing flexural tensile Vs is the masonry shear resistance, while An corresponds to the
cracking or shear strength, the symbol φ′ is employed to represent the effective cross-sectional area of mortar or grout in a structural wall or
larger of the values η and (1 − η) for the purpose of brevity. The infection pier.
point factor, denoted by η, is detailed in Paulay and Priestley (1992) and According to Standard ASCE/SEI 41, Eq. (11) can be used to calcu
late the horizontal load associated with Diagonal Shearing Breakdown.
M. Aizaz et al. Structures 68 (2024) 107238
Table 6 Table 8
Summary of diagonal shear testing. Summary of initial and residual stiffnesses.
Property UMW SMW1A SMW1B SMW2A SMW2B Specimen K0 Kr ɑ
Shear 0.059 0.143 0.088 0.138 0.131 UMW 89.57 23.76 3.77
Strength (8.55) (20.74) (12.75) (20.04) (18.98) SMW1A 189.65 31.05 6.11
f′v -MPa SMW1B 111.49 11.74 9.5
(psi) SMW2A 187.32 5.16 36.3
Cov (%) 22 10 7 9 2 SMW2B 161.59 4.81 4.81
Modulus of 19.4 36.6 29.1 27.8 35.8
Rgidity G (2806.51) (5301.59) (4225.49) (4027.58) (5190.62)
-GPa (psi)
Cov (%) 80 35 25 81 54 Table 9
Strain at 0.009 0.012 0.016 0.027 0.018 Lateral strength of masonry.
Lateral strength UMW SMW1A SMW1B SMW2A SMW2B
stress ƴ’v
parameters kN
Cov (%) 6 9 18 31 14
Energy 199.38 587.677 413.447 825.034 821.309
delivered Vfl,cr 2.31 5.02 3.25 4.89 4.63
(joul) (0.52) (1.13) (0.73) (1.10) (1.04)
Cov (%) 28 11 8 10 12 Vsl 16.42 39.95 24.49 38.55 36.45
(3.69) (8.96) (5.51) (8.66) (8.20)
Vdt 12.64 29.04 18.30 28.14 26.67
(2.84) (6.53) (4.11) (6.32) (6.00)
Table 7 Vc 109.52 206.60 156.47 202.93 153.87
Shear strength and ductility comparison with previous publication. (24.67) (46.51) (35.05) (45.48) (34.61)
Vsf based on Vdt 12.64 29.04 18.30 28.14 26.67
Wall Type Source Shear Strength MPa (psi) Ductility (2.84) (6.53) (4.11) (6.32) (6.00)
UMW This research 0.059 (8.55) 5.95 Percent increase - 130% 73% 123% 111%
SMW1A 0.143 (20.74) 18.46 in Vsf
SMW1B 0.088 (12.75) 12.00
SMW2A 0.138 (20.04) 20.59
SMW2B 0.131 (18.98) 15.26 Vc associated with vertical crushing failure can be computed using Eq.
GTRM Cassese et al., (2021) 0.120 (17.4) 11.60 (12), where fm represents the compressive strength of masonry.
HTRM 0.134 (19.43) 22.22
RMW1 Tootoonchy et al., (2015) 0.097 (14.12) 12.50 Vc = 0⋅8(0⋅85 fmAn) (12)
RMW2 0.099 (14.28) 14.86
The lateral strength capacity of a brick masonry pier is determined by
considering the least lateral force corresponding to sliding shear failure,
diagonal tension shear failure, and vertical compression failure. The
calculations are based on results obtained for all five categories, as
presented in Table 8.
Fig. 18. Idealized Load-deformation curve. 1. No bamboo strips failed in tension or compression in both diagonal
shear and compression tests, demonstrating the strength and resil
ience of the meshes. Similarly, dried jute thread showed no tension
Vdt = fʹdt × An × β(1 + ʹ ) (11) failures in either case.
f dt 2. The compressive strength of mud brick masonry with bamboo mesh
Minimum Shear Resistance, denoted as Vdt, is determined based on increases by reducing the spacing between mesh. A 30% increase for
diagonally induced stresses in wall. The parameter β is defined as 0.67 3 in., and 19% increase for 4 in. was recorded. Similarly, compres
when L/hef is less than 0.67, takes the value of L/hef when 0.67 is greater sive strength of mud brick masonry with Jute mesh also improves by
than or equal to L/hef but less than or equal to 1.0, and is 1.0 when L/hef reducing the spacing between the threads. The most significant
is greater than 1.0. Here, hef represents the elevation to the point of enhancement is 40% and 30% with 2 and 3 in. spacing, respectively,
action of seismic force, while L signifies the extent of the wall, fa is the showing greater strengthening response as compared to bamboo.
axial compression stress induced by gravity loads, σo is the axial 3. The relationship between diagonal tension strength and spacing is
compression stress, and fdt is the minimum diagonal tension resistance of more pronounced for bamboo mesh. Bamboo mesh enhances up to
masonry. Additionally, Vdt stands for minimum shear capacity resulting 96% with 3 in., and 44% with 4 in. spacing. Similarly, Jute mesh
from diagonal tension strength in the wall. exhibits even higher increases, reaching to 102% and 84% for 2 in.
In accordance with the ASCE/SEI 41 standard, the horizontal force and 3 in. spacings, respectively.
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