Earthquake Resistance of Adobe Reinforced by Low Cost Traditional Materials
Earthquake Resistance of Adobe Reinforced by Low Cost Traditional Materials
Earthquake Resistance of Adobe Reinforced by Low Cost Traditional Materials
Adobe houses are expected to continue providing the housing needs of rural poor
people because of their energy efficiency, comfort, and cost effectiveness. Unfortunately
traditional adobe constructions are very poor against earthquakes and cause significant loss
of life and property. Seismic deficiencies of such structures are mainly due to brittleness
and low strength of the blocks; low strength as well as poor bonding of mortar; and lack
of structural integrity. Considering affordability, availability, environmental friendliness
and easy construction, the current study adopts natural fibers (straw, hemp and jute) and
cementing materials (cement and gypsum) as reinforcing materials to improve the strength
and ductility of adobe material. Straw improves the ductility of adobe block at the cost of
compressive strength. Jute is the most effective among the selected fibers to improve both
the ductility and toughness of adobe block. Gypsum improves the strength of adobe block
but not the ductility. Similarly, cement is effective for improving the mortar strength only.
On the contrary, jute is effective for improving the mortar strength as well as coherence
between block and mortar. Higher flexibility, tensile strength and friction of jute might be
the reason for its best performance.
herence between the block and the mortar. be effective for preventing the shrinkage cracks in
● Fibers in the matrix will provide a means to prevent adobe block and mortar during drying.
the crack growth in the shear band when cracks ● Both gypsum and cement might be effective for im-
propagate due to the imposed loads. Thus fibers can proving the strength of adobe block and mortar as
improve the ductility, toughness, or both, and flex- well as coherence between block and mortar due to
ural strength of the block. their cohesive properties.
● Moreover, the addition of fibers will reduce the
density of the material, which will help to reduce None of these past studies stated above clarified
the inertia forces. the effectiveness of cementing materials on ductility,
toughness, and the coherence of block and mortar.
None of these past investigations described
above examined the effectiveness and mechanisms Considering the affordability, availability, envi-
of the addition of straw to adobe material on ductil- ronmental friendliness, and ease of construction the
ity, toughness and bonding characteristics, which current study focuses only on the improvement of
are the key issues to improve their earthquake resis- adobe block and mortar properties using natural fibers
tance. However, different kinds of natural fibers are (i.e., straw, hemp and jute) and cementing materials
available in different parts of the world. It is worth (i.e., gypsum and cement). These materials have been
comparing the effectiveness of the performance of used with adobe traditionally and will be accepted by
the straw reinforced adobe with that of other natural home-makers if there are benefits.
fibers to select the most suitable fiber type. Natural
fibers such as jute and hemp are stronger, more flex- Adobe home-makers use the locally avail-
ible than straw and have high friction to soil particles. able soil to make adobe. Therefore, it is necessary
They are easy to find, cheap and do not produce any to investigate the effect of soil composition on the
environmental hazard. Huge quantities of jute are performance of the proposed reinforcing materials,
available in India and Bangladesh where adobe hous- especially the clay content, which gives the maximum
es are being used significantly. Hemp is produced in strength to the soil.
many countries such as China, Hungary, Canada, and
the USA. There is always a gap between the material prop-
erties determined from the laboratory tests and the
Cementing materials such as cement, lime and real material properties for several reasons (e.g., size,
gypsum are also mixed traditionally with adobe to shape, making condition). Among these reasons, dif-
improve strength characteristics. Gypsum stabilized ference in the size of the specimen and size of the real
adobe showed better performance in past earthquakes unit in the structure is the most important.
(Brown et al., 1978). Gypsum is being used with
adobe in Turkey (Hammond, 1973; Isik et al., 1999). This study focuses on the improvement of block
The cost of gypsum depends on the availability. Al- and mortar properties of adobe structures. Uniaxial
though gypsum is cheap and easily available in some compression tests were conducted on block and
countries, it might be costly and not available in other sandwich specimens (two adobe blocks joined with
countries. However, gypsum is related to cement in mortar) to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
terms of its cementing effect. Although cement is reinforcing materials on adobe block and mortar
expensive, it is readily available worldwide. The ef- properties (strength, ductility, toughness and coher-
fect of gypsum on adobe was investigated recently ence between block and mortar), respectively. There-
by Isik et al., 1999; Islam, 2002; and Binici et al., fore, the test results describe the behavior of block
2005. However, these studies focused mainly on the and mortar only. Further tests (cyclic or dynamic) are
strength characteristics. Gypsum and cement might be required to obtain parameters that can be used for the
effective in the following way: analysis of adobe structures under earthquake excita-
● Gypsum expands in volume while drying. There- tion. However, better strength and ductility of block
fore, a judicial blend of gypsum with earth might and mortar mean that the structure will perform better
under earthquake loading. The main objectives of this the stress-strain curve up to 15% strain, then stress
investigation are: corresponding to the 15% strain is taken as the com-
a) To evaluate the effectiveness and mechanism pressive strength. Failure strain is defined as the strain
of straw as an earthquake resistant reinforcing corresponding to the peak stress and 15% if there is
material for adobe. To investigate the influence no peak before 15% strain. Figure 1a shows the com-
of quantity, size in length and type (crushed or pressive strength, failure strain, and ultimate failure
uncrushed) of straw on the seismic behavior of point of the stress-strain relationship according to JIS
adobe block. A 1216 (JGS, 1999). As presented in Fig. 1a, the ulti-
b) To compare the characteristics of straw rein- mate failure point corresponds to the 2/3qu (where, qu
forced adobe with that of jute and hemp rein- is compressive strength), at 2.0% from the peak and
forced adobe to select the best suitable natural 15.0% for Case I, II and III, respectively.
fiber type as the reinforcing material and thus to
understand its mechanism. To determine the op- (2) Ductility
timum quantity and length of the most suitable Ductility (μD) is defined as the relationship of a
fiber. total elasto-plastic response deformation related to the
c) The effect of soil composition and scale of test deformation in the elastic limit (Krätzig and Mesk-
specimens on the effectiveness of the proposed ouris, 1998) as stated in Equation 1. This can only be
reinforcing materials. defined for linear elastic, fully plastic responses. But
d) The effectiveness of cementing materials (gyp- for real materials, the response graphs become curvi-
sum and cement) to improve the earthquake re- linear and the fixing of the elastic limit involves con-
sistance of adobe. siderable uncertainty (Fig. 1b). As a result, defining
ductility contains many ambiguities. In spite of this,
2. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM ductility was estimated using Equation 1 to compare
the performances of the proposed reinforcing mate-
2.1 Testing and Indices rial. Displacement (i.e., strain) corresponding to the
2.1.1 Test Procedure qu/2 is taken as the elastic limit of displacement. In
Uniaxial compression tests were conducted to the case of soils, elastic modulus (E50) is determined
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed fibers and from the ratio of the qu/2 and the strain corresponding
cementing materials on the earthquake resistance of to it. Hence, choosing the strain corresponding to the
adobe. All tests were conducted by a chain of devices qu/2 as elastic limit is reasonable. Displacement (i.e.,
composed of a loading device, a digital acquiring strain) equal to the ultimate failure point was taken as
device, and a personal computer. Load values were the ultimate limit of displacement.
measured with a load cell of 20 kN capacity. Strain u ult
was calculated from the strain rate and time. For each D (1)
u el
group, at least 3 specimens were tested to check the
repeatability of the test results. All tests were con- where, uel and uult are elastic limit and ultimate
ducted in accordance with JIS A 1216 (JGS, 1999). limits of displacements (i.e., strain), respectively.
Compressive strength, failure strain, and ultimate
failure point were determined from the stress-strain Ductility has also been estimated using the ener-
relationships. To compare the effectiveness of the pro- gy concept. In this method, elastic energy and plastic
posed reinforcing materials, ductility and toughness energy were calculated from the stress-strain relation-
were estimated from the stress-strain relationships. ship as shown in Fig. 1c. Definition of ductility (μE)
according to this method is presented in Equation 2.
2.1.2 Definition of Parameters Wp
(1) Compressive strength, Failure strain, Ulti- E (2)
mate Failure Point
Compressive strength is defined as the peak where, We and Wp are elastic and plastic energy,
stress on the stress-strain curve. If there is no peak in respectively.
Force variable
400 2% (b) ideal
200 (II)
ε (III)
0 5
εf 10 15 20
uel u
Dispalcement variable
Axial strain (%)
Initial tangent Unloading path Straw length= 1.0 cm
Straw content= 0.0 ~ 3.0%
Axial stress, σ
Parallel lines
B 6
Ductility , μ
(c) A Elastic energy (d)
W e= Area BCD 3
Plastic energy
W = Area OABD
p μE= W p/W e
O D C 0 3 6 9 12 15
Axial strain, ε Ductility, μD
Fig. 1 (a) Definition of compressive strength, failure strain and ultimate failure strain (point marked by arrow [↓]
on the stress-strain curve indicates the compressive strength and corresponding strain is failure strain;
strain corresponding to the dot [•] on the stress-strain diagram is ultimate failure strain) according to JIS
A1216 (JGS, 1999). Definition of: (b) ductility, μD; (c) ductility, μE and (d) comparison of μD and μE.
Ductility estimated from the displacement (i.e., nese soils were used to make adobe. To determine the
strain) and energy based on Equations 1 and 2 is general adobe composition, some old adobe collected
denoted as μD and μE hereafter. A comparison of from Choga Zanbil Temple (which is a world heritage
ductility estimated from both equations is presented site located in the western part of Iran) was studied.
in Fig. 1d. Both ductilities showed a similar trend. Dry density and water content of the old adobe are
Therefore, ductility estimated from the displacement in the range of 2.71~2.76 g/cm3 and 1.40~5.10%,
was only used for the comparison of performances. respectively. More details about the old adobe are
available in Islam (2002). To attain similar grain size
(3) Toughness distributions of the old adobe, locally available Japa-
Toughness is a measure of the combination of nese Acadama clay, Toyoura sand, and Bentonite were
ductility and strength. The ability of a material to mixed with a weight ratio of 2.5:1.0:0.6. This mixture
absorb energy before fracture is termed as toughness. was named the ‘soil-sand mixture’ (SSM) in the cur-
Toughness is calculated as the area under the stress- rent investigation. To understand the effect of the soil
strain curve up to the ultimate failure point as shown composition on the behaviour of the adobe, speci-
in Fig. 1a. mens were also prepared using Kaolin clay instead of
Bentonite clay. Physical properties of the soils used
2.2 Materials Used for making adobe are presented in Table 1. Chemical
2.2.1 Soils composition of the soils is available in Islam (2002).
Ideally, the soil to make adobe must contain four Grain size distribution of the ‘soil-sand mixture’ and
elements: coarse sand or aggregate, fine sand, silt, those of the old adobe are compared in Fig. 2. The
and clay. Since this investigation was conducted at grain size distribution of the ‘soil-sand mixture’ is
Saitama University in Japan, locally available Japa- similar to that of the old adobe specimens.
(3) Hemp
100 Hemp is also collected from the hemp plant,
which is an annual plant. It grows about 3~4 m in 110
% Finer by weight
days and its stem diameter is 2~3 cm. Hemp origi-
60 MB-1
nates from central Asia, and is now available world-
40 wide. Its production per unit area is relatively high. In
this case, commercially available hemp was also used.
SSM Hemp was also used in the form of jute as shown in
0 Fig. 3b.
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Grain size (mm)
Fig. 2 Grain-size distributions of old adobe collected
from Iran (MB) and soil-sand mixture (SSM)
used for making adobe.
(2) Jute
Jute fiber is collected from jute stems. Jute fiber
is flexible, rough and has high tensile strength. Jute,
which is an annual plant produced in tropical coun-
tries such as Bangladesh, India, grows about 2~3 m in
4 months. Since jute is not produced in Japan, com-
mercially available jute was used in this investigation (b)
after chopping it into short pieces as shown in Fig. 3b. Fig. 3 Photographs of chopped: (a) straw and (b) jute.
(a) (b)
Fig. 4 Photographs of: (a) soil-sand slurry and (b) steel mould.
(4) Gypsum were removed from the mould and kept open in a tin
Gypsum is a very soft mineral composed of cal- shed room for 45-60 days to dry.
cium sulphate dihydrate, with the chemical formula
CaSO4.2H2O. Commercially available gypsum was The final water content of the specimens pre-
used in this investigation. The specific gravity of the pared in this way was in the range of 8.38~10.30%,
gypsum used is 2.30. dried for 6 to 20 weeks in Japanese weather condi-
tions. For the measurement of the water content of
(5) Cement adobe block, 3 specimens were collected from the
In the case of cement, ordinary Portland cement top, bottom and centre of the specimen. The reported
was used. The specific gravity of the cement is 3.16. water content is the average of these three water con-
tents. However, to understand the real behavior of
2.3 Preparation of Specimens adobe, water content is very important because the
Adobe is a sun dried brick. Generally, it takes shear strength and stiffness of adobe significantly
2~3 weeks to obtain dried adobe. The water content depend on the water content as indicated by Warren
of dried adobe is about 3.0%. Cylindrical block and (1999). In Japanese weather conditions, it is impossi-
sandwich specimens were prepared to evaluate the ef- ble to reduce the water content up to 3.0% by natural
fectiveness of the proposed reinforcing materials on drying for the particular soil composition. As a result,
block and mortar characteristics. specimens were dried using an oven. To dry speci-
mens using an oven, at first the adobe specimens with
2.3.1 Block Specimen mould were kept in the oven for 3 days at 40°C. This
First of all, Acadama clay was cleaned of un- temperature is selected because Iran’s daytime tem-
wanted materials, air-dried, and then reduced to pow- perature (where adobe houses are being used signifi-
der. After mixing the clay with reinforcing materials cantly) is similar and no cracks occur in adobe at this
and soils in dry conditions, water content equaling 1.5 temperature. But it was found that the water content
times the liquid limit (LL) of the ‘soil-sand mixture’ did not decrease below 7.0% at 40°C (Fig. 5a). To
was added. Then it was mixed vigorously by hand to reduce the water content further, specimens were then
make the mixture homogeneous. The slurry (Fig. 4a) kept in the oven at 60°C for 1 more day after removal
was kept for 1 day for the complete dispersion of the from the mould. The water content of the specimen
clay particles. On the following day, the mixture was at this stage was reduced up to 3.0%. Therefore, to
remixed and poured into a steel mould 5 cm in diame- dry the specimens using an oven, at first the specimen
ter and 10 cm in height (Fig. 4b) in three layers. Each with mould was kept in the oven for 3 days at 40°C
layer was compacted equally to remove the void from and after that the specimen was removed from the
the specimen. The moulds were kept for 10-15 days mould and kept 1 more day at 60°C.
to reduce the water content such that the specimens
could stand without any slump. Then the specimens Figures 5b and 5c show the dependency of
compressive strength and failure strain on the water content of adobe may significantly contribute to their
content for both the oven dried and naturally dried resistance in seismic conditions.
unreinforced specimens, respectively. With the in-
crease of water content the compressive strength of 2.3.2 Sandwich Specimen
adobe decreases linearly. The compressive strength of Several cylindrical specimens were tested under
the naturally dried specimens is also close to that of uniaxial compression; the specimens failed at the an-
oven dried samples for the same water content. The gle of 60-70 degrees. Therefore, such specimens pre-
failure strain does not depend on the water content for pared with a similar soil composition will fail at this
both the naturally and oven dried specimens. A simi- angle. Since it was not confirmed for different soil
lar trend was observed for the dependence of com- compositions, it cannot be said that this is a general
pressive strength and failure strain of the reinforced tendency for adobe material. Therefore, block parts
specimens. This means that the compressive strength for making sandwich specimens were obtained from a
decreases linearly with the increase of the water cylindrical block specimen by cutting it into two parts
content but the failure strain does not depend on the at an angle 60°to the horizontal. Then 0.5 cm thick
water content. Therefore, the control of the humidity mortar was laid between the two parts to make the
sandwich specimen. Figures 6a and 6b present two
25 parts of the specimen after cutting and a sandwich
Water content (%)
20 Oven dry (40o C) specimen, respectively. The top and bottom surfaces
of the specimens were made flat using sandpaper and
(a) a sharp anti-cutter to avoid bedding errors.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Drying time (hour)
Comp. strength (kPa)
Natural dry
1500 Oven dry
(b) 1000
500 (a)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Water content (%)
――――――― Mortar
Failure strain (%)
Natural dry
Oven dry
(c) 2
1 ――――――― Block
0 5 10 15 20 25 (b)
Water content (%) Fig. 6 Photographs showing: (a) two parts of a speci-
Fig. 5 Variation of: (a) water content with drying men after cut and (b) a sandwich specimen.
time; (b) comp. strength with water content;
and (c) failure strain with water content.
Straw reinforced and gypsum stabilized speci- the straw length, compressive strength decreased but
mens were prepared at the first phase in the naturally the ductility increased with the increase of the straw
dried condition. Jute reinforced and sandwich speci- content in general. The ductility of the specimens
mens were prepared in the second phase using an containing 1 cm long straw increased linearly with
oven. The water content of the naturally dried and the increase of straw content. Ductility (μD) of the
oven dried specimens was in the range of 8.0~14.0% specimens containing 2 cm and 3 cm long straw also
and 2.0~5.5%, respectively. Dry density of the unre- increased with the increase of the straw content. But
inforced and fiber reinforced specimens was in the the improvement in ductility became almost constant
range of 1.05~1.30g/cm3 and 0.82~1.11g/cm3, respec- after 1.5% straw content (Fig. 7b and 7c).
tively. Dry density decreases slightly with the increase
of the fiber content. However, the density of the Figures 7d, 7e and 7f present the dependency of
specimens is significantly lower than that of the usual toughness on the straw content for specimens contain-
adobe material. Since the specimens were prepared ing 1 cm, 2 cm and 3 cm long straw, respectively. For
from slurry without providing consolidation pressure, specimens containing 1 cm long straw, there is no
density became significantly low. This is not expected particular dependency of toughness on straw content.
to affect the main objectives of this investigation. However, specimens containing 1.5% straw had the
maximum toughness, which is slightly higher than the
3. TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS unreinforced case. For specimens containing 2 cm and
3 cm long straw, toughness decreased up to a straw
3.1 Effect of Fibers on Adobe Block content of 1.0% and after that toughness increased
3.1.1 Effectiveness of Straw again and attained a toughness value close to that of
The main objective of this section is to present unreinforced adobe. In the case of specimens contain-
the effectiveness and mechanism of straw as a rein- ing 2 cm long straw, toughness increased after 1.5%
forcing material for adobe. Adobe home-makers use straw content. Again, in the case of specimens con-
an arbitrarily selected amount and length of straw taining 3 cm long straw, toughness decreased slightly
without knowing the effect quantitatively. There- after 1.5% straw content. From the above discussions,
fore, it is necessary to find the optimum content and the following conclusions can be drawn:
length of straw to obtain the best seismic resistance ● Strength of adobe block decreases with the increase
if there is any positive effect. Crushed straw is also of straw content irrespective of the straw length.
used instead of whole straw. So, there is potential to ● Ductility increases with the increase of straw con-
investigate the difference between the performance tent. But the rate of improvement of ductility after
of crushed and whole straw. The size of the labora- 1.5% straw content is not significant for specimens
tory specimen is different from the real adobe block. containing straw longer than 1 cm.
Therefore, it is necessary to know the scale effect of ● The addition of straw in adobe block below 1.5%
the test specimen to simulate the test result for the real causes decrease in toughness. But by adding straw
design purpose. The influence of straw content, size 1.5% or more toughness can be achieved similar to
in length, type (i.e., crushed and uncrushed straw) and that of unreinforced adobe block.
scale effect of the test specimens is described in the ● Although the addition of this amount of straw
following sections. (1.5%) causes a decrease in compressive strength,
toughness is similar (or slightly higher than) to the
(1) Straw Content unreinforced case. But the improvement in ductility
To investigate the effect of straw content, speci- is significant. This means that by using 1.5% straw,
mens were prepared from 1, 2 and 3 cm long straw collapses of adobe structure might not be prevented
and ‘soil-sand mixture’ with varying straw content but they can be delayed. Therefore, 1.5% straw by
from 0.0 to 3.0% by weight. Figures 7a, 7b and 7c weight is optimum for improving the ductility of
present the variation of compressive strength and duc- adobe material.
tility with straw content for specimens containing 1
cm, 2 cm and 3 cm long straw, respectively. Whatever The mechanisms behind the above-mentioned
800 30 20
Toughness (kPa)
qu SL= 1 cm
600 15
Ductility, μD
400 10
200 5
0 0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Straw content , SC (%) Straw content , SC(%)
(a) (d)
Comp. strength, q (kPa)
30 20
SL= 2 cm qu SL= 2 cm
Toughness (kPa)
600 μ 15
Ductility, μ
400 10
200 5
0 0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Straw content, SC (%) Straw content, SC (%)
(b) (e)
800 30
Comp. strength, qu (kPa)
SL= 3 cm q SL= 3 cm
Toughness (kPa)
600 μD 15
Ductility, μ
400 10
200 5
0 0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Straw content, SC(%) Straw content, SC (%)
(c) (f)
Fig. 7 Dependence of compressive strength and ductility on straw content for adobe reinforced with (a) 1 cm long
straw, (b) 2 cm long straw, and (c) 3 cm long straw. Dependence of toughness on straw content for adobe rein-
forced with (d) 1 cm long straw, (e) 2 cm long straw, and (f) 3 cm long straw (SL= straw length).
observations can be explained as follows: the strength due to the addition of straw. Strength
● Straw replaces the soil-sand part of the mixture. decreases with the increases of straw content since
As a result, contacts between soil to soil decreases. the cohesion decreases and the number and depth of
This causes reduction in friction and thus the de- cracks increase with the increase of straw content.
creases in strength. Since straw is not flexible ● Straw transmits the stresses across the cracked sur-
enough to move in phases with soil particles during face and prevents the crack from opening. In this
the drying shrinkage of adobe, separation occurs way, straw improves the ductility of adobe material.
between soil and straw. This causes micro-cracks in ● Toughness is a measure of both the strength and
adobe. This might be another reason for decreasing ductility. Since the decreases in strength are more
Toughness (kPa)
qu 16
Ductility, μ
200 4
0 0 0
-1 0 1 2 3 4 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Straw length, SL (cm) Straw length, SL (cm)
(a) (d)
800 30 20
Comp. strength, qu (kPa)
Toughness (kPa)
600 15
Ductility, μD
400 10
200 5
0 0 0
-1 0 1 2 3 4 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Straw length, SL (cm) Straw length, SL (cm)
(b) (e)
Comp. strength, qu (kPa)
800 30 20
SC= 3.0% qu SC= 3.0%
Toughness (kPa)
600 μ
Ductility, μD
D 20
0 0 0
-1 0 1 2 3 4 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Straw length, SL (cm) Straw length, SL (cm)
(c) (f)
Fig. 8 Dependence of compressive strength and ductility on straw length for specimens containing (a) 0.5%
straw, (b) 1.5% straw, and (c) 3.0% straw. Dependence of toughness on straw length for specimens con-
taining (d) 0.5% straw, (e) 1.5% straw, and (f) 3.0% straw (SC= straw content by weight).
significant than the improvement in ductility up of compressive strength and ductility on straw length
to 1.0% straw content, toughness decreases up to for specimens containing 0.5%, 1.5% and 3.0% straw
this straw content. After that the rate of decrease in (by weight), respectively. Compressive strength de-
strength decreases but the ductility increases signif- creases with the increase of straw length for all cases.
icantly with the increase of straw content and thus Ductility does not improve with the increase of straw
the toughness increases. length for the specimens containing 0.5% straw. For
the other cases, ductility increases with the increase
2) Straw Length of straw length. In the case of specimens containing
Figures 8a, 8b and 8c present the dependency 1.5% straw, the improvement in ductility for speci-
mens containing 3 cm long straw from the specimens As the bonding length increases with the increase
containing 2 cm long straw is not significant if the of the straw length, the capacity of straw to hold the
one extreme case is ignored (Fig. 8b). The reason for shear band increases. Thus the ductility increases with
the large variation of the one case is not clear and that the increase of straw length.
is why it was ignored in the discussion. The ductil-
ity of the specimens containing 3.0% straw becomes 3) Crushed Straw
constant after 2 cm long straw except for one extreme This section describes the effectiveness of
case (Fig. 8c). crushed straw. To do so, the original straw was cut
into 4 pieces for a particular straw 3 cm in length
Figures 8d, 8e and 8f present the dependence of along the diameter. Typical stress-strain relationships
toughness on straw length for specimens containing of specimens containing whole diameter straw and
0.5%, 1.5% and 3.0% straw, respectively. Toughness crushed straw are compared in Fig. 10. The compres-
decreases with the increase of straw length for speci- sive strength of the specimen prepared using crushed
mens containing 0.5% straw. Toughness of the speci- straw is higher than that of specimens containing
mens containing 1.5% and 3.0% straw are almost in- whole straw. However, the ductility and toughness of
dependent of the straw length and the toughness value both the crushed and whole straw reinforced adobe
is similar to that of the unreinforced case. Therefore, are similar. This means that crushed straw is effective
on the basis of the dependency of compressive for improving the strength characteristics of adobe.
strength, ductility and toughness on straw length, the
optimum length of straw is 2 cm to improve the seis- 500
mic performance of adobe block.
Axial stress, σ (kPa)
cracks in the specimens containing crushed straw are (a) 600
smaller than those of the specimens containing whole
The effectiveness of crushed straw is described 0
below: 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
● Crushed straw is more flexible than whole straw. Straw content, SC(%)
That’s why the elasticity of the matrix with crushed
straw becomes higher, which helps to prevent the 25
micro-cracks in adobe due to drying shrinkage. Small
Since the cracks decrease, the strength increases. Large
Ductility , μ
Again, due to higher flexibility, the binding of 15
crushed straw with soil is better than that of whole (b) 10
straw, which helps to prevent the shear band more
● Whole straw is tubular; therefore, the volume of 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
crushed straw is smaller than that of the whole
Straw content, SC(%)
straw for a particular weight. Therefore, the amount
of soil replacement will be less for crushed straw.
● However, since the number of cracks is smaller and Fig. 11 Comparison of dependency of: (a) com-
depth is lower in adobe block prepared with crushed pressive strength and (b) ductility on straw
straw, this will help to prevent rain infiltration that content of large and small specimens (straw
will aid its longevity. length = 3 cm).
(d) (e)
Fig. 13 Photograph showing failure pattern of: (a) unreinforced adobe; (b) straw reinforced adobe; (c) hemp re-
inforced adobe; (d) jute reinforced adobe and (e) close view of shear band of jute reinforced adobe.
proving the ductility with a slight decrease in strength, observations, it is clear that 2.0% jute by weight is
jute fiber reinforced adobe has significantly higher optimum for improving the ductility and toughness of
toughness than the unreinforced type. It is clear that adobe block.
fiber like jute with high flexibility, friction and tensile
strength is the most suitable fiber for improving the Strength and toughness of unreinforced adobe
ductility and toughness of adobe block. mainly come from the soil to soil friction and cohe-
sion between soil to soil. But in the case of the fiber
Since jute is the most effective for improving the reinforced type, they come from the composite bond-
seismic resistance of adobe material, the influence of ing of soil with jute and friction between soil to fiber
jute content and size in length on the seismic perfor- as well as fiber to fiber. After 2.0% jute content, the
mance of adobe was investigated. bonding between fibers might become prominent,
which is weaker than the bonding between soil to
(1) Jute Content fiber and soil to soil. This means that the composite
Specimens were prepared using 1 cm long jute matrix of the soil and jute fiber up to 2.0% is opti-
by varying the jute content from 0.5 to 4.0% by mum for improving the toughness of adobe block.
weight. Figure 14a shows the variation of compres-
sive strength and ductility on jute content. Compres- (2) Jute Length
sive strength decreases with the increase of the jute To investigate the effect of the jute length, speci-
content. However, the rate of decrease in strength be- mens were prepared using 2.0% jute for different
yond 2.0% jute content is not remarkable. Again, we jute lengths using the ‘soil-sand mixture’. Jute length
see that ductility increases with the increase of jute varied from 0.5 to 3 cm. Figure 15a presents the
content. But the rate of improvement after the 2.0% dependency of the compressive strength and ductil-
jute content is very low. Figure 14b shows the varia- ity on jute length. Figure 15b shows the variation of
tion of toughness with jute content. The toughness in- toughness with jute length. The compressive strength
creases with the increase of the jute content up to 2.0% of the jute reinforced adobe is lower than that of the
and after that toughness decreases. From the above unreinforced adobe. But the compressive strength of
Comp. strength, qu (kPa)
Comp. strength, qu (kPa)
2000 30 2000 25
qu qu
1500 1500
μ μD
Ductility, μ
Ductility, μ
(a) 15
(a) 1000 1000
500 500
0 0 0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Jute content, JC (%) Jute length, JL (cm)
30 40
Toughness (kPa)
Toughness (kPa)
(b) (b)
0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Jute content, JC(%) Jute length, JL (cm)
Fig. 14 Dependence of: (a) compressive strength and Fig. 15 Dependence of: (a) compressive strength and
ductility; and (b) toughness on jute content ductility; and (b) toughness on jute length
(jute length= 1 cm). (jute content= 2.0%).
the jute reinforced adobe does not change with the sum gives cohesion to the soil and that’s why strength
increase of jute length. Both the ductility and tough- increases. Figure 16b shows a comparison of the typi-
ness increase with the increase of jute length up to cal stress-strain relationship of specimens containing
2 cm and after that both the ductility and toughness 1.5% straw and specimens containing 1.5% straw as
decrease. Therefore, to obtain the maximum ductility well as 13.0% gypsum together. For both cases, the
and toughness the length of jute should be 2 cm. The straw length is 3 cm.
mechanism behind this phenomenon is yet to be clari-
fied. However, the size in length might depend on the The strength of the specimens containing gyp-
size of the block. sum and straw together is higher than that of the spec-
imens containing straw only. There was no crack in
3.2 Strength of Adobe Block the specimens containing gypsum and straw together.
3.2.1 Effect of Gypsum But the specimens containing only straw had signifi-
It is found that fibers are effective for improv- cant cracks (Fig. 9c). This means that the addition of
ing the ductility but not the strength of adobe. This gypsum prevents cracking of adobe block. This might
section presents the effectiveness of gypsum. Speci- be the reason for the higher strength. Moreover, adobe
mens were prepared by varying the gypsum content reinforced with both the straw and gypsum together
0.0 to 13.0% by weight. Variation of the compressive might be more accepted by the user from an aesthetic
strength and ductility with the gypsum content is viewpoint since there is no crack on the surface of
plotted in Fig. 16a. With the increase of the gypsum such specimen.
content, compressive strength increases but there is
no improvement in the ductility. Therefore, gypsum 3.2.2 Effect of Clay Content
is effective for improving the strength characteristics In the previous sections, the effect of different
only. In practical terms, this means that by using gyp- fibers and gypsum was described. Jute is found to be
sum stabilized mud bricks, the thickness of the outer the most effective among the selected fibers. In this
load bearing walls can be reduced substantially. Gyp- context, it is necessary to clarify the effect of jute fiber
Comp. strength, qu (kPa)
1500 20
Comp. strength, qu (kPa)
15 1500
Ductility, μ
(a) (a)
10 1000
0 0
-3 0 3 6 9 12 15 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Gypsum content, GC (%)
Jute content, JC (%)
600 40
Toughness (kPa)
GC= 13.0%, SC= 1.5% 30 KA
200 (b)
0 0
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Axial strain, ε (%) Jute content, JC (%)
Fig. 16 (a) Dependence of compressive strength and Fig. 17 Comparison of dependence, of, (a) compressive
ductility on gypsum content and (b) comparison of strength and (b) toughness on jute content
stress-strain relationship (GC= gypsum content; for Bentonite Adobe (BA) and Kaolin Adobe
SC= straw content). (KA) [jute length= 1cm].
on adobe with different soil compositions. Specimens 3.3 Bonding between Block and Mortar
were prepared using Kaolin clay instead of Bentonite The improvement of bonding between block
clay. This means that specimens were prepared by and mortar is the key issue for the improvement of
mixing Acadama clay, Toyoura sand and Kaolin at the seismic resistance of adobe structures. The effect of
ratio of 2.5:1.0:0.6. Figure 17a compares the strength jute and cement on mortar properties evaluated by
of ‘Bentonite Adobe’ (BA) and ‘Kaolin Adobe’ (KA). uniaxial compression tests is presented in this section.
The strength of BA is significantly higher than that Compositions, physical properties and test results of
of the KA. On the contrary, the failure strain of KA the sandwich specimens are presented in Table 2 and
is higher than that of BA (not presented here). The Fig. 18.
variation of toughness (Fig. 17b) with jute content
shows that in both cases, specimens containing 2.0% 3.3.1 Effect of Jute
jute have the maximum toughness. It is clear that 2.0% Both block and mortar of the specimens of the
jute by weight is optimum for improving the seismic MJ-1 group are unreinforced. The jute content of
performance of adobe block. However, it is also clear the block part of the specimens of the MJ-2 group is
that soil composition has a significant effect on the 0.5% by weight but the mortar is unreinforced. Both
properties of adobe material. Therefore, suitable soil the block and mortar part of the specimens of the
selection is very important for the earthquake resistant MJ-3 and MJ-4 groups contain 1.0% and 2.0% jute by
performance of adobe. The difference in the proper- weight, respectively. The effect of jute on the sand-
ties might be due to the difference in plasticity (Table wich specimen was investigated up to 2.0% by weight
1). Further investigations are necessary to clarify this since it was found optimum for block (Section 3.1.2).
The compressive strength of the unreinforced
block and sandwich specimen is 1,180 kPa and 33
kPa, respectively. This means that the strength of
600 the unreinforced sandwich specimen is significantly
MJ-1 lower than that of the block specimen. The strength of
Axial stress, σa (kPa)
MJ-3 the specimens of the MJ-2 and MJ-3 groups is higher
MJ-4 than that of the unreinforced specimens (MJ-1). How-
MC-2 ever, the strength of these groups (i.e., MJ-2 and MJ-
3) is also significantly lower than the block strength.
The compressive strength and failure strain of the
0 sandwich specimen of the MJ-4 group are 560 kPa
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
and 2.43%, respectively. Although the compressive
Axial strain, εa (%) strength of the sandwich specimen of this group (MJ-
Fig. 18 Stress-strain relationships of sandwich 4) is less than that of the unreinforced block strength,
specimens (jute length= 1 cm). both the ductility (6.2~13.7) and toughness (9.10~16.5
kPa) of this sandwich specimen are higher than that
of the block. Thus by adding 2.0% jute in both the coherence between block and mortar. These might ex-
block and mortar, the earthquake resistance of adobe plain the better performance of jute reinforced mortar.
structures can be improved.
3.3.2 Effect of Cement
Photographs of Fig. 19 show the failure pattern The block part of the specimens of the MC-1 and
of the sandwich specimens. Many cracks are seen in MC-2 groups (Table 2) contains 1.0% jute by weight.
the unreinforced mortar of the specimen of the MJ-1 But the mortar part of the MC-1 contains only 9.0%
group (Fig. 19a). The specimen of the MJ-2 group had cement (by weight) while the mortar part of the speci-
similar cracks. Cracks in the mortar are the main rea- mens of the MC-2 group contains 1.0% jute and 9.0%
son for the low strength and poor bonding of unrein- cement (by weight) together.
forced mortar. On the contrary, however, there are no
cracks in the jute reinforced mortar of the specimen The compressive strength of the sandwich speci-
of the MJ-4 group (Fig. 19b). Similarly, the mortar of men of the MC-1 group (410 kPa) is significantly
the specimens of the MJ-3 group had no cracks. This higher than that of the unreinforced mortar (33 kPa).
means that jute is effective for preventing the shrink- This means that cement is effective for improving the
age cracks in mortar. The failure surface and pattern mortar strength. But the failure strain is significantly
of the jute reinforced mortar (MJ-4) indicate that lower (0.70~0.80%) than that of the unreinforced ver-
some parts of the mortar came out during failure. If sion (0.94~1.38%) and the failure is sudden (Fig. 18).
the bond/cohesion between block and mortar is weak, Many cracks are observed in the mortar of this group
separation between block and mortar occurs. But if (Fig. 19c) indicating that cement cannot prevent
the bond is strong, composite failure (i.e., failures shrinkage cracks in the mortar. Continuous failure oc-
along the interface between mortar and block, and/ curred through the mortar in this case. Cement gives
or within mortar) occurs. In this case, both failures cohesion to the matrix and that is why the strength
along the interface between mortar and block, and increases. But poor coherence between block and
within mortar have occurred, indicating that the bond mortar is responsible for the brittle failure.
between the block and mortar was stronger in the
case of MJ-4. Thus, the addition of fibers in mortar The compressive strength of the specimens of
provides better coherence between block and mortar. the MC-2 group is 196 kPa, which is higher than that
This might account for the difference in the failure of the unreinforced mortar strength. But the strength
pattern of MJ-4 and others. This phenomenon can be is significantly lower than the cement reinforced
observed clearly from the stress-strain relationship mortar. However, the failure strain is higher than
of the specimens of the MJ-4 group (Fig. 18). The that of unreinforced and cement reinforced mortar.
stress-strain relationships of the specimen of the MJ-4 Figure 19d shows that there is no crack in the mortar
group are different from the others. The specimen of of the specimens of the MC-2 group. Thus jute with
this group can continue with the peak strength by in- cement is also effective for preventing cracks in the
creasing the strain up to a certain limit and after that mortar. However, the strength of the MC-2 group is
the strength decreases suddenly. Before bond failure expected to be higher than that of MC-1. The reason
(between block and mortar) the block-mortar system for the lower strength of MC-2 might be due to the
(sandwich specimen) acts as a single system. When lack of proper hydration of the cement. To make the
the bond between the block and mortar starts to fail, specimens, the same amount of water was added to
then it goes for immediate failure. The peak of MJ-4 make the slurry. Since the specimens of the MC-2
remains constant until the bond failure initiates. group contain both jute and cement, both jute and ce-
ment absorbed water from the matrix. Therefore, the
From the above observations and discussions, it remaining water (after the saturation of jute) might
is clear that the addition of 2.0% jute by weight to the not be sufficient for the complete hydration of cement
block and mortar is the most effective way of improv- with time.
ing the ductility and toughness of sandwich speci-
mens. Jute prevents shrinkage cracks and provides From the above discussion, it is clear that ce-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 19 Photographs of sandwich specimens after failure, for Group: (a) MJ-1 (block and mortar: unreinforced),
(b) MJ-4 (block and mortar: reinforced by 2.0% jute), (c) MC-1(block: 1.0% jute; mortar: 9.0% cement)
and (d) MC-2 (block: 1.0% jute; mortar: 1.0% jute and 9.0% cement).
ment is effective for improving the strength of mortar. (2) Straw is effective for improving the ductility of
But cement is not effective for preventing crack or adobe at the cost of compressive strength. How-
improving the ductility of the sandwich. ever, there is an optimal quantity (i.e., 1.5% by
weight) and length of straw (i.e., 2 cm) to im-
4. CONCLUSIONS prove the ductility of adobe block. The strength
of adobe block prepared with crushed straw is
The development of cost effective solutions for higher than that of the specimens prepared with
improving the seismic resistance of adobe structures whole straw. Straw in the shear band transfers
is an important and challenging issue for earthquake the stress across the crack and prevents the
engineers to reduce the earthquake hazard of poor crack from opening. Hence, straw improves the
people in developing countries. Natural fibers (straw, ductility. Reduction in the friction between soil
hemp and jute) and cementing materials (cement to soil due to the replacement of the soil-sand
and gypsum) were selected to improve the block and part by straw and micro-cracks that were caused
mortar properties of adobe. Uniaxial compression by straw are responsible for the reduction of
tests were conducted on cylindrical blocks and sand- strength. Since the cracks in the adobe block
wich specimens in order to evaluate the effect of the increase with the increase of both the straw
proposed reinforcing materials on block and mortar, content and length, strength decreases with the
respectively. The main conclusions obtained are: increase of both the straw content and length.
(1) Compressive strength decreases with the in- The reason behind the better performance of
crease of the water content without affecting crushed straw might be its higher flexibility,
the failure strain. So, the control of humidity which helps to prevent the shrinkage cracks in
content of adobe may significantly contribute to the adobe block.
their resistance in seismic conditions. (3) Jute is also effective for improving the ductility
while hemp is not effective for improving the water into adobe walls, which is under investigation.
ductility. Jute seems to be the most effective However, this study focuses only on the improvement
among the selected fibers since jute improves of adobe block and mortar properties. Further investi-
both the ductility and toughness of adobe ma- gations are being conducted to improve the structural
terial with slight decreases in compressive integrity using low cost materials (bamboo, cane, and
strength. There are also an optimal jute content jute mesh).
and jute length, which are 2.0% by weight and 2
cm, respectively. The higher flexibility, friction ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
to soil, and the tensile strength of the jute fiber
in comparison with those of straw and hemp The first author is grateful to Prof. H. Watanabe
might be the reason for its best performance of Saitama University, Japan for his guidance. This
among the selected fibers. research was partially supported by the Japan Society
(4) Gypsum improves the strength of the adobe for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid
block. Gypsum gives cohesion to the matrix and for JSPS Fellows, Grant Number: 17005291. The au-
thus the strength increases. Soil composition thors are also grateful to the Iranian Cultural Heritage
also plays a significant role in the seismic resis- Organization for providing old adobe. They express
tance of adobe. Both the compressive strength their deep gratitude to Mr. Honda, Mr. Kin and Mr.
and failure strain are dependent on the soil com- Kamata, former graduate students of Saitama Univer-
position. sity for their participation during tests.
(5) The strength of the ‘block and mortar sandwich’
is significantly lower than that of adobe block. REFERENCES
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