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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
Revision Summary
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Date History Class Comments
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[MS-XOAUTH] - v20160613
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Glossary ........................................................................................................... 5
1.2 References ........................................................................................................ 6
1.2.1 Normative References ................................................................................... 6
1.2.2 Informative References ................................................................................. 7
1.3 Overview .......................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Relationship to Other Protocols ............................................................................ 7
1.5 Prerequisites/Preconditions ................................................................................. 7
1.6 Applicability Statement ....................................................................................... 7
1.7 Versioning and Capability Negotiation ................................................................... 7
1.8 Vendor-Extensible Fields ..................................................................................... 7
1.9 Standards Assignments....................................................................................... 7
2 Messages ................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Transport .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Message Syntax ................................................................................................. 8
3 Protocol Details ..................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Client Details ................................................................................................... 10
3.1.1 Abstract Data Model .................................................................................... 10
3.1.2 Timers ...................................................................................................... 10
3.1.3 Initialization ............................................................................................... 10
3.1.4 Higher-Layer Triggered Events ..................................................................... 10
3.1.5 Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules .......................................... 10 Realm Autodiscovery Through HTTP 401 Challenge ................................... 10 Server-to-Server Security Token Contents ............................................... 10
3.1.6 Timer Events .............................................................................................. 10
3.1.7 Other Local Events ...................................................................................... 10
3.2 Server Details .................................................................................................. 10
3.2.1 Abstract Data Model .................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Timers ...................................................................................................... 11
3.2.3 Initialization ............................................................................................... 11
3.2.4 Higher-Layer Triggered Events ..................................................................... 11
3.2.5 Message Processing Events and Sequencing Rules .......................................... 11 Authentication Within a Single Organization ............................................. 11 Authentication with User Information Within a Single Organization .............. 11 Authentication with Third-Party Application .............................................. 12 Realm Autodiscovery Through HTTP 401 Challenge ................................... 13 Server-to-Server Security Token Contents ............................................... 13 Server-to-Server Validation Criteria......................................................... 13
3.2.6 Timer Events .............................................................................................. 14
3.2.7 Other Local Events ...................................................................................... 14
4 Protocol Examples ................................................................................................. 15
4.1 Security Token Issued by STS ........................................................................... 15
4.2 Security Token Self-Issued by Client .................................................................. 15
4.3 Security Token Issued by STS with User Information Added by Client ..................... 16
4.4 Security Token Self-Issued By Client with User Information ................................... 17
4.5 Security Token for Accessing a Third-Party Service with Extensions ........................ 18
4.6 Realm Autodiscovery Through HTTP 401 Challenge .............................................. 19
5 Security ................................................................................................................. 20
5.1 Security Considerations for Implementers ........................................................... 20
5.2 Index of Security Parameters ............................................................................ 20
6 Appendix A: Product Behavior ............................................................................... 21
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
7 Change Tracking .................................................................................................... 22
8 Index ..................................................................................................................... 24
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
1 Introduction
The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions extend the OAuth 2.0 Authentication Protocol and the
JSON Web Token (JWT) to enable server-to-server authentication.
Sections 1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2, and 3 of this specification are normative. All other sections and examples in
this specification are informative.
1.1 Glossary
globally unique identifier (GUID): A term used interchangeably with universally unique
identifier (UUID) in Microsoft protocol technical documents (TDs). Interchanging the usage of
these terms does not imply or require a specific algorithm or mechanism to generate the value.
Specifically, the use of this term does not imply or require that the algorithms described in
[RFC4122] or [C706] must be used for generating the GUID. See also universally unique
identifier (UUID).
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS): An extension of HTTP that securely encrypts and
decrypts web page requests. In some older protocols, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure
Sockets Layer" is still used (Secure Sockets Layer has been deprecated). For more information,
see [SSL3] and [RFC5246].
private key: One of a pair of keys used in public-key cryptography. The private key is kept secret
and is used to decrypt data that has been encrypted with the corresponding public key. For an
introduction to this concept, see [CRYPTO] section 1.8 and [IEEE1363] section 3.1.
public key: One of a pair of keys used in public-key cryptography. The public key is distributed
freely and published as part of a digital certificate. For an introduction to this concept, see
[CRYPTO] section 1.8 and [IEEE1363] section 3.1.
realm: An administrative boundary that uses one set of authentication servers to manage and
deploy a single set of unique identifiers. A realm is a unique logon space.
realm autodiscovery: A process used by client applications to obtain the name of a server
resource's source realm and then use that information to locate a security token service
(STS) that can issue access tokens to the resource.
security principal: A unique entity that is identifiable through cryptographic means by at least
one key. It frequently corresponds to a human user, but also can be a service that offers a
resource to other security principals. Also referred to as principal.
security principal identifier: A value that is used to uniquely identify a security principal. In
Windows-based systems, it is a security identifier (SID). In other types of systems, it can be a
user identifier or other type of information that is associated with a security principal.
security token: An opaque message or data packet produced by a Generic Security Services
(GSS)-style authentication package and carried by the application protocol. The application has
no visibility into the contents of the token.
security token service (STS): A web service that issues claims (2) and packages them in
encrypted security tokens.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): A protocol used with the Internet Protocol (IP) to send
data in the form of message units between computers over the Internet. TCP handles keeping
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
track of the individual units of data (called packets) that a message is divided into for efficient
routing through the Internet.
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): A string that identifies a resource. The URI is an addressing
mechanism defined in Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Uniform Resource Identifier (URI):
Generic Syntax [RFC3986].
user principal name (UPN): A user account name (sometimes referred to as the user logon
name) and a domain name that identifies the domain in which the user account is located. This
is the standard usage for logging on to a Windows domain. The format is:
someone@example.com (in the form of an email address). In Active Directory, the
userPrincipalName attribute (2) of the account object, as described in [MS-ADTS].
X.509: An ITU-T standard for public key infrastructure subsequently adapted by the IETF, as
specified in [RFC3280].
MAY, SHOULD, MUST, SHOULD NOT, MUST NOT: These terms (in all caps) are used as defined
in [RFC2119]. All statements of optional behavior use either MAY, SHOULD, or SHOULD NOT.
1.2 References
Links to a document in the Microsoft Open Specifications library point to the correct section in the
most recently published version of the referenced document. However, because individual documents
in the library are not updated at the same time, the section numbers in the documents may not
match. You can confirm the correct section numbering by checking the Errata.
We conduct frequent surveys of the normative references to assure their continued availability. If you
have any issue with finding a normative reference, please contact dochelp@microsoft.com. We will
assist you in finding the relevant information.
[IETFDRAFT-JWT-LATEST] Jones, M., Bradley, J., and Sakimura, N., "JSON Web Token (JWT) draft-
ietf-oauth-json-web-token-08", draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-08, May 2013,
[MS-SPSTWS] Microsoft Corporation, "SharePoint Security Token Service Web Service Protocol".
[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC
2119, March 1997, http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
[RFC2616] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., et al., "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC
2616, June 1999, http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt
[RFC2617] Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., et al., "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest
Access Authentication", RFC 2617, June 1999, http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2617.txt
[RFC2818] Rescorla, E., "HTTP Over TLS", RFC 2818, May 2000, http://www.rfc-
[RFC793] Postel, J., Ed., "Transmission Control Protocol: DARPA Internet Program Protocol
Specification", RFC 793, September 1981, http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc793.txt
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
1.2.2 Informative References
1.3 Overview
These extensions specify how applications can perform server-to-server authentication using a
security token service (STS). For example, an email service might use these extensions to
authenticate itself when it makes a call to an instant messaging service. Both of these services are
server applications. However, in the scope of this protocol, the email service would be the client, and
the instant messaging service would be the server. For an example of a server-to-server security
token that a client might send to authenticate itself, see section 4.2.
These extensions extend the OAuth 2.0 Authentication Protocol, as described in [MS-OAUTH2EX], and
JSON Web Token (JWT), as described in [IETFDRAFT-JWT-LATEST].
For conceptual background information and overviews of the relationships and interactions between
this and other protocols, see [MS-OXPROTO].
1.5 Prerequisites/Preconditions
The client is required to reside in the same realm as the STS to request a server-to-server security
token from it.
These extensions apply only when a service call is made to or from an application that supports
server-to-server authentication.
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
2 Messages
2.1 Transport
These extensions transport messages over TCP, as specified in [RFC793], and do not pass any specific
parameters to the transport. Transport-layer security MUST be used to secure the security tokens.
These extensions use HTTPS, as specified in [RFC2818], to do so.
Messages sent using these extensions are not encoded by Open-Data, as specified in [MS-ODATA],
and use the default character set defined by the client or the server.
Security tokens are JWTs and are sent using HTTP Authorization headers, as specified in
[IETFDRAFT-JWT-LATEST]. HTTP Authorization headers are specified in [RFC2617].
For more details about the messages typically exchanged between a client and an STS, see [MS-
For clarity, this document uses different names to refer to the server-to-server security tokens that
are exchanged in various scenarios. An actor token is a signed security token that is issued by an STS,
or by the client itself if the server trusts it to do so. An outer token is an unsigned security token that
is constructed by the client and contains user information in addition to an actor token. In this
scenario, the actor token is referred to as the inner token. All of these security tokens are formatted in
the same way, as specified in [IETFDRAFT-JWT-LATEST], and contain the claims and header fields
specified in this section.
The following table describes claims that are exchanged in server-to-server security tokens. The claim
values are all of data type STRING, as specified in [MS-DTYP].
aud The targeted service for which the client <security principal
issued the server-to-server security token. identifier>/<hostname>@<realm>
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[MS-XOAUTH] - v20160613
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
Claim type Claim value description Example claim values
actort The security token issued and signed by the See section 4.3 and section 4.4.
STS. An actor token has the same format as
any other security token.
msexchuid A unique identifier that the STS can give the objectGUID@contoso.com
This is an additional claim that the STS adds
and is not required by the OAuth 2.0
Authentication Protocol, as specified in [MS-
The following list describes the header fields in a server-to-server security token. The field values are
all of data type STRING, as specified in [MS-DTYP].
alg. The algorithm used to encrypt the contents of the token. The value of this field MUST be
either "none" or "rs256". Actor tokens are always signed and have alg fields that contain the
value "rs256". Outer tokens that contain inner signed tokens, as described in section 4.3 and
section 4.4, are not signed and have alg fields that contain the value "none".
x5t. The base64 encoded thumbprint of the certificate used to sign the security token. This field
is optional.
The header fields are contained in a separate part of the security token, as specified in [IETFDRAFT-
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
3 Protocol Details
Note that the client and server are in fact both server applications. However, in the scope of this
protocol, one server application acts as the client, and one server application acts as the server.
3.1.2 Timers
3.1.3 Initialization
A client can use realm autodiscovery to obtain the name of its realm, which it then uses to locate an
STS. It uses realm autodiscovery by sending a request to the server that contains an empty Bearer
HTTP Authorization header to the server. The HTTP Authorization header is specified in
For an example of realm autodiscovery through HTTP 401 challenge, see section 4.6.
The server-to-server security token sent by the client MUST be compatible with the JWT format
specified in [IETFDRAFT-JWT-LATEST] and [MS-OAUTH2EX].
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
3.2.2 Timers
3.2.3 Initialization
The following procedure shows the authentication that takes place when a client makes a call to a
server in the same organization using these extensions.
1. The organization's IT administrator sets up an STS and configures it with the security principal
identifiers for the client and server. The client and server each exchange public keys, carried in
X.509 certificates, with the STS. The administrator also configures the client and server to trust
security tokens issued by the STS.
3. The server responds with an HTTP 401 challenge. HTTP 401 is specified in [RFC2616] and
4. The client requests a security token from the STS. It does this by sending a self-issued security
token that is signed with its private key. The security token contains the aud, iss, nameid, nbf,
exp, and trustedfordelegation claims as specified in section 2.2. The client request also includes
a resource parameter and a realm parameter, as specified in [MS-OAUTH2EX]. The value of the
resource parameter is the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the server. For an example of
a self-issued security token, see section 4.2.
5. The STS validates the public key of the security token provided by the client, verifies that the
client is authorized to access the requested resource, and responds to the client with a server-to-
server security token that is signed with a public key that the server trusts. The security token
contains the aud, iss, nameid, nbf, exp, and identityprovider claims, as specified in section
2.2. For an example of a server-to-server security token issued by an STS, see section 4.1.
7. The server validates the server-to-server security token by checking the values of the aud, iss,
and exp claims and the public key provided by the STS. It performs additional validation checks to
ensure that the client is authorized to access the requested resource. It then responds to the
client with the requested resource.
The following procedure shows the authentication that takes place when a client makes a call to a
server in the same organization using these extensions. The client also sends user information to the
server, and the server uses the information to determine whether to return the requested resource.
1. The organization's IT administrator sets up an STS and configures it with the security principal
identifiers for the client and server. The client and server each exchange public keys, carried in
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
X.509 certificates, with the STS. The administrator also configures the client and server to trust
security tokens issued by the STS.
3. The server responds with an HTTP 401 challenge, as specified in [RFC2616] and [RFC2617].
4. The client requests a security token from the STS. It does this by sending a self-issued security
token that is signed with its private key. The security token contains the aud, iss, nameid,
trustedfordelegation, nbf, and exp claims, as specified in section 2.2. The client request also
includes a resource parameter and a realm parameter, as specified in [MS-OAUTH2EX]. The value
of the resource parameter is the URI of the server. For an example of a self-issued security token,
see section 4.2.
5. The STS validates the public key of the security token provided by the client, verifies that the
client is authorized to access the requested resource, and responds to the client with a server-to-
server security token that is signed with a public key that the server trusts. The security token
contains the aud, iss, nameid, nbf, and exp claims. For an example of a server-to-server
security token issued by an STS that contains user information, see section 4.3.
6. The client sends a self-issued security token to the server that includes the server-to-server
security token it received from the STS, as well as additional claims that contain the user
information. The additional claims are the aud, iss, nameid, nbf, exp, smtp, sip, msexchuid,
and actort claims, as specified in section 2.2. The actort claim contains the server-to-server
security token provided by the STS. Note that the server-to-server security token is signed, but
the user information is not. For an example of a self-issued server-to-server security token that
contains user information, see section 4.4.
7. The server validates the request by checking the user information contained in the aud, iss, and
exp claims and the public key used to sign the security token provided by the STS. Because the
user information is not signed, the server validates the user information by checking that the
values of the aud and iss claims in the user information match the values of the aud and iss
claims in the server-to-server security token contained in the actort claim. For security
considerations regarding the unsigned user information, see section 5.1.
8. The server performs additional validation checks to ensure that the client is authorized to access
the requested resource. It then responds to the client with the requested resource.
The following procedure shows the authentication that takes place when a client makes a call to a
third-party application in the same organization using these extensions.
1. The organization's IT administrator sets up an STS and configures it with the security principal
identifiers for the client and third-party application. The client and third-party application each
exchange public keys, carried in X.509 certificates, with the STS. The administrator also
configures the client and third-party application to trust security tokens issued by the STS.
3. The third-party application responds with an HTTP 401 challenge, as specified in [RFC2616] and
4. The client requests a security token from the STS. It does this by sending a self-issued security
token that is signed with its private key. The security token contains the aud, iss, nameid, nbf,
and exp claims, as specified in section 2.2.
5. The STS validates the public key of the security token provided by the client, verifies that the
client is authorized to access the requested resource, and returns a server-to-server security
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
token that is signed with a public key that the third-party application trusts. The security token
contains the aud, iss, nameid, nbf, exp, and appctx claims, as specified in section 2.2. The
appctx claim contains information that is implementation-specific to the third-party application.
For an example of a server-to-server security token that is used to access a third-party
application, see section 4.5.
6. The client sends the server-to-server security token to the third-party application.
7. The third-party application validates the server-to-server security token by checking the values of
the aud, iss, and exp claims and the public key provided by the STS. It performs additional
validation checks to ensure that the client is authorized to access the requested resource. It then
responds to the client with the requested resource.
When a server receives a request that contains an empty Bearer HTTP Authorization header, the
server responds with an HTTP 401 challenge, as specified in [RFC2616] and [RFC2617]. The Bearer
WWW-Authenticate header of the HTTP 401 challenge contains the following fields:
realm. The server MAY<1> return this field. This is the source realm of the client.
trusted_issuers. A comma-separated list of all security token issuers the server trusts. The client
can then select a security token issuer to request a security token.
For an example of realm autodiscovery through HTTP 401 challenge, see section 4.6.
The server can accept server-to-server security tokens with the claim types specified in section 2.2.
The server accepts a server-to-server security token that meets the following criteria:
The server-to-server security token is signed with a trusted signing certificate from an STS that
the server trusts.
The server-to-server security token contains an iss claim whose value shows that the security
token is issued by an STS that the server trusts.
The server-to-server security token contains a nameid claim with the UPN value of the logged-on
If the client constructs an unsigned outer security token to contain user information as well as a
signed actor token (that is, an inner token), as described in section 4.3 and section 4.4, the value
of the iss claim in the outer token matches the value of the nameid claim in the inner token. The
server performs a case-sensitive comparison.
The server-to-server security token contains an aud claim whose value meets the following
The aud claim value MUST contain three parts: client_id, hostname, and realm.
The value of the client_id part is the security principal identifier of a security principal that the
server trusts. The server performs a case-sensitive comparison.
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
The value of the hostname part is the host name of the server. The server performs a case-
insensitive comparison to verify that it is the target of the request.
The value of the realm part is the source realm. The server performs a case-sensitive
The STS uses the claims in the server-to-server security token to authenticate the caller.
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Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
4 Protocol Examples
In this example, a client attempts to access a resource on the server. The server responds with an
HTTP 401 challenge that lists the security token issuers it trusts in the trusted_issuers field. An
example of such a challenge is as follows.
1. The client sends its credentials to the indicated token issuer, which is an STS.
2. The STS authenticates the client and issues an actor token to the client.
3. The client uses the actor token to access the resource it requested on the server.
The following is an example of an actor token issued by an STS. For more information about the claim
values contained in this security token, see section 2.2.
In this example, the client tries to access a resource on the server. The server responds with an HTTP
401 challenge that indicates the security token issuers it trusts in the trusted_issuers field. An
example of such a challenge is as follows.
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Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
Content-Length: 0
1. The client is one of the token issuers trusted by the server, so it creates an actor token and signs
it with its credentials.
2. The client uses the actor token to access the resource it requested on the server.
The following is an example of an actor token that is self-issued by a client. For more information
about the claim values contained in this security token, see section 2.2.
4.3 Security Token Issued by STS with User Information Added by Client
In this example, the client tries to access a resource on the server. The server responds with an HTTP
401 challenge that lists the security token issuers it trusts in the trusted_issuers field. An example
of such a challenge is as follows.
1. The client sends its credentials to the indicated security token issuer, which is an STS.
2. The STS authenticates the client and issues an actor token to the client.
3. The client constructs an unsigned outer token that contains additional user information to provide
to the server. The outer token also contains the signed actor token issued by the STS.
4. The client uses the outer token to access the resource it requested on the server.
The following is an example of an outer token that is constructed by the client and contains user
information, as well as an actor token issued by an STS. For more information about the claim values
contained in this security token, see section 2.2.
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Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
"actort":"..actor token.."
In this example, the client tries to access a resource on the server. The server responds with an HTTP
401 challenge that indicates the security token issuers it trusts in the trusted_issuers field. An
example of such a challenge is as follows.
1. The client is one of the token issuers trusted by the server, so it creates an actor token and signs
it with its credentials.
2. The client constructs an unsigned outer token that contains additional user information to provide
to the server. The outer token also contains the signed actor token issued by the client.
3. The client uses the outer token to access the resource it requested on the server.
The following is an example of an outer token that is constructed by the client and contains user
information, as well as a security token that is self-issued by the client. For more information about
the claim values contained in this security token, see section 2.2.
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Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
"actort":"..actor token.."
In this example, the client tries to access a resource on a third-party service. The service responds
with an HTTP 401 challenge that lists the security token issuers it trusts in the trusted_issuers field.
An example of such a challenge is as follows.
1. The client sends its credentials to the indicated security token issuer, which is an STS. The
credentials include an appctx claim that contains additional user information to be provided to the
service. The STS does not examine or modify the user information in the appctx claim.
2. The STS authenticates the client and issues an actor token to the client that includes the appctx
claim provided by the client.
3. The client uses the actor token to access the resource it requested on the service. The actor token
includes the appctx claim that was previously supplied by the client and contains additional user
information to be provided to the service. This scenario is analogous to the use of outer and inner
tokens to convey additional user information to a server beyond what is required to authenticate
to an STS, as described in section 4.3 and section 4.4.
The following is an example of a security token that is used to access a third-party service and
contains user information. For more information about the claim values contained in this security
token, see section 2.2.
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Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
In this example, the client tries to access a resource on a server. It also tries to use realm
autodiscovery by including an empty Bearer authorization header in its request. An example of such a
request is as follows.
The server responds with an HTTP 401 challenge that lists the security token issuers it trusts in the
trusted_issuers field. An example of such a challenge is as follows.
In this example, the server determines that the value in the trusted_issuers field contains sufficient
information for the client to locate the STS, so the server does not include a realm field.
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[MS-XOAUTH] - v20160613
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
5 Security
The security considerations described in [MS-SPS2SAUTH] apply when implementing these extensions.
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
6 Appendix A: Product Behavior
The information in this specification is applicable to the following Microsoft products or supplemental
software. References to product versions include released service packs.
Exceptions, if any, are noted below. If a service pack or Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) number appears
with the product version, behavior changed in that service pack or QFE. The new behavior also applies
to subsequent service packs of the product unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appears
with the product version, behavior is different in that product edition.
Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optional behavior in this specification that is prescribed
using the terms SHOULD or SHOULD NOT implies product behavior in accordance with the SHOULD or
SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified, the term MAY implies that the product does not
follow the prescription.
<1> Section SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Foundation 2013, and SharePoint Server
2016 return this parameter.
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[MS-XOAUTH] - v20160613
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
7 Change Tracking
This section identifies changes that were made to this document since the last release. Changes are
classified as New, Major, Minor, Editorial, or No change.
The revision class New means that a new document is being released.
The revision class Major means that the technical content in the document was significantly revised.
Major changes affect protocol interoperability or implementation. Examples of major changes are:
The revision class Minor means that the meaning of the technical content was clarified. Minor changes
do not affect protocol interoperability or implementation. Examples of minor changes are updates to
clarify ambiguity at the sentence, paragraph, or table level.
The revision class Editorial means that the formatting in the technical content was changed. Editorial
changes apply to grammatical, formatting, and style issues.
The revision class No change means that no new technical changes were introduced. Minor editorial
and formatting changes may have been made, but the technical content of the document is identical
to the last released version.
Major and minor changes can be described further using the following change types:
Content updated.
Content removed.
Editorial changes are always classified with the change type Editorially updated.
Some important terms used in the change type descriptions are defined as follows:
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[MS-XOAUTH] - v20160613
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
Protocol syntax refers to data elements (such as packets, structures, enumerations, and
methods) as well as interfaces.
Protocol revision refers to changes made to a protocol that affect the bits that are sent over the
The changes made to this document are listed in the following table. For more information, please
contact dochelp@microsoft.com.
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OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
8 Index
A client 10
server 11
Abstract data model Introduction 5
client 10
server 10 M
Applicability 7
Authentication third-party application 12 Message processing - client
Authentication with user information within a single realm autodiscovery through HTTP 401 challenge
organization 11 10
Authentication within a single organization 11 server-to-server token contents 10
Message processing - server
C authentication with third-party application 12
authentication with user information within a single
Capability negotiation 7 organization 11
Change tracking 22 authentication within a single organization 11
Client realm autodiscovery through HTTP 401 challenge
abstract data model 10 13
higher-layer triggered events 10 server-to-server security token contents 13
initialization 10 server-to-server validation criteria 13
other local events 10 Messages
timer events 10 syntax 8
timers 10 transport 8
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[MS-XOAUTH] - v20160613
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016
Security token self-issued by client application
example 15
Security token self-issued by client application with
user information example 17
Sequencing rules - client
realm autodiscovery through HTTP 401 challenge
server-to-server token contents 10
Sequencing rules - server
authentication with third-party application 12
authentication with user information within a single
organization 11
authentication within a single organization 11
realm autodiscovery through HTTP 401 challenge
server-to-server security token contents 13
server-to-server validation criteria 13
abstract data model 10
higher-layer triggered events 11
initialization 11
other local events 14
timer events 14
timers 11
Server-to-server security token contents - server 13
Server-to-server token contents
client 10
Server-to-server validation criteria 13
Standards assignments 7
Syntax - messages 8
Timer events
client 10
server 14
client 10
server 11
Tracking changes 22
Transport - messages 8
Vendor-extensible fields 7
Versioning 7
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[MS-XOAUTH] - v20160613
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol Extensions
Copyright © 2016 Microsoft Corporation
Release: June 13, 2016