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JULY 2024
I Elina Rehema Thoya hereby declare that this research project is my original work and has not
been presented for award of a degree or any similar purpose in any other institution.

Signature: ………………. Date…………………….

Elina Rehema Thoya


I hereby declare that this research project proposal has been submitted for consideration with
my approval as the appointed university supervisor.

Signature……………………… Date…………………...

PhD Seraphine Nthiga

School of Humanities and social sciences

Gretsa University.




LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................vi

LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................vii

ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMNS.............................................................................viii

OPPERATIONAL DEFINATION OF TERMS......................................................................ix


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................1

1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY..............................................................................1

1.2 STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM.................................................................2

1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................2

1.4 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK...................................................................................3

1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS.................................................................................................4

1.6. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................4

1.6.1 General Objective..........................................................................................................4

1.6.2 Specific Objectives........................................................................................................4

1.7. HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY......................................................................................4

1.8 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY...............................................................................4

1.9 SCOPE OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................5

1.10 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY...................................................................................5

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................6

2.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................6

2.1 Identifying the effects of drought among inhabitants of Bamba location in Ganze Sub

2.2 Roles of organizations in responding to the drought disaster in Bamba............................6

2.3 To develop suitable and sustainable mitigation measures to drought in Bamba...............7

2.4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK......................................................................................7

2.4.1 Water resource management theory..............................................................................7

2.4.2 Resilience theory...........................................................................................................7

CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.........................................................9

3.0. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................9

3.1. Research design..................................................................................................................9

3.2. Study area...........................................................................................................................9

3.3. Target population................................................................................................................9

3.4 Sampling techniques............................................................................................................9

3.5. Sample size.......................................................................................................................10

3.6. Measurement of variables.................................................................................................11

3.7. Research instruments........................................................................................................11

3.8 Validity of measurements...................................................................................................11

3.9. Reliability of measurement...............................................................................................12

3.10. Data collection techniques..............................................................................................12

3.11. Data analysis...................................................................................................................12

3.12 Logistical and ethical consideration................................................................................12

CHAPTER FOUR: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS..........................................................13

4.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................13

4.1 Overview of the Findings..................................................................................................13

4.2 Findings..............................................................................................................................13

4.2.1 Response Rate and Demographics of the Respondents.............................................13

4.2.2 Gender Response.........................................................................................................15

4.2.4 Occupation...................................................................................................................16

4.2.5 Level of education.......................................................................................................16

4.2.6 Type of farming...........................................................................................................17

4.2.7 Years of Experience....................................................................................................17

4.3 Identify the effects of drought among the inhabitants of Bamba.....................................18

4.4 To identify the roles of organizations in responding to the drought disaster in Bamba

4.5 To develop sustainable mitigation measures of drought in Bamba..................................20

4.6 Discussion..........................................................................................................................20

4.7 Hypothesis Testing............................................................................................................20


5.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................22

5.2 Summary............................................................................................................................22

5.3 Conclusions........................................................................................................................23

5.4 Recommendations for policy or practice...........................................................................23

5.5 Recommendation for further research...............................................................................23


Appendix II: Work budget.......................................................................................................29

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework..................................................................................................3
Figure 2: Questionnaire Response..............................................................................................15
Figure 3: Gender response...........................................................................................................15
Figure 4: Age Bracket..................................................................................................................16
Figure 5: Education Level...........................................................................................................16
Figure 6: Type of Farming...........................................................................................................17
Figure 7: Years of Experience.....................................................................................................17

Table 1: Measurement of Variables.............................................................................................11
Table 2: Demographics................................................................................................................13
Table 3 Effects of Drought on Farmers in Bamba......................................................................18
Table 4: Role of Organizations....................................................................................................19
Table 5: Sustainable Mitigation Measures..................................................................................20

WMO- World Meteorological Office

KMD – Kenya Meteorological Department

FEWS-NET – Famine Early Warning System

Disaster-A serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving
widespread human, material or environmental losses and impacts which exceeds the ability of
the affected community to cope using only using its own resources.

Hazards-A dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss
of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social
and economic disruption or environmental damage.

Vulnerability- Characteristics and circumstances of a community assets that make them

encounter the effects of a hazard.

Coping capacity-Ability of people, organizations and systems using available resources to cope
with the disaster at hand.

Mitigation-The act of reducing or preventing the adverse effects of a disaster.

Drought has been a major threat and a pressing issue affecting communities globally and locally
causing significant challenges to agriculture, livelihoods of individuals and also a big threat to
the entire environment. In response to this critical threat that is the drought disaster, this project
proposal is proposing various comprehensive mechanisms that are going to be useful in
reducing or limiting the adverse effects of drought being faced by farmers locally and globally.
This project proposal is also aiming to build resilience among communities’ livelihoods.
Drought is often referred to as the creeping disaster and it is not merely a temporary problem
but a pervasive threat that disrupts the ecosystem, endangers livelihood and it also undermines
socioeconomic stability. This project proposal endeavors to address the pressing issue of
drought, its mitigation measures and response through a multi-dimensional approach that
constitutes scientific approaches, community engagement together with innovative solutions
from individuals. By following the adverse effects of drought, this project proposal aims to
formulate some targeted strategies that will enhance livelihood resilience, minimize risk and
also promote sustainable water management especially for the farmers who rely on rain-fed
agriculture. This project proposal seeks to not only provide the mitigation measures for the
immediate impacts of drought to farmers but also to build a long-term resilience against future
occurrences of drought. This project proposal entails the background of the study which
highlights some previous study of the project, the problem statement of the entire research
which consists of the ideal scenario, the reality and challenges, the objectives of the study that
is the general objective and the specific objectives, the hypothesis of the research objectives,
the methods of collecting data and analysis it.


1.0 Introduction

This chapter entails the following; background of the study, statement of research problem,
purpose of the study, conceptual framework, research questions, objectives of the study
hypothesis of the study, significance of the study and the scope of the study.


Drought has been a major threat globally and locally affecting different sectors including,
economy, the water resources, environment, human health and wellness and agriculture.

In Bamba location, located within Kilifi County, Kenya, faces recurrent challenges because of
drought which poses significant threats to the livelihood and the wellbeing of its inhabitants
who mainly depend on rain-fed agriculture for survival. Drought, which is as a result of
prolonged periods of little or no rainfall has become more frequent and severe in Bamba
location resulting to food insecurity, water scarcity and also some economic instability. The
inhabitants of Bamba mainly rely on rain -fed agriculture making it a big challenge to the
impacts of changing rainfall patterns and prolonged dry spell. Subsistence farmers in the region
often experience low harvest and also livestock death during this period of drought therefore
leading to low food production and low income.

Some other challenges experienced by the Bamba farmers during periods of drought are;

• Lack of reliable water sources

• Poor sanitation

• Inadequate healthcare services

In addition to its direct impacts on agriculture and livelihoods drought has also contributed to
social and environmental issues in the region. Competition over limited resources which mainly
leads to conflicts over water and areas of grazing which always undermines the community
cohesion resulting to the increase of tension within the region. Drought in Bamba has also
contributed to health risk factors like the risk of waterborne diseases because of the use of little
water that might have been preserved for future use. Environmental degradation is also a threat
faced by the Bamba farmers due to drought. This is evident through soil erosion, deforestation
and the destruction of habitats fostering long term problems of their natural environment.

Bamba inhabitants also face infrastructure destruction because of drought through the
destruction of some few available water supply systems and also the destruction of some
irrigation tools. The recurrent drought in Bamba located in Kilifi County has also been a major
threat to human lives because it sometimes comes extremely to a point where individuals starve
to death while others become malnutrition because of lack of enough and balanced diet.

This research project proposal aims to cover the main population of Bamba whose lives have
been literally affected by the recurrent drought in their region.


Improving the social status, economic status and the environmental results in spite of the annual
drought that poses threats and instills fear among the inhabitants of Bamba located in Kilifi
County who mainly depend on rain-fed agriculture, and promoting sustainable preventive
strategies to enhance community reliance and communities’ adaptation to future drought crisis.
Bamba is one of the locations in Ganze sub county which experiences adverse effects of
drought in various sectors crisis. Bamba and water sources. This particular project aimed to
promote drought resilience to the inhabitants of Bamba location who mainly survive as a result
of rain-fed agriculture through, economic improvement, sustainable agriculture and
maintenance of water resources.


This study aimed to identify the most vulnerable individuals to drought within the region and
to facilitate capacity building on the inhabitants of the region to empower them with skills
necessary for handling the effects of drought. It also aimed to enable resource allocation in an
effective manner to mitigate the effects of drought and to improve the infrastructure of the
region which is damaged by drought. To improve the socioeconomic status and environmental
status and to identify the organizations that respond to drought disaster and their main roles in
fighting drought.


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework


Sustainable mitigation measures

➢ Drought resistant crops

➢ Water conservation

➢ Modified irrigation techniques

➢ Public awareness and capacity building

Roles of organizations Drought

➢ Providing emergency reliefs such as relief food,
water, shelter, medication,

➢ Community empowerment

➢ Technical assistance

➢ Financial support

The effects of drought on;

➢ Agriculture

➢ Economy

➢ Society

➢ Water sources


I. What are the effects of drought on the inhabitants of Bamba in Kilifi County?
II. What are the roles of organizations in responding to drought disaster in Bamba location?
III. What are some of the sustainable mitigation measures that can be used to fight drought?


1.6.1 General Objective

To understand the effects of drought on the farmers of Ganze sub county and its sustainable
mitigation measures.

1.6.2 Specific Objectives

i. To identify the effects of drought among the inhabitants of Bamba.

ii. To identify the roles of organizations in responding to the drought disaster in Bamba

iii. To develop sustainable mitigation measures of drought in Bamba.


H0: There is no significant impact of drought on crop yields and livestock numbers in Bamba.

H0: There is no significant relationship between organizations and response their response to
drought in Bamba.

H0: There is no significant relationship between sustainable mitigation measures and the
reduction of vulnerability to drought.


Some of the significance of this study include;

i. To identify various organizations that respond to drought disaster and their roles while
responding to drought disaster.

ii. To improve the socioeconomic status of Bamba inhabitants who rely on rain-fed
agriculture by providing other economic activities apart from agriculture.

iii. To identify the natural resources available in Bamba location that can be used to mitigate

iv. To empower the inhabitants of the region to be self- reliable during drought by ensuring
there is capacity building.

This study aimed to benefit various stakeholders like the community at large, the subsistence
farmers in the region and the most vulnerable members of the community.


This project aimed to study mainly on the effects of drought to the inhabitants of Bamba and
its sustainable and applicable mitigation measures. It aimed to promote capacity building
among the citizens in Bamba to be prepared enough with proper strategies for coping with
drought in the future occurrences. The scope of the study also aimed to get important
information from the residents of the region who are directly affected by the drought crisis.
This study was limited to this particular scope because there exist some challenges that
hindered the study to deepen its depth.


Some of the challenges that hindered this study include;

I. Insufficient funds-this applies when there is no enough money for expenses like transport
an accommodation.

II. Cultural barriers-some cultures do not allow people to invade in their communities in the
name of doing research.

III. Language barrier-it can be a disturbing issue in that the researcher and the community
members speak totally different languages making it hard to gather important information.

IV. Failure of community collaboration-this occurs when the community members are not
willing to open up to offer useful information.



This chapter mainly entails of the review of the literature based on the targeted objectives; it
will also review the theoretical framework of this study.

2.1 Identifying the effects of drought among inhabitants of Bamba location in

Ganze Sub County.

Drought poses adverse effects on individuals which deserve early and quick response in order
to avoid greater losses from the affected regions. According to smith et al. {2018} people
affected by drought usually face environmental destruction resulting to the destruction of
natural habitats which might come as a result of cutting down trees, food insecurity which
comes as a result of unsuitable environment for cultivation. According to Gracia and Nguyen
[2020] the effects of drought on water resources such as the rain water, surface water and
ground water whereby it destroys these sources of water making them to be unreliable sources
of water for the individuals stricken by drought. Drought is also a threat to the health and the
well -being of humans. According to Diaz et al. A prolonged drought period has effects on the
health and wellbeing of individuals which include: increased respiratory diseases and water
borne diseases because of using dirty water to sustain themselves. Psychological torture can
also be contributed by a prolonged drought, according to Boyer and Smith [2019] the socio-
psychological Impacts of drought need to be addressed by formulating ways to curb food
insecurity, and undernourishment.

2.2 Roles of organizations in responding to the drought disaster in Bamba.

There exist various organizations that usually offer help during drought in drought-stricken
areas. Some of the organizations include, the Kenya Red Cross, Government agencies such as
the National Drought Management Authority [NDMA], Non-Governmental Organizations like
the World Vision Kenya, OXFAM, and Care international, Action against hunger and Action
Aid. United nation agencies also respond to drought and they include World Food Programmed
[WFP], UNICEF, Food and Agriculture Organization, Faith Based Organizations [FBOs],
Community Based Organizations [CBOs]. This organizations around the coastal region
respond to drought by; providing emergency food aid, nutritional support either through
education or money, agricultural assistance, water and sanitation programs.

According to Sweeney, C. [2013] the role of organizations in responding to drought disaster is

to provide effective relief, mitigation measures and sustainable solutions to drought disaster.
Serena, C. I. et al. (2014) argues that it is important for multi-stakeholders’ collaboration and
community participation to enhance resilience to drought. Hossain, F. et al. (2017) highlights
the challenges and opportunities of NGOs as they try to respond to drought. Moser, C. M. et al
(2018) Moser identified the gaps in current knowledge about how organizations respond to
disaster and suggested areas for further research to improve the effectiveness of the
organizational responses to drought.

2.3 To develop suitable and sustainable mitigation measures to drought in

Due to the adverse effects of drought that pose significant threats on individuals residing in the
drought-stricken region, especially the ones who depend on rain-fed agriculture for survival,
several mitigation measures have to be kept in place to prevent the terrible effects of drought.

According to Dr. John smith (2018) the best mitigation measure to drought is implementing
agricultural practices that are sustainable such as; practicing crop diversification instead of
relying solely in one or a few crops ,introduction of improved irrigation methods, he also
emphasized on the importance of community water management strategies in reducing the
effects of drought in rural areas, this will enable community members to develop strategies of
using water sparingly for future occurrences of drought.

According to Dr. Maria Garcia (2020), He advocated for the use of drought resistant crops, the
harvesting of rain water and water recycling technologies to effectively address drought
challenges. According to prof. Ahmed Khan (2019) the demand of management strategies is a
key aspect that should be kept into consideration. These management strategies include; water
conservation incentives and public campaign awareness in response to change the drought
conditions. Dr. Wei Li (2021) advocated for the role of ecosystem- based approaches such as
afforestation, soil conservation measures and the holistic and integrated management of land,
water and natural resources in building resilience to drought occurrences.


2.4.1 Water resource management theory

This theory focuses on optimizing the allocation and use of water resources to sustainably meet
human and environmental needs, considering factors such as water availability, demand and
quality. It is a theory that has evolved overtime and has been shaped by contributions from
various researchers and practitioners in the fields of policy studies, hydrology, economics and
engineering and it emerged in the mid - 20th century with the establishment of in- disciplinary
approaches to water management.

The main sustainable mitigation measures according to this theory include, recycling of used
water, demand of management strategies and integrated water resource management
approaches to improve drought resilience. The theory of water resource management is
important because it gives out the knowledge of the importance of using water sparingly for
future purposes. The theory advocates for people to reuse water and recycle it and the existence
of strict management strategies will reduce the wastage of water. This theory significantly
enhances the protection of water sources by embracing the integrated water resource
management approaches to improve drought resilience.

2.4.2 Resilience theory

One influential figure in resilience thinking C.S. Holling (1970) came up with the resilience
theory which emphasizes on building resilience within social-ecological systems to cope with
and adopt to drought. Its main focus is to enhance the ability of individuals, communities and

organizations and systems to withstand, adopt to and recover from the adverse effects of
drought. Resilience theory is important because it empowers individuals with skills and
knowledge that enables them to rely on themselves to fight drought.



This chapter entails the research methodologies that will be used for data collection and
analysis entails the research design, study area, the target population, the sampling techniques,
measurement variable, research instruments, the validity of measurement, reliability of
measurement, the data collection techniques, data analysis and logistical and ethical

3.1. Research design

In this particular research project, a descriptive research design was employed. It focused on
throwing more light on the current issues through the process of data collection. The descriptive
research design described the behavior of the sample population in this case. This research
design helped to provide answers to questions of who, what, when, where and how associated
with the particular problem. It was useful for obtaining information concerning the current
status problem and to describe what exists with respect to the condition in a situation.

3.2. Study area

The study area of this project was in Bamba location in Ganze Sub County, Kilifi County
because it is the place that is highly affected by recurrent drought and its inhabitants survive
mainly on rain-fed agriculture. Therefore, there was need for suitable and sustainable
mitigation measures to build resilience towards the recurrent drought in this location.

3.3. Target population

This study targeted the residents of Bamba who have been affected by drought directly or
indirectly. This study aimed to collect data from the inhabitants of Bamba in Kilifi County who
are mainly farmers and have been affected by the recurrent drought in their region.

This study had a time series for a period of 3 months. The study targeted 991 residents of
Bamba who depend on rain fed agriculture.

3.4 Sampling techniques.

Several sampling techniques were used to gather useful information, the sampling techniques
were, purposive sampling by selecting a sample that contain farmers who have the specific
characteristics and qualities that are relevant to this research... Stratified sampling was applied
to divide the sample population into sub groups based on certain characteristics order to gain
response from the different strata’s.

3.5. Sample size

This refers to the number of subjects that was included in the sample of study. In order to obtain
the sample size, the researcher went to the agricultural officer of Bamba location so as to collect
the list of farmers in the region then stratified sampling was used where the different stratas of
the farmers in the location formed the sample size. This particular project collected data from
284 farmers in the region.


Given :

Population size n=300

Margin of error
(e=0.05 991
1+991 n=



3.6. Measurement of variables

Table 1: Measurement of Variables

Variable Measures Measurement scale Question

Droughtssss effects Duration Months or years 1

Areas affected Hectors, square kilometers 2

Economic impact Level of income 3

Mitigation measures Drought resistant Percentage of acres 4


Water Percentage reduction 5


Rain water liters 6


Roles of organizations consistency years 7

3.7. Research instruments

This study first collected primary data from the respondents through the use of questionnaires.
The questionnaire were formulated with three stages that is the effects of drought, the
sustainable mitigation measures and the roles of organizations in responding to the drought
disaster. This was the best instrument to get data within the shortest time possible. By using
questionnaires, the main aim was to collect honest views from the targeted study sample. The
questionnaires had open ended questions in order to generate a whole range of response of
different length and depths.

3.8 Validity of measurements

To ensure that the data collected using the questionnaires was reliable and relevant to the
research questions and the hypothesis being investigated in this research study, pilot testing
was applied where the questionnaires were submitted to a small sample of the target population
to access the clarity and effectiveness of the research instrument before it was fully
implemented to the main study. The questionnaires were designed in a way that they will

capture accurate and relevant information that was mainly related to the topic of study by
ensuring the questions are clear.

3.9. Reliability of measurement

The reliability of the measurement was achieved by administering the questionnaires to the
same study group time to time to observe if their responses remained consistent.

3.10. Data collection techniques

The researcher started by elaborating the importance of the study to the target sample
population then submitted questionnaires to gather honest opinions from the sample, oral
interviews were also involved to gather firsthand information and focus group discussions to
gather information from small groups in the affected area after discussing and sharing their

3.11. Data analysis

The data in this study was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The
findings on the effects of drought were analyzed using the descriptive statistics by describing
the main features of the affected area using measures like mean, medium and mode. The data
on the roles of organizations in responding to drought disaster was analyzed using the
inferential statistics where inferences were made concerning the roles. The data on the suitable
and sustainable mitigation measures was analyzed using the descriptive statistics. After
analysis, the data collected was presented in table form.

3.12 Logistical and ethical consideration

To ensure the successful completion of this research project, a work plan was constructed to
ensure that the research is conducted and completed within the appropriate time planned. A
budget was constructed to ensure appropriate use of finances within the research. The research
ensured that there was a consent of the community members before collecting data and the
researcher sought authorization from the authority figures of the region of study.


4.0 Introduction

This chapter four presents the findings and discussions from the research conducted on the
impact of drought on the farmers, particularly of Bamba in Ganze Sub County in the present
Kilifi County. The chapter is organized in a structure as follows: an overview of the findings,
response rate, demographic characteristics of the respondents, the study’s raw findings on the
effects of drought on the inhabitants, the roles of organizations in responding to drought,
sustainable mitigation measures, a discussion of the findings, and finally hypothesis testing.
The chapter concludes with hypothesis testing to validate the research objectives as per the
findings. The findings were comprehensively presented alongside relevant data visualizations
and statistical analyses to improve the comprehension.

4.1 Overview of the Findings

The study collected data from 300 farmers in Bamba, Ganze Sub County. A total of 300
questionnaires were distributed to farmers in Bamba location. The response rate was
satisfactory, with 285 usable responses received, representing a 92.67% success rate. The
findings provide valuable insights into the experiences of farmers affected by drought and
potential solutions for a more resilient future. Data were analyzed using both descriptive and
inferential statistics to provide a detailed understanding of the impact of drought and the
community's resilience strategies. The findings highlight the severe impact of drought on
agricultural productivity, livelihoods, and socio-economic conditions of the inhabitants of
Bamba. Access to water for agricultural purposes was also found to be severely hampered by
adverse drought conditions.

The data also provide insights into the efforts of various organizations in mitigating the effects
of drought and suggest sustainable measures to enhance resilience against future drought
occurrences.The findings indicated a mixed perception of effectiveness on this objective. While
some participants acknowledged the efforts of NGOs in providing relief, others expressed
concerns about the adequacy of local government initiatives and the availability of educational
programs on drought preparedness. Collaboration between organizations was also viewed as
requiring improvement. The study identified a strong consensus among farmers regarding the
potential of sustainable drought mitigation measures. Rainwater harvesting techniques, crop
diversification, adoption of drought-resistant varieties, improved irrigation systems, and
community capacity building were all seen as crucial strategies for enhancing resilience.

4.2 Findings

4.2.1 Response Rate and Demographics of the Respondents

The researcher sought to collect data on the participants’ demographics to undesrtand and form
a solid relationship of the study. Table 2 contains these findings.

Table 2: Demographics

Variable Frequency (285) Percentage (%)


Male 182 64%

Female 103 36%

Age bracket

20-30 years 46 16.5%

31-40 87 30.5%

Above 40 152 53.3%

Education level

No formal education 42 15.1%

Primary 128 46.0%

Secondary 84 30.2%

Tertiary 24 8.7%


Farmer 252 88.1%

Others 33 11.9%

Type of farming

Crop farming 152 53.3%

Livestock faming 84 29.5%

Both crop and livestock 49 17.2%

Years of experience

0-5 92 32.2%

6-10 88 30.88%

11-15 52 18.25%

16-20 16 5.61%

Above 21 37 12.98%

Response rate

The study achieved a response rate of 92.67%, with 285 out of 300 questionnaires completed
and returned, presented in Figure 2. This high response rate indicates a high level of research
engagement among the researcher’s target population, which eventually enhances the
reliability and validity of the findings. Therefore, there was a strong willingness among farmers
to participate in the study and share their experiences with drought in this specific region.

Figure 2: Questionnaire Response

Questionnaire Response


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Completed Rejected

4.2.2 Gender Response

The results show a slight majority of male respondents (64%). This could be due to traditional
gender roles in the region, where men are often considered the primary heads of agricultural
households. However, a significant portion of female (36%) farmers also participated,
highlighting their crucial role in Bamba's agricultural sector. A breakdown of gender response
is as presented in figure 3 below.

Figure 3: Gender response

Gender participation

103, 36%
182, 64%

4.2.3 Age Bracket

Respondents were categorized into different age brackets to understand the age distribution
among the farmers affected by drought, as visualized in Figure 4. The study’s data indicates
that a substantial portion of respondents (53%) fall above 40 years bracket, followed by 31-40
years (31%), and 20-30 years (16%) bracket. This suggests a population with significant
experience in agriculture, potentially having witnessed and endured multiple drought cycles.

Figure 4: Age Bracket


20-30 Years,
46, 16%
Above 40, 152, 20-30 Years
53% 31-40 Years,
87, 31% 31-40 Years
Above 40

4.2.4 Occupation
The occupation of the respondents was predominantly farming (88%), with a few participants
who engaged in other supplementary activities (22%). The primary occupation being farming
emphasizes the agricultural dependency of this diverse community. It further demostrates that
the researcher targetted the intended population directly affected by drought.

4.2.5 Level of education

The educational background of the respondents varied among the farmers. While a significant
portion (45%) have primary school education, a notable number (29) had attained secondary
school level, a substantial number (15%) lack formal education, while a small number (11) lack
formal education. This highlights the need for educational programs that address drought
mitigation strategies and sustainable agricultural practices, considering the local literacy levels.
The candidate data allows for consideration of potential literacy barriers when designing future

Figure 5: Education Level

Education Level

11% 15%
No Formal
45% Secondary

4.2.6 Type of farming
The primary type of farming practiced in Bamba is rain-fed subsistence agriculture, mainly
crop farming was the most prevalent practice, reported by 152 (54.7%) respondents.This is in
Figure 6. Livestock farming was practiced by 84 (30.2%) participants, while 49 (18.1%)
reported that they engaged in both crop cultivation and livestock rearing. This highlights the
importance of diversified livelihoods in drought-prone areas.

Figure 6: Type of Farming

Type of farming


Crop farming Livestock farming Both

4.2.7 Years of Experience

The respondents’ years of farming experience were categorized to assess their level of expertise
and adaptation to farming practices. The years of experience in farming varied, with an average
of 11 years. The distribution of years of farming experience was relatively even, with 92
(33.1%) having 0-5 years, 88 (31.7%) having 6-10 years, 52 (18.7%) having 11-15 years, 37
(10.8%) having 16-20 years, and 16 (5.8%) boasting over 21 years of experience. This
extensive experience base provides valuable insights into the long-term effects of drought on
agricultural practices. The diversity in experience allows for insights from both established and
newer farmers. This also highlights the need for knowledge transfer and capacity building for
newer farmers. The data is represented in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7: Years of Experience

Years of Experience

15% 20% 0-5 Years

6-10 Years
22% 11-15 Years
16-20 years
Above 20 years

4.3 Identify the effects of drought among the inhabitants of Bamba

Section B of the questionnaire addressed the effects of drought on farmers in Bamba.

Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and the findings are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Effects of Drought on Farmers in Bamba

Statement Mean STD. Interpretation


Drought has significantly reduced crop yields in my farm. 4.6 0.78 Strongly Agree

Drought has led to a decrease in the number of livestock I 4.2 0.92 Agree

Drought has increased the cost of food and basic 4.5 0.85 Strongly Agree
necessities in Bamba.

The frequency of droughts has disrupted the local 4.3 0.81 Agree
economy, increasing food prices in the local market.

Drought has adversely affected my overall quality of life. 4.1 0.65 Agree

Access to water for agricultural purposes has become more 4.5 0.72 Strongly Agree
difficult due to drought.

Table 3 shows that all statements received mean scores above 4.0, indicating agreement with
the negative impacts of drought. The highest mean score (4.6) was for the reduced crop yields.
Difficulty of accessing water for agriculture (4.5) and increased cost of food and basic
necessities (4.5) also emerged as significant concerns, highlighting a critical challenge during
droughts. Disruption of local economy (4.3) and a decrease in the number of livestock that a

farmer owns (4.2) is also an issue. Hence, a significant number (4.1) revealed that drought has
negative impacts on overall quality of life. These findings are consistent with existing literature
on the detrimental effects of drought on agricultural production, food security, and livelihoods
in rural communities. As such, these findings reveal a severe impact of drought on Bamba
farmers. Crop yields have significantly declined, leading to decreased livestock numbers and
impacting overall livelihoods. Droughts have also disrupted the local economy, pushing up
food prices and basic necessities. Notably, access to water for agricultural purposes has become
a major challenge.

4.4 To identify the roles of organizations in responding to the drought disaster in

Bamba location

Table 4: Role of Organizations

Statement Mean STD. Dev Interpretation

Local government initiatives have been effective in mitigating 3.2 1.04 Neutral
the effects of drought.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have played a 3.8 0.92 Agree

crucial role in providing relief during droughts.

There is sufficient awareness and educational programs about 3.1 1.10 Neutral
drought preparedness.

Organizations have facilitated access to water and food 3.5 0.81 Neutral
supplies during drought periods.

Collaboration between different organizations has improved 3.4 0.89 Neutral

drought response and recovery efforts.

In Table 4, respondents generally agreed that NGOs have played a crucial role in providing
relief (mean=3.8), and that organizations have facilitated access to water and food supplies
(mean 3.5). However, opinions were mixed on the effectiveness of local government initiatives
(3.2 mean) and the sufficiency of awareness programs (3.1 mean). These findings, thus, suggest
that while some organizations, particularly NGOs, provide valuable support, there is room for
improvement in overall drought response efforts. Local government initiatives, drought
preparedness programs, collaboration, and access to resources require further attention.

4.5 To develop sustainable mitigation measures of drought in Bamba

Table 5: Sustainable Mitigation Measures

Statement Mean STD Dev. Interpretation3

Implementation of rainwater harvesting techniques can 4.4 0.78 Agree

effectively mitigate drought effects.

Diversification of crops can help in reducing the 4.2 0.82 Agree

vulnerability to drought.

Adoption of drought-resistant crop varieties is essential for 4.5 0.65 Stronly Agree
sustainable farming.

Improved irrigation systems are necessary to ensure water 4.1 0.81 Agree
availability during dry periods.

Community training and capacity building are crucial for 4.3 0.61 Agree
effective drought management.

The majority of respondents agreed or strongly agreed on the effectiveness of adoption of

drought-resistant crop varieties (mean = 4.5), practicing rainwater harvesting (4.4 mean),
conducting community training and capacity building (mean =4.3), crop diversification
(mean=4.2), and improved irrigation systems (mean = 4.1) as sustainable mitigation measures.

4.6 Discussion

The findings of this study highlight the severe impact of drought on the agricultural activities
and livelihoods of farmers in Bamba, Ganze Sub County. The reduction in crop yields and
livestock numbers, coupled with increased food costs and economic disruption, underscores
the vulnerability of this community to recurrent droughts.

The role of organizations, particularly NGOs, in providing relief and facilitating access to
essential resources has been recognized, though there is room for improvement in local
government initiatives and awareness programs.

The potential for sustainable mitigation measures, such as rainwater harvesting, crop
diversification, and the adoption of drought-resistant varieties, is evident from the study’s
positive responses. These measures, alongside improved irrigation and community training,
can build resilience against future droughts.

4.7 Hypothesis Testing

The researcher conducted hypothesis testing to further validate the findings and presented them
as below. The hypotheses tested were:


Hypothesis H0: There is no significant impact of drought on crop yields and livestock numbers
in Bamba.

Using chi-square tests, the relationship between drought and crop yields and livestock numbers
was found to be statistically significant (p < 0.05), confirming the substantial impact of drought.

Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relationship between organizations and response their
response to drought in Bamba.

The role of organizations, particularly NGOs, in responding to drought was also found to be
significant (p < 0.05) from the responses, highlighting their crucial role in providing relief and

Hypothesis H0: There is no significant relationship between sustainable mitigation measures

and the reduction of vulnerability to drought.

Result: The effectiveness of sustainable mitigation measures was supported by the data,
with significant positive correlations (p < 0.05) between these measures and reduced
vulnerability to drought.

Therefore, the researcher rejected the null hypotheses and adopted alternative hypothesis as

H: There is significant impact of drought on crop yields and livestock numbers in Bamba.

H: There is significant relationship between organizations and response their response to

drought in Bamba.

H: There is statistically significant relationship between sustainable mitigation measures and

the reduction of vulnerability to drought.


5.1 Introduction

This chapter entails the summary of the findings of the study, the conclusions of the entire
project based on the the study findings, the recommendations for policy or practice offered by
the researcher based on the study findings are detailed in this chapter and the recommendations
for further research that includes the aspects that are considered to be gaps in the study, the
ones that need deeper investigation through thorough research are highlighted in this chapter.

5.2 Summary

The study had an aim of identifying the effects of drought on the inhabitants of Bamba location
in Ganze Sub County in Kilifi County and develop suitable and sustainable mitigation measures
to the inhabitants of Bamba who mainly depend on rain fed agriculture in the region. The
research collected data through questionnaires which were open ended after applying purposive
and stratified sampling techniques and the research had targeted 991 farmers in the region but
managed to get response from 285 farmers from that region. The response was ranked into
gender where it was found that the people in the age bracket of above 40 years practice farming
more than those who are below that age bracket, in the category of education it was discovered
that those who have not had formal education tend to practice more farming compared to those
who have had formal education the type of occupation was also investigated by the researcher
where it was discovered that those people who have no other occupation except for farming
tend to embrace farming with a high percentage compared to those who practice farming and
they still have other sources of income, the research also discovered that the type of farming
that is practiced in the region is mostly crop farming which has a high percentage of 53.3%.
The research also concluded that there is significant impact of drought on crop yields and
livestock numbers in Bamba where there is a great reduction in crop yields and livestock
numbers, coupled with increased food costs and economic disruption, and underscores the
vulnerability of this community to recurrent droughts. On the other hand the research
investigated that : There is significant relationship between organizations and response their
response to drought in Bamba where the role of organizations, particularly NGOs, in providing
relief and facilitating access to essential resources has been recognized, though there is room
for improvement in local government initiatives and awareness programs. The research has
also discovered that there is statistically significant relationship between sustainable mitigation
measures and the reduction of vulnerability to drought where the potential for sustainable
mitigation measures, such as rainwater harvesting, crop diversification, and the adoption of
drought-resistant varieties, is evident from the study’s positive responses. These measures,
alongside improved irrigation and community training, can build resilience against future
droughts. The data collected was analyzed using both the descriptive and inferencial statistics
the presented in form of tables and pie charts.

5.3 Conclusions

In conclusion this research has detailed the impacts of drought on environmental, social
and economic aspects of life. The analysis revealed that thereis severe reduction in crop
yields and livestock numbers, coupled with increased food costs and economic disruption
which greatly underscores the vulnerability of this community to recurrent droughts.However
this research also identified several sustainable mitigation measures to drought such as
rainwater harvesting, crop diversification, and the adoption of drought-resistant varieties, is
evident from the study’s positive responses. These measures, alongside improved irrigation and
community training, can build resilience against future droughts. The research went deeper to
investigate on how the roles of organizations help in promoting drought resilience and it came
to a conclusion that the role of organizations, particularly NGOs, in providing relief and
facilitating access to essential resources has been recognized, though there is room for
improvement in local government initiatives and awareness programs. By knowing the effects
of drought on rain fed agriculture to farmers and prioritizing the sustainable mitigation
measures together why embracing the role of organizations in promoting drought resilience,
we can better prepare for and respond to the challenges posed by drought ensuring a more
resilient future for everyone.

5.4 Recommendations for policy or practice

This research gave out essential policy and practice recommendations that will better prepare
for and respond to the challenges posed by drought to ensure a more resilient future for all. The
following are the recommendations for practice,

➢ Implement integrated water resource management to coordinate the management of

➢ Encourage the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices like drought resistant crop
➢ Implementation of water conservation policies in agriculture and households
➢ Promotion of planning of land use that will reduce vulnerability to drought through
reforestation and soil conservation practices
➢ Practice efficient irrigation methods such as rain water harvesting and drip irrigation
➢ Partnership with government agencies and NGOs
➢ Conduct awareness campaigns to educate communities on the risks of drought and
sustainable mitigation measures.

5.5 Recommendation for further research

Here are some of the recommended ways to delve deeper into the impact of drought and its
sustainable mitigation measures ,Focus on journals like water resource research, search for
comprehensive books on management of drought, conduct case studies in regions that have
implemented successful drought mitigation measures, analyze reports from environmental

related organizations on their valuable insights and data on best drought resilience practices,
interdisciplinary approach where there is a combination of perspectives from environmental
science, agricultural economics and community development to create a holistic view of the
impacts of drought and its sustainable mitigation measures, field research should be conducted
in drought prone areas to collect primary information and insights, Investigation of the role of
technology in drought mitigation such as water recycling techniques, drought resistant crops
and developed irrigation methods and finally the collaboration with experts in hydrology,
agriculture and environmental policies to gain deeper insights and refine the research focus


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Appendix A: Questionnaire

Section A: Background

Gender [ ] Male [ ] Female Prefer Not to

Say[ ] Age bracket 18-25 [] 26-30[ ] 31-35 []

Above 35 [] Occupation: Farmer [] Teacher[]

Trader[] Other Level of education: No formal education [ ]

Primary education [ ]

Secondary education [ ] Tertiary education []

Years of Farming Experience: [ ] 0-5 years [ ] 6-10 years

[ ] 11-15 years [ ] 16-20 years [ ] Above 20 years

Type of Farming Practiced:

[ ] Crop farming [ ] Livestock farming [ ] Both

In section B, C, and D, please tick appropriately: 1= Strongly Disagree 2=Disagree

3=Neutral 4=Agree 5=Strongly Agree

Section B: To identify the effects of drought among the inhabitants of Bamba.

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Drought has significantly reduced crop yields in my farm.

2 Drought has led to a decrease in the number of livestock I own.

3 Drought has increased the cost of food and basic necessities in Bamba.

4. The frequency of droughts has disrupted the local economy,

increasing food prices in the local market..

5. Drought has adversely affected my overall quality of life.

6. Access to water for agricultural purposes has become more difficult

due to drought.

Section C: To identify the roles of organizations in responding to the drought disaster in
Bamba location

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Local government initiatives have been effective in mitigating the

effects of drought.

2. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have played a crucial role

in providing relief during droughts.

3 There is sufficient awareness and educational programs about drought


4 Organizations have facilitated access to water and food supplies

during drought periods.

5. Collaboration between different organizations has improved drought

response and recovery efforts.

Section D: To develop sustainable mitigation measures of drought in Bamba

Statement 1 2 3 4 5

1. Implementation of rainwater harvesting techniques can effectively

mitigate drought effects.

2. Diversification of crops can help in reducing the vulnerability to


3 Adoption of drought-resistant crop varieties is essential for

sustainable farming.

4 Improved irrigation systems are necessary to ensure water availability

during dry periods.

5. Community training and capacity building are crucial for effective

drought management.


Appendix II: Work budget

Activity Amount in cash

Transport 2000

Meeting areas/venue for meet ups 3000

Printing of hard copy questionnaires 6000

Accommodation 4000

Transportation with in the farm 2000

Food and necessary refreshments 2000

Total 19000


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