1. Derive the equation for the curvature and radius of curvature for a given curve in Cartesian form. 2. Explain the concept of evolutes and involutes with an example. 3. Solve problems related to angle between the radius vector and the tangent. 4. Find the pedal equation for a given polar curve. 5. Discuss the applications of center and circle of curvature in real-world scenarios.
Module-2: Differential Calculus - 2
1. Derive the Taylor's and Maclaurin's series expansion for a given function. 2. Solve problems involving L'Hospital's rule for indeterminate forms. 3. Explain Jacobian and its applications in solving composite functions. 4. Find maxima and minima for a given function of two variables. 5. Solve Euler's Theorem problems for homogeneous functions.
Module-3: Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) of First Order
1. Solve a Bernoulli's differential equation for a given example. 2. Derive the solution for an exact differential equation. 3. Explain the applications of ODEs in Newton's law of cooling. 4. Solve a nonlinear differential equation and find its singular solution. 5. Discuss the applications of ODEs in L-R circuits.
Module-4: Ordinary Differential Equations of Higher Order
1. Solve a higher-order linear ODE with constant coefficients using the method of variation of parameters. 2. Derive the solution for Cauchy's and Legendre homogeneous differential equations. 3. Solve problems related to oscillations of a spring. 4. Discuss the applications of L-C-R circuits in higher-order ODEs. 5. Find the inverse differential operator for a given equation.
Module-5: Linear Algebra
1. Perform elementary row transformation of a matrix to find its rank. 2. Solve a system of linear equations using the Gauss-elimination method. 3. Derive the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix using Rayleigh's power method. 4. Solve for the dominant eigenvalue using the inverse power method. 5. Verify the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for a given square matrix.