1. To impart the knowledge of Laplace transform, an important transform techniques for Engi-
neers which requires knowledge of integration.
2. Presenting the elementary notions of Fourier series, this is vital in practical harmonic analysis.
4. Impart the knowledge and application of difference equations and the Z-transform in discrete
systems that are inherent in natural and physical processes.
Course Outcomes
CO 1. find solution for second and higher order differential equations, formation and solving partial
differential equations.
CO 2. understand basic concepts of Laplace Transforms and solve problems with periodic functions,
step functions, impulse functions and convolution.
CO 4. know the techniques of solving differential equations and partial differential equations.
CO 5. know the Z-transform and its application in population dynamics and digital signal processing.
BL 4. Analysis: Making inferences and supporting them with evidence, identification of patterns.
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Course Plan
Module: 1 Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) 6 hours + 3 hours CO 1
1. Solution of second order homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coef-
ficients (Complementary function)
2. Solution of Cauchy-Euler differential equation.
3. Tutorial on solution of homogeneous differential equations.
4. Applications of second order linear differential equations to free oscillations in mechan-
ical and electrical circuits (without and with damping)
5. Solution of second order non-homogeneous linear differential equations (The particular
integral) by the method of undetermined coefficients.
6. Tutorial on solution of non-homogeneous equations.
7. Solution of second order non-homogeneous linear differential equations (The particular
integral) by the method of variation of parameters.
8. Applications of second order linear differential equations to forced oscillations in me-
chanical and electrical circuits (without and with damping)
9. Tutorial on the application problems.
Page 3
6. Second shifting theorem and problems. Inverse Laplace transform concept and some
simple examples.
7. Partial fractions and applications of properties for finding inverse Laplace transform.
8. Convolution definition and convolution theorem statement. Inverse Laplace transform
by convolution.
9. Tutorial on finding Inverse Laplace transform.
Page 4
4. Tutorial on the above topics.
5. Parseval’s identity and related problems
6. Convolution Theorem and related problems.
7. Simple applications for solving solve partial differential equations.
8. Tutorial on the above topics.
Text Book(s)
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2015, 10th Edition, John Wiley India.
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, 2020, 44th Edition, Khanna Publishers.
Reference Book(s)
1. Michael D. Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 2006, 2nd Edition, Pearson Edu-
cation, Indian edition.
2. Dennis Zill, A First Course in Differential Equations with Modelling Applications, 2018, 11th
Edition, Cengage Publishers.
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Internal Assessment Date of conduct CO
Digital Assignment 10 — CO3/CO5
Quiz-I 10 Before CAT-I CO1
Quiz-II 10 Before CAT-II CO4
Continuous Assessment Test-I 15 as per academic schedule CO1, CO2
Continuous Assessment Test-II 15 as per academic schedule CO2,CO3,CO4
Total Internal Marks: 60
Final Assessment: 40 as declared by COE All
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