A. Mitochondria
B. Golgi body
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
8. The site steroid hormones synthesized from cholesterol?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
E. Mitochondria
9. A …….. is basically a specialized vesicle that holds a variety of enzymes.
The enzyme proteins are first created in the rough endoplasmic reticulum
A. Golgi body
B. Nucleolus
C. Peroxisome
D. Lysosome
10. The site with generates most of the chemical energy?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
E Mitochondria
11. All the living material inside a cell, except the nucleus, makes up the:
A. cytoplasm
B. membranes
C. vacuole
D. cell wall
12. The site with the high level of hydrolytic enzyme activity?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
E. Mitochondria
13. Where is the site of protein synthesis in cells?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
E. Mitochondria
14. Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function?
A. mitochondria - photosynthesis
B. nucleus cellular respiration
C. ribosome - synthesis of lipids
D. vacuole- storage
15. A structure, consisting of 2 parts and having a diameter of 20 nm, is found
attached to membranes in cells. What is the structure?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribosome
16. What is it?
B. Golgi body
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
17. In the diagram below, what structure is labeled with the letter A?
A. Carbohydrate
B. Cholesterol
C. Protein
D. Lipid
18. The tail of a phospholipid is...
A. Made of carbohydrates
B. Made of proteins
C. Made of nucleic acids
D. Hydrophilic
E. None of the above
19. What is the function of the carbohydrates in the cell membrane?
A. Pumps and channels
B. Communication
C. Strength
D. Break down organelles
20. Which of these statements best describes the function of the cell
A. It allows substances to freely enter and exit the cell.
B. It controls which substances enter and exit the cell.
C. It prevents substances from entering the cell.
D. It prevents substances from leaving the cell.
21. Which organelle has the maximum oxidative enzyme activity?
A. Peroxisome
B. Mitochondria
C. Lysosome
D. Ribosome
22. The following cell components are involved in the synthesis and secretion
of an enzyme:
A. Mitochondria
B. Vacuole
C. Nucleoid
23. The organelle which can deliver vesicles, or packets of various cell
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
E. Mitochondria
24. The site of detoxification of drugs and harmful chemicals?
A. Golgi apparatus
B. Lysosome
C. Ribosome
D. Smooth ER
E. Mitochondria
25. Which series of terms is listed in order of increasing level of organization?
A. Cell organ tissue organ system
B. Cell tissue organ organ system
C. Tissue cell organ organ system
D. Tissue organ organ system cell
26. Which description of the heart is correct?
A. The heart is an organ, containing several systems, which forms part of the
circulatory tissue.
B. The heart is an organ, containing several tissues, which forms part of the
circulatory system.
C. The heart is a system, containing several organs, which forms part of the
circulatory tissue.
D. The heart is a system, containing several tissues, which forms part of the
circulatory organ.
27. The head of a phospholipid is...
A. Made of carbohydrates
B. Made of proteins
C. Hydrophobic
D. None of the above
28. What are the three types of passive transport?
A. Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion and pumps
B. Exocytosis, endocytosis, pumps
C. Exocytosis, endocytosis, osmosis
D. Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis
29. A hypotonic solution is one whose concentration:
A. is equal to that inside a cell
B. is greater than that inside a cell
C. is less than that inside a cell
D. None of the above
30. What forms the channels and pumps in the phospholipid bilayer?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Hydrophilic heads
C. Proteins
D. Lipids
31. What is the function of proteins in cell membranes?
A. Cellular transport
B. Photosynthesis
C. Cellular respiration
D. None of the above
32. A membrane is permeable to hydrogen but impermeable to sodium ions.
Which molecule cannot move into the cell?
A. Hydrogen
B. Sodium ions
C. Both hydrogen and sodium ions
D. Neither
33. The reaction to form disaccharides from monosaccharides is called:
A. Hydrolysis
B. Glycolysis
C. Dehydration
34. Name of the bond between 2 amino acids?
A. Peptide
B. Condensation
C. Ester
D. Glycosidic
35. Which is the basic unit of nucleic acid?
A. Fatty acid
B. Amino acid
C. Nucleotide
D. Nucleic acid
36. Which is the basic unit of protein?
A. Fatty acid
B. Amino acid
C. Amine
D. Nucleic acid
37. In a covalent bond, electrons are shared
In ionic bonds, electrons are gain or loss
38. Which bond is the strongest and most stable?
A. Ionic bond
B. Van Der Waal
C. Hydrogen bond
D. Covalent bond
39. Which of the following is true about fungi?
A. Eukaryotes
C. Obligatory parasitic
B. Prokaryotes
D. Cannot be grown on cell-free media
40. The domain of Prokaryotic included:
A. Eubacteria and protista
B. Fungi and archaebacteria
C. Protista and archaebacteria
D. Eubacteria and archaebacteria
41. The domain of Eukarya included:
A. Plantae, Animalia, Archaea
B. Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista
C. Animalia, Archaea, Monera, Plantae
D. Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista, Achaea
42. Which diagram shows a plant cell?
43. Which belongs to prokaryotic cells but not eukaryotic cells?
A. Nucleoid
B. Nuclear envelope
C. Nucleo lamina
D. Nucleus
44. What are the common features of prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
A. Have DNA, small and simple, lack of nucleus, lack of organelles, single
cellular, and linear chromosome
B. Have DNA, large and complex, contain nucleus, contain organelles single/
multicellular, linear chromosomes
C. Have DNA, small and simple, have nucleus but lack of organelles single/
multicellular, linear chromosome
D. Have DNA, ribosomes, cytoplasm, plasma membrane
45. We can divide the cells into:
A. Multicellular and unicellular
B. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
C. Single-cell and multiple cells
D. Autotroph and heterotroph
46. Which diagram shows one organ only?
47. A common chemotherapeutic agent, called Vincristine, is used to treat
cancers. It acts by inhibiting tubulin. What can you conclude about it?
A. It inhibits the synthesis of the biggest cytoskeletal element
B. It can cause neuropathy
C. It affects muscle contraction by directly altering actin-myosin interactions
D. It make the mutation of the genetic material
48. What is the correct order?
65. How many mitotic divisions must occur in a cell to form 1024 cells?
A. 23
B. 10
C. 46
D. 64
A. 1-3-2-4
B. 2-1-4-3
C. 4-3-2-1
D. 4-2-1-3
E. 2-1-3-4
69. Identify the stage of Mitosis shown in the image
A. Anaphase
B. Metaphase
C. Prophase
D. Telophase
70. Which is correct about the dark reaction of photosynthesis
A. In the thylakoids
B. It stores the light energy in the chemical compounds
C. Product is glucose
D. Product is O₂
71. Which energy rich-molecule, produced by cellular respiration, is vital for
the cells?
A. Glucose
D. Oxygen
72. Which is true about the citric acid cycle?
A. Another name is Krebs cycle
B. By the end of the citric acid cycle, we have 2 Pyruvate + NADH + 2H+ 2ATP +
C. By the end of the citric acid cycle, we have 2 pyruvate
D. Location is inner membrane
73. What is the incorrect statement regarding the Krebs cycle
A. cycle starts with the condensation of the acetyl group with pyruvic acid to
produce citric acid
B. At the end of the Krebs cycle we have 2 ATP
C. at a point, reduction of FAD+ to FADH2. Occurs
D. One glucose molecule, by the end of Krebs we have 2 acetyl coA
74. What is the end product of glycolysis
A. Fatty acid
B. Glucose
C. Pyruvate
D. Acetyl CoA
75. The food producer within the plant cell uses energy from the sun and
converts carbon dioxide and water into sugars. This sub-cellular
structure is called the...:
A. vacuole
B. mitochondria
C. chloroplast
D. nucleus
76. What is/are signal transduction process(es)?
A. Phosphorylation
B. Secondary messengers
C. Adrenaline
D. A and B
E. A and C
77. The other way to mention a local communication
A. Endocrine
B. Paracrine
C. Synaptic
D. Autocrine signaling
E. Contact-dependent
78. When DNA damage occurs, which system will be inactivated?
A. p53
C. Cdk/cylin
D. None of these
79. Which characteristic belongs to the paracrine messenger molecules?
A. They are large
B. They are short
C. They are stable
D. They are unstable
80. How many chromosomes in this diagram?
A. 18
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
81. A pair of sister chromatids attach with each other through:
A. centrosome
B. microtubule organizing center
C. centromere
D. kinetochore
82. At which stage of cancer does the cells spread through blood vessels and
lymphatic system?
A. Mutation
B. Intravasation
C. Tumor growth
D. Metastasis
83. Spindle fibers are made of
A. Lipid
B. Protein
C. Cellulose
D. Phospholipid
E. Phospholipid + protein
84. Which of the following is true about structure Gramm negative cell wall
A. Thick peptidoglycan layer
B. Periplasmie space is absent
C. Include outer membrane
D. All of the above
85. Which mode of action of antibiotic slows the proliferation of bacteria?
A. Bactericidal
B. Bacteriophage
C. Bacteriostatic
D. All of above
86. Viroids are
A. Viruses are genetically deficient and so incapable of producing infections
daughter virion
B. Infective agents with protein free, with low molecular weight RNA.
C. Protein infections particles, lack detectable nucleic acid
D. Extrachromosomal genetic elements.
87. Prions are:
A. Viruses are genetically deficient and so incapable of producing infections
daughter virion.
B. Infective agents with protein-free, with low molecular weight RNA.
C. Protein infections particles, lack detectable nucleic acid.
D. Extrachromosomal genetic elements.
88. The genetic material of HIV is:
C. Ribosome
D. Protein
89. Plasmid is a(n):
A. Extrachromosomal genetic element in the bacterial chromosome.
B. Segment of DNA carrying codons specifying for a particular polypeptide triple
nucleotide group, coding one specific amino acid.
C. Segment of RNA.
D. Naked Circular DNA that play an important role in translation of bacteria
90. Which of the following is true about the structure Gram-positive cell
A. thick peptidoglycan layer
B. periplasmic space is absent
C. include outer membrane
D. All of the above
91. What is true about benign tumor?
A. Do not spread to other part of the body, easily to remove by surgery
B. Invade or spread to other parts of the body
C. Cells travel through circulation
D. Spread by forming metastasis
92. At the end of Gram staining, Gram negative microorganisms have:
A. violet color
B. Green color
C. pink-red color
D. grey color
93. How autophagy different from apoptosis
A. Excessive autophagy leading to atrophy
B. It does not allow the cell to survive
C. Lysosomes involved
D. Balance the number of cell in the body
94. Apoptosis can be observed clearly at which points?
A. 1h
B. 2h
C. 3h
D. 4h
95. ..........also plays an important role in allowing the immune system to turn
off its response to a pathogen.
A. Apoptosis
B. Autophagy
C. Autolysis
D. Necrosis
96. Which of the followings cannot be used to culture viruses?
A. tissue culture
B. liquid medium only
C. embryo
D. animal host
97. …… is the ability of the cell that can generate the whole plant from the
single cell or the tissue by continuous division
A. Totipotency
C. Harry root
D. Embryo culture
98. The correct order of the lytic cycle
1. Attachment
2. Replication
3. Assembly
4. Penetration
5. Release
A. 1-3-2-4-5
B. 1-4-2-3-5
C. 4-1-2-3-5
D. 1-3-4-2-5
99. The linkage of lipids in Archaea is
A. Ester
B. Ether
C. Fatty acid
D. Glycerol
E. Phosphodiester
100. What is the transduction?
A. a virus transfers genetic material from one bacterium to another
B. a bacteria transfers genetic material from one bacterium to another
C. a bacteria transfers genetic material from one virus to another
D. use of a hollow tube called a conjugation pilus to transfer genes between cells
E. use of a hollow tube called a conjugation Fimbriae to transfer genes between
101. How is the pili different from Fimbrae?
A. They are longer and thicker
B. Governed by the genes in the nucleoid region
C. It helps the bacteria fight against certain types of antibiotic
D. It helps to form the spore
102. What is the characteristic of Gram-positive
A. They have an outer membrane
B. The cell wall is made of chitin
C. They have a thin layer of peptidoglycan
D. They have no LPS in the outer membrane
103. ….are known as producers because they can make their food from
raw materials and energy
A. Autotrophs
B. Bacteria
C. Archaea
D. Heterotroph
E. Phototroph
104. Which of the following is false about the general characteristics of
A. Do not possess cellular organization
B. They are lack biosynthetic enzymes
C.They are sensitive to antibiotics.
D. They are multiply by complex process
105. In the prokaryotic cell, where its genetic material is found?
A. protonucleus
B. nucleoplasm
C. nucleolus
D. Nucleoid
106. Find the correct match
107. One protein with the size of 1340 kDa is needed to pass through
NPCs to enter the nucleus. Which type of "ticket" is required?
D. Nucleoplasmin
108. Which of the following parts of the nucleus makes ribosomes and
A. Nuclear envelope
B. Nucleoplasm
C. Chromatin
D. Pores
E. nucleolus
109. Which of the following parts of the nucleus organizes DNA into
A.Nuclear envelope
B. Nucleoplasm
C. Chromatin
D. Pores
Phần II: Các câu hỏi thêm
1. What is the advantage to a eukaryotic cell of having a nucleus?
- Having a nucleus allows a cell to have much more sophisticated regulation of
gene expression than is possible in prokaryotic cells
- The nucleus protects the DNA of the cell
2. Modern Cell Theory tells us that: (mark all correct answers)
A. All life’s energy flow (metabolism & biochemistry) occurs within cells.
B. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life forms.
C. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
D. Cells are only found in animals.
E. Free cell formation, similar crystals
3. Modern Cell Theory tells us that: (mark all correct answers)
A. All life’s energy flow (metabolism & biochemistry) occurs within cells.
B. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life forms.
C. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
D. Cells are only found in animals.
E. Free cell formation, similar crystals
4. The kingdoms including organisms that are composed of Eukaryotic cells:
A. Plantae, Animalia, archaea
B. Plantae, Animalia, fungi, Protista
C. Animalia, archaea, monera, Plantae
D. Plantae, Animalia, fungi, protists, archaea
5. How many kingdoms contain organisms that have a cell wall? What are
- Four Kingdoms: Plantae, Monera (includes Eubacteria and Archaebacteria),
Protista, and Fungi.
6. Which of the organisms have cell walls made of cellulose?
- Plant
7. Answer these questions below with one / two words:
- The amino acid sequence of a protein is the primary structure.
- Stable chemical links between two atoms produced by sharing one or more
pairs of electrons is covalent bond.
- Name of the type of reaction producing protein from amino acids:
- Name of the covalent bond between 2 monomers in starch: glycosidic
(because starch is polysaccharide)
- Three-dimensional relationship of the different polypeptide chains in a multi-
subunit protein or protein complex is quaternary structure.
- The smallest unit of DNA: nucleotide
- The chemical bond formed when one or more electrons are transferred from
one atom to another: ionic bond
- Name of the covalent bond between 2 monomers in RNA molecule:
phosphodiester (because RNA is acid nucleic)
- The phenomenon when the protein loses its high-order structure, but not its
primary structure: denature
- In a hydrolysis reaction, water is consumed
- Name the types of bonds or interactions that stabilize the secondary
structure/ tertiary structure of the protein.
+ Secondary structure: hydrogen bond
+ Tertiary structure: ionic bond, van der Waals, hydrophobic interaction,
disulfide bond
8. Which substance acts as a medium for biochemical reactions in a cell?
A. Amino acid
B. Glucose
C. Glycerol
D. Water
9. Which of the following statements is true of carbohydrate glucose?
A. It is a polysaccharide
B. It is pentose sugar
C. It contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms
D. All of the above
10. Which of the following is an example of protein denaturation?
A. Several amino acids are joined together via peptide bonds.
B. A protein binds with a substrate, lowering the activation energy of a reaction.
C. Amino acids fold into repeating patterns due to the hydrogen bonding of the
peptide backbone.
D. A protein is exposed to extremely high heat, causing it to lose its secondary
structure and be left with only its primary structure
11. Hydrogen bonds are ....
A. Formed when one atom takes an electron from another atom
B. Strong bonds
C. Help to determine the shape and function of molecules
D. Are found between the sides of the DNA double helix
12. Which of these trace elements are found in very small amounts in your
A. Carbon
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Calcium
13. Factors that affect the activity of enzymes
A. pH
B. Temperate
C. Alkaline (Bazo – kiềm)
D. Substrate concentration (Nồng độ cơ chất)
14. Write the chemical formula for a compound with one Calcium atom and 2
Chlorine atoms. Predict the bond between them.
A. CaCl2, ionic
B. CaCl2, covalent
C. Ca2Cl, ionic
15. The covalent bond is formed between atoms of ...?
A. Metals
B. Non-metals
C. Metals and non-metals
D. All elements
16. In a covalent bond, electrons are ...
A. Lost or gained
B. Shared
C. Not stable
D. None of the above
17. What is the basic unit of protein?
A. Amino acid
B. Amin
C. COOH group
D. Peptide
18. The secondary structure of protein:
A. The linear sequence of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds
B. Folding of the polypeptide chain into local helices or sheets
C. Various loops and turns
D. At least 2 chains of amino acid
19. Recorded the following phrases
A. Two amino acids
B. to form
C. can be combined
D. a condensation reaction
E. a dipeptide by
- A-C-B-E-D
- Two amino acids can be combined with a dipeptide by a condensation
20. The following are building blocks of macromolecules, except
A. Sugar
B. Amino acid
C. Nucleotide
D. Acetic acid
21. There are 20 different kinds of amino acids. These amino acids consist of
five separate parts, except
A. Central carbon atom
B. Carboxyl group
C. Hydrogen
D. Carbon dioxide
22. Amino acids are linked by which kind of covalent bond?
A. Hydrogen bonds
B. Peptide bonds
C. Covalent bonds
D. Ionic bonds
23. The following are polysaccharides, except
A. Starch
B. Glycogen
C. Cellulose
D. Glycerol
24. Choose the wrong answer from the given choices
A. Phosphate group + nucleoside = nucleotide
B. Sugar + nitrogenous base = nucleoside
C. Nitrogenous base + nucleoside = nucleotide
D. Nitrogenous base + sugar = nucleoside
25. Fill the gap corresponding with the eukaryote's organelles. Guess if that is
an animal cell or a plant cell? Try to explain your answer.
This is a plant cell because we can easily recognize it by specific organelles: Cell wall, Chloropla
A. X must be transported via facilitated diffusion, but there is no transport protein
B. There is no permeability for X
C. X is a cation, so it remains in the cell
D. X must be transported via active transport, and there is no ATP
47. What sort of transporters would be required to move glucose from the
blood to the lumen?
A. Ethylene
B. Glucose
C. Urea
D. Benzene
A bilayer is permeable to small hydrophobic molecules and small uncharged
polar molecules: O2, CO2, N2
Slightly permeable: H2O, urea (NH2)2CO
Impermeable: ions and large polar molecules.
61. Glucose typically enters the cell through which mechanism?
A. Pinocytosis through a channel protein
B. Active transport by a glucose transport protein
C. Simple diffusion through the cell membrane
D. Facilitated diffusion through a carrier protein
62. Which fatty acid tail would contribute most to the stability of the cell
membrane of a thermophilic bacterium?
63. Which statement represents a notable difference between simple diffusion
and facilitated diffusion?
A. Unlike simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion can transport ligands against a
concentration gradient.
B. Unlike simple diffusion, the rate of facilitated diffusion is limited by the number
of transport proteins in the membrane.
C. Unlike simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion requires energy in the form of ATP.
D. Unlike simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion can occur in any type of cell
Unlike simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion involves a limited number of carrier
proteins. At low concentrations. Molecules pass through the carrier proteins in a
way similar to that of simple diffusion. At high solute concentrations, all the
proteins are occupied with the diffusing molecules.
64. The rate of osmosis across a cell membrane depends upon which of the
I: Intracellular solute concentration
II: Extracellular solute concentration
III: molecular weight of solutes
IV: Molecular weight of solutes
V: The presence of aquaporins
A. I, II and V
B. I, II, III, IV and V
C. I and II
D. I, III and IV
The rate of osmosis always depends on the concentration of solute; the rate of
osmotic of water is reduced in the absence of aquaporins. The primary function
of most aquaporins is to transport water across cell membranes in response to
osmotic gradients created by active solute transport.
65. In nerve cells, sodium-potassium pumps exchange two K+ for three Na+
across the cell membrane. What is the primary purpose of this exchange?
A. To propagate an action potential
B. To store electrical and chemical potential energy
C. To increase the concentration of Na+ inside the cell
D. To increase the concentration of K+ outside the cell
- Cells involved in the transmission of electrical signals (nerve, muscle...) have
gated ion channels for sodium, potassium and calcium ions in their
- The opening and closing of these channels, the resulting shifts in ion levels
inside the cell: electrical transmission along membranes (in nerve cells) and
in muscle contraction (in muscle cells)
66. Controlling center of the cell is
A. Nucleus
B. Nucleolus
C. Mitochondria
D. Ribosome
67. Nucleolus is found in
A. Protoplasm
B. Nucleus
C. Cytoplasm
D. None of these
68. The function of nucleolus is the synthesis of
B. m-RNA
C. r-RNA
D. t-RNA
69. Nuclear material without a nuclear membrane is observed in
A. Bacteria and green algae
B. Cyanobacteria and red algae
C. Bacteria and cyanobacteria
D. Mycoplasmas and green algae
70. The nucleoplasm is continuous with the cytoplasm of a cell through
A. Centriole
B. Endoplasmic reticulum
C. Nuclear pores
D. Golgi apparatus
71. The nuclear spindle consists of
A. One type of fiber
B. Two types of fibres
C. Three types of fibres
D. Four types of fibers
72. The "mastermind" of the cell is
A. Protoplast
B. Nucleolus
C. Nucleus
D. Plastid
73. Nucleoli are rich in
A. DNA and RNA
B. DNA, RNA, and proteins
74. Histone proteins found in nuclei of eukaryotes are
A. Acidic
B. Basic
C. Neutral
D. Amphoteric
75. The nucleus has
A. One membrane with pores
B. Two membranes with pores
C. Two membranes with pores through which substances do not pass
D. Two membranes with pores through which macromolecules may pass
76. Cell which does not contain nuclear membrane
A. Bacteria
B. Algae
C. Fungi
D. Lichen
77. What will happen if the nucleus is removed
A. Metabolism will increase
B. The cell will die
C. The metabolism will decrease
D. None of the above
78. Amount of which one of the following is more in the nucleus but less in the
C. Histone proteins
D. Non-histone proteins
79. In which of the following places messenger RNA is formed in a living cell
A. Inside mitochondria
B. Inside nucleolus
C. Inside nucleus but outside nucleolus
D. Inside endoplasmic reticulum
80. Nucleoproteins in a cell are synthesized in
A. Outside the nucleolus
B. Nucleoplasm
C. Nuclear membrane
D. Nucleolus
81. Which type of protein is found in the nucleus
A. simple protein
B. structural protein
C. conjugated protein
D. derived protein
82. The nucleus is enclosed in
A. Double and non-porous layer
B. Double and porous layer
C. Single and non-porous layer
D. Single and porous layer
83. DNA is mainly found in
A. Nucleus only
B. Nucleus and cytoplasm
C. Cytoplasm only
D. All of these
84. The structure of the nuclear membrane facilitates
A. Synapsis of homologous chromosomes at meiosis
B. Nucelo - cytoplasmic exchange of materials
C. Anaphasic separation of daughter chromosomes
D. Organization of spindles
85. Which of the following is not contained in a eukaryotic nucleus
A. Nucleosome
B. Nucleolus
C. Chromatin
D. Circular DNA molecules
86. The nucleolus in eukaryotic cells is
A. visible in metaphase
B. the site for synthesis of RNA polymerase
C. bounded by a membrane
D. the side of packaging of rRNAs with ribosomal proteins
87. Chromosomes always exist:
A. in pairs
B. in association with mitochondria
C. singly
D. none of these
88. The basic structure of chromatin is composed of
A. non-histone proteins wrapped around DNA
B. histone proteins wrapped around DNA
C. RNA wrapped around histones
D. DNA wrapped around histones
89. L-shaped chromosomes are called
A. Sex chromosome
B. Acrocentric
C. Telocentric
D. Sub-metacentric
90. The beaded appearance of chromosomes is known as
A. Centromere
B. Chromomere
C. Centriole
D. Centrosphere
91. Four different types of chromosomes of the same size are serialized as
A. Telocentric, metacentric, acrocentric, submetacentric
B. Metacentric, acrocentric, submetacentric, telocentric
C. Metacentric, submetacentric, acrocentric, telocentric
D. Metacentric, telocentric, acrocentric, submetacentric
92. Spindle fibers attach to chromosomes at them
A. Telomeres
B. Chromomeres
C. Kinetochores
D. Centromeres
93. Tips of chromosomes are called
A. Centromere
B. Chromomere
C. Telomere
D. Metamere
94. Chromosomes whose arms are equal are called
A. Metacentric
B. Acrocentric
C. Concentric
D. Acentric
95. DNA genetic material occurs by itself in lower organisms and is combined
with proteins as nucleoproteins in higher organisms. The nucleoprotein is
organized in higher forms to form
A. Chromosome
B. Nucleolus
C. Nucleotides
D. Nucleoside
96. The telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes consist of short sequences of
A. Adenine-rich repeats
B. Guanine rich repeats
C. Thymine rich repeats
D. Cytosine-rich repeats
97. The basic structure of chromatin is composed of
A. Non-histone proteins wrapped around DNA
B. Histone proteins wrapped around DNA
C. RNA wrapped around histones
D. DNA wrapped around histones
98. The arrangement of genes on chromosomes is
A. Linear
B. Ovoid
C. Diffused
D. Spiral
99. Identify the correct match between types of chromosomes and their