Vincent Song Guide Qs
Vincent Song Guide Qs
Vincent Song Guide Qs
1. Who speaks in the song?
2. Describe the night in the first stanza.
3. Describe the hills. Why are there shadows on the hills? What do these shadows do to the trees and the
4. What season of the year is depicted in the first stanza? Support your answer.
5. Describe the night in the fourth stanza. What do we mean by “portraits hang in empty halls?”, “frameless
heads on nameless walls” mean?
6. What kind of a man is described in the song? Mention his traits and attributes.
7. What attitude does the speaker in the song have for Vincent van Gogh? Why? Prove your answer.
8. Who do you think was the speaker to Vincent? Would you have understood Vincent the way the speaker
did? Why? Why not?
9. Was Vincent misunderstood by his fellowman? Why do you say so? Write the lines that prove your
10. What happened to Vincent? How do you feel about what he did?
11. . What is the message of the song?
1. Who is the main subject of the song "Vincent," and what is the significance of the title "Starry, Starry Night"?
2. In the lyrics, what do the phrases "blue and gray" and "flaming flowers that brightly blaze" likely represent in
the context of Vincent van Gogh’s art?
3. What does the line "They would not listen, they did not know how" imply about how society viewed van
Gogh during his lifetime?
4. The lyrics mention "morning fields of amber grain." What painting of van Gogh’s might this line refer to, and
5. What does the phrase "weathered faces lined in pain" suggest about the subjects van Gogh chose to paint?
6. Why might Don McLean describe van Gogh as someone for whom "this world was never meant"?
7. What do the "silver thorn" and "bloody rose" symbolize in the song, especially in connection to Vincent van
8. How does the repeated phrase "Now I understand" deepen the listener’s understanding of the singer’s
feelings toward Vincent van Gogh?
9. What impact did society's inability to "listen" or "know how" have on van Gogh’s life and legacy, as suggested
by the song?
10. In the song, how does Don McLean use imagery to capture the beauty and sadness of Vincent van Gogh’s life
and work? Provide two examples.