Starry Night
Starry Night
Starry Night
by Румиля Белебаева
History and
background of the
1 Creation 2 Inspiration
Painted in June 1889, Inspired by the view from
during van Gogh's stay at his window, overlooking
the Saint-Rémy-de- the town and the
Provence asylum. surrounding countryside.
3 Technique 4 Themes
Painted using oil on Themes of nature,
canvas, with thick, spirituality, and the
swirling brushstrokes. power of imagination.
Composition and use of colour
Composition Colour Contrast
Dynamic composition, with swirling Vibrant colours, particularly the Contrasting colours and shapes,
lines and contrasting colours. deep blues and yellows, create a such as the dark blue sky and the
sense of movement and energy. bright yellow stars.
Expressive brushwork
and dynamic style
Dynamic Lines
Thick, swirling brushstrokes create a sense of
movement and energy.
Impasto Technique
The paint is applied thickly, creating texture and depth.
Expressive Style
Van Gogh's personal style, emphasizing emotion and feeling.
Symbolism and
emotional resonance
Stars Sun
Representing hope, dreams, Symbolizing life, energy, and
and the vastness of the the cycle of nature.
Cultural Significance
The painting has become an iconic symbol of art and creativity.
Conclusion: The lasting
legacy of Starry Night
Starry Night continues to inspire and captivate viewers over a
century after its creation. Its timeless beauty and emotional
resonance ensure its place as one of the most celebrated paintings
of all time.