Name : ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Candidate has to paste stamp size / passport size photo in the place specified in the application
3. The eligibility and suitability of a candidate shall be considered based on the information
provided in the application.
4. All claims mentioned in the application should be supported by relevant and authenticated
5. Certificates for prescribed qualifications must have been obtained from Competent Authority on
or before the last date of submission of application.
6. Applications should be complete in all respect as on the date of submission.
7. For Sl. No 11, Photo copies of all relevant mark sheets should be furnished. Any additional
documents / certificates / records / photo copies provided after the last date for submission of
filled-in application will not be considered.
8. For Sl. No. 12, Photo copies of relevant experience should be furnished, without which
experience will not be considered. Any additional documents / certificates / records / photo
copies provided after the last date for submission of filled-in application will not be considered.
9. If a candidate has submitted more than one application for the same post, the latest application
submitted within the prescribed last date shall be considered as valid for the purpose of
10. Proficiency of Kannada eligibility is subject to fulfillment of kannada language proficiency
in the written test.
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11. Incomplete applications will to be rejected.
12. The selection procedure will be in accordance with the norms laid out for the qualification /
experience and others for the relevant posts and are as per the Advertisement published in News
Papers and available in the website:
13. For the post of Technical Adviser: Sugar Technology GM / DGM / AGM [Section Head] is
considered as higher level, Assistant Manager / Manager / Senior Manager is considered as
middle level and Officer / Junior Officer / Assistants / Instructor/Trainee is considered as lower
14. For the post of Technical Adviser: Sugar Engineering & Co-Generation GM / DGM / AGM
[Section Head] is considered as higher level, Assistant Manager / Manager / Senior Manager is
considered as middle level and Officer / Junior Officer / Assistants / Instructor/Trainee is
considered as lower level.
15. For the post of Technical Adviser: Alcohol Technology GM / DGM / AGM [Section Head] is
considered as higher level, Assistant Manager / Manager / Senior Manager is considered as
middle level and Officer / Junior Officer / Assistants / Instructor/Trainee is considered as lower
16. For the post of Sugar Technologist the experiences in the post of Shift-Chemist / Chemist /
Deputy Chief-Chemist / Chief Chemist is considered as middle & above level and Trainee-
Chemist / Junior-Chemist / Assistant-Chemist / Instructor is considered as lower level.
17. For the post of Sugar-Engineer the experiences in the post of Assistant Engineer / Senior
Engineer / Deputy Chief Engineer / Chief Engineer and above is considered as middle & above
level and Officer / Junior Engineer / Trainees / Assistants / Instructor is considered as lower
18. For the post of Alcohol Technologist experiences in the post of Shift Chemist / Chemist / Dy.
Chief Chemist / Chief Chemist and above is considered as middle and above level and Trainee
Chemist / Jr. Chemist / Assistant Chemist/ Instructor is considered as lower level,.
19. Working sugar factories experience shall be provided with the performance of the sugar factory
as mentioned in Sl. No. 13A. For the post of Distillery Chemist the performance of the distillery
to be furnished in the Sl. No.13B.
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Mobile No. :
5 a) Sex
Male Female
(Please tick )
b) Date of Birth
Day Month Year
(to be supported by a copy of the
valid certificate / SSLC Marks card)
Page 3 of 9
8 i) Do you belong to Scheduled Caste or
a) Caste
b) Sub-Caste
b) Sub-Caste
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Note: 1. Claims under item 8 to be supported with valid certificates issued by competent authorities.
9 a)
b) Income per annum
Ph.D Degree
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*Additional qualification means masters degree of minimum of two years duration.
**In case of CGPA / any other grade point system, the candidates are required to furnish the formula
to convert to percentage from the concerned institute /university from where they have obtained the
11A. Whether passed UGC-NET (National Eligibility Test) / SET (State Eligibility Test): Yes / No
Reporting Date of Date of Gross pay Reasons for Leaving
Name of the Employer Designation / Cadre
Authority Joining Leaving
(Rs. per month)
Level *
Level *
Level *
Page 6 of 9
Note: * It should be as per the sl. No. 13,14,15,16,17&18 of the instruction sheet.
Use separate sheet if necessary. Enclose certificate issued from competent authority.
13. A) Performance of the working sugar factory details where the candidate has served:
Sl. No Name of the factory Year Cane crushed Sugar bagged Recovery %
(M.T) (Qtl)
13. B) Performance of the working distillery / ethanol plant details where the candidate has served:
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14. Publications Note: Should be supported by duly attested copy of documents. Any additional documents / certificates / records
/ photo copies provided after the last date for submission of filled-in application will not be considered for award of marks.
Number of publications
Sl. No. Particulars
/ Article
i) Local Publication
Note: Candidate has to provide passport endorsements as proof of foreign visit along with the application. Any proof of photo
copies provided after the last date for submission of filled-in application will not be considered for award of marks.
B. Awards:
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Note: Candidate has to provide copy /proof of the awards along with the application. Any proof of photo copies provided after
the last date for submission of filled-in application will not be considered for award of marks.
I hereby declare that information furnished in this Application Form is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief. In case, if the information provided by me is proved to
be false, I shall undertake that I may be punished in accordance with law.
Place :
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