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Rizal Answer

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1. Who sponsored the Rizal Bill in Congress? What are their arguments in support
of the bill?
The Rizal Bill in the Congress was sponsored by Senator Claro M. Recto.
The bill was attacked based on its constitutionality and religiosity.

2. What are the arguments of the position of the bill?

The arguments of the position of the bill are as follows:
 The bill was an attempt to discredit the Catholic religion;
 Inimical to the tenets of the faith to which 170 lines in Noli Me Tangere
and lines in El Filibusterismo were offensive to the Church doctrine;
 The bill might divide the nation;
 The compulsion to read something against one's faith impaired freedom
of speech and religious freedom;

3. What is the importance of having dissenting opinions in democratic legislation

 Dissenting opinions in democratic legislation processes are important to
identify the different interpretations of the existing case law, the application of
different principles, or different interpretations of the facts. It shall be taken
when the disagreements of the opposition occur concerning the amendments
of the proponent.

4. What are the amendments made in the original Rizal Bill in order to perfect it?

Amendments made in the original Rizal Bill in order to perfect it are as follows:
 Mandates all educational institutions in the Philippines to offer courses
about José Rizal. The full name of the law is An Act to Include in the
Curricula of All Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Courses On the Life, Works and Writings of Jose Rizal, Particularly His
Novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, Authorizing the Printing
and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes. The Rizal law, in any
case, was emphatically restricted by the Christian church much
appreciated to the anti-clerical subjects that were pertinent in Rizal's books
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo;
 And the inclusion of all works and writings of Jose Rizal, not just the two
novels, was the main feature of this bill. He then stressed the removal of
the term "compulsion" to appease the opposition. However, Senator Laurel
asserted the importance of reading the original and unexpurgated edition
of Rizal's novels because the true purpose of studying these will be
defeated if not followed. To add a more conciliating clause, the last
amendment was proposed – the provisions regarding the "exemption" of
students from reading the two novels on certain conditions.

Reflect on the importance of law in a democratic society. As a law-abiding citizen, what

can you do to uphold the rule of law? What are the implications when the rule of law is
Rule of law is a set of principles for ensuring an orderly and just society, no one
is above the law, and everyone is treated equally or held accountable to the same law.
In that case, I should follow the rulings and regulations of the law since no one shall be
bound exempted to those acts that had been made by our law makers. I must be aware
of it for the avoidance of penalties or sanctions amended by each laws.
Once the rule of law is eradicated, it would be easier to those people who holds
power in the society to underestimate poor and innocent people through the use of
bribery and threats. In addition, inequalities will arise since only elite or wealthy people
deserves justice on every crime, no money, no justice and poverty will increase since
lower classes of individual has no right to be served justice.
1. What are the differences of the Western concept of Hero and Filipino concept of

Hero is normally defined here as in illustrious man, often of divine descent, or

with distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, and fortitude in suffering, who is
supposed to be exalted after death.
Filipino concept of Bayani is a much broader concept, albeit stripped of grandeur.
Known as Bayani, Bagani, Magani, or Wani in various Filipino ethno –linguistic
groups, a hero in early Philippine societies was just a normal warrior of the
community. His simple tasks were based on daily needs of the village.
Pangangayaw or raiding into unallied territory is an example of this. According to
William Henry Scott, pangangayaw was done because of four reasons, namely:
1) to secure resources, ranging from the occasional use goods or bounty to
human slaves; 2) to avenge a personal affront or family honor; 3) to fulfill
mourning requirements to which the life of enemies must be sacrificed; and lastly
4) for personal prominence or a mercenary reward.

2. Enumerate the criteria in recognizing heroes. Explain their meaning.

a) The extent of a person’s sacrifice for the welfare of the country

It is the assessment of the person’s contribution to its country, the impact
of his heroism, and the best outcome that he/she had done in his
b) The motive and methods employed in the attainment of the ideal (welfare
of the country)
His ideal purely for the welfare of the country and without any taint of self-
interested motives, most of all the method of attainment should be morally
c) The moral character of the person concerned
The person should not have any immorality issue that affected his ideal
d) The influence of the person concerned on his/her age and or the
succeeding age
Influence a greater good not only to millennial but both young and old
people. He/she must retain morality to its people even times goes by.
e) Those who have a concept of nation and thereafter aspire and struggle for
the nation’s freedom
They must have desired the country’s freedom in any situation especially
when there’s a threat of invasion in any form
f) Those who define and contribute to a system of life of freedom and order
for a nation
One who helps in the orderliness and betterment of the country.
g) Those who contribute to the quality of life and destiny of a nation
He/she must sacrifice his life for the greatest good of the nation.
h) A part of the people’s expression
The citizen must have recognized and acknowledged the person as a hero
i) Person who thinks in the future, especially the future generations
 His concern for the future generations must be seen in his decisions and
j) The choice of a hero involves not only the recounting of an episode or
events in history, but of the entire process that made this particular person
a hero.
A hero is born not because that the greatest good that he/she had done
has a link to the previous heroes attainment. Hero was born by making
what is the greatest good, to become a role model, and to provide a new
quality of life to the nation.

3. What are the steps done by the colonial and post-colonial Philippines in
promoting the heroism of Rizal?
Jose P. Rizal's death on December 31, 1896, changed the Philippines. The
Filipinos were truly affected by his death in a sense that they were urged to start
a revolution against the Spanish government to gain control of the Philippines.
He greatly influenced the Filipino people because of what he did for the country.

Reflect on the Filipino concept of a hero. Now that the nature of the concept of “hero”
has been clarified as not to be posthumous award, how can a student like you become
a bayani in your own way?
Well, I will follow the criteria in recognizing a hero. Everyone can be a hero, as
we know heroes are not born because they are made. We could be a hero in our own
way by studying well and to become a successful individual of the nation using our
knowledge and skills. And we can use our profession as a weapon to become a hero of
our country.
1. What is the difference between the historic Rizal and symbolic Rizal?
Historic Rizal pertains to Rizal in 19th century who was born and died (the
true person), published Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, studied at the
Ateneo Municipal in Manila, we can read in History Books, and founded the La
Liga Filipina and the Martyr of Bagumbayan. But the symbolic Rizal pertains to
the second Rizal, Rizal in Luneta, the Rizal as an icon of Rock, the Rizal in the
one peso coin, the Rizal in t-shirts, the Rizal in postage stamps, and the list goes

2. What is a text? A sign? A symbol?

a. Text
 Is anything that can be read, interpreted, and analyze.
 Includes sign and symbol.
 Contains an effect to the reader’s interpretation rather than a product
of its author.
b. Sign
 A kind of text which represents a fixed reality and posits itself as a
means of portraying the reality.
 A sign is a “closed” text which implies that the freedom to create
meaning is being monopolized (Umberto Eco).
 A sign is a readerly text, which can be understood as a kind of text
whose meaning is predetermined; the reader is merely a site to receive
information (Roland Barthes).
c. Symbol
 Conveys meaning not only about itself but about cultural processes
and relationships; meaning, therefore that is not constant but
constituted through a human agency.
 A symbol is an “open” text which implies that any interpretation may be
valid (Umberto Eco).
 A symbol is a writerly text, meaning that the reader is in a position of
control and takes an active role in the construction of meaning (Roland

3. What instances in the past show that Rizal’s image was manipulated by people?
Since anyone can be a hero, makes his own image and his own story like
a soldier who have received an award through their bravery and sacrifices in the
middle of the war to defend and maintain peace to its people.
Reflect on the concept of text. It can be deduced using the definition of text that it is
impossible to establish a single meaning since all things viewed as text are open to
many interpretations. Applying this in the study of History, the past may be
considered a text, especially when it has been put into writing. It is really impossible
to come up with a single historic fact?
As we know text is anything that can be read, interpreted, and analyse, so some
text written in our history are not accurate enough because of lack of historic fact.
We cannot say that all text written in the Philippine history are true and cannot be
objected because sometimes writers of historical wrote only facts that are found
which is not enough to prove on what really happened in the past since most of our
historical facts had been destroyed by the colonial war.
1. How many History contribute to the process of nation-building?
The Spanish, American, and Japanese war influenced the Philippines for
the reconstruction and development through modernization and democratization.
It contributes a special relationship to transform Philippines into a model that
would then naturally expand into a transcontinental informal empire.

2. How can the study of life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal contribute to the
process of nation-building?
 The noble aspiration was a major step necessary in national development.
 Rizal insist on education as the instrument of social progress
 The means at nation building is national unity.

3. What are the crucial infinitives in life according to Gemino Abad?

Gemino Abad referred to as the crucial infinitives in life which are “to read,
to think, to write”. Everyone is enjoined to participate in political and social
processes of building the nation, not necessarily great things right away but in
small yet impactful ways.

Reflect on Rizal’s role as a symbol of nation-building. As a student, how can you

become a herald of nationalism?
As a student and future accountant, I must consider my learnings at school to
use as a weapon on pushing nationalism by conducting what is right and the greatest
good for the nation without violating any laws and regulations of the government.
Lesson 5
1. What were the most important economic changes in the Philippines during the
19th century?
The important economic changes in the Philippines during the 19 th century
is the opening of the Philippine to world trade that increases in the economic
activities in the country from the European states which also includes to allow
Filipino people to travel in foreign countries.

2. How did these economic changes affect the live of Filipinos during that time?
 The nullification of the slave raiding activities of the Moro that led to the
development of the agricultural lands and the discovery of new
 The emergence of local elites but the developments gave a gap
between the rich and poor that tends to increase crimes such as
robbing, kidnapping, and pillaging activities.

3. The Spaniard also provided educational reforms especially in higher education in

the country. Universities in the Philippines such as the Ateneo and the University
of SantoTomas were require to provide secular courses to Filipinos. How did
education help in shaping the nationalistic consciousness of Filipinos during that
Using education, the Filipino people gain enough knowledge with regards
to their rights and freedom against the Spanish government who stole their land
and treat them like a slaves.

4. Based on your personality assessment, how were these events in the 19th
century crucial to the formation of Rizal’s love for his country?

Through this events during 19th century, aside from Rizal came from the
elite family, he has the opportunity to study not only in the Philippines but also to
foreign countries and that education made him realized that the Spanish
governance in the Philippines were full of discriminations and unequal rights.
Rizal work for our country to make a change and to open the eyes of the Filipino
people from being naïve to a well-educated individual.
Reflect on the importance of a person’s context in his/her awareness of the various
problems in society. What are the different problems in your community today? How do
these problems affect your daily life? How can these problems be addressed by an
ordinary student or a citizen?
Our community nowadays was in the middle of the covid-19 crisis and we need a
lot of adjustments most especially in following the health and safety protocols provided
by the government. We agree with it and we know that this is the greatest good for each
one of us to avoid the spread of the virus.
Lesson 6
Reflect on why Rizal highlighted the story of the moth in the last chapter of his
Memorias. What was the message intended by Rizal through this story? Is the moral of
the story still applicable for today’s generation? What does the light symbolize?

The story of the young and old moth helps to open the eyes of Rizal at his young
age. It inspire him that death does not matter as long as you know what is right and
walks with the light. These story is still applicable nowadays by fighting for what is right,
the greatest good, and walking with the light even though vulnerabilities are yet to come
cause by our advocacy. The light symbolizes, goodness, bravery, and fight darkness.
Lesson 7
1. Create a Curiculum Vitae (CV) of Rizal based on the discussion. You may also
use other sources in creating Rizal’s CV.


Rizal Shrine, Calamba, Laguna, Philippines 4025
Tel. No.: (02) 345-2452
Mobile No.: 09305488103
Email Address: joserizal1861@gmail.com


Seeking for a professorial position in an establishment wherein I can share my

knowledge in different fields, talents, skills, expertise and work experiences in pursuit of
the institution’s goal towards success and excellence.

Tertiary: University of Leipzig, Germany
History and Psychology

University of Heidelberg, Germany (1887)

Eye specialization course

University of Paris, France (1886)

Opthalmological Studies

Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando (1885)

Painting, Sculpture, French, German and English

Universidad Central de Madrid

License in Medicine (1884) and Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters (1885)

University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (1882)

Medicinal Studies (Notable: Very good)

University of Santo Tomas, Manila (1877-1878)

Philosophy [Cosmology, Theodicy, Metaphysics, History, and Philosophy]
Very good)
Ateneo Municipal, Manila (1877-1880)
Land Surveying (Sobresaliente)

Secondary: Ateneo Municipal, Manila (1873-1877)

Graduated Sobresaliente with 5 medals

Santa Isabel College


Primary: Ateneo Municipal, Manila (1872-1873)

Biñan, Laguna (Under Justiniano Aquino Cruz) (1869-1872)
Private Studies with Leon Monroy, Maestro Celestino, Maestro Lucas

4-year practical training in medicine, Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Intramuros

Opthalmology Intern of Dr. Otto Becker, University Eye Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany

Clinical Assistant, Dr. L. de Weckert’s clinic, Paris, France

Mixed martial arts (wrestling, weightlifting, fencing, marksmanship, and arnis de mano),
Calamba public gym


Noli me Tangere, 1887

El Filibusterismo, 1891

Mi Ultimo Adios, 1898

Annotations to Antonio de Moragas, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas, 1889

Other poems, essays, plays, political writings, sketches, and sculptures

(Available upon request)


Fluent in Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian,
Japanese, Latin, Malayan, Portuguese, Russian, Sanskrit, Spanish, and Filipino
(Tagalog, Ilokano, Bisayan, and Subanon)

Skilled in sculpture, sketching, fencing, marksmandship, wrestling, and arnis de mano

Member of La Liga Filipina, Berlin Ethnographical Society, Berlin Anthropological

Society, Gran Oriente de España, Academy of Spanish Literature, Academy of Natural

Interest in creative writing and poetry, won in Liceo Artistico Literario de Manila
Excellence in cosmology, theodicy, philosophy, letters, metaphysics and history

Gained training and post-doctoral degrees in medicine, specifically in Opthalmology

Works under minimal supervision

Determined, self-motivated, prioritizes work responsibilities

Strong leadership abilities, and communicates effectively

2. Austin craig was one of the first to write about Rizal’s biography. One of his most
notable works about Rizal was the Rizal family tree. Using Craig’s work, recreate
Rizal’s family tree and identify notable individuals today who are related to Rizal.
Reflect on the importance of influencers in an individual’s life. Who are the most
influential people in our life? How did they affect your outlook about different aspects of
your personal, academic, and even social life? Can a person live without the influence
of others?
People who are most influential in our life are those individual who became
successful in conquering their goals that gave us a big impact to the quotes “if they can,
why can’t I” and that will tend a person to strive more to become the best of all the best.
Idolatry could give us a link on how the succeed in life and serves as an inspiration as
we go further in our goals. A person can live with or without influence of others,
individual can live without influence most especially if he/she wanted to do things by its
own way without any link to the behaviour of those influential people.
Lesson 8
1. Enumerate at least five skills shown by Rizal during his time in Dapitan. How
were these skills instrumental in improving life in the area?
 Business ventures- he conducted it to boost the economy in the area.
 Improvement of water system- conducted a survey to improved farming.
 Education- established schools to educate the people.
 Geography- land survey in Mindanao.
 Art works- poetry, painting, sculpture, and martial arts.

2. Among the many skills shown by Rizal, what do you think was the most important
in terms of its contribution to the nation?

The best contribution of Rizal in the nation is education, through education

Filipino people gain knowledge and open their eyes that the Spanish government
gave them a big burden such as discrimination and equal rights that poor people
had no chances to succeed in life.

3. In your personal opinion, can we consider Rizal as a genius? What are our
parameters in considering him as a genius?

Yes, because without his abilities and capabilities how come he became a
national hero by educating the Filipino people and sharing his advocacy that
could give a greatest good to our country. He engaged in different community
projects that boosted the economy and quality of life in the area. He remained
true to his vow to educate the Filipinos by establishing a school in Dapitan.
Whether he was a genius or not by today’s standards, Rizal embodies his vision
of a true scholar and citizen in the service of his country.

Reflect on the importance of not limiting yourself and what you can learn as an
individual. How can you try and explore different skills despite having a hectic schedule
as a student? What skill or field would you like to explore if given the chance, time, and
resources? How can you help your community by acquiring this skills and expertise?
As a student and future accountant, I would like to explore and learn new skills in
the world of business by making my own business so that I can identify what are those
significant matters that must be considered in running a business based on its nature
and industry. No matter how small the business is, the important thing is to generate
income and earn profit without considering the size of your entity. And we must also
establish a business with a purpose of helping the needs of the customers or providing
the greatest good to our community.

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