University of Illinois-Chicago
Congressional Budget Office
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) relies heavily on the expansion of Medicaid
eligibility to cover uninsured populations. In February 2008, Wisconsin expanded and reformed its
Medicaid/CHIP program and, as part of program implementation, automatically enrolled a set of newly
eligible parents and children. This process of “auto-enrollment” targeted newly eligible parents and older
children whose children/siblings were already enrolled in the state’s Medicaid/CHIP program. Auto-
enrollment brought over 44,000 individuals into the program, representing more than 60% of all enrollees
in the first month of the reformed program. Individuals who were auto-enrolled were modestly more
likely to leave the program relative to other individuals who enrolled in February 2008, unless their
incomes were high enough to be required to pay premiums; these auto-enrollees were much more likely
to exit relative to other enrollees subject to premium payments. The higher exit rates exhibited by non-
premium paying auto-enrollees were likely due to the fact that over 40% of auto-enrollees were covered by
a private insurance policy in the month of their enrollment, compared to approximately 30% for regular
enrollees. A national simulation of an auto-enrollment process similar to Wisconsin’s, including the
expansion of adult Medicaid eligibility to 133% of the federal poverty level under the ACA, suggests that
2.5 million of the 5.6 million newly eligible parents could be auto-enrolled, and approximately 25% of this
population would be privately insured. These results suggest that auto-enrollment may be appropriate for
other states, especially in their efforts to enroll eligible populations who are not subject to premium
Keywords: Medicaid; enrollment; parents; auto-enrollment
Enrolling eligible children and adults into Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance
Program (CHIP) has been a challenge, and many states have pursued aggressive strategies to
reach and enroll those eligible for these programs (Wachino & Weiss, 2009). Some estimates
suggest that Medicaid and CHIP reach only 79 percent of eligible children who lack access to
private health insurance, and that as many as three-quarters of uninsured children are eligible,
but not enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP (Dubay, Holahan, & Cook, 2007; Hudson & Selden, 2007;
State Health Access Data Assistance Center & Urban Institute, 2005). Eligible parents can also
be difficult to enroll into the program, despite most states setting parent eligibility for public
coverage well below that of children. Estimates suggest that roughly 28% of uninsured parents
are eligible for Medicaid/CHIP, but are not enrolled (Georgetown University Health Policy
Institute, 2009; Holahan, Cook, & Dubay, 2007).
Wisconsin, in contrast to the experiences of many states, has been very successful in
recent years in enrolling eligible low-income children and parents into BadgerCare Plus (BC+),
its combined Medicaid and CHIP program. Wisconsin expanded eligibility for BC+ to virtually
all children and to low-income parents/caretakers in February 2008. Enrollment increased
rapidly, with net enrollment increasing by 51,000 in the first month alone and by 124,000
between February 2008 and November 2009—representing a 25% increase over the enrollment
numbers for low-income children and parents as of December 2007. In addition to the severe
economic downturn, a number of policy factors have been credited for this dramatic expansion.
Examples include: clear branding, simplified application processes, reductions or eliminations of
deductibles for some low-income children, easing of “anti-crowd-out” provisions, availability of
a user-friendly online application, and extensive community outreach (Leininger et al., 2011).
Beyond these factors, however, an important reason why Wisconsin was so successful in its
enrollment efforts was that it auto-enrolled over 44,000 individuals at the time of program
launch, including over 26,000 parents and 18,000 children. The auto-enrollment involved
electronic database matching, which applied new program eligibility criteria to existing data
already held within state databases, and immediately converted eligible persons to coverage.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is projected to extend health
insurance coverage to an additional 32 million people and relies heavily on an expansion of
Medicaid to do this (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2010; Health Care and
Education Reconciliation Act, 2010). It creates a new national income eligibility standard at
133% of the federal poverty level (FPL). Medicaid expansion is likely to account for about half—
16 million people—of those who, by 2019, will become newly eligible for health insurance under
the federal health care reform (Iglehart, 2010). Given the considerable discretion with which
states operate their respective Medicaid programs, implementation of the federal health care
reform efforts will rely heavily upon the engagement of states in reaching and enrolling newly
eligible individuals (Holahan & Headen, 2010). We believe that Wisconsin’s experience with
It has been argued elsewhere that tax information could provide all of the information
needed to determine eligibility for Medicaid and CHIP (Dorn, 2009). Indeed, some states
already use tax information and other databases to verify eligibility of program applicants. More
than six out of seven uninsured individuals (86.3 percent) file federal income tax returns, and
even families that are exempt from paying federal income tax may file state income tax returns
when they can qualify for an earned income tax credit (Dorn, 2009).
While the promise of across-systems database matching is great, the logistics of
implementing such initiatives are often daunting. Negotiating and executing data-sharing
agreements across agencies can take considerable time and, depending on the specific legal
environment, may be impossible. Wisconsin’s experience, however, demonstrates an already
accessible, feasible way for Medicaid agencies to utilize their existing Medicaid enrollment data
to implement auto-enrollment—an approach that does not require participation from other
identification numbers (FEINs) of their employers. For enrollees who do not have a TPL match,
we use their FEINs to link to data from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), in order to see if a
BC+ case member’s employer offers a self-funded plan. We obtained these data through a
Freedom of Information Act request. The data represent the universe of employers within the
United States from 2003 to 2007 that are self-insured for health, life, and disability and related
insurance plans. Because we are unable to observe which members of a case with a DOL match
obtain their health insurance from the self-insured firm, we impute insured status for these
enrollees using data from the Current Population Survey. Details of this data matching and
imputation process are available in Dague et al., (2011).
We then use the American Community Survey (ACS) to assess the potential reach and
targeting of auto-enrollment in other states. Specifically, we simulate the number of parents who
could potentially be auto-enrolled into Medicaid under an expansion to 133% FPL. Newly
eligible parents will represent a significant proportion of newly eligible adults (35%, author
calculations using the American Community Survey). We focus on this population because
childless adults will not have an enrolled child and so may not be in state databases, and also
because low-income parents have been a relatively higher priority adult population for some
state Medicaid/CHIP programs, as substantiated by their preferential treatment in recent state-
level expansions relative to low-income childless adults (Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and
the Uninsured, 2009). Not only is low-income parents’ public insurance eligibility of interest in
its own right, but it is also an important determinant of children’s public insurance take-up
(Dubay & Kenney, 2003).
We use data from the 2008 ACS—the first round of the ACS to include health insurance
variables—for the simulation (Davern, Quinn, Kenney, & Blewett, 2009). The ACS is a
nationally representative survey fielded yearly by the U.S. Census Bureau that collects
information on socio-demographic, economic, and housing characteristics of the non-
institutionalized U.S. population. All estimates are weighted to reflect the complex survey design
of the ACS. There are some limitations to the ACS, including a well-known Medicaid
undercount and the lack of complete information on legal residency (O’Hara, 2009). Our
analysis follows the “official” Census procedure of not adjusting our insurance estimates for
either the Medicaid undercount or for the possibility that legal immigrants and citizen children
of undocumented immigrants may be under-represented in the ACS, or that some respondents
in the ACS may be undocumented immigrants. First, we estimate the total number of parents
who would become newly income eligible for Medicaid under an eligibility expansion to 133%
FPL using information on state-level Medicaid eligibility levels collected by the Kaiser Family
Foundation (Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, 2009). Some states, where
income eligibility for parents already exceeds 133% of FPL, would have no newly eligible
parents. We then exclude from this number those parents who appear to be newly income
eligible, but report already being on public insurance (Medicaid/CHIP, Medicare, or Veteran’s
Administration insurance). Parents who appear to be income ineligible can report receiving
Medicaid for a variety of reasons, including a differential between the relevant time period for
income reported for eligibility purposes and for the survey (monthly vs. annual), measurement
error in either income or reported health insurance, and/or the absence of information in the
survey needed to determine other means of eligibility (e.g., whether the parent is pregnant).
Second, we estimate the number of these newly income-eligible parents who conceivably
would already be present in a state’s Medicaid data system—and potentially a candidate for
auto-enrollment—because their children are already receiving public insurance. Third, we
calculate the “private insurance rate;” that is, the percentage of this population that report
having private health insurance in the survey.
The Impact of Wisconsin’s Auto-Enrollment
Wisconsin auto-enrolled 44,264 individuals into its BC+ program in February 2008. The auto-
enrollees comprised 63% of the 69,910 new enrollees who entered into the program in February
2008 (Exhibit 1). Of these, 26,062 were parents and 18,202 were children. The vast majority of
the auto-enrolled—almost 98%—had either a child or a sibling already enrolled in the program,
while the remainder had recently exited the program; a few fit both characterizations.
Relative to other new February 2008 enrollees, the auto-enrollees were slightly older and
belonged to larger households (results available from the authors). Almost three-fourths of both
auto-enrollees and other new enrollees had incomes that were less than 150% of the federal
poverty level, and similar proportions in both groups had a required premium based on income
(24% of regular enrollees and 22% of auto-enrollees, results available from the authors).
Exhibit 2 reports the predicted probabilities of continuous enrollment based on our estimated
probit models described in the previous section. The full results of these models are reported in
the Appendix. Individuals who were auto-enrolled and were not required to pay premiums were
only slightly more likely to exit the program within 6 months than were regular, non-premium
paying February 2008 enrollees—19% vs. 17%, respectively (p < 0.001). There was a modest
difference in the probability of 12 months of continuous enrollment between the auto-enrollees
and regular enrollees who did not pay premiums—60% vs. 67%, respectively (p < 0.001). Similar
differences are evident for parents and for children.
By contrast, individuals who were auto-enrolled and required to pay monthly premiums
exited the program at substantially higher rates than non-auto-enrolled entrants whose income
was high enough to require premiums (both of whom exit at far higher rates than enrollees who
do not pay premiums). Forty-four percent of premium-paying auto-enrollees remained enrolled
at 6 months compared with 56% of premium-paying regular enrollees and the difference is even
greater at 12 months (31% versus 47%, respectively). Premium-paying enrollees, who have
relatively higher incomes, may be unwilling or unable to pay the premium cost sharing, or may
be more likely to have other options for coverage.
We also calculated predicted probabilities for churning (the probability of re-entry
within six months of exiting the program). As with the exit probabilities, the probability of re-
entry conditional upon exit is similar for non-premium paying auto-enrollees and February
2008 regular enrollees (47% vs. 46%, p < .217, results available from the authors). Among the
premium paying enrollees, the re-entry probability is slightly higher among those who were
auto-enrolled (53% vs. 50%, p < 0.004, results available from the authors).
In Exhibit 3, we provide estimates of the proportion of new enrollees that were covered by
private insurance policies at the time of their enrollment. Individuals who were auto-enrolled
were much more likely to be covered by these private policies—44% of non-premium payers and
49% of premium payers—than those who enrolled through the regular application process (30%
of non-premium payers and 37% of premium payers, respectively). The rates of private
insurance coverage were lower among those who enrolled in March through May 2008 than for
those who enrolled in February 2008.
These findings, overall, suggest that an appreciable proportion of those enrolled into
BC+ via the auto-enrollment process either did not want to be on the program or had a
qualifying event precluding the continuation of BC+ coverage within a year of enrollment, and
that others already had private insurance coverage and therefore may not have needed public
coverage. Both phenomena are especially true among the higher income groups that were
required to pay premiums.
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Exhibit 4 also reports the state-by-state estimates of the number of parents who would become
newly eligible for Medicaid under the ACA, the number that could be potentially auto-enrolled,
and the private insurance rate. Estimates of the number of newly eligible parents vary widely by
state because of variation in existing eligibility rules. For example, Arizona currently covers
parents up to 200% FPL while Texas covers parents up to 27% FPL (Kaiser Commission on
Medicaid and the Uninsured, 2009). As a result, in Arizona no parents would become newly
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eligible while all parents between 27% and 133% FPL in Texas (roughly 1.3 million individuals)
would become newly eligible. States also vary somewhat in the number and percentage of newly
eligible parents who potentially could be auto-enrolled, as this number depends on eligibility
levels of children relative to parents and in the private insurance rate among this population.
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The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as those of the
Congressional Budget Office or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Lindsey Leininger, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Division of Health Policy and Administration, University of Illinois-
Chicago, 1603 West Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60612, 773-750-7706,
Financial Disclosure
Funding from the State Health Access Reform Evaluation initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
(RWJF) and the RWJF Health and Society Scholars Program is gratefully acknowledged. All opinions expressed in
this paper are the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect those of RWJF.
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Exhibit 1 (cont.)
P(12 Months P(6 Months
Continuous Continuous
Enrollment) Enrollment)
Marginal Marginal
Variable Mean Coef. Effect Coef. Effect
0.5779 -0.012 -0.004 -0.062 -0.016
High school graduate
0.0093 0.0035 0.0108 0.0028
0.1924 -0.035 -0.013 -0.077 -0.020
More than high school
0.0117 0.0044 0.0133 0.0035
0.3642 -0.016 -0.006 0.007 0.002
Rural county
0.0082 0.0031 0.0093 0.0025
HH income under 150% 0.7316 0.333 0.124 0.211 0.056
FPL 0.0228 0.0085 0.0251 0.0066
HH income between 150 0.1814 0.046 0.017 -0.037 -0.010
and 200% FPL 0.0188 0.0070 0.0196 0.0052
County unemployment 5.0826 0.035 0.013 0.034 0.009
rate 0.0039 0.0015 0.0044 0.0012
-0.053 0.987
0.0388 0.0457
Log likelihood -75947.4 -55920.2
Observations 125418 125418
NOTES. Standard errors in italics. Marginal effects measured as (dydx) at mean; for factor variables, as change from 0 to 1. Covariates
measured at beginning of spell.
SOURCE: Authors' calculations from Wisconsin administrative data.
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MMRR 2012 Volume 2, Number 2
Mission Statement
Medicare & Medicaid Research Review is a peer-reviewed, online journal reporting data and research that informs
current and future directions of the Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance programs. The journal
seeks to examine and evaluate health care coverage, quality and access to care for beneficiaries, and payment for
health services.
Associate Editors
John Hsu, M.D., M.B.A, M.S.C.E. Jennifer Polinski, Sc.D, M.P.H.
Harvard Medical School Brigham & Women's Hospital
James H. Marton, Ph.D Robert Weech-Maldonado, Ph.D.
Georgia State University University of Alabama at Birmingham
Editorial Board
Gerald S. Adler, M.Phil. Melissa A. Evans, Ph.D.
CMS/Center for Strategic Planning CMS/Center for Program Integrity
Andrew Bindman, M.D. Jesse M. Levy, Ph.D.
University of California, San Francisco CMS/ Innovation Center
William J. Buczko, Ph.D. Isidor R. Strauss, F.S.A.
CMS/Innovation Center CMS/Office of the Actuary
Todd Caldis, Ph.D., J.D. Fred G. Thomas, Ph.D., C.P.A.
CMS/Office of the Actuary CMS/ Innovation Center
Craig F. Caplan, M.A.
CMS/ Center for Medicare
Published by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
All material in the Medicare & Medicaid Research Review is in the public domain and may be duplicated without permission.
Citation to source is requested.
ISSN: 2159-0354