Do National Surveys Overestimate The Number of Uninsured? Findings From The Medicaid Undercount Experiment in Minnesota
Do National Surveys Overestimate The Number of Uninsured? Findings From The Medicaid Undercount Experiment in Minnesota
Do National Surveys Overestimate The Number of Uninsured? Findings From The Medicaid Undercount Experiment in Minnesota
January 2004/Issue 9
See Lewis, K., M. Ellwood, and J.L. Czajka. 1998. Counting the Uninsured: A Review of the Literature.
Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute.
State estimate of uninsurance reported in 1999 Minnesota Health Access Survey (MNHA).
The State Health Access Data Assistance Center at the University of Minnesota promotes
the effective use of available data to inform the debate on health coverage and access. For a
complete account of this study, please see:
Call, Kathleen Thiede, Gestur Davidson, Anna Stauber Sommers, Roger Feldman, Paul
Farseth, and Todd Rockwood, 2002. Uncovering the Missing Medicaid Cases and
Assessing their Bias for Estimates of the Uninsured. Inquiry. 38(4): 396-408.
State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) | University of Minnesota School of Public Health
612-624-4802 | fax: 612-624-1493 |