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ple Question Paper-2

Time Allowed: 3 hÍurs

General Instructions: Maximum Marks: 70

Read the following
) Therc are 33 instructions
questions carefully and strictly follow them:
(2) This question paper hasin all. All questions are compulsory.
All the sections five sections: SectionA. Section B.
are compulsory. Section C, Section D and Section E.
(4) Section A Contatns
Bcontains five sixteen questions, twelve MCO and four
questions of twomarks each. Assertion Reasoning based of 1 mark each, Sectio
Section C contains
contains fwocase study-based seven guestions of three marks each,
questions four marks eachand Section
of fire marks each. E contains three long Section D
(5) There IS n0 0verall answer questions
choice. However, an internal choice has been
question in Section C, one question provided in one question in Section B, one
in each CBO in Section D and all
attempt only one of the choices in such three questions in Section E. You have to
(6) Use of calculators is not
allowed. questions.
) You may use the
(i) c= 3 X 10following
m/s values of physical constants where ever
(1) m,= 9.1 x 10-31 kg
(ii) m,= 1.7 x 1027 kg
(iv) e= 1.6 x 10-19 C
(v) Lo= T X 10-7TmA-1
(vi) h= 6.63 x 10-34 Js
(vi) E= 8.854 x 10-12 C2N m-2
(viii) Avogadro's number = 6.023 X 10° per
gram mole
Section-A [16 x 1= 16 marks]
1. The capacitance of a capacitor is Co- It is connected to a
battery of voltage V which charges the capacitor. With
the capacitor still connected to the battery, a slab of dielectric material
capacitor. Which of the following explains the effect of the dielectric slabis inintroduced
the abovebetween
situation?the plates of the
(A)The electric field between the plates of the capacitor rises.
(B) The potential difference between the plates falls.
(C) The total charge on the capacitor increases.
(D)The ability of the capacitor to store charge decreases.
k. statements
In a given isregion, electric potential varies with position as V(3) = 3 + 2r. Identify which of the following
(A)Potential difference between the two points x= 2 andx= -2 is 2V.
(B) Acharge of 1 C placed at x = 2experiences a force of 6 N.
(C) The force experienced by the above charge is along + x-axis.
(D) The electric field in the given region is non-uniform along x-axis.
D. Photoelectrons emitted from a metal have R
(A) different speeds starting from0 to certain maximum.
(B) same kinetic energy.
(C) same frequency.
(D)Both (B) and (C) [1]
A deuteron and an alpha particle moveofwith the same kinetic energy under the effect of identical magnetic
paths followed?
ields. What will be the ratio of the radi their
(A)1 (C) 1/2 (D)2
54| 0SWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, PHYSICS

5. The strength of the magnetic field at a distance r from a long straight current carrying wire is B. The
,Olast 1
distance r/2 will be
(A) B (B)2B (C) B/2 (D)B/4
6. Two blocks of different materials are placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The magnetic field lines na
through the two blocks are represented as follows.

+B B


ldentify the suitable values of relative permeability 4, and magnetic susceptibility x for the materials Iand IL
(A)For I: u, > 1, y< 0, For II: u, < 1,x > 0 (B)For I: 4, < 1, x =0, For Il: 4, > 1, x = 0
(C) For I: , = 0, x= 1, For II: 4, = 1, x =0 (D)For I: u, < 1, X <0, For II: p, > 1,x >0
7. Match the Column Iwith Column lIland choose the correct option:
Law Expression
A. Joule's law i. I= GV
B. Ohm's law ii. H= PRt
C. Kirchhoff's curent law iii. EIR=Ee
D. Kirchhoff's voltage law iv. Ei 0
(A) A-i B-iv C-ii D-ii (B) A-i B-ii C-i D-iv
(C) A-iüi B-ii C-iv D-i (d) A-ii B-i C-iv D-ii
8. The radius (r) of nth orbit in Bohr model of hydrogen atom varies with n as
(A) r, 1 (B) , (C) , « n² (D) , oc

9. When an alternating voltage E = Eo sin ot is applied to a circuit, a current I = , sin ot + flows through it
The average power dissipated in the circuit is

(A)Erms - Ims (B) Eoo V2 (D)Zero

10. Which of the following relation indicates the speed of electromagnetic wave in free space?
(A) Eg/ Bo (B) BÍ/ Eo (C) (D) Both (A) and (C)

11. There is apair of concentric and coplanar conducting loops of radii Rand R, such that R, = 0.01R,. Which o
the following is the mutual inductance Mfor this pair directly proportional to?
(A) 1/R,2 (B) R,2 (C) 1/R, (d) RË
12. Total energy of an electron in an energy level is -1.51 eV. The quantum number is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C)3 (D)4
For Questions 13 to 16, two statements are given - one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reae
(R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the options given below.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both ASsertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
13. Assertion (A): Electrons are ejected from the surface of zinc when it is irradiated by yellow light.
Reason (R): Energy associated with a photon of yellow light is more than the work function of
semiconductor increases on doping.
14. Assertion (A): The electrical conductivity of a the semiconductor.
Poason (R): Doping always increases the number of electrons in produced
The same anounttof current flows through thefilament and line wire. But more heat is
15. ASsertion (A):
in filament.
melting point.
Filamentis made of material having high resistance and high
SampleQuestion Papers | 55
16.Assertion(A):If the focal length of two convex lenses is the same,the
brighterimages. th lens with the larger diameter will produce
Reason(R): Convex lenses with larger diameters are able to A [1|
focus light better.
Section-B [5 x 2 = 10 marks]
17.Inthecircuit containing an ideal p-n junction diode Dand aresistor Ris given an input square wave as shown.

+V A R


What is the shape of the output waveform across diode D?

Give an explanation for your answer in (). A [2]

18. Why it is the frequency and not the intensity of light source that determines whether emission of photoelectrons
willoccur or not? Explain. E [2]
19. Compare the focal lengths of the two lenses shown below if the radius of curvature of the curved surface is the
same in both lenses. A [2]


plano plano
Concave COnveX

an external resistor R
rË and ry are connected in series toterminals
k0, Two cells of same emf E but internal resistancethat the potential difference across the of the frst cell
(see figure). What should be the value of R so
Ap [2]
becomes zero?
E, I1 E, r,
Hw Hhw

index 11.25 is immersed in water of refractive index
transparent material of refractive
lens? Justify your answer.
Abiconvex lens made of a converging or a diverging
33. Will the lens behave as a OR
compound microscope?
to showimage formation by a
Draw alabelled ray diagram Section-C [7 x 3 = 21 marks]
mass number curve is as
22 nucleon versus curve.
s.W. 2
energy per
and y are four
indicated on the

per S


Mass number of nuclei

Based on the graph:

() Arrange X, Wand Sin the increasing order of stability. following nuclear reaction.
(ü) Write the relation between the relevant A and Z values for the
S’X + W

(ii) Explain why binding energy for heavy nuclei is low.

23. Four point charges Q, 4, Qand 4are placed at the corners of a square of side 'a as shown in the figure.


Find the:
(i) Resultant electric force on a charge Q, and
(iü) Potential energy of this system.
24. Aphotosensitive surface of work function 2.1 eV is irradiated by radiation of wavelength 150 nm. Calculat:
() the threshold wavelength, (ii) energy (in eV) of an incident photon and (iüi) maximum kinetic energy d
emitted photoelectron.
25. Two conducting spherical shellsAand Bof radi Rand 2R are kept far apart and charged to the samecha:
density o. They are connected by a wire. Obtain an expression for final potential of shell A.
26. (a) How much force will be experienced by a charge at rest in auniformn magnetic field?
(b) 10A current flows through a coilof 100 turns. Radius of the coil is 25 cm. Find the magneticfield at the centr d
the coil. . EB
27. )Arange the following electromagnetic radiation in the ascending order of their frequencies: Xras
microwaves, gamma rays, radio waves.
(ii) Write twouses of any two of these radiation.
28. (i) Define mutual inductance and write its SI unit.
(ii) Two circular loops, one with small radius r and the other with larger radius R, such that R >>, are
coaxially with centres coinciding. Obtain the mutual inductance of the arrangement. R&4

Acoil of wire enclosing an area 100 cm² is placed with its plane making an angle 60° with the magnetic
of strength 10-1 T. What is the flux through the coil? If magnetic field is reduced to zero in 10-'s, thenfindth:
induced emf.

Section-D (2 x4=
29. Read the below case and answer the questions that follow:
The donor concentration
is high at n-side and acceptor is no accept
is high at p-side. Therethere hol
concentration isno
concentration at n-side and no donor concentration at p-side. For simplicity, let us assume thàt and hoe
concentration in n-side and no electron concentration in p-side. After diffusion and drift of electrons
sampleQuestion Papers
| 57
depletion region is formed
ionsin n-side and -ve ionsaround the
in p side. junction where there is noofree charge. There are only immobile ions: + ve
Neutral n-region Neutral p-region

Np (Donor) NÀ(Acceptor)
( Which of the following figures properly depicts the acceptor concentration?

Acceptor Acceptor
Concentration concentration

p-region : n-region p-region 1-region

(A) (B)


Acceptor Acceptor
concentration concentration
p-region -region
|region: n-region (D)

figures properly depicts the donor
(ü) Which of the following
Concentration p-region n-region
n-region (B)

Donor |p-region n-region
n-region (D)
(C) X X
OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question
58 |
(ii) Which of following figures properly depicts the carrier concentration?
Hole Electron
Carrier concentra concentra
concentration tion in tion in
p-side n-side


Electron Hole
Carrier Concentra Concentra
concentration tion in tion in
p-side n-side


Carrier Hole Electron

concentration Concentra concentra
tion in tion in
p-side 1-side

Hole Electron
concentration Concentra Concentra
tion in tion in n-side
(D) p-side

Which of following figures properly depicts the immobile charge concentration in
depletion region?
tration side

ion -
Concen P
(B) n-side
Concen p-side

concen p-side

i) The depletion
(A) willincrease when the p-n junction is reverse biased.
3) willreduce when the p-n junction is forward
Owill never change for any type of bias.
(D) Both (A) and (B)
30. Readthe below case and answer the questions that follow:
Aray of light travels trom a denser to a rarer medium. After
refraction, it bends away from the normal. When
we keep increasing the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction also
increases till the
the interface of two media. The angle of incidence for which it happens is called refracted ray grazes along
critical angle. If the angle of
incidence increased further the ray will not emerge andit will be reflected back in the denser medium. This
phenomernon is called total internal reflection of light.
6 Aray of light travels from a medium into water at an angle of incidence of 18. The refractive index of the
medium is more than that of water and the critical angle for the interface between the two media is 20°. Which
one of the following figures best represernts the correct path of the ray of light? Ap 14]


(a) (b (d

18° 18 18°

(ü) Apoint source of light is placed at the bottom of a tank filled with water, of refractive index , to a depth d. The
area of the surface of water through which light from the source can emerge, is Ap

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2(1 -1) (-1) a(-1) (u'-1)
u) For which of the following media, with respect to air, the value of critical angle is maximum?
(B) Flint glass (C) Water (D)Diamond
(A)Crown glass
1.0, respectively. is
") lhe critical angle for a pair of two media A and Bof retractive indices 2.0and Ap
(A) 0P (B) 30° (C) 45° (D)60°

30°. The speed of light in the medium is

ne critical angle of pair of a medium and air is (C) 2.2 x 10 ms-1 (D)2.8 x 108 ms-1
(A) 1 x 108 m s1 (B) 1.5 x 10 m s-l
Section-E [3 x 5 = 15 marks]
focal length fair (in air), is immersed in water to view
here, a convex lens of
31.0 Tererence to the picture given
dSmall black stone that is nlaced
at the bottom of the container at a
depth d from the lene



Will it form a magnified virtual image of the stone if d>fair

(1) In
prism on thecombination
the given of three triangular
right after refraction.
prisms, a ray of light enters the first prism on the left ana
Consider the angles of the prisms to be small and the ratio A,lA =2


Prove that for anet deviation produced in the light ray to be zero, = Ho in the given combination,.
(ii) A glass prism of absolute refractive index of 1.52 is surrounded by a medium. The emergent rays are bent ei
upwards or downwards.

Select the suitable surrounding media from the given table of
refractive indices below for each of the a
refractions through the prisms P and Q. Give reason for the choice of the
Refractive Index
Carbon disulphide 1.63
Ethyl alcohol 1.54
Aqueous sodium chloride 1.54
(i) The interference patterrn due to
nodes ofa standing-wave pattern on a[hows
bright and dark regions that
While both the patterns are appear similar to the antinodes"
give one major point of based on the Superposition princ"
(ii) Given two sets of slits S and S. between the standing waves pattern and the interference pattern.



Alsogiven are two possible incident light wavelengths and A2

State with reason for what combination of the slits and wavelengths will the interference pattern be
spread out, and
b) least ratio of the maximum and
i i Find
minimum intensities produced due to superposition of two coherent light waves
Iand 4) Ap&A
of intensity
Derive an expression tor the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with air present between two plates.
Obtain the equivalent capacitance of the network shown in figure. For a300 V supply,, determine the charge on
cach capacitor. U&Ap [5]
100 pF


200 pF 200 pF

C2 100pF C3 t300V

V while another capacitor of capacitance C, is charged
capacitance Cj is charged to a potential charging batteries and
capacitor of
A are now disconnected from their respective
poterntial difference V2. The capacitors Ap&A
to a
connected in parallel to each other.
energy stored in the two capacitors before they are connected.
(i) Find the total combination of the two capacitors.
Find the total energy stored in the parallel comparison to the total energy before
difference of energy in parallel combination in
(i) Explain the reason for the
they are connected. circuit.
an jdeal inductor does not dissipate power in an a.c.
J3. (i)Show that
(Xp in 2)f

LHA - 40


100 200 300

flin Hz)
source of 100 Vand
inductor with the frequency (f) of the a.c.
reactance(X) of an C&Ap
(i) The variation of inductive
in the figure.
variabie frequency is shown

2 ot
62 | OSWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, PHYSICS
(a) Calculate the selt-inductance of the inductor.
(b) When this inductor is used in series with a
capacitor of unknown value and a resistor of 10 2at 300
power dissipation occurs in the circuit. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
Adevice Xis connected to an ac source V= Vo sin ot. The variation of voltage, current and power iis
the following graph: shown
(i) ldentify the device X.
{ü) Which curves A, Band Crepresent the voltage, current and the power consumed in the circuit?
answer. [ustify yoz
(ii) How does its impedance vary with frequency of the a.c. source? Show graphically.
(iv) Obtain an expression for the current in the circuit and its phase relation with a.c. voltage.
Sample Question Paper-2

Section-A 5. Option (B) is correct.

Explanation: Given,
Option () is corect.
Explanation: When a capacitor is linked to a voltage Distance = magnetic field = B
source V, it stores electrical energy as it becomes
charged. A capacitors ability to store electrical energy B oc -
is determinedby its capacitance, which is indicated by
"Co When a dielectric material is placed between the
capacitor plates while it is still connected to the voltage (Magnetic field is inversely proportional to radius)
source, the capacitance of the capacitor changes. The B r/2
dielectric material reduces the electric field inside the B
capacitor, resulting in a decrease in the voltage across
the capacitor. B, = 2B = 2B
. Option (D) is correct. 6. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: E=-
=-4x, electric potential Explanation: Sample I is a diamagnetic substance
varies with position as v(x) =3 + 2x2. So the electric
Sample II is a paramagnetic or ferromagneti
field in the given region is non-uniform along x-axis
which is non-uniform. Hence, For I: 4, < 1, %<0, For Il: , >1,, >0
3. Option (A) is correct. 7. Option (D) is correct.
Explanation: When a photon strikes a metal surface,
the surface electrons come out with maximum
Explanation: The mathematical expression of
Joule's law related to the heating effect of current is
speed and maximum kinetic energy. But if the H= Rt.
electron emission takes place from inner side of
metal, then some energy of the electron is lost due The mathematical expression of Ohm's law is
to collision with other electrons and their speed
becomes less. So, ultimately the electrons come out
with different speeds.
I= G
Option (B) is correct. I= GV.
Explanation: Alpha particle and deuteron both Mathematical expression of Kirchhoff's current law
have the same kinetic energy is Ei = 0.
Since, the centripetal force = and magnetic Mathematical expression of Kirchhoffs voltage law
isEiR = e.
force = quB
Here, centripetal force = magnetic force 8. Option (C) is correct.
Therefore, Explanation: In Bohr's model of H-atom, the radius
my2 of nth orbit is given by
= quB
V2mk.E. , =
Now, the radius ratio for deuteron and alpha So,
particle 9. Option (D) is correct.
So, Explanation: Power = Voltage.s X Currentms
cosine of phase difference.
So, P= Vms XLms X cos ¢
Here, magnetic flux, =
Ratio of radii = 4 =2 So, power = 0

0.Option(D) is V, the diode will be
correct When the input waveform is +
0otion(D)is reverse-biased.
Erylanation: Mutual forward bias, its
inductance is Since,the diode is ideal, during the
proportionaltoR, directly drops
resistance will be zero and hence no voltagewill
resistance be
M= across it. During reverse bias, its
infinite and hence the voltage drop will be +V
which is the same as the input.
H,(0.01R,) 18. Whether emission of photoelectron will occur or
R, not it depends on the energy of photon.
=H,n(0.01) R, As the intensity of light increases, the energy of
correct. photons does not increase; only the number of
1Option -13.6 photons increases.
Explanation: E, = As the frequency of light increases, energy of
photons increases.
-1.51 =
-13.6 Hence, the frequency and not the intensity of
Or n light source determines whether the emission of
n =3 photoelectrons will occur or not.
3, Option (A) is Commonly Made Error
Explanation: The photons transfer their
to electrons allowing them to overcome theenergy
function and escape from the surface of the material. Students often think that the stronger the
correct. light source, the stronger the ejection of
4 Option (C) is photoelectrons, which is not always the case.
Ernlanation: On doping, number of free carriers
increases; hence, the electrical conductivity of
semiconductor increases on doping. So, the
assertion is true. Answering Tip
Doping may increase the number of electrons or Ejection of photoelectrons depends on the
holes in the semiconductor depending on the type energy of the photons and not on the number
of doping. If the dopant is donor type then number of photons.
of electrons increases and if the dopant is acceptor
type then the number of holes increases. So, the 19. Lens maker's formula
reason is false. 1 1
15. Option (A) is correct. f
Explanation: Heat produced is proportional to For the plano-concave lens,
Since, resistance of filament > resistance of
in filament. Therefore,
So, more heat is produced of material
assertion is true. Filament is made R
that heat
having high resistance like tungsten so the material n,, -1
produced is more. Melting point of
sustain more heat:. For the plano-convex lens,
also should be high sothat it can
Reason truly explains the 1 1
Hence, reason is also true. --(ny -1) co -R
lo. Option (C) is correct. R
produces a
txplanation: A larger diameter lens gather more
ability to
Dnghter image due to its ie.,f :f = -1:1
ight, not because it focuses light better. the below
20. We will apply Kirchhoff's current law in
Section-B circuit.
R+r, tr
+V 2E + R 0
V, = E- Ir, = E -

2Er, 2r
E= t+Rl=
,+r +R
earthed, the
diode is
i Since, the p end of the p-n conduct only So, R = Ë-r2
forrward-biased and
p-n diode will be waveform voltage
during the time theinput
2 Given, transparent material of refractive index, 1.25, . Net force on charge Q (at point C)
immersed in water of refractive index, 1.33.
Focal lerngth (), refractive index (m), radius of
curvature (R) 4TE, a"

1 1 This force is directed along AC.

=(u -1)-. (For the charge Q, at the point A, the
the same magnitude but will be force
directed wil
1 1 1

R, R, B alongCA)
1.33 a2
= 0.98 D

Here, 1f is negative. So, the lens will behave like a

Concave lens.


F (ii) Potential energy of the system
Objective lens A

4TE av2 av2


Here, fo = focal length of objective,fe = focal length Commonly Made Error

of the eyepiece.
A common error is neglecting to
Section-C consider all
pair wise interactions between the charges.
22. (i) S, W, X
(ii) Z= Z + Z
A = Aj t An Answering Tip
(iiül) In heavier nuclei, the coulombian repulsive force
increases considerably and affects the attractive Students should ensure that they account
nuclear force. Thus nuclei become unstable. for each unique pair when
potential calculating the
etual energy of the system.
23. (i) The force on charge Q at the point C
due to
charge Q(at A) 24. Here, oo = 2.1 eV
1 Q = 2.0 x1.6 x 10-19J
=150 × 10 m
4TEo hc
As, O, =
E, =
4TE, 2a (along AC) Or
Force due to the charge q (at B),
1 (6.63 x 10*)x(3x10)
4TE, a (along BC) 2.1x 1.6 x 10-19
= 6.187 x 10- m
Force due to the charge q (at D), = 6187.5¢
(ii) Max. kinetic energy of
(along DC) hc
photoelectron is
Resultant of these two equal forces Kmax =
, = i,
1 92V2) (6.63 x10*)x (3 x10')
a (along AC) (150 x 10)x(1.6 x 10")
=7.42 - 2.1 = 5.32 eV

(ii) StopPing potential | 117

5.32 eV
V, = ma (ii)
= 5.32 V

According tothe question,

4nR 4n(2R)' R

R 4R²
Let a current I,, flows through the
4 radius R. The magnetic induction atcircular loop of
the centre of
401; if Q = (say). the loop is
then Q2 = 40 B, =
So, the total charge = 50 2R
As, r K R, the magnetic
When the two spherical
shells are considered to be constant induction Bp may be
over the entire croSs
wire, after shifting of charge. connected by a sectional area of inner loop of radius r. Hence
magnetic flux linked with the smaller loop will be
5Q-a 2R
Pot = V1
2R Also, s = MIp
Pot = V, M= s
Now VË = V2
ko OR
k (5Q - a)
R 2R
Flux through the coil = BA cos
= 10 x 100 x 10 - cos (90°- 60°)
2a = 50 a
5Q = 10 x 100 x 10 x V3
k 5
X Xox4TR2 10 Wb
XOx 4TR? do
4TE,R Indeced e.m.f. =
V3 x 10
3e, 2

0. (a) No force will be 10-3

experienced by the charge.
(b) B oN,
= 0.866V
Or, B (4Tx 10)(100)(10)
2× 25 x 10-2 Section-D
: B = 2.5 x 10T 29. (i) Option (A) is correct
27. Explanation: After recombination of free electrons
) Arranging in ascending order of frequency: and holes, around the depletion
Radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, Gamma ray region, there
will be positively charged ions in the
(i) Uses of n-side and
tO View bones and teeth. for diagnosing fractures.
negatively charged ions in p-side.
(ii) Option (B) is correct
..Cneck for cracks or flaws in industrial Explanation: The donor concentration is high at
Uses of infra-red: n-side arnd acceptor concentration is high at p-side.
There is no acceptor concentration at n-side and no
"In heat-sensitive thermal imaging cameras. donor concentration at p-side.
In homne remote controls. (iüi) Option (A) is correct
28. (i) is equal to the Explanation: In p-side there are only holes. There
Mutual inductance of two coils change of is no electron concentration. In n-side
e.m.f. induced in one coil when rate of there are
only electrons. There is no hole concentration. At
current the other coil is unity.
SI unit ofthrough inductance is henry (H).
depletion region, there is no charge carrier.
OR crown glass, flint glass, and
Explanation: After
and holes, aroundrecombination
the critical angle is maximum diamond.
of free electrons
the depletion region, there
will be positivelv charged ions in the n-side and
negatively charged ions in p-side
(iv) Option (D) is correct
Critical angle of glass is around 4
Critical angle of water is around 49e
Critical angle of diamond is around
(iv) Option (B) is correct
Explanation: In fonward bias, applied voltage
Eplanation: Critical angle,
oes not support potential barier As a result, the
depietion laver width dereases In reverse bias, sin 0
applhed voltage supports potentbal barier As d
result, depletion laver widens 0 - 30
30. (i) Option (A) Is ONt OR
Explanation: The angle of incidence is less than the (b)Option (B) is correct
Crithcal angle. So, there will be normal retraction
from denser to rarer medium and the refracted rav Explanation: 9, = 30
will move awa fromthe normal. 1 1
(ii) Option (B) is cOret sin 0 sin 30°
Explanation: The depth is dand the refractive index velocity of light in vacuum
of water is u
velocity of light in the medium
90A 3x 10*
Or 2 =
velocityof light in the medium
. Velocity of light in the medium = 1.5 x
108 m
B 31. (i) For magnified virtual image, focal length
be greater than the object distance.
As we know that. When lens is immersed in water, then
Sin 90o

Sin i
or sin fwater > fair
So, for fair > d may not form a virtual image.
Hence, for d < fwater Will certainly form a vrtual
tani = image.
Vu'-1 ...)
(ii) Given Ag/ A = 2and deviation
From triangle OBC in the diagram, we have, produced bv each
tan i =
OB 8= (4-1)4
OC = radius of the circle = 28- ôn
OB = depth of the source of light. For
©net = 0
Therefore, 28 = 0
tan i = 2(4 - 1)A = (H)-1) A
..ü) As, Ag/A = 2
Now, comparing Eqs. (i) and (ü), we get, So 2(4 1) = (4) - 1) x 2
1 R
(!-1) = (H0- 1)
Nu'-1 d
d (ii) For downward refraction as in P, the surroundin;
medium should have a refractive index less
Now, the area will be xR2 that of the prism.
So, the medium surrounding the prism ca
Therefore, the surface area = r - benzene and aqueous sodium chloride.
u'-1 For the upward refraction as in Q, the surrounding
(ii) Option (C) is correct medium should have a refractive index

Explanation: The value of the that of the prism.

maximum for the medium with the critical angle is
lowest refractive So, the medium surroundingthe prism can
index with respect to air. Among the given
water has the options,
lowest retractive index compared to
of carbon disulphide and ethyl alcohol.
. Waves on a string propagate in only one | 119
dimension while the
patternex0sts in three dimensions. light-wave interference Charge on C, =100 x 10-12 x 100 = 1x 10 C
Potential difference across C, and Cseries combination
" The standing-wave patterrn represents no net = 100 V
energytlow, while there is a
tothe screen in an
net energy flow from Potential difference across C and Ca each = 50 V

fringesinterference pattern.
theslits Charge on C, andCeach = 200 × 10-12 x 50
Most spread-out
width. Fringe width, ß =AD/d.imply greater fringe =1x 10 8
greater B, higher Aand small å is
slitsS; and
wavelength will So,
patternthat is most spread out. produce a fringe
required. (i) Energy stored in acapacitor =CV
Least spread-out fringes :. Energy stored in the charged capacitors,
b) Since fringe
width. width, imply
B = AD/dsmaller fringe
for smaller B.
À and greater d is
wavelength A1 will produce required.
So, slits S and
most spread out. fringe pattern that is And E, =c,V;
il :h =l:4 1
.. Total energy stored =

Maximum Intensity : Minimum Intensity (ii) Let Vbe the potential difference across the parallel
=(a1 t az):(a, - a,)2
=9:1 Equivalent capacitance = (C1 + C)
Since, charge is a conserved quantity, we have
2. i) Derivation of expression of capacitance: (C, + C)V = CHVj + C,V;

(C +C,)
.:. Total energy stored in the parallel combination
Q -(G, +C):
1(CV +C,v,÷
2 (C, +C,)
33. (i) Power dissipation = P= Vms Irms COs
Let the two plates be kept parallel to each other R
COS 0 =
separated by a distance d and cross-sectional area
of each plate is A. For ideal inductor R= 0
COs o =0
Electric field by a single thin plate = 2En .:. P= Vms Lrms cos = 0
Thus, ideal inductor does not dissipate power in an
Total electric field between the plates = ac circuit.
(iü) (a) Inductive reactance = X = 2nfL
Potential difference between the plates V= Ed X

Capacitance C= = From graph, at f = 100 Hz
de, X = 20Q
(ü 20
3=200 pF 2f 2Tx 100
C; 100 pF HG100pF = 0.032H =32 mH
0p200 pf Cz3=100 pF
300 V
(b) Power dissipation is maximumn when
C 300 V 1
CG=100pF C;=100pF
4 100 pF 2rfL =
200 f= 300 s-1
capacitance = pF
The equivalent 3 L= 0.032 H
= 2x 10* C
Charge on C, = 200
x 10- >x 300 2rfL =
Totential difference across C4 Or, 2 x 300 x 0.032 -
27t x 300 x C
C, =200 X10-12 x 300 = 2x 10* C
3 200 = 100
V C= 8.8x 10F = 8.8 uF
C=300 -
Potential difference across
120 | 0SWAAL CBSE Sample Question Papers, PHYSICS, O

OR 1
X, = oC
(i) The device X is a capacitor
(ii)) Curve B: voltage 1

Curve C: current
Curve A: power (iv) V= Vo sin ot
Reason: The current leads the voltage in phase, by q=CV= CVo sin of
for a capacitor. I= d = 0cV, cos 0t
= I, sin| ot +

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