Physics Final Paper
Physics Final Paper
Physics Final Paper
1. What are the dimensions of in the relation F = ayx + b², where F is force, x is
distance and t is time ? L
2. A system is provided with 200 cal of heat and the work done by the system on the
surroundings is 40 J. Then its internal energy :
(a) increases by 600 J (b) decreases by 800 J
(c) increases by 800 J (d) decreases by 600 J
3. Two bodies A and B initially, at rest, move towards each other under mutual force
of attraction. At the instant when the speed of A is v and that of B is
2v, the speed
of the centre of mass of the bodies is :
(a) 3 v
(b) 2v
(c) 1.5 v (d) zero
2 4 6
t (s)
Distance of two planets from the sun are 10 and l0 m respectively. The ratio of
time period of these two planets is:
(a) 20 (b) 10
Ph 2
7. The given figure shows the variation of energy E with the orbit radius t of a
satellite in a circular motion. Mark the correct statement.
(a) Ashows the kinetic energy, Bshows the total energy and C shows the potential
energy of the satellite.
(b) A and B are the kinetic energy and potential energy respectively and C the
total energy of the satellite.
(c) A and B are the potential energy and kinetic energy respectively and Cthe
total energy of the satellite.
(d) Cand A are the kinetic energy and potential energy respectively and B the
total energy of the satellite.
8. Two soap bubbles have radii in the ratio of 4 : 3. What is the ratio of work done to
blow these bubbles ?
9. The given figure shows a body of mass 'm' moving with a uniform speed v along a
circle of radius r. The change in speed in going from A to B is :
(b) v/V2
(c) v V2
(d) zero
10. During the motion of a lift, apparent weight of a
weight when
body becomes twice its actual
(a) lift is moving down with acceleration equal to g
(b) lift is moving up with acceleration equal to g
(c) lift is moving down with uniform velocity = 9.8 m/s
(d) lift is moving up with uniform velocity = 9.8 m/s
11. Agas has 'n' degrees of freedom. The ratio of specific heat of gas at constant woluma
to the specific heat of gas at constant pressure will be
n +2
(a) n+ 2 (b) n
(c) (d) n -2
2n + 2
12. Agrindstrone of moment of inertia 6 kg m²is found to have a speed of 150 rpm, 10
sec after starting from rest. The torque applied is
(a) 6 7 Ns (b) 12 n Ns
(c) 9 Ns (d) 3 n Ns
For Questions 13 to 16, two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A)
other labelled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from
options as given below :
of Assertion.
(a) If both Assertionand Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation
correct explanation of
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the
13. Assertion (A) : The acceleration of a body down a rough inclined plane is greater
than the acceleration due to gravity.
its acceleration
Reason (R): The body is able toslide on an inclined plane only when
is greater than acceleration due to gravity.
bubble shrinks, when
14. Assertion (A) : A large soap bubble expands while a small
they are connected to each other by a capillary tube.
inversely proportional
Reason (R) : The excess pressure inside a soap bubble is
its radius.
Ph 4
15. Assertion (A) : In simple harmonic motion, the velocity is maximum, when the
acceleration is minimum.
Reason (R) :Displacement and velocity in simple harmonic motion differ in phase
by /2.
16. Assertion (A) : If ice caps of the pole melts, the day length will shorten
Reason (R) :lce flows towards the equator and decreases the moment of inertia of
the earth and hence increases the frequency of rotation of the Earth.
17. The speed-time graph of a particle, moving along a straight path, is shown in the
figure. Three different time intervals 1, 2 and 3 are indicated in the graph.
time (s)
In which interval
18. A wave travelling along a string is given by the
xare in metres and t in seconds.
y(r, t) = 0.001sin (2r + 50t + /3), where y and
Ph 5
19. The moment of inertia of two rotating bodies Aand Bare I, and Ip > and
their angular momentum are equal. Explain, which of them has greater kinetic
energy ?
20. Show that Newton's third law of motion follows from the Newton's second law of
21. The escape velocity of a projectile on the earth's surface is 11.2 km/s. A body is
projected out with thrice this speed. What is the speed of the body far away from the
earth ? Ignore the presence of the sun and other planets.
131 OR
A metre stick is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass
found to be balanced
5 g are put on top of the other at the 12 cm mark, the stick is
at 45 cm. What is the mass of the metre stick ?
(h) and
An arbitrary system of units uses velocity of light (c), Planck's constant
gravitational constant (G) as its fundamental units. Find the dimensions of mass in
this arbitrary system.
Skg ( m tm)
Ph 6
25 Define the term : Gravitational potential energy of a body'.
Obtain an expression for it, for a body of mass `m' lying at a distance 'r' (r > R
the Earth.
R = radius of earth) fronm the centre of
with this
26. Write Newton's formula for the speed of sOund in air. What was wrong
formula ?
formula ?What correction was made by Laplace in this
L7/ Justify the following statements :
(a It becomes easier to spray the water in which some
soap is dissolved.
It is much hotter above a fire than by its side.
(e When we try to close a water tap with our fingers, fast jets of water gush
through the openings between our fingers.
28. he P-V diagram for a cyclic process is a triangle ABCdrawn in order as shown in
the figure. The co-ordinates of A, B, C are (4, 1), (2, 4) and (2, 1) respectively. The
co-ordinates are in the order (P, V) Pressure is in Nm and volume is in litre.
Calculate work done during the process from A to B, Bto C and C to A. Also,
calculate work done in the complete cycle.
A(4, 1)
2 B(2, 4)
c2. 1)
2 3
How much steam at 100°C, will just melt down 3200 g of ice at - 10°C?
Given : Specific heat of ice = 2100 Jkg C
Specific heat of water = 4200 J kg C
Latent heat of vaporization of steam = 2260 x 10 J kg
Latent heat of fusion of ice = 336 x 10 J kg
Pr 7
Finally, a stage is reached, when the weight of the body
sum of the upthrust and upward viscous becomes just equal to the
body and the body begins to move with a drag. At this stage, no net force acts on the
velocity acquired by a body while fallingconstant velocity. The maximum constant
through a viscous medium is called its
terminal velocity. The value of terminal velocity for different bodies is different.
(i) A lead shot of one mm diameter falls
through a long
variation of its velocity v with distance covered, is column of glycerine. The
represented bv
(ii) A spherical ball is dropped in a long column of viscous liquid. Which of the
following graphs represent the variation of
(1) gravitational force with time F
(a) Q, R, P (b) R, Q, P
(c) P, Q, R (d) R, P, Q
Ph 8
(ii) Spherical balls of radius ®are falling in a viscous fluid of coefficient of viscOsity
n' with velocity v. The retarding viscous force acting on the spherical bal1
is :
A sphere of mass 'm' and radius 'r is falling in the column of a viscous fluid.
The terminal velocity attained by falling object is
proportional to :
(a) 1/r (b) /r2
(c) r (d) 2
(iv) If the terminal velocity of a sphere of gold (density = 19.5 kg/m) is 0.2 m/s in
a viscous liquid (density = l.5 kg/m²), the terminal velocity ofa sphere of silver
(density = 10.5 kg/m) of the same size in the same liquid is :
(a) 0.1 m/s (b) 0.133 m/s
(c) 0.2 ms (d) 0.4 m/s
30. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow :
A simple pendulum is a heavy point mass suspended by a weightless
and a perfectly flexible string from a rigid support about which it can vibrate freely.
The distance of the point of suspension and the point of oscillation is called length
of the pendulum. When the metallic bob is displaced slightly on either side and
released, it begins to oscillate about the mean position. If the thread makes angle
0 with the vertical at any instant, then the forces acting on the both are:(i) weight
mg of the bob acting vertically downwards and (ii) the tension T in the string, The
weight mg has two rectangular components (a) the component mg cos acting along
the thread which balances the tension T in the thread and (b) tangential component
mg sin 0 which provides the restoring force.
mg cos
mg sine
(i) The graph of time period (T) of a simple
pendulum versus its length (l) is :
(a) parabola
(b) straight line
(c) CUrve
(d) ellipse
(i) To show that a simple pendulum
executes simple harmonic motion it is necessary
to ensure that
(iii) A hollow sphere filled with water forms the bob of a simple
pendulum. A small
hole at the bottom of the bob allows the water to slowly
flow out as it is set
into small oscillations and its period of oscillation is
measured. The time period
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) first decrease and then increases
(d) first increase and then decreases
the time period of a 2 mlong simple pendulum is 2s, the aceleration due
(iv) If
harmonic motion
togravity atthe place where pendulumis executing simple
31. (a) State and prove Bernoulli's
(b) Write two limitations of Bernoulli's
(b) A ball is kicked at an angle of 30° with the vertical.If the horizontal component
of its velocity is 19.6 m/s, find the maximum height and horizontal range.
Ph 11
(a) Obtain an expression for the maximum speed with which a vehicle can safely
negotiate a curved road banked at an angle 0. The coefficient of friction between
the wheels and the road is u.
33. A particle of mass m' tied to a massless inextensible string of length has to be
moved in a vertical circle.
(a) Represent the forces on a diagram when the string makes an angle 0' with the
initial position.
(b) Find the tension and minimum velocity at the
highest and the lowest point
respectively, so that it may complete the vertical circle.
sa) Discuss elastic collision between two bodies in two
(b) What are the conditions of (i) glancing collision (i) head on collision ? i Show
that two identical particles move at right angles to each other after
collision in two dimensions.
Ph 12