ISC P - MS 145_2014
ISC P - MS 145_2014
ISC P - MS 145_2014
ICS: 77.140.15
Descriptors: steel fabric, reinforcement of concrete, requirement, dimension, quality, testing
© Copyright 2014
Malaysian Standards (MS) are developed through consensus by committees which comprise
balanced representation of producers, users, consumers and others with relevant interests, as
may be appropriate to the subject at hand. To the greatest extent possible, Malaysian
Standards are aligned to or are adoption of international standards. Approval of a standard as
a Malaysian Standard is governed by the Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 [Act 549]. Malaysian
Standards are reviewed periodically. The use of Malaysian Standards is voluntary except in so
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laws or any other similar ways.
Revision: A process where existing Malaysian Standard is reviewed and updated which
resulted in the publication of a new edition of the Malaysian Standard.
Confirmed MS: A Malaysian Standard that has been reviewed by the responsible committee
and confirmed that its contents are current.
Technical corrigendum: A corrected reprint of the current edition which is issued to correct
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STANDARDS MALAYSIA has appointed SIRIM Berhad as the agent to develop, distribute
and sell Malaysian Standards.
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 1
4 Symbols ........................................................................................................................ 3
5 Designation ................................................................................................................... 4
Annex B Material not covered by a third party product certification scheme ....................... 17
Annex C Comparison of symboIs used in this standard with those used in MS EN 1992-1-
1:2010 and MS EN 1992-1-1:2010 (NATIONAL ANNEX) ..................................... 20
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 21
Committee representation
The Industry Standards Committee on Metallic Materials and Semi-finished Products (ISC P) under whose authority
this Malaysian Standard was developed, comprises representatives from the following organisations:
The Technical Committee on Steel Bars, Wire Rods and Wire Products which developed this Malaysian Standard
consists of representatives from the following organisations:
Co-opted members:
This Malaysian Standard was developed by the Technical Committee on Steel Bars, Wire
Rods and Wire Products under the authority of the Industry Standards Committee on Metallic
Materials and Semi-finished Products.
a) the title of this standard has been amended from “Welded steel fabric for the
reinforcement of concrete - Specification” to “Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete
- Specification”;
b) all steel fabric conforming to this standard is to be made using ribbed bar in accordance
with MS 146:2013 or made from wire in accordance to MS 144:2013 for wrapping fabrics
D49 and D98; and
c) to replace the fabric reference in MS 145:2006 with the following in Table A.1:
Foreword (continued)
This standard has been developed so that it can be used in conjunction with
MS EN 10080:2013. Definitions, symbols, steelmaking and manufacturing processes, routine
inspection and testing, test methods, identification of the manufacturer and technical class
and verification of mechanical properties in the case of dispute are all taken from
MS EN 10080:2013.
This Malaysian Standard cancels and replaces MS 145:2006, Welded steel fabric for the
reinforcement of concrete - Specification (Third revision).
Compliance with a Malaysian Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal
1 Scope
This Malaysian Standard specifies requirements for sheets of factory-made machine-welded
steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete, manufactured from ribbed bars conforming to
MS 146:2013, or manufactured from wire conforming to MS 144:2013 for wrapping fabrics
D49 and D98.
NOTE. Where the term “bar” is used in this standard, it includes bar or decoiled product conforming to
MS 146:2013. For clarity only, it can also include wire conforming to MS 144:2013 for wrapping fabrics
2 Normative references
The following normative references are indispensable for the application of this standard. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the normative reference (including any amendments) applies.
MS 146:2013, Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Weldable reinforcing steel - Bar, coil
and decoiled product - Specification
MS ISO 15630-1, Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods -
Part 1: Reinforcing bars, wire rod and wires
MS ISO 15630-2, Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods -
Part 2: Welded fabric
BS 8666, Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete -
3.1 batch
Quantity of welded fabric of one type produced by one manufacturer and presented for
examination at any one time.
3.2 bundle
Diameter of a circle with an area equal to the nominal cross-sectional area of the bar.
Length of longitudinal or transverse bars projecting beyond the centre of the outer crossing
bar in a sheet of welded fabric.
Property which is not determined as part of the factory production control requirements for
every test unit.
Property which is part of the routine inspection and test requirements for every test unit.
Welded fabric reinforcement where the bar and mesh arrangement can be defined by an
identifiable fabric reference.
Arrangement of longitudinal and transverse bars of the same or different nominal diameter
and length that are arranged substantially at right angles to each other and factory electrical
resistance welded together by automatic machines at all points of intersection.
4 Symbols
For the purposes of this standard, a list of symbols reproduced from MS EN 10080:2013
given in Table 1 apply.
Table 1. List of symbols
5 Designation
Welded fabric shall be designated with the following information:
c) the nominal dimensions of the product (dimensions of the bars, dimensions of the sheet,
pitch of the bars, overhangs) (see Note); and
NOTE. Brief designations are widely used to describe standard welded fabric (see Annex A).
Purpose made welded fabric may be described using the indications given in Annex A, or by
a fully dimensioned drawing (see Figure A.1) and should be identified by the user's reference.
6 Manufacturing processes
All welded fabric shall be factory made and machine welded. The joints, at the intersection of
the longitudinal bars and the transverse bars, shall be made by electrical resistance welding
to provide a specified shear resistance.
7 Product characteristics
7.1 Chemical composition
The chemical composition of the bars shall conform to the requirements of MS 144:2013 and
MS 146:2013.
7.2.1 General
The characteristic value is (unless otherwise indicated) the lower or upper limit of the
statistical tolerance interval at which there is a 90 % probability (1 - α = 0.90) that 95 %
(p = 0.95) or 90 % (p = 0.90) of the values are at or above the lower limit, or at or below the
upper limit respectively. This quality level refers to the long-term quality level of production.
Ageing method: heat the test piece to 100 °C, maintain at this temperature (± 10 °C) for a
period of 60 0 min, and then cool in still air to room temperature. The method of heating
shall be left to the discretion of the manufacturer.
The specified values for the tensile properties ( , , ) shall be the corresponding
specified characteristic value with p = 0.95 for and p = 0.90 for and . Tensile
properties ( , , ) shall comply with the requirements of
For yield strength ( ) the upper yield strength ( ) shall apply. Determine the yield strength
( ) from the 0.2 % proof strength ( ) if a yield phenomenon is not present.
NOTE. For wrapping fabrics D49 and D98 minimum yield strength only, in accordance with
MS 144:2013, is required.
The shear force of welded joints in welded fabric shall not be less than 0.25 x x ,
is the nominal cross-sectional area of the larger bar of the welded joint.
For standard fabrics B1131 and above, and C785 and above, the minimum shear force
required shall be calculated using the nominal cross-sectional area of the smaller bar of the
welded joint, unless otherwise agreed at the time of enquiry, in which case, the minimum
shear force required may be calculated using the nominal cross-sectional area of the larger
© STANDARDS MALAYSIA 2014 - All rights reserved 5
Bend performance shall be demonstrated by means of the following rebend test method (from
MS ISO 15630-1).
Bend the test pieces through an angle of 90°, around a mandrel with a diameter not
exceeding those specified in Table 2, age the test piece and then bend back by at least 20°.
The bend test shall be conducted on the thicker bar.
After the test the specimen shall show no sign of fracture or cracks to a person of normal or
corrected vision.
7.3.1 The relative diameters of bars in a sheet of fabric shall meet the following
≥ 0.6
7.3.2 The cross-sectional area and mass of an individual sheet shall be derived from the
specified dimensions of the sheet, the nominal bar sizes and the specified pitches for the
The pitch of longitudinal bars and transverse bars shall not be less than 50 mm.
7.3.3 Missing bars resulting from test sampling in accordance with this standard shall not
be considered a defect.
7.3.4 The number of broken welds shall not exceed 4 % of the total number of cross
welded joints in the sheet, nor exceed half the number of cross welded joints along any one
8 Evaluation of conformity
8.1 Routine inspection and testing
8.1.1 General
Reinforcing steels shall be produced under a permanent system of routine inspection and
testing, which shall include evaluation of specified properties, as described in 8.1.2 and 8.1.3.
The test unit shall be composed of sheets with the same combination of reinforcing steel
grades and diameters produced on the same welding machine of a maximum mass of 50 t.
NOTE. Wherever practicable test samples should be taken from the edge of a sheet where it is likely to
be lapped in use.
For verification of properties, samples shall be taken in accordance with Table 3. These
samples may be taken according the producer's choice, either from one sheet or from
different sheets provided that different bars are tested.
All specified welded fabric dimensions (length, width, pitch, and overhang) shall be measured.
The chemical composition (cast analysis) of the material shall be determined by the steel
Conformance shall be confirmed to the welded fabric manufacturer, which shall include a
statement of the chemical composition, if required by the customer.
a) all individual values are greater than or equal to the specified characteristic value ; or
all individual values are greater than or equal to the minimum values given in Table 4.
a) all individual values of are equal to or lower than the specified upper characteristic
value of 1.35; or
b) for and all individual values for are equal to or lower than the
maximum values given in Table 4.
In the rebend test, all test pieces shall fulfill the requirements of MS 146:2013.
If testing the shear force of the welded joints, all individual values shall fulfill the requirements
of 7.2.4.
If testing the surface geometry, the results shall meet the requirements of MS 146:2013.
If testing the nominal mass of the individual bars, no individual value shall be outside the
tolerances specified in MS 146:2013. Retests
Test units which do not conform to the requirements specified in and may be
retested by selecting two further samples. If both additional test specimens meet the
requirements, the batch shall be deemed to conform to this standard. If either of the additional
test specimens fails to meet the requirements, the batch shall be deemed not to conform to
this standard.
8.1.4 Traceability
Delivered batches shall be identifiable and traceable to the manufacturer and to their
production data. The manufacturer shall establish and maintain the records required and shall
identify the products and their delivery documentation accordingly.
Material not covered by a third party product certification scheme shall be assessed by
acceptance tests on each batch (see Annex B).
The results of tests on all test units of continuous production shall be collated and statistically
evaluated for Re, Act, and Rm/Re taking either the number of results corresponding to the
preceding six months operation or the last 200 results, whichever is the greater.
8.2.3 Evaluation of the test results of the preceding six months operation
k is the coefficient listed in Table 5 for , and in Table 6 for and ; and
The foregoing is based on the assumption that the distribution of a large number of results is
normal but this is not a requirement of this standard. However, the following alternative
methods maybe used to establish conformity of the production with the requirements of this
Table 5. coefficient (k) as a function of the number (n) of test results (for a reliable
failure rate of 5 % [p = 0.95] at a probability of 90 %
n k n k
5 3.40 30 2.08
6 3.09 40 2.01
7 2.89 50 1.97
8 2.75 60 1.93
9 2.65 70 1.90
10 2.57 80 1.89
11 2.50 90 1.87
12 2.45 100 1.86
13 2.40 150 1.82
14 2.36 200 1.79
15 2.33 250 1.78
16 2.30 300 1.77
17 2.27 400 1.75
18 2.25 500 1.74
19 2.23 1 000 1.71
20 2.21 ∞ 1.64
Table 6. and coefficient (k) as a function of the number (n) of test results (for
a reliable failure rate of 10 % [p = 0.90] at a probability of 90 %
n k n k
5 2.74 30 1.66
6 2.49 40 1.60
7 2.33 50 1.56
8 2.22 60 1.53
9 2.13 70 1.51
10 2.07 80 1.49
11 2.01 90 1.48
12 1.97 100 1.47
13 1.93 150 1.43
14 1.90 200 1.41
15 1.87 250 1.40
16 1.84 300 1.39
17 1.82 400 1.37
I8 1.80 500 1.36
19 1.78 1 000 1.34
20 1.77 ∞ 1.28
9 Test methods
For welded fabric, the requirements of MS ISO 15630-2 apply regarding the tensile test,
rebend test, the determination of shear force of joints and the methods for chemical analysis.
Measurement of the surface geometry and the determination of the relative rib area shall
be in accordance with MS ISO 15630-1.
In addition to the manufacturer's identification marks applied to the individual bars, a label
shall be attached to the welded fabric to indicate the manufacturer of the welded fabric and
the steel grade(s).
f) number of sheet.
If one test result is less than the specified characteristic value, both the test piece and the test
method shall be carefully examined. If there is a local fault in the test piece or reason to
believe that an error has occurred in the test, the test results shall be ignored. In this case a
further single test shall be carried out.
If the three valid test results are equal or greater than the specified characteristic value the
batch shall be deemed to conform to this standard. If not, the requirements of 12.2 shall
12.2 If 12.1 is not fulfilled, 10 additional test pieces shall be selected from different sheets
in the batch.
The batch shall be deemed to conform to this standard if the average test result of the 10 test
pieces is higher than the characteristic value and the individual values are higher than the
minimum and lower than the maximum values given in either MS 146:2013 or this standard
as appropriate.
Annex A
A.1 General
Figure A.1 gives an example of notation that should be used for ordering sheets of fabric
described and classified as specified in BS 8666.
Table A.1. Preferred range of designated fabric types and stock sheet size
Table A.1. Preferred range of designated fabric types and stock sheet size (continued)
Generally use as an anti-crack reinforcement.
Annex B
B.1 General
Material not covered by a third party product certification scheme shall be assessed by
acceptance tests on each batch. Sampling and testing shall be carried out by an independent
organisation at the producer's works or in the stockholder's yard.
a) 20 specimens [or 80 specimens if appropriate, see B.4.1 b)] from different sheets of
fabric, for testing in accordance with B.3 a) and B.3 b); and
b) four test specimens, from different fabrics, for testing in accordance with B.3 c).
a) Inspection by variables:
i) yield strength ;
b) Inspection by attributes:
a) The following shall be determined for the performance characteristics listed in B.3 a):
The test unit shall be deemed to conform to this standard if the following conditions are
- for , and
- for and
b) If the conditions in a) are not fulfilled, a secondary calculation (the acceptability index k)
shall be determined, where:
m 20 Cv
s 20
If k ≥ 2, for , and k ≥ 1.6 for and , testing shall continue. 60 further test
specimens shall be taken and tested from different sheets in the test unit, so that a total
of 80 test results are available (n = 80).
The test unit shall be deemed to conform to this standard if the following conditions are
- for , and
- for , and
a) if the results of tests on the properties listed in B.3 b) conform to the appropriate material
standard, i.e. MS 146:2013 or MS 144:2013, for all 20 test specimens, the test unit shall
be deemed to conform to this standard; or
b) if a maximum of two of the 20 results do not conform to a), 60 further test specimens shall
be taken and tested from different fabrics in the test unit, making 80 test results available;
the unit shall be deemed to conform to this standard if no more than two of the 80 test
specimens fail the tests.
Annex C
MS EN 1992-1-1:2010
and MS EN 1992-1-
Description MS 145:2013
Yield strength
0.2 % proof strength
Tensile strength
Ratio tensile strength/yield strength
Percentage total elongation at maximum
Nominal diameter d Ø
Members of Technical Committee on Steel Bars, Wire Rods and Wire Products
Co-opted members