Learning Outcomes
From this lecture, students are able to:
- Current scenario of fish based food industry in Malaysia
- Fish based food product
- Product processing of fish based food
Fishmeal Canned and Retort Pouch Frozen product Cured, Dried And Dried
Product Salted Product
1. Fishmeal
• Fishmeal is a solid product obtained by removing most of the water and some or all of the oil from fish or fish
• It is not for human consumption.
• In the UK fishmeal product is obtained by drying and grinding or otherwise treating fish or fish waste to which no
other matter has been added.
•Made from the bones and offal left over from processing fish used for human consumption
•Manufactured from wild-caught, small marine fish; either unmanaged by-catch or sometimes sustainable fish
Characteristics of fishmeal:
1. In powder form
2. Used mostly in compound foods for poultry, pigs and farmed fish; and often used as an ingredient in organic
3. Made by cooking, pressing, drying and grinding the fish in machinery
1 Gel products (products with gel added) Fish balls Crab Balls
Squid balls
Canning Definition Process of preserving food in hermetically sealed metal containers using thermal
processing technology
Characteristic ● Involves a reduction of product temperature to 18° C or ● Used to lower the product
below. temperature to near zero or sub-zero
temperatures (Icing/ blast-chilling)
● Stored at refrigeration temperature
Fermented products play the role of increasing one’s appetite. These products are usually taken with ulam. Some
of the famous fermented seafood products are:
1. Budu ( fish paste ) 5. Pickled spanish mackerel (tenggiri jeruk)
2. Fish sauce 6. Pickled squid
3. Belacan (prawn paste ) 7. Ikan pekasam (fermented fish )
4. Cencaluk (prawn pickle ) 8. Fish flavoured sauce
● Budu is a fish sauce fermentation which basically uses anchovies as the main fish for the fermentation.
● The fish sauce is very popular or almost idolized by the people from the state of Kelantan and Terengganu.
● Process To Make Budu
● In Malaysia, pekasam is the only fermented fish product that uses freshwater fish as the raw material, while in
Indonesia, pekasam can be made of both freshwater fish or seafood.
● In Malay language, the term asam means "sour", which suggests the fermentation process that produces sour
● Pekasam tastes sour and mostly contain lactic acid bacteria. Pekasam is usually consumed deep-fried or
prepared as a side dish that goes well with rice.
6. Cured, Dried and Dried Salted Product
-Preserve food by salting or dehydrating it. (OLDEST METHODS)
-Stop the process of decomposition and bacterial growth
-Drying outdoors under the sun or using dehydrator machines in cooler climates.
-Salting fish dries the flesh because it draws out moisture, and so prevents bacterial growth.
-New techniques has been developed due to the advanced technology to produce in large scale and high quality
salted, cured fish roe pouch, typically of the grey
mullet or the bluefin tuna
What is drying process?
● Drying is defined as the application of heat under controlled conditions, to remove the water present in foods by
evaporation to yield solid products.
● The main purpose of drying is to extend the shelf-life of foods by reducing their in-water activity.
● Micro-organisms which cause food spoilage and decay and many of the enzymes which promote undesired
changes in the chemical composition of the food are unable to grow, multiply or function in the absence of
sufficient water
• food is placed in a chamber or box and smoke is • Hot smoking exposes the foods to smoke and heat in
pumped through the chamber for a period of around a controlled environment such as a smoker oven or
12- 48 hours smoke house
• The temperature of the chamber is kept between • Hot smoking requires the use of a smoker which
2025°C generates heat either from a charcoal base, heated
element within the smoker or from a stove- top or
• The temperature is usually >30°C and >40°C in
tropical countries.
Smoked Fish Smoked Tilapia Smoked mackerel Smoked clam Smoked catfish