Juvenile Statistics Comparison
Juvenile Statistics Comparison
Juvenile Statistics Comparison
I choose to look at violent crime for Calhoun, Georgia during a four-year period being 1995-
2010. This classification contains vicious and genuine fierce exploitations, assault and rapes,
robberies, bothered and basic ambushes. When taking a gander at the Uniform Crime Reporting
(UCR) I could separate that to city insights, then again when taking a gander at the Victimization
In taking a gander at the information on the UCR the populace expanded every year from
15,650 of every 1995 to 15,941 out of 2005. In 2007 the population for Calhoun dropped to
15.866 and then increased again to 15,956 for 2010. Indeed, even with the ascent and fall of
populace the wrongdoing rates did not pursue with those increments and diminishes. Violent
crime over all started at 242.8 in 1995 dropped dramatically in 2000 to 214.4, rise slightly to
219.6 in 2005. Then in 2007 when the population drops the violent crime rate takes a sharp
upward turn to 277.3 only to drop again in 2010 to 225.6. Looking across the board it looks to
be rape is the reason for the upward trend in 2007 rising from 18.8 to 44.1 in 2007 ("Federal
In looking at the data for the NVCS the total violent crime rate was a continuous up and
down. In 1995 it was 42.9 then dropped to 38.8 in 2000. It again rises to 46.2 in 2005 then
drops slightly to 43.1 in 2007. It then rises dramatically to 53.3 in 2010. When looking across
the board I see no real trend that could explain the rises and falls in the rates. Each category
seems to follow the same rise and fall trends that the total violent crime rate follows ("Bureau of
Taking a gander at the patterns there are a few errors in the numbers. The main that I saw was in
the by and large Violent Crime Rate. The ascent and fall drift is the equivalent until the most
recent two years when for each the UCR the rate expanded in 2007 to 277.3 and afterward fell in
2010 to 225.6 ("Federal Bureau of Investigation," 2017). However in the NVCS there is a similar
ascent and fall slant that we find in the UCR, until 2007 when in the NVCS as opposed to rising
again it dropped to 43.1. In 2010 it rose to 53.3 rather than as opposed to dropping as it did in the
NVCS ("Bureau of Justice Statistics," 2017). The other classification that I saw an expansive
contrast in was the fierce and genuine savage exploitations. In the UCR it demonstrates that in
1995 through 2007 there was such a little sum, to the point that no rate could be appeared. In
2010 it at that point shot up to 6.3 ("Federal Bureau of Investigation," 2017). In the NVCS there
were recordable numbers that rose and fell through the whole time frame. Robbery rate was
likely the best inconsistency as the rates in the UCR were detectably extraordinary, in 1995 the
rate was 57.5 and climbed significantly in 2000 to 75.7. In 2005 there was a vast decrease to 37.6
just to rise marginally to 44.1 in 2007. The rate at that point climbed again marginally to 31.3
("Federal Bureau of Investigation," 2017). The NVCS appeared to remain entirely stable for the
area. 1995 and 2000 was at 1.7 with a to a great degree slight decrease in 2005 to 1.6. It at that
point plunged again to 1.0 lastly ascending to 3.0 ("Bureau of Justice Statistics," 2017).
I am truly not certain why this disparity exists. I would will in general trust that the numbers for
the area would have had an a lot greater edge than the rates for the city itself. Concerning the
general numbers, they look near what I would have envisioned they would. Calhoun is a
Christian people group. At the point when a vicious wrongdoing is submitted, the suspect is
more than likely from away. They roll in from the greater urban areas around us, for example,
Dalton, Rome, Cartersville, Atlanta and rural areas, or Chattanooga and its rural areas. The