Biomolecules NOTES (A)
Biomolecules NOTES (A)
Biomolecules NOTES (A)
Classification of carbohydrates:
On the basis of hydrolysis
(a) Simplest carbohydrates
(b) It cannot be hydrolysed into simpler compounds
(c) Examples – Glucose, mannose
(a) Carbohydrates which gives 2 to 10 monosaccharide units on hydrolysis
(b) They are further classified as:
i) Disaccharides.
Carbohydrates which on hydrolysis give two molecules of same or different monosaccharides are called
Examples 1. sucrose – gives one unit of glucose and one unit of fructose on hydrolysis
2. maltose – gives 2 molecules of glucose on hydrolysis
3. lactose – gives one unit of glucose and one unit of galactose on hydrolysis
ii) Trisaccharides – give three molecules of same or different monosaccharides on hydrolysis.
Example – raffinose (C18H32O16) gives glucose, fructose and galactose on hydrolysis
(a) Carbohydrates which on hydrolysis give large number of monosaccharide units.
(b) Examples – Cellulose, starch
Sugars Non-sugars
1. Sweet in taste 1. Tasteless
2. Crystalline in nature 2. Amorphous in nature
3. Soluble in water 3. Insoluble in water
4. Eg . Glucose, fructose, 4. Eg. Starch, cellulose, glycogen sucrose
A molecule is assigned D- configuration, if the -OH group attached to the carbon atom
adjacent to the –CH2OH(last chiral carbon atom) group is on the right hand side.
a molecule is assigned L-configuration, if the -OH group attached to the carbon atom
adjacent to the –CH2OH(last chiral carbon atom) group is on the left hand side.
Glucose is an aldohexose.
Glucose correctly named D(+)glucose. D
represents configuration and + represents
dextro rotatory. Therefore it is also known as
Starch, cellulose and glycogen are polymers of
It has an aldehyde group, one primary
alcoholic group and four secondary alcoholic
Heating with HI : When heated with hydroiodic acid and red phosphorus, forms n-
hexane. This indicates that all the six carbon atoms are linked in a straight line.
anhydrous ZnCl2 to form glucose pentaacetate/penta acetyl glucose. This indicates the
presence of five –OH groups in glucose molecule.
Glucose does not give Schiff’s test and does not react with sodium bisulphite and NH3.
Pentaacetyl glucose does not react with hydroxyl amine. This shows the absence of -----
-CHO group and hence the presence of ring structure.
Glycosidic linkage: The oxide linkage formed by the loss of a water molecule when two
monosaccharides are joined together through oxygen atom is called glycosidic linkage.
Starch: It is a polymer of -glucose and consists of two components Amylose and Amylopectin.
It is a water insoluble component
It is branched chain polymer
It forms chain by C1 – C4glycosidic linkage whereas branching occurs by C1 –
C6glycosidic linkage
It constitutes about 80-85% of starch
It occurs exclusively in plants.
It is a straight chain polysaccharide composed only of β-D-glucose units which are
joined by glycosidic linkage between C1 of one glucose unit and C4 of the next
glucose unit.
The carbohydrates are stored in animal body as glycogen.
It is also known as animal starch because its structure is similar to Amylopectin.
It is present in liver, muscles and brain.
When the body needs glucose, enzymes break the glycogen down to glucose
Amino acids are organic compounds
containing both amino group(-NH2) and
carboxyl group(-COOH).
All naturally occurring amino acids are α-
amino acids. ie they contain amino group
on α- carbon atom ( carbon next to –COOH
They behave like ionic salts rather than simple amines or carboxylic acids. This is due to
the existence of amino acids as zwitter ion/internal salt/dipolar ion.
Zwitter ion - Due to the presence of basic amino group and acidic carboxyl group in
amino acid molecule, the proton from the carboxyl group is taken up by amino group(
internal neutralization) to form a dipolar ion. This is called zwitter ion/internal salt
Zwitter ion is neutral but contains both positive and negative charges.
In amino acids acidic character is due to –NH3 group and basic character is due to
–COO- group.
Peptides: The compounds formed by the condensation of two or more same or different amino
acids are called peptides.
Peptide bond/ peptide linkage. When two amino acid molecules combine, the carboxyl group
of one amino acid condense with amino group of the other amino acid with the elimination of a
water molecule. The resulting –CO-NH- linkage is called peptide linkage or peptide bond and
the product formed is called dipeptide.
If a large number of α-amino acids are joined by peptide bonds, the resulting
polyamide is called polypeptide.
Proteins are actually polypeptides. However there is no clear line of demarcation
between polypeptides and proteins
Polypeptides having molecular mass greater than 10000amu are referred to as
Thus proteins are regarded as long polymers of amino acids joined by peptide
Proteins are complex nitrogenous molecules which are essential for the growth and
maintenance of life. These perform a wide variety of biological functions.
Primary structure of proteins: The sequence of amino acids is said to be the primary structure
of a protein.
1. α– Helix:
It was given by Linus Pauling in 1951
It exists when R- group is large.
Right handed screw with the NH group of each amino acid
residue H – bonded to – C = O of adjacent turn of the helix.
2. β– pleated sheet:
It exists when R group is small.
In this conformation, all peptide chains are stretched out to nearly maximum
extension and then laid side by side which are held together by hydrogen bonds.
Denaturation of Proteins :
The process that changes the physical and biological properties of proteins without
affecting the chemical composition of protein is called denaturation.
Denaturation is caused by (1). changes in pH( by adding concentrated acids), (2). change
in temperature ( by heating), (3). addition of heavy metal salts such as HgCl2, AgNO3
etc, (4) adding alcohol, (5) radiations such as x-rays or ultraviolet rays.
Proteins lose their biological activity on denaturation.
Denaturation is generally irreversible.
During denaturation globular proteins becomes fibrous.
Denaturation does not change the primary structure (sequence of amino acids). It
changes secondary and tertiary structure (arrangement of polypeptide chains and overall
shape)of proteins.
Examples of denaturation: (1).Boiling of egg (2).Curdling of milk (3).Preparation of
cheese from milk etc.
Nucleic acids are biologically important polymers which are present in all living cells.
The monomer unit present in nucleic acids is called nucleotides.
Therefore they are known as polynucleotides.
There are two types of nucleic acids:
i) DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid
ii) RNA - Ribonucleic acid.
Structure of Nucleic acids
A nucleotide consists of three chemical components:
i) a pentose sugar
ii) a heterocyclic nitrogen base
iii) a phosphate group.
i) Pentose Sugar.
There are two types of sugars present in nucleic acids.
The sugar present in DNA is deoxyribose (β-D-2-deoxyribose) and the sugar present in
RNA is ribose (β-D-ribose)
(iii) uracil
The bases present in DNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. (A, G, C, T)
The bases present in RNA are adenine, guanine cytosine and uracil. (A, G, C, U)
The base which is not present in DNA is uracil
The base which is not present in RNA is thymine.
The Base-Sugar-Phosphate unit present in nucleic acid is called nucleotide.
Base + Sugar + Phosphate = nucleotide
Depending upon the type of sugar unit present, nucleotides are of two types. They are i)
deoxyribonucleotides(which contains deoxyribose) and ribonucleotides(which contains
Nucleic acids are polynucleotides.
During the formation of nucleic acid molecule, thousands of nucleotides join together to
form polynucleotide chains(strands)
The nucleic acid back bone consists of alternating sugar-phosphate units. Each sugar unit
is attached to a base unit.
Adenine is linked to thymine with two hydrogen bonds and guanine is linked to cytosine
with three hydrogen bonds.
Thus the base sequence of one polynucleotide chain automatically fixes the base
sequence of the other polynucleotide chain.
Hence the two polynucleotide chains are complimentary to each other.
1. It has double stranded helix structure. 1. It has a single stranded helix structure.
2. The sugar present is deoxyribose 2. The sugar present is ribose.
3. Nitrogen base uracil is not present. 3. Nitrogen base thymine is not present