Olevel 1
Olevel 1
Olevel 1
) Subject : ITT&NB
Topic : About Spreadsheet Date : 02-07-20
Menu Bar:
Menu bar is located just below the title bar. It contains the various commands.
Each cell is represented by intersection point of one row and one column in the spreadsheet. Data is
entered into the cell.
Each spreadsheet can have several sheets, and each sheet can have many individual cells.
LibreOfficeCalc can hold up to 32,000 sheets.
Column Header:
Columns are arranged vertically in the spreadsheet. It is denoted by alphabets. Each sheet can have
maximum 1024 columns.
Row Header:
Rows are arranged horizontally in the spreadsheet. It is denoted by numbers. Each sheet can have
maximum 1048576 rows.
Name Box:
It gives the address of current active cell. The address of a cell is given by the letter representing the
column and the number representing a row. For example in above figure the active cell is A1. Here is
column letter and 1 is row number.
Formula Bar:
Formula bar displays the contents of selected cell i.e. data, formula or function. You can also edit the cell
contents here.
Status Bar:
Status bar provides some valuable information about the sheet. It is located at the bottom of the screen.
Date can be formatted as per choice, Format Cells dialog box will be opened by clicking on More
Options at side bar properties.
Selection of Data
Single cell is selected by Mouse clicking over it.
Range of cell is selected by pressing left button of the mouse and moving over the area, and
then leaving the mouse button.
Selection can also be done using keyboard. Use Shift and Arrow (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) key
for the selection of data.
Entire column is selected by clicking on any column header/letter.
Entire row is selected by clicking on any row header/number.
Entire sheet is selected by clicking on the area just above the row header and left to the column
header or using shortcut Ctrl + A.
Page Style
This option is used to set up of page for printing. Follow these steps to open Page Style dialog
Go to Format Menu and choose Page option
Page Style dialog box will be opened.
Click on Page tab.
In Page tab under Page Style dialog box, you have - Paper Format, Orientation, Margins and Layout
Paper Format
Use this option to set the size of the paper. You can set the width and height of the paper
manually or select the predefined paper like letter, A4, legal as per your need. The default paper
format is Letter which has 8.50" width and 11.00" height.
Page Orientation
Page orientation is the way in which a page is oriented for viewing. Portrait and Landscape are
two types of page orientation.
Page Margins
Margins are the space between the edge the page and the text. You can adjust left, top, right
and bottom margins.
Layout Settings
Use this option to set how the printed text appears on the different pages:
Right and Left - Use this option if you want to take printed text on both sides of the pages.
Mirrored - Use this option if you want to set up facing pages for double sided documents like
books or magazines.
Printing of spreadsheet
To take printout or hardcopy of your spreadsheet, follow these steps:
Go to File Menu and click on Print option
Print dialog box will be opened.
You can also press Ctrl + P to open Print dialog box
Click on Print option available on Standard Tool bar.
In Print dialog box, you have - Printer, Range and Copies, Number of Copies and From which print:
Select the printer from where you want to take printout. If no printer is available, first install the
Range and Copies
Here, you have to select the sheet/cell that you want to print i.e. - All sheets, Selected sheets or
Selected cells.
Number of Copies
Type the number of copies required for printing. By default, 1 is selected.
From which print
Here, Select the page(s) that you want to take printout i.e. All pages or specify the pages
manually like 1-5 or 1,3,5.
Note: It is better practice to see the preview of your spreadsheet before going for printing. During
preview of your spreadsheet, you might find that margins or other items are not set properly. Therefore,
first look preview of your spreadsheet then go for final printing.
Saving of spreadsheet
To save your new spreadsheet to avoid losing of your work, follow these steps:
Go to File Menu and click on Save option
Save As dialog box will be opened.
Press Ctrl + S to open Save As dialog box
Click on Save option available on Standard Tool bar
Note: If your spreadsheet is already saved, and you want to save it with new name or with new location
then use Save As option. (For first time saving of spreadsheet, Save and Save As are the same).
Go to File Menu and click on Save As
Use shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S
Opening and Closing of Spreadsheet
1. What is Calc? Write its features.
2. Write the basic elements of spreadsheet.
3. Write the steps for printing spreadsheet.