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Microsoft Excel: References and Handouts

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Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel
The current lab versions available of Microsoft Excel are Office 98 on Dwight and Carr
Macs, and Office 97 on the PCs.

References and Handouts

Microsoft Excel Help. Under help on the Menu Bar; or click on the icon on the
• Use Contents section to view specific categories of information.
• Use Index section to look through in alphabetical arrangement of terms.
• Use the Assistant to search for a specific word or phrase.
Microsoft Excel Worksheet Function Reference. This manual can be found on the bookshelf;
it is the definitive source for answers to questions about Excel for both Mac’s and PC’s.
These references are resources for both consultants and lab users.

Launch the Microsoft Excel Program

Click on the program icon in Launcher or the Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar.
A worksheet is a grid, made up of rows, which are numbered and columns, which are
lettered. At the intersection of each row and column is a cell, which has a coordinate address
called a “Cell Reference” (A1 or C5, etc.).

Selecting Cells
To select a single cell -- click on it with the pointer.
To select a group of cells -- click on a cell and drag to select remaining cells.
To select a row of cells -- click on the number of the row.
To select a column of cells -- click on the letter of the column.

Moving from one cell to the next

press the following keys to:
[tab] move to the right adjacent cell
[shift] + [tab] move to the left adjacent cell
[enter] move to the next cell down
[shift] + [enter] move to the next cell up
use arrow keys move in any direction or within a cell

Lab Consultant Manual (Spring 2000) 1

Microsoft Excel

Spreadsheet Features
When you select a single cell, it becomes active with a heavy dark border around it. In the
upper left-hand corner of the spreadsheet, you will see the cell reference for the active cell.
All typing enters first into the Formula Bar, which is to the right of the cell reference. When
you press <Enter> all information typed in the Formula bar is entered into the active cell on
the worksheet.

Formula Bar

Cell Reference

Entering Numbers
In the above spreadsheet, you can use the Fill option on each line where the values are the
same from one month to another. This is accomplished by either:
• Clicking on the little box in the lower right hand corner of the active cell frame (the
cursor becomes a crosshair), and dragging it across the columns, OR
• Highlighting the cells in columns B through J and select Edit!Fill!Right from the
Menu bar.
Another neat trick if you want to enter data, is to first select the range of cells into which you
will enter data. This allows you to tab from one cell to the next within this range of cells. If
you are entering data into three columns (e.g. B, C and D) when you reach column D, the tab
key will automatically return you to the next row in column B, a real time saver.

Correcting a mistake
If you are still in the formula bar when you realize that you have made an error, just delete
backwards by pressing <Delete> or use your mouse to correct the mistake like you would on
any word processor. If you have made a mistake in a cell that has already been entered into
the spreadsheet, first click on the cell with the error. Then, click in the Formula Bar and edit
the error. After you have finished editing, click in the “""” box, which will “enter” in the
new information. Hitting the “X” box will “cancel” your new work and will return the cell
back to its original state.

Lab Consultant Manual (Spring 2000) 2

Microsoft Excel

Formatting Cells
In addition to the basic formatting effects (Bold, Italics and Underline), there are several
other formatting options in Excel. Slowly pass the mouse over the icons on the formatting
toolbar to find the tools for Merge and Center, Currency, Percent, Comma and Increase or
Decrease Decimal places. These are the most common formatting tools you will use in
You can also select Format!Cells from the Menu Bar (or Right Click menu). There you
will find options to format cells as dates or text, align or wrap text, merge cells, apply
borders or shading or colors. Look at the available options.

Building a Formula
A formula is used to calculate results of some collection of data. The most common function
is to sum a range of numbers using the common mathematical operations of addition (+),
subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/). Formulae can also be used to count data,
average data, and perform more advanced functions.
To construct a formula, do the following:
A. Click on the cell that you want to contain the formula.
B. Press the equal sign (=) and type “SUM(” (without the quotes), which will flag
EXCEL that you are constructing a formula.
C. Highlight the range of cells that you want to Sum. Type a closing parenthesis.
D. When you have the correct formula in the Formula Bar, click on the “"” button or
press <Enter>. The total is displayed in the cell.

An even quicker way to Sum a column or row is to click on the SUM icon (Σ) on the
toolbar. Look at the range of cells it is selecting though. If one row is blank, the formula will
only select up to the first empty row. If you want to select a different range of cells, simply
click and drag the mouse over the range to select it.

Notice: When you click on the cell containing a total, you will see the formula in the
Formula Bar. You can change a formula by clicking in the Formula Bar and editing as
described earlier in “Correcting a mistake”.

Lab Consultant Manual (Spring 2000) 3

Microsoft Excel

Copy the Formula

To save time and keep your spreadsheet accurate, copy the formula into the remaining
“Total” cells:
A. Select the cell that has the formula in it.
B. Click on the little box in the lower right hand corner of the active cell outline (when
cursor looks like a crosshair), and drag it across the columns, OR
C. Highlight the remaining Total cells and select Edit!Fill!Right from the Menu Bar.
Notice: The totals for each column are entered into their respective cells. Check the formula
for each cell. The program assumes what is called a “Relative Reference”—the column
references increment, while the row references remain the same. (See Figure on page 3.) The
figure below shows an “Absolute Cell Reference”. To calculate a percentage of the total, you
must provide instructions within the formula to always reference the cell that contains the
total, rather than incrementing the reference as it does in the straight sum cells. The $
preceding Column (K) and the Row (11) gives that instruction.

Freeze Panes
One way to view the page on the screen more clearly is to Freeze Panes. This makes the
column headings and row descriptions you choose to remain in view when you scroll
through a large sheet. This option is found under the Window Menu. Select the cell just
below the row containing column headings and to the right of any column that contains row
descriptions. Then, select Window!Freeze Panes. To turn off this feature, you will see that
the option under the Window menu now reads “Unfreeze Panes”.

Lab Consultant Manual (Spring 2000) 4

Microsoft Excel

Preparing to Print

Page Setup
Margins, paper orientation, headers/footers and print size can be set from the File!Page
Setup Menu. If a spreadsheet nearly fits on one page, it is usually preferable to select the
“Print to 1 page wide by 1 page tall” option. This avoids a single column or a few rows
printing on a separate page. On the Sheets tab, you can also choose whether to print the
gridlines or not.

Multipage Sheets
Also on the Page Setup/Sheets window is an option to select any column headings (“Rows to
repeat at top”) or row labels (“Columns to repeat at left.”) that you want to print on
subsequent pages if your spreadsheet is long enough to print on more than one page. You
can also specify the print area in this window, which may be only a section of the full

Print Preview
Always use Print Preview before printing a spreadsheet to verify that you will only print
what you want to print, and that it looks the way you expect it to on the page. You can also
set the margins and layout in this view. When you have finished manipulating the
spreadsheet in Print Preview mode, click on the Close button to return to the spreadsheet for
When you are sure the spreadsheet looks the way you intend, select File!Print from the
Menu Bar and specify the printer you want the spreadsheet to print to, if it is not the default.
Spreadsheets often are printed in color to capture special details, such as red fonts for
negative numbers, or colored bars or pie sections in charts.

Making a Chart
Click on Insert → Chart and follow the on-screen instructions. Advanced techniques for
working with Charts will be provided at a later date.

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Microsoft Excel

Lab Consultant Manual (Spring 2000) 6

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