2024_A8702_II B.Tech I Sem Model Paper-VCER22
2024_A8702_II B.Tech I Sem Model Paper-VCER22
2024_A8702_II B.Tech I Sem Model Paper-VCER22
CO# CO Statement Level
CO1 Apply AI techniques to solve problems of game playing, theorem proving, and
machine learning.
CO2 Apply the propositional logic to AI designs L2
CO3 Learn different knowledge representation techniques L2
CO4 Examine the role of searching strategies in AI environment L3
CO5 Analyse the constraint satisfaction problems for problem solving L3
Solve the water Jug problem with the capacity of the two jugs of 3 and 4
liters with no marking in them. Given a water supply with a large storage
b) using these two jugs, how can you separate 2 liters of water. Formulate CO1 5M
the problem, write production rules and draw the state space graph to
provide the solution.
c) Run the BFS and DFS till Goal G is found. Note that a new node is added CO1 L3 5M
to OPEN only if not already present in OPEN or CLOSED. The moment
when BFS and DFS finds G, what is CLOSED and OPEN list?
Initial State ‘
d) CO1 L2
Actions 5M
Transition Model
Goal Test
b) CO2 L3 5M
Encode the following map coloring problem (using three colors) as a
constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and find one solution using
backtracking search.
c) ‘ CO2 L2
Given that:
6. P V Q
b) 7. P --> R 5M
CO3 L3
8. Q --> R
Prove R
c) Briefly express Inference rules in first-order predicate logic (FOPL)? CO3 L3 5M
Define unification in the context of logic programming and automated 5M
d) CO3 L3
b) CO4 L3
Describe the main features of GraphPlan and how it differs from 5M
c) CO4 L3
traditional search-based planning methods.
d) Discuss hierarchical planning using suitable example. CO4 L4 5M
What is robotics? Discuss its key components and the main objectives of
c) CO5 L2
robotic systems. 5M
Briefly explain various types of sensors used and their applications in
d) CO5 L2
robotic systems. 5M