4. a Draw the circuit of a JK master slave flip-flop explain its CO2 L3 (5)
. operation with functional table.
b Design a Mod-10 counter using D flip-flop. Explain with CO2 L4 (5)
. timing diagrams.
5 a Describe the core components and principles of the Von CO3 L4 (5)
. Neumann architecture.
b Explain how multiprocessor and multicomputer systems CO3 L3 (5)
address challenges of real word computing applications.
6 a Design flow chat for multiplication of two numbers using CO3 L3 (5)
booths multiplication algorithm with example.
b Compare hardwired control and micro program control in CO3 L3 (5)
terms of its design and implementation.
7 a Derive an algorithm in flow chart form to perform CO3 L3 (5)
. addition subtraction of data represented in signed
magnitude representation.
b Aanalyze how multiple bus organization can be utilized CO3 L5 (5)
. to optimize data transfer and system performance
8 a Discuss the various types of Read-Only Memory (ROM) CO4 L3 (5)
. and their applications in computer systems.
b Discuss various requirements for memory management CO4 L3 (5)
. in computer organisation
9 a Evaluate the role of cache memory in enhancing system CO4 L4 (5)
. performance. How does cache memory work, and what
strategies are employed to optimize its effectiveness?
. Analyze the role of virtual memory in basic computer CO4 L3 (5)
b organization and explain how it manages the relationship
. between physical memory and process requirements.
10 a CO5 L3 (5)
. Describe in detail about Input and Output interfaces
with neat sketch
b Define interrupt? Discuss how I/O Interrupts are handled CO5 L4 (5)
. by the basic computer organization.
11 a Discuss advantage of using DMA with neat block CO5 L3 (5)
. diagram.
b Explain the role of standard serial and parallel interface CO5 L4 (5)
. circuits in computer organization.