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Brochure GISE 2015

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Amit Prashant
Associate Professor July 20, 2015

Subject: Short Course on Geotechnical Investigation for Structural Engineering to be held

at IIT Gandhinagar during 15th – 17th October, 2015

Dear Sir:

I enclose herewith a brochure for the above course. Since the insight to geotechnical
investigation plays an extremely important role in safe and economical design of structures, we
believe that this course may prove very useful to engineers interested in design and construction of
buildings and other infrastructures.

In the past, the course instructors have been very successfully conducted numerous training
courses on such topics for professional engineers. All the courses were very much appreciated by
the participants.

We therefore suggest that you consider sponsoring some of your engineers to this course.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Amit Prashant

Encl: Brochure of the short course

Address: Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, VGEC Complex, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424;
Fax: 079-23972586; Email: ap@iitgn.ac.in
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Short Course on
Geotechnical Investigations for Structural Engineering
To be conducted at IIT Gandhinagar during 15th – 17th October, 2015

Course Objectives Course Faculty

The aim of the course is to abreast the participants The course will be conducted by
A) with fundamentals and contemporary topics on  Prof. V.S. Raju, (Distinguished Honorary
expectations from Geotechnical Investigations for Professor, IIT Gandhinagar | Former
design of structures. B) International best practices. Director, IIT Delhi | Dean, IIT Madras).
At the end of the course, the participants are  Prof. Ajanta Sachan, IIT Gandhinagar
expected to:  Prof. Amit Prashant, IIT Gandhinagar
 Have an overall understanding about guidelines
and requirements for geotechnical investigations Certificate
for design of all types of structures such as Participants who successfully complete the
buildings and bridges and Infrastructural facilities course will be awarded a certificate.
including transport, power, petrochemical,
harbors and airports etc, to enable them to plan Venue
and direct the construction activity appropriately.
The course will be conducted at Indian
 Have a clear understanding of how to asses and Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Palaj,
interpret geotechnical investigation report to be Gandhinagar- 382355, Gujarat, India.
able to execute a safe and economical design.
The course fee is Rs. 12,500/- (Rupees
The course is designed for Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Only) per
 Civil Engineers, in particular Structural and participant. It includes course material, lunch,
Foundation Engineers engaged in design and and tea breaks. The fee is payable in advance
execution of structures. by a crossed cheque or demand draft in favor
 Senior professionals responsible for directing of Conference Account IIT Gandhinagar
these activities. payable at Ahmedabad, or via online transfer
at the account details given in registration
 Senior faculty in Structural and Geotechnical form.
Engineering in Academic institutions.
Course Contents
The postgraduate students and faculty of civil
engineering may request a discount in course
 Structural Requirements and Geotechnical fee.
Investigation Plan
Interested persons should send the enclosed
 Reconnaissance of site and design options
Registration Form to:
 Best Practices in Field testing; SPT, CPT, DCPT,
Sampling Mr. Nitin Shukla
 Laboratory Testing and Soil Parameters Organizer, Course on GISE-2015
 Code Provisions Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
 Geotechnical Investigation Report and VGEC Campus, Chandkheda,
Interpretations Ahmedabad – 382424
Mob: 9737632133; Fax: 079-23972586;
 Recent developments enabling Foundation
Email: n.shukla@iitgn.ac.in
optimization to highlight the benefits from quality
Geotechnical recommendations. For course website and online registration:
 Case Studies http://www.iitgn.ac.in/GISE2015/
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Short Course on
Geotechnical Investigations for Structural Engineering
To be conducted at IIT Gandhinagar during 15th – 17th October, 2015

Registration Form
Name :
Designation :
Organization :
Postal Address :

Phone (office): Fax :

Phone (home): Email 1:
Phone (mobile): Email 2:

Qualifications and Background :

Registration Fee :
a) Enclosed is a crossed demand draft no. .................................dated ..................... for Rs. ......................in favor
of “Conference Account IIT Gandhinagar” payable at Ahmedabad.


b) From the Account No. …………………………. , bank transfer of Rs …………….., with transaction ID
…………… dated …………………, has been done to the account details given below:
Bank: State Bank of India
Account name: Conference Account IIT Gandhinagar
Account no.: 33674204979
IFS Code: SBIN0011770
Note: During NEFT /bank transfer fill the Remarks column with the text, "GISE-2015"

c) I shall send the registration fee by ................................................. (please indicate date).


Please return to:

Mr. Nitin Shukla
Organizer, Course on GISE-2015
Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424
Fax: 079-23972586; Email: n.shukla@iitgn.ac.in

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