The Black Panther
The Black Panther
The Black Panther
The plot:
The movie started in the past, when a meteor fall in Africa. The meteor contained a really valuable
metal, vibranium, and five tribes fighted over this metireal. A warrior ate a ’’heart-shaped herb’’,
which was affected by the meteor, and he gained super power and he became the first Black
Panther. He united these tribes and they named this territory was called Wakanda
Wakanda became extremely rich and powerful, but they hid it from other countries, and they
showed themselves as a poor, African state. In 1992, two brothers, T’Chaka and N’Jobu met in
California, where N’Jobu was working undercover. N’Jobu had been accused by T’Chaka of revealing
Wakanda’s power and helping the black-market to steal the vibranium. With the help of vibranium
he wanted to help other black peoples who couldn’t make ends meet. N’Jobu’s plan was told to
T’Chaka by Zuri, who was a Wakandan spy.
It continues in the present, T’Challa died, and his son, T’Challa is the hier to the throne. All tribes
accept him as their new king except M’Kbu, the leader of the Jabari tribe. He challenges T’Challa and
they fight in the river. T’Challa injures M’Kabu and he wins the combat but offers peace to M’Kabu,
who takes it. The ceremony continues, and the new king gets that special necklace which could be
the same as crown in European culture. After that, they go to a place, with fewer people where he
drinks the potion made of the herb and gets the power of the Black Panther, then Zuri buries him
into sand. T’Challa hallucinates and meets his father who gives him pieces of advice which could help
him leading Wakanda. Nakia, the king’s ex-lover could also be there at the ceremony, because.
Okoye, the leader of the army, the Dora Milaje attacked a group of people, who were transporting
kidnapped women, including Nakia, in undercover.
The team has heard about a theft, a Wakandan axe was stolen from the British Museum. They found
out, Eric Stevens and Klaue were the sinners: Eric poisonned one of the employees of the museum,
the staff called the ambulance, but the ones sitting in the ambulance car were Klaue and his men, so
they could get the axe out without any difficulties; since nobody is suspicious about an ambulance
car. They want to sell it in Busan, which is located in South-Korea, that’s why T’Challa, Okoye and
Nakia travel there. The deal was planned to be made in a casino, where they find out, that the buyer
is the man of the CIA, Everett K. Ross, a friend of T’Challa. Okoye was caught and a firefight brakes
out and Klaue escapes by car. T’Challa was chasing him and finally catches him, he wanted to kill him,
but the crowd seemed too big, so he didn’t.
CIA takes Klaue to their place and Everett tried to talk to him. He tells Everett about Wakanda’s
power. Everett calls T’Challa to account for not telling him about that earlier, but then Eric in the
mask he has stolen from the museum the other day, breaks in and escapes Klaue. T’Challa tries to
catch them but he cannot. He notices a ring at Stevens, that looked alike the one he has gotten from
his grandfather. Everett was injured really badly, so Shuri, the little sister of the king takes him to her
laboratory in Wakanda, where she can heal him. Meanwhile T’Challa questiones Zuri about the ring,
who tells him about what actually happened in California on that day. N’Jobu wanted to attack Zuri,
so T’Chaka, T’Challa’s father killed N’Jobu, his own brother, in order to save Zuri’s life and to keep
Wacanda’s power in secret. N’Jobu had a son, N’Jadaka, who were left there with his dead father.
Later he changed his name to Eric Stevens, but because he killed so many people, he is also known as
Eric killes Klau and he takes his corpse to Wakanda and gives it to W’Kabi. By this move, he earned
his respect. Eric shows up in front of T’Challa, and tells him, that he wasn’t the son of a king, but the
son of a murderer. After that he challenges him. He defeats him, but when he wanted to kill him, Zuri
said that he was the cause of his father death, so Eric kills him and throws down T’Challa from the
waterfall. After that he drints the potion made of the herb, and on the ritual, where he was covered
in sand, he saw his dead father and talked to him. He sat on fire the remaining herbs, but before that
Nakia could save one fortunately. Nakia, Ramonda, Ross and Shuri want to leave the country, but
Okoye doesn’t help them, thougy Nakia mentioned that she loves T’Challa, because she said that she
had to serve the king.
They go to M’Baku to ask for his help, and he tells them that T’Challa wasn’t dead, but he was in a
coma. His mother makes a potion out of the herb and made him drink it, then they quickly buried
him in snow. Then he hallucinated and met his father, and he was angry with him, because of his act
and the thinks that hiding Wakanda’s power was more than enough, it’s time to help other black
peoples. He wakes up and thanks M’Baku, and asks him to help them, but he rejetcts his request.
They go back to Wakanda, T’Challa was wearing the Black Panther dress. Eric is surprised and people
say the challenge wasn’t over yet. But Eric told W’Kabi and his army to defeat T’Challa. By this he
crossed the rules, so the Dora Malaje turned against him: a part of them supported T’Challa, and
some of them tried to defeat Eric. They couldn’t menage, so Nakia and Shuri decided to help them
and told Ross to drive a big flying machine and help them from above. Nakia and Shuri couldn’t
defeat Eric and he almost killed Shuri, but his brother saves her life. Ross shoots the plane, which was
exporting weapons. M’Baku and his army also come to help them with W’Kabi’s army and the huge
Meanwhile T’Challa and Eric are fighting by the railway which was transporting vibranium, and where
a sonar was weakening vibranium, so their clothes too. T’Challa stabbed Eric with a knife. Eric said
that he wanted to see the sunset in Wakanda, so T’Challa helped him to get to a place where the
scenery was perfect. He said that they could save him, but Eric didn’t want. He pulled out the knife
from his body and he bled to death.
Nakia and T’Challa still loves each other, Nso Nakia decided to stay here. T’Challa didn’t want to hide
Wakanda’s power anymore, so he bought the building where his father killed his uncle and was
planning to create there a scientific institution. He takes there Shuri and tells her that she is going to
be the leader of it.
My thoughts:
This whole situation could symbolise Africa’s status in the history. They had vibranium, which is a
really valuable metal and some white people (Klaue) wanted to steal it. It symbolised colonisation. In
the past, it was the same, they had diamond, but Europeans took it away and they even transported
people to America.
I think it was really beautiful how T’Challa and Shuri loved and supported each other, and that Shuri
wasn’t jelous to T’Challa, because he became the king.
It was brilliant how they showed two sides of Africa: the Africa with tribal ceremonies and rituals,
and a completly different, technically developed Africa.
It also showed that women can be as strong and smart as men, the Dora Malaje featured strength
and loyality, and Shuri, the technical genius, featured extreme knowledge and humour.
I don’t really like superhero movies, but it was different from others, so I enjoyed it
He was a fair and loyal leader of Wakanda. He was in love with Nakia, and he had a sister Shuri, they
were close to eachother.
Eric Stevens:
He was depressed by his father death and he killed a lot of people. I think he wasn’t actually a hostile
person, he was just too stubborn and his methods to achiev his goals were too brutal. At the end he
chose to die instead of capitulation.
She is a very strong woman, and she remained loyal to the king, eventhough it was Eric and not
T’Challa. She only turned against him when he crossed the rules by not continuing/accepting the
She was also very strong, she was the ex-lover of T’Challa, but in the movie it turned out that they
still love eachother, so at the end, they ended up together.
She was the sister of T’Challa and they were very close to each other. She was very smart, the
technical designer of Wakanda, and she was also very brave, she went out to fight with Eric with the
help of Nakia.
Everett Ross
He was the friend of T’Challa, and was working at CIA. He was smart, he went undercover and
wanted to buy the stolen axe from Klaue.
He wasn’t a nice person, he stole the axe with Eric and wanted to sell it. Probably he wasn’t so smart,
because he didn’t notice that the one who was buying the axe from him was a CIA agent.
She was the mother of T’Challa. She was beautiful, and powerful and really loved her son.
He loved T’Challa, and his father, but he was guilt-ridden, because another person (T’Challa’s uncle)
died instead of him.
He was sportsmenlike, because he helped T’Challa and Wakanda, eventhough T’Challa defeated him
in a challenge.