English topic
English topic
English topic
I swim
You swim -es –o –x –ss –sh –ch
He swims
She swims
It swims
We swim
They swim
S+V1(-s: -es 3-shaxs birlikda) –positive form
S+ do/does not+V1 – negative form
Do/Does+S+V1-question form
Using for sentences
1. Doimiy takrorlanib turuvchi ish harakatlar uchun
F.e: I work at school.
Sarah plays with her friends every evening.
2. Biror shaxs yoki narsa-buyum haqida umumiy fikr
F.e: This road is very dangerous.
John speaks very well in English.
3. Hayotiy haqiqatlar uchun.
F.e: Summer follows spring.
The Earth goes round the sun.
4. Kelasi zamon yaqti oldindan belgilab qo’yilgan va jadval
asosiga kiritilgan ish-harakatarga nisbatab present simple
F.e: Tomorrow, the exhibition opens at 10 a.m.
The train leaves at 7.30.
Signal words: always, usually, occasionally, often, frequently,
rarely (ega va asosiy fe’l orasida, agar to be bilan ishlatilsa to be
+signal words for example: I am (to be) always late my lessons.)
Every morning/afternoon/evening
Every day/month/year…
Each Monday/…
Once/twice/three times… (bu signal so’zlar hech qachon gap
o’rtasida ishlatilmaydi)
S+am/is/are+Ving- positive form
S+am/is/are not +Ving –negative form
Am/is/are+S+Ving –question form
Using for sentences
1. Ayni vaqtda sodir bo’lib turgan ish harakatlar uchun
F.e: I am playing tennis.
2. Vaqtinchalik ish-harakatlar uchun: bunda ish-harakat hozir
sodir bo’lmayotgan bo’lishi mumkin.
F.e: I am reading a book by Charles Dickens these days.
3. Birovning ish-harakatidan norozilik bildirmoqchi bo’lganda
present continuous ishlatiladi. Bunda odatda always signal
so’zi ishlatiladi.
F.e: Zarina is always using my things.
Signal words: now, at the moment, at present, today, this
week/month/year… , these days
Stative verbs
Appear, be, believe, belong to, have, include, need, see,
seem, taste, think
1)Be- bo’lmoq (don’t use)
Be- o’zini tutumoq (use)
f.e You are being so childish.
2) have-bor bo’lmoq(don’t use)
Have- birikma bo’lib kelib o’z ma’nosini yo’qotganda davomli
zamonlarda ishlatiladi.
F.e: have a breakfast/have a dinner/have a lunch/have a
game/have a chat/have a bath/have a rest/have a shower
I am having a breakfast.
3)taste-ta’mi kelmoq(don’t use)
Taste-ta’tib ko’rmoq(use)
4)think- I think (don’t use)
5)weigh-vaznga ega bo’lmaoq(don’t use)
Weigh-vaznini o’lchamoq(use)
To be-was/were
S+ was/were -positive form
S+ was/were not – negative form
Was/Were+ S – question form
S+ Ved (V2) –positive form
S+ did not+V1 –negative form
Did+S+V1? –question form
Using for sentences
1. Tugallangan ish-harakatlar uchun (Completed actions)
F.e: Our math lesson finished at 12.00
2. O’tgan zamonda takrorlangan ish-harakatlar uchun (Repeated
action in the past)
F.e: I ate ice-cream every day in my childhood.
3. O’tgan zamonda umumiy haqiqatlar uchun (General truths
about the past)
F.e: 50 years ago, people didn’t spend as much on
entertainment as they do today.
4. Hikoyadagi asosiy voqealar (Main events in a story)
F.e: 67 matchsticks remained in his pocket.
5. O’tgan zamondagi ketma-ket ish-harakatlar uchun
(Consecutive actions in the past)
F.e: John came in the room, took his book and sat on the
Signal words: …ago, yesterday, the other day, last week, last
night, in 1980, the day before yesterday, in March, when I was a
child, in the past.
S+ was/were+ Ving –positive form
S+ was/were not+ Ving –negative form
Was/Were+ S+ Ving –question form
Using for sentences
1. O’tgan zamondagi aniq bir paytda bajarilayotgan ish
harakatini ifodalaydi
F.e: The sun was shining at this time yesterday.
2. O’tgan zamonda ayni vaqtda bajarilayotgan 2 ta ish-harakatga
nisbatan past continuous ishlatiladi. Bunda 2 ta gap while
bog’lovchisi bilan bog’lanadi.
F.e: While Sylvia was cooking, Ann was reading a book.
3. Orqa fondagi qo’shimcha ma’lumotlar
F.e: Autumn. Morning wind was blowing pleasantly.
4. O’tgan zamon ayni bir vaqtda bir ish-harakat
bajarilayotganida boshqa bir ish-harakat paydo bo’lsa, sodir
bo’lib turgan ish harakatga nisbatan past continuous paydo
bo’lgan ish-harakatga nisbatan past simple ishlatiladi. Bunda 2
ta gap quyidagi bog’lovchilar bilan bog’lanadi: when, while, as,
just as
F.e: When I was explaining the theme (Davom etib turgan ish-
harakat), somebody knocked the door (paydo bo’lgan vaziyat)
While + past continuous, past continuous
While + past continuous, past simple
As + past continuous, past simple
Just as
Signal words: at that moment, at this/that time yesterday, at a
yesterday, from 1 to (till) 4, yesterday between 10 and 12.
So’zlovchi o’tgan zamonda, ma’lum bir muddat biror-bir ish-
harakatni bajarganligini, lekin bugungi kunda shu ish-harakatni
bajarmay qo’yganini ifodalash uchun used to ishlatiladi.
F.e: I used to smoke very much (oldin chekkan hozir chekmaydi)
S+ used to + V1 –positive form
S+ did not use to + V1
S +used not to + V1 negative form
S+ never used to + V1
Did + S + use to + V1 –question form
Used to = would
When I was young, I used to run fast.
I would run fast.
Used to harakat fe’llari bilan ham holat fe’llari bilan ham kela
oladi. Would esa faqat harakat fe’llari bilan ishlatiladi.
There used to be a large castle in this place. ✅
There would be a large castle in this place. ❌