Account Statement
Account Statement
Account Statement
Soumit Mondal
Kolkata - 700012
West Bengal, India
Folio Number : 12244833 / 80 CKYC KIN Old Folio Number :
Unit Holder : Soumit Mondal
Second Holder : Tax Status : Individual
Third Holder : Mode Of Holding : Single
Guardian :
Nominee 1 : Opted out
Nominee 2 :
Nominee 3 :
REGISTERED BANK ACCOUNT(S) (masked for security reasons) IFSC Code RTGS Payout Mode
PAN / PEKRN KYC Supplementary KYC FATCA / CRS UBO PAN Validation Status PAN Aadhaar Seeding
1st Unit Holder ******009R Validated Complete Available Not applicable Valid Successful
Guardian,If any
As you are aware, the last date to link the Aadhaar and Permanent Account Number (PAN) has been extended by the Government of India, until 30 Jun 2023. You are requested to
ignore this communication if you have already linked your Aadhar and PAN. In case the same has not been linked yet please click on the link
Systematic Registrations
Transaction Installment Top Up Top Up
Scheme Name Frequency Day From Date To Date Intermediary
Once A
Tata Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth SIP 25 21-Oct-2024 25-Dec-2107 100.00 NA NA INZ000208032
Transaction Details
TSCFGZ Tata Small Cap Fund - Direct Plan - Growth- ISIN:INF277K011O1 NAV as on 24/10/2024 : 46.7850
21/10/2024 Purchase SIP-BSE - Instalment No - 1 Online - INZ000208032 100.00 48.3897 48.3897 2.067 2.067
24/10/2024 Redemption - NEFT/RTGS PAYOUT-BSE - (11.60) 46.7850 46.7850 (0.248) 1.819
24/10/2024 Redemption - NEFT/RTGS PAYOUT-BSE - (84.25) 46.3172 46.7850 (1.819) 0.000
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Call: 022-62827777. SMS: TMF To 57575. E-mail:
Mulla House Ground Floor Homi Mody Street Mumbai - 400001
Current Unit Balance : 0.000 Market Value as on 24/10/2024 : 0.00 Intermediary Name : Nextbillion Technology Private Limited
Intermediary Code : INZ000208032
Redemption Payout : NEFT/RTGS PAYOUT Sub Broker ARN :
Allotment of units would be subject to realization of credit.Current load structure (w.e.f.03/05/2019): Entry Load - NIL. Exit Load - 1% if redeemed on or before expiry of 12 months
from the date of allotment. The Entry/Exit load for investment will be as applicable as on the date of allotment / date of registration in case of SIP and STP.Switch-in will be processed
based on the settlement cycle of the switch-out scheme. This scheme is to be considered as Equity oriented for taxation purpose.
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Call: 022-62827777. SMS: TMF To 57575. E-mail:
Additional Purchase / Switch / Redemption Form
Folio Number. 12244833 CAN Intermediary INZ000208032
I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an “execution-only” transaction without any interaction or advice by the Intermediary or personnel.
Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the Intermediaries based on the investor's assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the intermediary.
Sole / 1st Applicant Signature / Thumb 2nd Applicant Signature / 3rd Applicant Signature /
Impression Thumb Impression Thumb Impression
From Scheme / Plan / Option
Payment Mode : OTM facility (Registered in Folio) Cheque / DD Fund Transfer RTGS / NEFT
Gross Amount (A) DD Charges(if any) (B) Net Amount
(A - B)
Bank A/C No. A/C Type Dated D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
From Scheme / Plan / Option
From Scheme / Plan / Option
Bank Name
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Call: 1800 209 0101 • SMS: TMF To 57575 • E-mail:
1. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: iii. The Folio number / PAN and Name of the Applicant should be written by the Investor on
The Unit balance(s) is/are subject to realization of Cheque / DD the reverse of the cheques and bank drafts accompanying the transaction form.
accompanying the Purchase Request & PAN Validation.
ii. This Account Statement is subject to quality check. iv. The first unit holder should be one of the bank account holders in the pay-in bank
account. Purchase application through Cheque/DD/RTGS/NEFT/Funds transfer
iii. This Account Statement is a record of your transactions of the Units held in Tata requests should necessarily mention the pay-in bank account details i.e. account
Mutual Fund (TMF).
number and bank, branch name of the bank account used for issuing the payments to
iv. Kindly review this statement and contact the Investor Service Centres / 022- the fund. If this is not evidenced on the payment cheque/funds transfer/RTGS/NEFT
62827777 / promptly if there is any discrepancy. Contents request, or in case of demand drafts, unit holder should attach necessary supporting
of this statement will be considered correct if no error is reported within 30 days of documents as required by TMF,like bank certificate, bank passbook copy or statement
receipt of the statement. to prove that the funds are from a bank account held by first unit holder only. If the
v. For more information about our product, services and processes , visit our website documents are not submitted with the application, the fund reserves the right to reject the application or call for additional details. Investors are advised to visit
vi. Please quote your Folio Number in all future correspondence, please use the for details on documents, restrictions on third party
transaction forms enclosed along with this account statement for additional payments or approach any of the AMC offices.
purchase, switch and redemption.
vii. The Statement of Additional Information (SAI), Scheme Information Document v. In case of discrepancies in the amount received from the investor and the amount
(SID) and Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of the schemes and information mentioned in the application form the application units will be allotted for the amount
about our product, services and processes are available on received in our bank account.
vi. Units will be allotted subject to realization of payment proceeds.
viii. Investors need to read the SAI, SID, KIM, Addenda, KIM and Instructions therein
and below mentioned instructions carefully before filling up the transaction forms. vii. ADDITIONAL PURCHASE THROUGH OTM FACILITY: Investors making payment
through OTM facility registered in their folio , should tick the relevant box and need not
attach any cheque . If more than one bank account is registered in the folio under OTM
ix. Transaction Charges:
facility, investors should mention the bank account number and bank name where they
In accordance with SEBI circular No. Cir/ IM D/ DF/13/ 2011 dated August 22,2011,
wish the debit to happen. If the same is not mentioned or is not registered, default bank
Tata Asset Management Private Limited/ Mutual Fund will deduct transaction
mandate under OTM facility will be considered to debit the purchase amount.
Charges from the purchase/ subscription amount received from the investors
investing through a valid Intermediary Holder i .e. Intermediaries (provided the
Intermediary has opted to receive the transaction Charges).Transaction Charge of 3. SWITCHES:
R s. 100 per purchase / subscription of Rs. 10,000 and above are deductible (per i. Investors can split the switch-out amount in more than one scheme, subject to meeting
Scheme Plan - Option) from the purchase / subscription amount and payable to the the minimum amount criterion of the switch-in schemes.
Intermediary. The balance amount shall be invested. ii. Switch –outs to more than one scheme can be in terms of Amount Only.
Transaction Charges shall not be deducted: iii. If amount to be switched is insufficient in the Switch-out scheme then the balance
available free units in the scheme will be switched subject to the minimum application
amount of the Switch –in Scheme(s).
a. where the Intermediary of the investor has not opted to receive any Transaction
Charges iv. Switch-out of ‘All Units ’ option can be selected for switch-in to a single scheme only.
The switch -in scheme should be mentioned in the section 5 without mentioning the
b. for purchases / subscriptions / total commitment amount in case of SIP of an
amount less than Rs. 10,000/-; amount.
c. for transactions other than purchases / subscriptions relating to new inflows i.e. 4. REDEMPTIONS:
through Switches / Systematic Transfers / Dividend Transfers/ Dividend i. The Redemption form can be used for redemption requests upto 7 schemes within the
Reinvestment, etc.; same folio.
ii. The Redemption form has to be filled with the scheme details within a folio. Investors
d. for purchases / subscriptions made directly with the Fund (i.e. not through any need to specify the name of the scheme(s), plan, option and units/amount they wish to
Intermediary); and redeem. In case the details are not mentioned, transactions are liable for rejection.
e. for purchases / subscriptions routed through Stock Exchange(s).
x. All transactions must be signed in accordance with the mode of holding opted by the iii. For redemption of All units, investors need to specify by selecting the "All Units" option.
investor. If the redemption request specifies both i.e. unit and amount ,the units mentioned shall
xi. All transactions will be accepted subject to verification of mandatory information / be considered for the transaction . If there is no sufficient amounts/ units, the balance
documents. available free units in the respective account will be redeemed.
xii. Investors shall note that KYC is mandatory and they need to comply with the 'Know Your
Client' requirements as applicable from time to time. For more information on KYC, iv. Redemption may not be processed if folio number and full scheme name including plan
please visit our website Applications are liable to be rejected and option is not mentioned. Investors need to ensure that either of amount or units is
without any intimation to the applicants, if required KYC compliance is not completed by mentioned in the redemption request. TMF offers a facility to register multiple bank
all the applicants/unit holders. accounts and designate one of the bank account as "Default Bank Account". Default
xiii. Do not overwrite. For any corrections/changes if made in the transaction forms, the Bank Account will be used for all redemptions payouts unless investor specifies one of
investors shall enter the correct details pursuant to cancellation of incorrect details and the existing registered bank account in the redemption request for receiving redemption
authenticate the corrected details by counter- signing against the changes. Applications proceeds.
with any such changes not counter- signed by the applicants are liable for rejection.
v. Proceeds of any redemption request will be sent only to a bank account that is already
registered and validated in the folio at the time of redemption transaction processing.
xiv. Applications complete in all respects, may be submitted out at any of our branch/ Investors may choose to mention any of the existing registered bank accounts with
authorized centre of AMC & Registrar. redemption request for receiving redemption proceeds. If registered bank account is
xv. Application received at any of our branch/authorized centre of AMC/Registrar would be not mentioned, default bank account will be used. If a new and unregistered bank
time stamped on receipt to evidence time of receipt of the application. An mandate is provided with a specific redemption request (with or without necessary
acknowledgement may be issued across the counter confirming the date & time of supporting documents) such bank account will not be considered for payment of
receipt of the application. Investors are advised to retain the acknowledgement slip till redemption proceeds. Tata Asset management Private Ltd OR Tata mutual Fund will
they receive a confirmation of processing of their transaction. not be liable for any loss arising to the investors due to the credit of redemption
proceeds into any of the bank accounts registered with us for the aforesaid folio
xvi. Subject to applicable regulations and provisions in the Scheme Information Document of
the scheme(s) the date and time stamp would be considered for determining applicable
NAV for the transactions. vi. Redemption requests should not be accompanied with requests for Change of Bank
xvii. Applications incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected. Tata Asset Management Account Details . If the Change of Bank Account Detail request is received along with
Private Limited (the AMC) / Tata Trustee Company Private Limited (Trustee) have Redemption requests only the redemption request will be processed and the
absolute discretion to reject any such Application Forms. redemption proceeds will be credited to the last registered bank mandate & the request
for Change of bank mandate will be rejected.New bank accounts can only be registered
using the designated "Bank Account Registration Form/Multiple Bank Account
i. Investors need to indicate their choice of Scheme, Plan and Option for which Registration Form ". In case the investor needs to add/alter the existing bank mandate
subscription is made at the time of filling up the Transaction Form. In case of ambiguity he should carry out the same 10 business days prior to date of redemption.
default options will apply.
ii. Investors can invest in more than one scheme with one cheque/ payment instrument.
This facility is for administrative convenience only. For investment in more than one vii. Investor holding units in the Depository Account, need to submit the redemption
request to Depository Participant/ Intermediary.
scheme a single cheque/DD amounting to the total value of investment must be drawn in
favour of "Tata Mutual Fund" dated, signed and crossed 'A/c Payee only.' For investment 5. REGISTRAR:
in single scheme cheque must be drawn in favour of "Name of the Scheme". Computer Age Management Services Limited.: New No. 10 (Old No. 178), M.G.R.
Salai, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.
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